Clue #2: The Mansion


All eleven of them has arranged to meet in front of Chaerim's gate and entered the ballroom together. Misun was coming with Junsu, Mirae was coming with Junho, and Khun, Sooyun, Taecyeon, Chansung, and Leesung came together with Khun's ride, while both Yoonyoung and Wooyoung was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Yoonyoung?" Misun asked to Sooyun when she got out from the car. Sooyun and the others looked confused as they exchanged stares with each other.

"I thought she's coming with you." Sooyun said. "Where's Wooyoung?"

This time, Misun looked confused. "I thought he's coming with you."

"Nah... He said he'll go here by bus himself." Khun answered both ladies. "Maybe he's on his way. Aegi-ah... I think you should text her and ask about her wherebeing." Khun turned his head to Sooyun.

"Maybe she's with Mirae and Junho." Leesung guessed. Misun walked towards Junho's cars and waited for the passangers to find out whether Yoonyoung was coming with them or not... In which she wasn't.

"Yoonyoung's not with you?" Misun asked Mirae right away.

"What? No. We're alone." She replied shortly.

Just in time they decided to wait for Wooyoung and Yoonyoung inside, a taxi arrived, and both of them came out of it.

"Whoa, man. You should just told us that you're going with Yoonyoung-ie." Chansung said teasingly.

"Ya! Don't think of anything weird! I met her on my way and decided to act a little nice to her by offering her a ride." He replied, pouted his lips.

"Yeah, nice enough to let me pay for the taxi! I wish I said no." Said Yoonyoung, walked further away from him. "Let's just go inside, I'm hungry."

"Tch. Tom and Jerry..." Sooyun whispered to Misun as all of them climbed the stairs to the entrance door.




"You're all coming!" Chaerim ran towards her eleven long-time best friends and hugged them one by one. "I'm so glad!"

"Chaerim-ah... You never said that you have a big, luxury mansion like this one before..." Mirae said as her eyes wandered inside the ballroom, huge, with a big crystal lamp hang over it.

"Yeah, because it's not mine. It belongs to my great, great, great, great, great, great  grandfather."

"Whoa... It must be very old, eventhough it doesn't look like it." Said Junsu as he entered the room.

"Yeah... Old, and haunted too." Chaerim spoke in whisper, but loud enough for all of them to hear her.

"Haunted? What do you mean by haunted?" Leesung was very scared of ghosts.

"I never experienced one, but my dad told me that the rumors said there's one huge ghost in the mansion. Like the hungry ghost they talked about in those old stories."

"Whoa. Ghosts. Cool." Sooyun responded shortly, she was always wanted to see one with her own eyes.

"Talking about hungry ghost..." Wooyoung suddenly spoke out. "I'm hungry. Where are the meals?"

"A guy without any manner, we're just arrived and you already asked about the meals?" Yoonyoung followed Mirae and Wooyoung to entered the huge ballroom.

"Ya... You're the one who mentioned that you're hungry earlier!"

"Cut it out, guys... We're here to have fun, not fight..." Taecyeon followed them as the others did exactly the same behind him.

"Oh! Almost forgot, guys! I should collect your cellphones now! So we could talk without getting disturbed by the outsiders! It's part of the rules..." Chaerim used to throw parties back in highschool, and famous with her 'doesn't-make-any-sense' rules, so instead of surprised, they grabbed their cellphones and gave it to her.

Caerim lead them to the dining room, with long, big, wooden dining table in the middle of it. "You've taking a long road, you should eat first."

So they eat, and they chat, talked about their old days they used to spend together, shared about new jokes they got from each of their new friends, felt again the warm atmosphere between them that had been long time gone.

The guests were keep on coming, floaded the ballroom, which made all of them decided to stay in the dining room and continue their endless chatting. "Guys, I should go outside and greet the other guests first. I'll be back again. Enjoy the meals!" Chaerim got out from the dining room and closed the door back.

"Oh... The ddeobokki is just daebak!!!" Yoonyoung said as she spooned herself another big spoon of ddeobokki.

"Ewh. You're such a girl with no eating manner! Look just how the sauce left on the side of your mouth. I don't feel like eating anymore." Said Wooyoung, acted sick.

"Keep on talking, I'll hit your head hard if I see you touch any food in the room!"

Sooyun handed her a tissue paper to wipe the sauce off of her cheek, "There's one spot on your forehead too. Geez, Yoonyoung-ie. How did you eat them?"

"See?" Wooyoung added.

"Oh, shut up." Yoonyoung replied shortly, looked annoyed.

"Or what? Shoot me?"

Just in time Wooyoung finished his sentence, the room turned dark as all of the lights in the mansion turned off. The girls screamed in panic. "Don't panic, girls. Maybe we're just having an electricity problem. Remember how old the mansion is?" Junho tried to calm everybody down.

Less than ten seconds after he said it, there were gun-shots heard from the ballroom, they could hear glass chattered, people screaming, and doors slammed. "Is this the part of the electricity problem too?!" Mirae started to panic again.

"Quick! Hide under the table!" Khun shouted in darkness.



Gun-shots? Glass chattered? People screaming? Doors slammed? What chaos could possibly going on in the middle of this fancy farewell party? ... Curious? Keep on reading! Hehehe ^^

PS: Sorry for (again) the short chapter. I will keep on improving~ Please subscribe and give your comments. Gumawo~

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 15: This fanfic is sooo good! I love it! <333 Especially the ending! But aren't you evil~ Haha
I knew that it was a prank this whole time!!! I love ur story do super duper much!!!! Hihi... I'm so curious at what happened in the end! Did they die? Ugghhhh. Sequel!!!
I read this in one day...
LOL right when I typed one day I thought of 2PM and 2AM. LOL
ABC_Hee #4
this is daeBUCK!!!! you're smart!! but i can predict the end hehe
honestly... I LIKE THIS FICT VERY MUCH. It only took 2days for reading it, because im so interested. Sequel please ;~;
OH ALMOST FORGOT @chodingpudding: Idk whether mary shaw is reak or not, but i got her from a movie called Dead Silence. A must watch movie if youre a thrill lover xD
@khunhojjang and chodingpudding: GUMAWO!!! *bow 27342754 times* Dont know how to thank you :') I really glad you love the story. I am now writing the framework of its sequel x) Hope you'll like it too :) :)
khunhojjang #9
I SWEAR THIS ROCKS! Okay i even recommended the story to many others and they love it too!^_^ KEKEKE GOOD JOB!=] You write great FICs=]
chodingpudding #10
omg your story is DAEEEEBAKKKK!!! (: I LOVE IT.<br />