Clue #15: Secrets Revealed



"Oh, no! You're pulling her too hard that she bumped on the floor so hard too! Now, look! She's fainted because of you!"

"What? No! I pulled her lightly!"

"You, babo! I see it with my own eyes how hard you pulled her that time! Who grabbed me, anyway? My hand hurts..."

"I did. Really? I feel like I was pulling ever so lightly... Sorry, Sooyun-ah..."

"Hey, she's awake!"

"Mirae ah? Are you okay?"

"Ssh! Give her some space to breathe, would you?! Honey? Honey, wake up."

Mirae frowned her eyebrows, she heard voices inside her head. Voices that sounded like her friends, one even sound exactly like Junho. Was she dreaming?

She opened her eyes slowly and squinted her eyes a little bit, tried to adapt her eyes with the bright light of the room. When she got used with the light, she began to look around her.

"Hello." Chansung greeted her in front of her face.

"Kyaaa!!! A ghost!!!" Mirae screamed. It was Chansung, she couldn't be mistakenly see it! It was very clear!

"What?! Aaa! Where?!" Chansung screamed back at her, looked terrified himself.

"You, babo! She must have think you're the ghost! Mirae ah.. It's okay, we're all alive." Said Junho.

Mirae opened her eyes again, slower this time. She looked around again. There were Chansung and Junho in front of her. And then when she turned her head to the left, she saw Wooyoung, Yoonyoung, Misun, Chaerim and Junsu, all were smiling at her. When she looked to her right side, there were Leesung, Sooyun, Taecyeon, and Nichkhun.

"Are heaven?" Mirae said slowly, almost whisper.

Her friends were all laughing at her. "Exactly what I thought when I first been pulled out of the game too!" Said Leesung.

"Game?" Mirae looked confused.

Misun pointed out her index finger to Chaerim. "It was all her idea. We're all been trapped."

"What?" Mirae rose up from her position and moved closer to Chaerim. "Okay... Explain?!"

"Ahahaha. Ya... Take it easy. I'll be leaving all of you to the United States, there's no way I'm leaving while you guys in your worst relationship!" Chaerim cleared before she continued. "Sorry, Mirae ah... Sorry, guys... But I just want us to be close friends again, terribly. That's why I made this prank."

"The Mary-shaw, the disappearances, it's all just a prank?!" Mirae shouted now, didn't know whether she still had to be mad or happy about it. "Wait, am I the only one who's been pranked here? Why didn't everyone look as surprise as me?"

"Who said I wasn't surprise?!" Said Junsu. "I thought I was dead, literally!"

"One by one of you were grabbed out, or just disappeared, right? They've been directly brought to me, and that's when I explained it all to them."

"So, Sooyun and I were the last ones to know?" Mirae asked again.

"Yep. So rude, huh?" Said Sooyun. "I was shock myself when I thought I saw Wooyoung's ghost that night, this punk!" She hit Wooyoung's arm hard.

"Ouch! Hey! I've been told to do that! Chaerim said I should pick Yoonyoung up myself, since you girls need some private time to talk..." Wooyoung explained, his cheek blushed.

"Oh, and what exactly happened after you pick her up yourself, Wooyoung-ie?" Taecyeon , made him blushed even more.

"Or...maybe even before you disappeared." Chansung added.

"Ya, ya, ya! Stop it you guys!" Yoonyoung slapped each boy's arm one by one to stop them from teasing. "The good thing is, I think Chaerim's mission accomplished. Right?"

Sooyun and Misun looked at each other's eyes. "Well...for us, we think so. Hahaha."

"For us too." Wooyoung cleared his throat. His hands clinged to Yoonyoung's shoulder. "We're a relationship now. Teehee."

"Ah, cincca? Cincca? Omo! I knew it! I knew you guys will end up together!" Chaerim screamed out, her heart filled with excitement. "Yoonyoung used to think that you're falling for Misun, you know!"

"Whoa, really?!" Wooyoung turned his head to his new girlfriend. "How come?!"

"Me? How come?!" Misun joined the conversation as her name being mentioned. Junsu laughed beside her.

"I don't know... You guys just seems so close somehow." Said Yoonyoung shyly. "I was wrong, I know, I know! Sorry, Misun-ah..."

"Wooyoung-ie used to think that you're falling for Khun, too! Hahaha" Junsu revealed the secret.

"Whoa, okay, I didn't know that!" Sooyun looked surprise as she laughed herself out. "Really?"

"It's not my fault! She gave the chocolate to Khun on Valentine's day!" Wooyoung pouted his lips as he said it.

"Told you this is going to happen!" Khun hit Yoonyoung's arm lightly. "She was too shy to give it to you, that's why she gave it to me. Hahaha"

"But I still confused, Chaerim-ah.. The gunshots, the ghosts, the voice, everything." Said Leesung. "You really were well prepared for the pranks, huh?"

"Of course I was. I hired the best broadway actress and rent the best sound effect, lighting and everything! You guys owe me a lot. Hahaha"

"It feels so good to laugh together like this again, you know." Said Taecyeon. "I miss this time. So, we're close friends again now?"

"Close friends? No! We're best friends!" Said Misun as she came forward to hug the girls. "I love all of you, really!"

"Hey, can I have some hug here too?" Chansung pouted his lips.

"Ah, this big baby. Come, come!" Yoonyoung grabbed Chansung's hand to have him join the group hug. The others joined it too in the end as all twelve of them hugged each other in a big circle.

"I don't know how to thank you, Chaerim ah." Said Junho. "Without you, maybe we're still be strangers until now."

"Ah... Anni! Friends will stay as friends, sooner or later, pranks or no pranks. Because heart never lies." Said Chaerim. "Say... Who wants to eat?"

"Me!" Wooyoung rose his hand and shouted the loudest. Chansung and Leesung joined him too. All of them were laughing as they walked together to the dining room.

Chaerim has prepared so many food for her friends. They pulled a chair for themselves and dig themselves into the splendid 'very-early' breakfast.

While they were eating, they've been introduced to a woman who played as the Mary-shaw. "Whoa, never thought she was this pretty. The make up was creeping me out." Nichkhun commented.

And then Chaerim's driver who turned out to be the one who behind the mysterious yet so annoying voice came out.

They shook their heads and laughed each time they figured out something behind the pranks, laughed at themselves, at how they react to it, and finally, they smiled on how close they were again now.

Suddenly, in the middle of their splendid breakfast, the room turned all to dark again, the curtains closed on its own, the door shut with heavy sound of 'brag'.

"Chaerim ah... I thought the prank was over!" Said Leesung. "Come on, I'm tired!"

"It is over." Chaerim sounded confused.

"Hey! Stop touching my feet!" Misun screamed.

"I didn't do anything!" Said Junsu. "Hey! Who's touching my neck?!"

"Someone pulled my foot too!" Mirae screamed out.

"Chansung! Stop pulling my hairs!" Leesung shouted.

"I sit far away from you, you babo! How come?! Hey... Who's touching my ?! Taec is that you?!"

"You're kidding me right? What for... Hey! Who's touching my chest?!"

And then gunshots were heard, louder this time, all of them screamed. After ten minutes of chaos, they were only silence.

"Hahaha." The mysterious voice came back, sounded a little bit different, it was deeper this time. "Game over."

The lights went on again. But the dining room was empty. Only a table full of foods and drinks, and messed up chairs fell here and there.

But neither Chaerim nor her friends were seen in the room. Where were they go? Clueless.


The End


Author's note:

Uh, oh. Whose prank is this now? Want to know the answer? IT'S MINE! Hahaha. *evil laugh* Hope you enjoy the story! x)

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 15: This fanfic is sooo good! I love it! <333 Especially the ending! But aren't you evil~ Haha
I knew that it was a prank this whole time!!! I love ur story do super duper much!!!! Hihi... I'm so curious at what happened in the end! Did they die? Ugghhhh. Sequel!!!
I read this in one day...
LOL right when I typed one day I thought of 2PM and 2AM. LOL
ABC_Hee #4
this is daeBUCK!!!! you're smart!! but i can predict the end hehe
honestly... I LIKE THIS FICT VERY MUCH. It only took 2days for reading it, because im so interested. Sequel please ;~;
OH ALMOST FORGOT @chodingpudding: Idk whether mary shaw is reak or not, but i got her from a movie called Dead Silence. A must watch movie if youre a thrill lover xD
@khunhojjang and chodingpudding: GUMAWO!!! *bow 27342754 times* Dont know how to thank you :') I really glad you love the story. I am now writing the framework of its sequel x) Hope you'll like it too :) :)
khunhojjang #9
I SWEAR THIS ROCKS! Okay i even recommended the story to many others and they love it too!^_^ KEKEKE GOOD JOB!=] You write great FICs=]
chodingpudding #10
omg your story is DAEEEEBAKKKK!!! (: I LOVE IT.<br />