Clue #6: Every Act Counts


The girls could hear someone screaming so loud when the lights were off, a girl's voice they thought, yet they knew it was no one between them. All four of them ran the staircase down to the electrical control room.

"What happened?" Mirae asked as soon as she looked at her friends' pale faces. "What was going on?"

"Chansung-ie... He's missing." Junho replied.

They gathered in the room in silence, all eyes on Leesung now, who was still stood trembling, with bloodstains all over his shirt. "Someone did this to me. Someone must have want all of you to think that I'm the murderer." He defensed himself with his analyze.

"Chansung was the one who didn't believe your theory about the hungry ghost. You could be mad at him so bad and killed him in an instant." Junsu said.

"If I did, where is Chansung's body? He should be still around here somewhere, since I'm still here too." Leesung defended himself once again.

"And then what? You have better explanation than the revenge of the hungry ghost?" Sooyun was so scared yet so angry to find another friend of her was missing.

"Ssshhh! Jaegi, he might hear you!" Khun put his index finger in front of his lips. "Maybe, Chansung was taken because he simply denied about the ghost's existence, which made him mad... And eat him." Heard that came out from Khun, not from Leesung, was kind of strange for the other eight. "Hey, it makes sense right?"

"What about the blood stains on Leesung's shirt? Maybe, there is no ghost. Maybe Leesung is cooperating with the murderer, that’ll explain why he's still here with us." Yoonyoung spoke up.

"No, I know him too well. He can't be the one who killed Chansung-ie. They were pretty close with each other." Wooyoung helped Leesung, who couldn't find anymore word to defense himself.

"Now look at us. Already blame our own friend. I think we should just move upstairs and go straight back to the dining room to get our weapons. That way we can search for the real murderer together and get out from this mansion. How's that sound?" Misun suggested.

"I agree. It's too creepy to be out of the dining room, the only place we think is safe, without any weapon in our hands." Said Khun.

"Come on, Sung-ie. It's okay, I'm on your side. We'll prove together that you're not the murderer, okay?" Wooyoung grabbed Leesung by his shoulder to give him comfort.

Mirae watched Leesung's shirt carefuly with her eyes, "Leesung-ie... Wait!" She walked closer so she could touch his skirt. She move her head a little bit forward as she tried to smell it.

"Ya! Mirae-ah! What are you doing?!" Leesung felt a little uncomfortable with what she did. "Stop doing whatever you're doing now! Ya!"

"It's not blood-stains. It's tomato ketchup." Mirae said as she sipped the red stains on Leesung's shirt with her index finger and it. "Hm! No doubt! It's tomato ketchup!"

"Tomato ketchup?" Leesung seemed confused, just like the others, looked questioning at Mirae. "Blood looks a little bit dark, this is too bright. Don't you think so?"

"Then it means someone is trying to play with us, trying to separate us by using Leesung as his blacksheep." Junho said.

"Blacksheep? But it means I'm innocent, right?" Leesung looked relieve when he heard it, although he didn't know what the word blacksheep meant.

"This is going to get a little tricky." Junsu added before all of them finally climbed back the stairs up and went together to the dining room.




They were walking pretty fast, all of them knew just how much they needed the weapons. Because whoever the murderer was, he must be, first, pretty brave that he had been attack them from a very short distance, second, a very fast runner because he always gone as the lights turned back on, and third, he didn't work alone. That was why they have to be extra careful this time.

Junho opened the door with a single push, he gasped as the door opened. Mirae was right behind him, looked at the same direction he was seeing, as surprised as her boyfriend, she covered with both of her hands.

"What's wrong?" Junsu walked closer to the door, followed by the others behind him. "I can't see with you standing there, Junho-ah..."

"The weapons gone..." Mirae told the others. "All of the weapons we gathered together on the table, it's all gone..."

"Someone must have stole it! The murderer..." Wooyoung sighed. "Now he is so much ahead of us. He got the weapons while our number keeps on decreasing."

"Now what?" Sooyun asked, "Are we going to be trapped like this, forever?"

"We have to catch the murderer first. All nine of us, together." Khun suggested. "That way we can ask him to let us out."

"Bare hands? You must be crazy!" Yoonyoung said. "Especially when he got all of our weapons with him!"

"Yoonyoung's right. What if he got company with him?" Misun added.

"Yeah. And what if his company is someone between us?" Khun suddenly asked. “...or worst. What if, someone between us is the murderer?” His eyes were locked at Leesung.

“Ya! Khunnie-ah! Why are you looking at me like that?! You want to say that I have killed my own friends?!” Leesung’s emotion rose up as Wooyoung grabbed his hands quick before he could give Khun a hard punch on his face.

“You’re the one who has been set up our minds to think that it’s the hungry ghost behind all of this mess! You have made me believe! You’re the one who still got a knife left in your hand while the others’ gone! You...”

“ENOUGH!” Wooyoung shouted. “Leesung’s not behind all of this, okay? Will you just stop? If there’s someone who we all have to be suspect, is your own girlfriend Sooyun-ah...”

“Mwo? Me?” Sooyun seemed surprised to have her name mentioned, especially been suspected as the murderer. She had never expected things like this happened to her, looked offended too. “How could you say things like that to me? I thought I was your friend!”

“You know how to open that bullets’ hole on the pistol Taecyeon left when he disappeared! You must have been the one who killed him at the first place!” Wooyoung answered confidentially.

“Hey... He’s right... No one else between us know how to use the pistol, or more, how to open the bullets’ hole!” Junsu joined the argue, simply agreed to Wooyoung’s analyze.

“Hey! Don’t you think you should suspect your girlfriend too? Out of nine of us, she’s the one who knew in the first place about the electrical room! It’s too suspicious!” Mirae shouted back, pointed her index finger to Misun, who looked back at her questioned.

“Excuse me?” Misun looked as offended as Sooyun did. “And how does knowing about the room makes me the murderer? What about Junho, then? He knew where he could find the knives before all of the boys went straight downstairs! What about it?”

“She’s right...” Leesung agreed, “No one but Khun, had been to the kitchen before, he acted like he had been there before!”

“Oh, and how about you?! You and Wooyoung are the ones who left in the dining room when Chaerim’s body gone! You two must have cooperated with each other to pretend that both of you were locked!” Junho looked mad now.

“And you’re not cooperating with your girlfriend? You know where the knives were, and she always the one who knew how to unlocked the locked door! Twice in a row! How will you explain that to us, huh?” Leesung replied again, pointed his index finger to Mirae, who was now looked as mad as Junho.

“So this is how you thank me after I’ve figured out that the bloodstain was actually just tomato ketchup? Is this how to thank me after I have succeeded in making everyone sure that you’re not the murderer?!” Mirae shouted back at him with anger on her face.

“YA! GUYS! CUT IT OUT!” Yoonyoung finally spoke out, made the other eight turned to silent. “Don’t you guys realize that someone is trying to split us up? The murderer did this because he want us to hate each other, that way he would kill us easily without getting caught because he knew that we think someone between us is the murderer, which made his position safe! We must stick together guys... Can’t you see that?

Before any of them could answer, the speakers that placed on every corner in every room were buzzing, it took several seconds before finally, a man’s voice heard from it.

“Good guess, girl. I feel so busted.” The man said with his flat tone, expressionless. “I think from now on I have to be ready to be caught, since now I know that all of you will stick together... Oh. Almost forget. I can’t be caught. Because I will be the one who will catch you, one by one... Well... See you at the theatres, then? Only if you dare...” And then the speakers went all off, left all nine of them back to silence.

“Guys? What are we going to do now?” Yoonyoung asked, her heart was still beating fast after that sudden ‘announcement’. “Are we going to catch him together or what?”

“After trying to split us up like that? Of course we are! Come on, gang. Show him what we’ve got. We got one man to catch.” Junsu said as he lead the other out from the dining room.

Wooyoung intentionally walked on the last row so he could talk to Yoonyoung without his friends saw it. “Yoonyoung-ah...” He called her in a whisper as his hand pull back her arm.

“What is it, Wooyoung-ie?”

“I want to say something to you.”

“What is it?”

“Thank you. I don’t know how we’ll turn out to be if you weren’t there to stop our stupid arguing.” Wooyoung smiled, “Stay close with me and make sure you won’t get caught and disappear too, okay?”

“Okay...” She smiled simply back to him as they followed the others climbed the stairs up, walked together to the theatre.




They were finally arrived at the theatre. Just like how old theatre would be, it was dusty, dark, only shone by some huge yellow dim lights, with a huge screen covered by dusty red curtains, and dozens of red dusky coaches and two giant speakers on each side of the screen.

“Come out from your hiding place, you coward!” Junho shouted as he climbed the stairs in the theatre down. “Face us if you dare!”

“Junho-ah... Be careful!” Mirae grabbed his hand quick to keep him close with her. “We don’t have any weapons, remember?”

Before they could do anything but shouting for the murderer to come out from his hiding place, the lights turned off, left them all in a vivid dark. They weren’t able to see their own palms even if they has squinted their eyes.

“Stay together guys!” Khun shouted to his ‘unseen’ friends, “Try to hold on something and scream if you feel like something is taking you!”

“Misun-ah? Misun-ah where are you?!” Junsu screamed in panic. “Misun-ah! Answer me! Guys! Help! I think I lost her!”

“What? No! Misun-ah!” Yoonyoung shouted, followed by the others when finally the light turned back on. They quickly continued their calling to Misun when suddenly they heard the speakers buzzing again.

“Greetings...” Said the voice. “Looking for someone already? Ah... I didn’t know that it’s going to be this easy... Hahaha.” He said as he let out an awkward toneless laugh. The red curtains were opened slowly then, revealed the huge screen covered by it.

“Hey! Where’s my girlfriend?!” Junsu shouted at the speakers, had no idea where the man was. He could be anywhere in the house, looked at their panic faces. “Bring her back right now!”

“Wow... Calm down... Your princess is safe. Well, at least now she is. And about her where-being, she’s right in front of you guys... Can’t you see her? Or should I turn the light on first?”

The light inside the screen was , reveled a room that they never knew was there all along, with Misun in it, looked surprised herself as she hit the big glass with her bare hands, tried to break it in panic. “Help me! Help!!!” She shouted.

Junsu ran towards the big screen, put his hand on the glass, tried to punch it several times. Nothing happened. The glass was just too thick and heavy for him to break it with bare hands. The others followed him and started to hit it too with their hands, but still, nothing happened.

“Let her out!!! Why are you doing this to us?!” Sooyun shouted, almost cried.

“Hahaha.” The awkward laughter heard again, “Show’s over, gang.” The light inside the screen turned off, made Misun dissapeared in the darkness as they heard her screaming.

“Where are you taking me?! Let me go!!! Let me go!!! Akkkk!!!”

“No!!! Misun-ah!!!” Junsu hit the screen hard again, hard enough to make it crack this time. The glass broke a whole big enough for them to get in after he gave it another hard punch. Mirae quickly ran and palpated her hands around the wall to find the switch.

“I found it! I found the switch!” Mirae turned the switch which turned the light inside the room turned back on. But as far as their eyes wandered inside the room, there was no sign of Misun. Neither the sight of her, nor her voice. “Oh no...”

The speakers was still on at that time, the man laughed again, louder this time, “Misun has joined the others. Don’t worry about it, all of you will, gradually...”

“What do you want?!” Yoonyoung shouted, “Why are you doing this?!”

“What do I want, why am I doing this, Who I am... Are the predictable questions I have thought you would ask me about. I just want you to follow my rule. You’re in my mansion now, therefore you should act nice and polite. Why? Simply because your friends had been acting the way I hate them to. And who I am? Don’t you think we should keep it secret until the game’s over? Remember one thing... Every act counts... You misbehave once, you’ll join your friends.”




Sorry for the long waiting :( I have a pretty tight schedule since college has started again! I hope this chapter will be worth waiting for. Thank you for keep supporting my story~ See you in the next chapter!!! ><

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 15: This fanfic is sooo good! I love it! <333 Especially the ending! But aren't you evil~ Haha
I knew that it was a prank this whole time!!! I love ur story do super duper much!!!! Hihi... I'm so curious at what happened in the end! Did they die? Ugghhhh. Sequel!!!
I read this in one day...
LOL right when I typed one day I thought of 2PM and 2AM. LOL
ABC_Hee #4
this is daeBUCK!!!! you're smart!! but i can predict the end hehe
honestly... I LIKE THIS FICT VERY MUCH. It only took 2days for reading it, because im so interested. Sequel please ;~;
OH ALMOST FORGOT @chodingpudding: Idk whether mary shaw is reak or not, but i got her from a movie called Dead Silence. A must watch movie if youre a thrill lover xD
@khunhojjang and chodingpudding: GUMAWO!!! *bow 27342754 times* Dont know how to thank you :') I really glad you love the story. I am now writing the framework of its sequel x) Hope you'll like it too :) :)
khunhojjang #9
I SWEAR THIS ROCKS! Okay i even recommended the story to many others and they love it too!^_^ KEKEKE GOOD JOB!=] You write great FICs=]
chodingpudding #10
omg your story is DAEEEEBAKKKK!!! (: I LOVE IT.<br />