Clue #10: Open Sesame


Clue #10: Open Sesame.


There were only six persons left by now. Junsu has gone already, and was leaving Nichkhun, Junho, Wooyoung, Sooyun, Mirae, and Yoonyoung pale and exhausted. The bathroom door finally opened but they couldn't find neither Junsu nor Mary-shaw in it. There were only messed up curtains that used to hang near the bathtub and broken mirror.

"God damn it!" Junho cursed and punched pretty hard on the door, made a huge 'brag' sound. "What do you want from us?!" He started to shout at the thin air by then, hoped whoever behind this could hear him clearly.

"Junho, calm down..." Wooyoung placed both of his hands on his friend's shoulder. "We're all panic now, and we are now frustrated that, whoever behind this, has succeeded in taking one of our friends, again. But punching the door and shouting to the thin air is not the solution..."

The others chuckled. It was the first time for them to see Wooyoung this mature. Even Nichkhun wasn't sure whether he had enough energy to calm his friend with his word of wisdom anymore.

It had been an exhausted day for them all, not physically maybe, but mentally, and it brought a pretty huge effect. All of them felt angry, as much as they felt their thrill.

"We can't let them take one of us again. Can't you see? It won't be over until none of us is left!" Junho continued his cursed, "That damn thing!"

"Calm down, man. We're all thinking about some plans here, okay?" Once again, Wooyoung succeeded in calming him down. "Anyone has something in mind?"

"Is there really no way out?" Yoonyoung asked, almost cry herself. "There must be a way out, right? I don't want to die here."

"No one's going to die. Six are enough. We will find a way, Yoonyoung-ah, don't worry." Finally, Khun spoke out again, although he sounded pretty unsure about what he was saying, but as long as the alpha had a confident in it, no matter how little it was, it gave comfort to the others.

"But, where? We've searched all over the place..." Mirae's eyes had started to filled with tears too, but she held it tight not to let it fall on her cheeks.

"Actually, not really all over the place." Sooyun's face finally turned a little bit brighter than before. "Remember how Leesung gone, guys? In the library?"

"She's right! There must be a secret passage in the house!" Junho shouted in glory, filled that he finally found a little hope to get out of the mansion finally.

"But..." Wooyoung didn't look as bright as the others, "We didn't make it yesterday, the door to the secret passage, the rack, it didn't open again for us, remember?"

"Ah... You're right." The others bowed their head down again, felt that the slightest hope they had earlier was gone as their let out their long and deep sigh. "Now what?" Yoonyoung asked. "I really don't want to die here, especially not with Mary-shaw..."

"Hey..." Khun cut her before she could finish her sentence. "Think this way. Leesung got into the secret passage must be because there was someone, or maybe it was himself, accidentally, who made the secret passage to opened. Like what they did in the movie, you know?"

"Unfortunately, Khun. We're not in a movie. I hope we are but we're not. What if a murderer has wait from the secret passage and opened it from the inside when Leesung was close enough to the door? And what if, the only way to get into the secret passage is from somewhere out of the mansion?" Wooyoung asked, still looked unsure.

"And what if it was all pure a ghost's power? I mean, among all six murder cases of our friends, none of the dead body was ever seen. Except Chae-rim, but her body has gone only minutes after we found her, right?" Sooyun shared her thought too, didn't care anymore what would they think about her analyze.

"But I think we should try, maybe it does occur like in the movie, something has made the secret passage's door to opened." Yoonyoung agreed with Khun. The others were just nod their heads up and down several time.

"So? Library again, guys?" Khun asked the rest of the team members, which they nod again for the answer. "Ghost or no ghost, we have to get out. We just have to."




They were on their way to the library, with Khun on the lead as always. The girls' clingin their hands to their boyfriends' arms, while Yoonyoung and Wooyoung walked side to side to each other.

"Ya... Don't get too far from me, you babo!" Wooyoung grabbed her by her arm and drag her closer. "What if she get you?"

"Ah... You started to worry about me, now?"

"You're the one who was bluffing around about losing me earlier. Don't be stupid."

"This guy..." Yoonyoung hissed some air through her teeth as she kept on walking towards the library. Her thought suddenly flew to a moment, to when she decided to stop whatever she felt for him, to March 11th, two years from the current date.




Oh, my God. He came!

And he's wearing that plain white t-shirt, my favorite!

What is he doing?

Wait... I'm not ready yet... Hold!

Is my hairs doing fine?



"Happy birthday, Yoonyoung-ie!" Wooyoung grinned in front of Yoonyoung, tuck a box wrapped with pink giant ribbon to her head. "This is your gift, I made my promise."

"Thank you..." She replied shortly as she put the gift in the box with the other boxes. "But you are so late! I bet you're sleeping in the bus again and failed to maintain to wake up in the station."

"You...! If it's not your birthday today, I will pinch your cheeks until you won't be able to scream again! Tch!"

"Hahaha. Sorry, the day's mine." Both Yoonyoung and Wooyoung laughed as they made their way to the food stall. "You came alone? Where's the others? Misun and Junsu?"

"Ah... I haven't seen them. Oh! There they are!" Just in time Wooyoung finished his first sentence, Misun and Junsu came together.

Suddenly, Wooyoung looked so excited that he walked fast towards the new couple. "Look, Yoonyoung-ie! You will scold them, won't you? They're later than I was!"

"Happy birthday, sweetie!" Misun hugged Yoonyoung as soon as she approached them. "Here's your gift...hey, where is it? Junsu-ah... The gift?"

"Omo! I left it on my scooter!!! Let me get it first!" Junsu hit his own forehead hard and ran outside through the entrance door.

Wooyong seemed like he was about to say something to Misun when she unconsciously cut him off before he even started. "I think I will check Junsu out, just to make sure he don't forget where he park his scooter. I'll see you later!" Misun walked towards the entrance door and turned her way right to where her boyfriend was heading.

"You don't want something to eat?"

"Nah... Later, maybe." Wooyoung's sight hadn't move from the entrance door. As if he knew that Yoonyoung was watching, he turned his head down before he turned it back to her. "Junsu's lucky man, right?"

"Wae?" Yoonyoung dare herself to ask. "You like her?"

"Like her? Hahaha ya! Babo ya!" He pinch Yoonyoung's head with his punch lightly. "Of course I do, she's my friend! Ah... I feel like hungry suddenly. Let's eat!"

At that very second, she could feel that Misun was more than a friend for him.




The creak sound of the heavy door to the library sent Yoonyoung's mind back to the current time. "Come, come, Yoonyoung-ie." Mirae grabbed her hand as she dragged her inside.

They could feel their heart beat rose fast as they entered the room once again. What added the weirdness about the room was that the room was neat again. The book that felt from the rack yesterday were already placed back to their places, left no trace that a chaos just happened.

"This is...weird." Sooyun spoke out. The room was warm as if someone just the heater. "The books..."

"Let's not think about that." Khun said. "Let's focus on how to open the secret passage. It might be the only way out."

So they spread themselves from each other and walked around the library to find some clue on how to open the secret passage. After several minutes of searching, they found nothing.

"Need some help?" The mysterious voice suddenly heard from every corner of the room, made the rest of the team jumped in surprise and quickly headed their way to the entrance door. It was locked already.

"You said that the secret passage is the only way out, that's why I lock the other door..." The voice laughed sarcastically. "Now, let me ask you again. Do you, or do you not, need some help?"

"I don't need any help from you, you bastard!" Junho shouted, not very sure where to direct it to. "I will catch you and kill you myself!" Mirae surprised on what her boyfriend has said, afraid that it would bring a bad effect to him.

"Junho-ah!!!" She scolded him.

"Wrong answer. I might have just give you the clue on how to open the secret passage you know..." He began to tease the rest of the team members, "You need an open-sesame tool for it."

"Please, we just want to get out, that's all..." Mirae shouted to the thin air in front of her.

"If you insist..."

"Please!" The girls all shouted silmutaneously.

The voice laughed again, louder this time. "There's one book among all in this library, the one of a kind. If it pulled out of its place, the gate shall open." He explained it briefly before he disappeared again, left the room in silence.

The team looked at each other in confusion before they decided to separate themselves once again to look for the book mentioned earlier. "Look closely, guys. Most of the books were red, blue, and green. If you find different colors, tell." Said Khun as he headed to the upper side of the library.

"What about black?" Mirae pointed at one book on a shelf between the other red books.

"I don't think so. This one's black too." Said Junho. "Maybe the book's color isn't black."

"Or maybe, it's not about the color. Maybe it's the size. Look, this one's smaller than the others." Said Wooyoung pointed at one small book on a shelf between the other big books surrounded it.

"But this one's that small too." Said Sooyun. "Maybe it's both about the size and color."

"Good guess. Keep on looking. I'll be searching this way." Khun walked to his right towards a big wooden rack on the corner of the room.

"This book's white, and is the biggest among all on the shelf. Is this the one?" Yoonyoung stopped in front of a white book with gold color font, looked pretty old that it almost turned gray.

"Where?" Khun quickly headed to where she was standing, knew that no book in this room has characteristics like what she had mentioned to him. The others joined him gather, made a small circle around her.

"This one." She pointed at the book with her index finger. "Should we?" She asked, referring on whether she should pulled out the book or not.

Khun and the others nodded their head in agreement. All of them held their breath as she pulled it out of the shelf slowly and read the title of the book on the cover.


The Return of Mary-Shaw.


Just as they finished reading the title, the shelf where Leesung was gone earlier opened in a big and heavy crack sound from the inside.

"Whoa. That's...creepy." Junho said spontaneously.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go! I don't like it here. It gives me goosebumps." Said Sooyun as she grabbed Khun's arm and walked together with him towards the dark aisle inside revealed behind the rack.

Junho and Mirae joined Khun and Sooyun behind them. "Yoonyoung-ie, Wooyoung-ie, let's go!" Said Mirae before she walked further from them.

"Let's go idiot. What are you doing?" Wooyoung asked.

Yoonyoung was still where she was standing before, this time with the old book in her hands. "This book is...weird. All of the pages are empty. Look." She showed some of the pages to him as he looked at the book with his eyebrows frowned.

"Maybe we should tell the others. Guys!" Wooyoung grabbed her by her hand and walked fast towards the secret passage before they stepped into the darkness. "This book is weird, none of the pages is... Hey, there is something written in this page, Yoonyoung-ah... Look."

As he turned the pages quickly to show the empty pages to his friends, his little eyes caught up something written in one of the pages, made him stop.

"What does it says?" Sooyun asked.

"As the secret passage opened, one should stay..." Wooyoung read it carefuly. "What is this suppose to mean?"

Junho was still outside, take a look at some books laid on the wooden table just in front of the secret passage when the rack swang back inside slowly.

"No!!! Junho-ah!!! Come in quick! The door will be closed!!!" Mirae shouted as she tried to hold the rack from closing, the others helped, but the rack wouldn't stop.

Junho struggled himself to make a way to come into the secret passage through a small hole left, "Mirae-ah!!!"

He was close enough to get in when suddenly, a pale hand with long nails grabbed him on his neck on pulled him back to the library. It was Mary-shaw. Just as the book title said, she was back.

"Aaak!!!" Junho's scream could be heard as the rack kept on swinging inside. And then there were only darkness and silence as the rack fully closed in front of them, left them speechless, and Mirae cried.

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 15: This fanfic is sooo good! I love it! <333 Especially the ending! But aren't you evil~ Haha
I knew that it was a prank this whole time!!! I love ur story do super duper much!!!! Hihi... I'm so curious at what happened in the end! Did they die? Ugghhhh. Sequel!!!
I read this in one day...
LOL right when I typed one day I thought of 2PM and 2AM. LOL
ABC_Hee #4
this is daeBUCK!!!! you're smart!! but i can predict the end hehe
honestly... I LIKE THIS FICT VERY MUCH. It only took 2days for reading it, because im so interested. Sequel please ;~;
OH ALMOST FORGOT @chodingpudding: Idk whether mary shaw is reak or not, but i got her from a movie called Dead Silence. A must watch movie if youre a thrill lover xD
@khunhojjang and chodingpudding: GUMAWO!!! *bow 27342754 times* Dont know how to thank you :') I really glad you love the story. I am now writing the framework of its sequel x) Hope you'll like it too :) :)
khunhojjang #9
I SWEAR THIS ROCKS! Okay i even recommended the story to many others and they love it too!^_^ KEKEKE GOOD JOB!=] You write great FICs=]
chodingpudding #10
omg your story is DAEEEEBAKKKK!!! (: I LOVE IT.<br />