Clue #7: Secret Passage


All the eight remaining members; Junsu, Nichkhun, Junho, Wooyoung, Leesung, Yoonyoung, Sooyun, and Mirae, decided to stay at the theatre for a little while as they tried to put up another plan.

"We have to get out of this mansion, we have to find the murderer, and if possible, find our friends' bodies to return them to their families." Khun started the serious talk, being the team's alpha once more.

"But how? We got no weapons, no way out, and our numbers has decreased! And from what the voice said earlier, our numbers will keep on decreasing!" Yoonyoung started sounded panic.

"I don't give a damn about the voice. I'll shut him off right before he take one of us again." Junho said in an angry tone.

"Junho! Sst! You better watch you words! Remember what he said about..." Leesung hadn't finish his sentence when Junsu pushed him back.

"Ya! Would you stop acting like a scaredy cat? He took my girlfriend! He took our friends! We shouldn't be scared of him, we should catch him instead and drag him to jail, understand?" This is the first time for the others to see Junsu this mad.

"But Junsu-ah..." Mirae spoke up. "What if... The murderer... Is not a human? What if... Leesung was right all these times?" She has started to feel the creepy atmoshphere by then, started to understand what made Leesung scared from the very beginning.

"Ghost or human-being, he has made a big mistake once he decided to play with us." Wooyoung looked blankly at the cold carpet under his feet.

"We need a plan, then." Sooyun stood up from her seat and join the circle the others made, "and we need it quick."

"Why don't we try to find other things we can used as our weapons first? It just doesn't feel safe wandering around the mansion, moreover, searching for the murderer, without anything that we can use to defense ourselves." Yoonyoung suggested as the others nodded in agreement.

"Yoonyoung's right. Let's spare ourselves and gathered back in the dining room once you found enough weapons." Khun replied.

"Spare? Are you kidding me? He could be anywhere, and our hands are still empty. It would be easier for him to take one of us if we spare ourselves. I say, we keep going together as we search for the weapons." Junho suggested again.

The others nodded again, more surely this time, as they walked together, out of the gloomy and dim lighted theatre.




2 days ago...


"Chaerim-ah... Quick, get your things ready! Your luggage will be taken to Grandma's house, our apartement should be empty by tomorrow morning, remember?"

"Yes, Appa..." Chaerim dragged her luggages lazily, one by one to the living room of her apartment. Her mother was cooking for breakfast in the kitchen by then, while her father was packing things into the container boxes.

She went back to her bedroon when she was done with the first three luggages. Just before she packed her last things into her fourth lugage, she stopped. Her eyes focused on the photo-album left on the racks. She stood up to get it, sat on the edge of her bed and opened it slowly.

The first page revealed a photo of her with her eleven best friends, all twelve of them were grinning, clinging arms with others' shoulders, looked incredibly happy. "It's our first year of highschool's photo. Funny how things could change 180 degrees within a year only..."

They had been close friends since middle school and continued as the decided to share the same school again on high school. Things were perfect for them as their days filled with laughs, jokes, and homeworks which they usually worked out together on Chaerim's appartment.

Chaerim flipped the page slowly, over and over again until she reached the last page, which was still empty.

"I'll be going within a week, maybe less. If things left like these... Gosh, I don't want them to be strangers when I come back! I have to bring them back, back to how we used to be... But, how?"

"Chaerim honey, come quick! The dinner's ready!" Her mother called her. She walked back to the kitchen still with the thought in her mind.

"Eomma... Before we move, will I ever have a chance to see my friends again?" She asked suddenly, made her mother looked at her in a confussion.

"Mwo? Honey... I thought you have arranged a farewell party on your own! You haven't?"

"Farewell... Party?" She ran back to her room to get her phone, left her mother shook her head in the kitchen. She smiled as the idea crossed her mind. She started to text her friends with her cellphone,



Hey, guys! You're all have been invited by me, the one and only beautiful Yang Chaerim, .....


"This is going to be interesting." She kept on texting as she thought to herself, gave herself a grin. Sent.




They traced the rooms in the mansion one by one just to found nothing that they can use as the weapons. It seemed like the murderer had heard their plan about the weapon and decided to hid them quick before they found it.

"Shoot." Leesung said, "I swear I saw a knife left in the kitchen earlier!" He said. "And now it's gone... The ghost must have hid it!"

Junsu looked at him with an annoyed look. "Enough with the ghost thing Leesung, before I hit your face to wake you the hell up from your kiddy dream!"

"Hey... But... He's right. The shovel I saw earlier near the fireplace in the living room has gone too!" Wooyoung get out from the living room and joined his other friends.

"He must have took it all." Yoonyoung said sadly.

"What are we going to do know?" Sooyun asked, started to lose her hope to survive this situation just like the others.

"Don't give up here, guys! Not yet. There must be something he missed that we can still use as our weapons. Come on, let's headed upstairs." Khun cheered them up as he lead his friends to climb up the stairs.

They opened the door one by one, which most of it lead them to bedrooms, beautiful and vintage ones, while other lead them to a restroom, a room with a big billiard table and old gramophones, and an old, dusty, dim-lighted library.

"Whoa... I don't know there's a library this size." Mirae commented on how spaceful the library was. It was rounded, with racks filled until the very top of the room, wooden stairs, and several books opened on the wooden table with wooden chairs.

"And I don't know ghost reads books." Leesung said as he pointed out the books that were still opened.

"Don't be silly, Leesung-ie!" Wooyoung hit his arim lightly and move forward the desk to look at the books closely. "Weird... All of the books talks about mythology."

"Mythology? What's that? A ghost name?" Junsu replied, looked annoyingly at Leesung's scared face when Wooyoung mentioned about the books.

"Mythology... As written here, is the study of myths..." Wooyoung explained shortly, decided to pay no attention to Junsu's act because he knew he was know having a rough time after Misun's disappearance.

Yoonyoung walked closer to Wooyoung to look closer at the other book on the table, "This one's opened at the chapter which talks about..." She paused, looked quite surprised and scared.

"What is it Yoonyoung-ie?" Mirae asked her, curious.

"Hungry ghost..." She let it out in a whisper. "This is creepy." Yoonyoung step aside to join Mirae who was standing beside Junho. "Okay, guys. I'm scared. Let's just search somewhere else."

"Jaegi... What if the hungry ghost exist? Will he get me too?" Mirae started to clinged her hands to Junho's, looked as scared as Leesung, Khun, and now, Yoonyoung.

'Of course not... Everything will be..." Junho hadn't finished his sentence when suddenly the wooden doors pulled strongly until it closed with a big crack sound, BRAG!!!

"Hello again..." The voice came back again, made all eight of them stepped closer to each other, formed a little circle with their backs on the inside. "Miss me already?"

"Who... Who are you?! Ya!!! Don't be a coward and show yourself to us!!!" Junsu shouted, it was difficult to say whether his voice was shattered because he was mad, or scared. Or maybe both.

"Watch your manner, young man. Don't you all realize that I have, once again, succeed in dragging all of you into my trap?" Said the voice, toneless.

"Trap? No, please. Don't take any of us, not again... Just, tell me what do you want." Sooyun braved herself to talk to him, although her hands were holding Khun's tightly with sweat dropped from her forehead.

"Always the same questions... Before I answer yours, let me ask you my question." He replied, emphasized the words you and my. All eight of them holding hands with each others as their circle started to get smaller and smaller as they walked backwards, made themselves closer.

Suddenly, a school-bell-like bell rang through the hallway, and the voice changed into a woman's, more like a recorded one, asked them an elementary school's question, which made them pretty much...questioned with the question given. "Okay, class! Now answer me... What is the equality of 2 plus 2? Anyone know?"

"Ooh, ooh, ooh! I know, I know!" Leesung reach out his hand, felt dragged by the question, "It's four! FOUR!"

And then the woman's voice gone. Replaced back with the toneless, husky, cold, man's voice who greeted them from the first place. "Correct. I've got the four of you... Now..." Leesung let his hand down quick and hid behind Wooyoung, felt stupid to have answered the question too excitingly.

" you think will be the fifth? I have wrote you a clue on the wall behind you though..."

"Clue? What clue?" Wooyoung turned his back and faced to a side of a the room which wall didn't covered by the book racks. The wall which they swore was clean with its broken white paintings earlier, was now written with dark red blood as it started to dripped to the floor.



Hint: U


"J...J...Junsu?" Yoonyoung closed with both hands. They freeze in silence, waited for the light to be turned off again before one of them disappeared. But nothing happened, except that Leesung started to looked panic.

"I've warned him!" Leesung shouted, pointed his finger to Junsu who was still standing with his pale face. He moved several step backward before he hit the rack behind him hard, caused several books to dropped from its places until suddenly, a crack sound was heard.

"Hey! No! Help!" The rack was turned just like the turning glass door you could find on malls or fancy hotels, so fast that he couldn't even prevent it, too surprised to move away as the rack dragged him to a secret passage behind him.

"NO! LEESUNG-IE!" The others shouted as he disappeared behind the rack, which was now replaced with a white wall, again, with blood on it, written clearly,


Just kidding. It's the other one.


Oh no! Is Leesung gone already? How's Junsu then?! Is he alright?

Hello, my dearest subscribers and readers! Sorry it took so long for me to update this chapter. But I really hope it worth waiting for! Because this is longer than the previous one, I think. Please leave a comment and let me know what do you think while I'm planning on the next plot :p THANKIES!!! ><

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Iminthezone #1
Chapter 15: This fanfic is sooo good! I love it! <333 Especially the ending! But aren't you evil~ Haha
I knew that it was a prank this whole time!!! I love ur story do super duper much!!!! Hihi... I'm so curious at what happened in the end! Did they die? Ugghhhh. Sequel!!!
I read this in one day...
LOL right when I typed one day I thought of 2PM and 2AM. LOL
ABC_Hee #4
this is daeBUCK!!!! you're smart!! but i can predict the end hehe
honestly... I LIKE THIS FICT VERY MUCH. It only took 2days for reading it, because im so interested. Sequel please ;~;
OH ALMOST FORGOT @chodingpudding: Idk whether mary shaw is reak or not, but i got her from a movie called Dead Silence. A must watch movie if youre a thrill lover xD
@khunhojjang and chodingpudding: GUMAWO!!! *bow 27342754 times* Dont know how to thank you :') I really glad you love the story. I am now writing the framework of its sequel x) Hope you'll like it too :) :)
khunhojjang #9
I SWEAR THIS ROCKS! Okay i even recommended the story to many others and they love it too!^_^ KEKEKE GOOD JOB!=] You write great FICs=]
chodingpudding #10
omg your story is DAEEEEBAKKKK!!! (: I LOVE IT.<br />