One & The Same; Lee Jinki/Onew & Rinrin (OC)

OnSeobx3 One-Shots (Come Inside *Oh How Scary!!* ^^ )

    “Jinki oppa are you serious? This is for me??” Rinrin’s smiles grew as Jinki wrapped the necklace around her slender neck beside her Umma’s necklace. Her arms wrapped around Jinki’s waist who holds her gently in his arms.

“Gomawo” Rinrin twirls the SHINee necklace in between her fingers.

“Now tell me was it expensive?” She plays with the flustered Jinki.

“Trust your oppa!” Jinki winks at his best friend who waves goodbye walking inside her house. After she closes the door of her house she starts jumping and down cheeks gone red from Jinki’s gift.

Jinki smiles watching her go inside as he begins walking to his own home for a needed sleep. A sudden call shocks Jinki making his phone clatter onto the ground and onto the road without thinking Jinki runs towards his phone and the last thing he hears is his phone ringing before he blacks out.

Jinki flashes his eyes open to see a flood of white he was in the hospital.

”How are you feeling?” Jinki hears a familiar voice close to him, he turns around to see himself well not really himself but his twin brother Onew. Onew flashes a smirk at his brother who sits up on the bed.

”What happened? ” Jinki rubs the back of his head to feel stitches looking down he sees his leg in a cast.

‘Well pabo you ran onto the road and then BOOM! I told you, you couldn’t live without me’ Onew clicks his tongue moving his brother’s body over to sit on the bed.

”Shut up who else knows? ”

”I told umma and appa but I only told them it was a little accident so don’t worry I know they trouble you enough” Jinki was more thinking about Rinrin who is probably asleep but if she knew she wouldn’t leave his sight and would stop studying for her exams.

”How long do I have to stay like this for? ”

”A while Jinki the doctor said you messed your body pretty bad that if you try to walk while your legs are recovering there is a big chance that you might… not walk again” Onew sighs patting Jinki’s leg.

” I need a favour”  Jinki looks at Onew who backs away.

”Mwol? NO WAY BROTHER” Onew waves his hands to Jinki’s face.

”Please I need you to do something while I am like this” Jinki looks at his condition he can’t possibly get out of bed and not getting out of bed means no RinRin, no Rinrin means she will find him and not take her exams. She has wanted to be a teacher ever since Jinki knew her and if it was because of him that she doesn’t take them then Jinki wouldn’t be able to live with it. So he needs his brother to pretend to be him.

”Remember that time… Do you really want to bring that up? ” Jinki raises his eye brows at his brother who sighs giving in.

”Arasso what do you want my DEAR brother? ” Onew grinds his teeth with anger at the witty Jinki who uses that time against him.

”This is going to sound weird but I need you to become me” Onew’s eyes become wide confused with Jinki’s favour.

”RinRin needs to take these exams but if she knows I am in here she would refuse to take them and I need you to become me and show her that I am fine” Onew nods his head slowly trying to wrap his brain around Jinki’s delirious idea.

”This is just until you recover and If I do this my debt is repaid! All this for a girl really Jinki”  Onew doesn’t understand how his brother can be so… Nice while he turned out the opposite, Jinki was always the perfect son while Onew on the other hand rebelled and was a bad boy.

” She isn’t just any girl… RinRin is different you will know when you meet her”

”Whatever don’t expect me to fall in love with this girl” Onew sits back down in the armchair to rest after the night’s incidents.

Onew’s lasts words rang in Jinki’s mind worrying him what would he do if his brother fell for his bestfriend?

Rinrin impatiently tapped her foot and took another sip of her iced coffee, Why is Jinki oppa so late this morning? He is usually the earliest person! Rinrin looks at the clock once more and takes out her phone to call Jinki.

”SO where do I meet her?” Onew runs a hand through his red hair unlike Jinki’s dark brown hair; he pulls his black leather glove up that only runs up to his knuckles showing the rest of his long fingers.

‘Her name is Rinrin she should be at the front of the café by now and what are you wearing? ” Jinki looks up and down at his brother who wears a spikey denim jacket with the sleeves cut off, dark ripped skinny jeans, white converse and black singlet. That is not at all how Jinki styles himself; Jinki’s look is more laid: Blue shirt, Grey hoodie and blue jeans.

”What all girls love this look?” Onew smirks at his brother who shakes his head.

”ANDWAE Rinrin would know in a split second if you wear that, that you are not me” Onew found that highly unlikely but agreed to Jinki quickly changing into a hoodie but refusing to take off his ripped black jeans.

”Oppa where have you been?” Onew played it cool but then he remembered that is not how his brother is, standing upright and fixing his hoodie he tries to give the girl in front of him the most perfect smile he could.

”Oppa are you okay? Your smile looks forced” She points to Onew’s lips making him back away; he finally took a good look at Rinrin man was she cute! He couldn’t take his eyes off of her as he bit his lips imagining the things he could do with her.

”Oppa are those new pants? Rinrin takes in Jinki’s outfit which looks surprisingly unlike him but she shrugs it off playing with her new necklace in front of him.

”Rinrin don’t we have to go somewhere?” Onew threw it out there to avoid any awkward silences as Rinrin looks at her oppa, Jinki planned today how is it he forgot?

”Oppa did something happened yesterday? Something seems off! Anyways remember you signed us up to do the charity organisation today” Jinki signed her up thinking it would be good for her resume to become a teacher.

”Organisation? Oh yes that one lead the way” OMO what did Onew just sign up for? He follows Rinrin’s lead getting a perfect view from behind her.

‘Have another balloon” Rinrin ruffles the child’s hair who runs away smiling, she turns around to see Jinki slowly falling asleep at the desk where he is supposed to encourage people to help the organisation… Something is wrong Rinrin can feel it!

‘OPPA ARE YOU OKAY?’ Rinrin spoke loudly to wake him up; he wakes up immediately flashing his eyes open in seconds… funny usually it would take forever to wake Jinki up?

‘Ne I was just resting my eyes for a moment good work Rinrin” Onew let out a deep sigh after Rinrin left, this was going to be harder than expected.

”One hamburger and fries” Onew orders as Rinrin stares at him with wide eyes.

”Oppa I thought you hated western foods and said you only eat Korean foods” Onew’s eyes became wide.

”I uh… thought I might try something new today” Gosh why is this girl so close to his brother? Have they dated? But Onew knows Jinki said that they were chingu…

”Oppa you have sauce… hold on” Rinrin moves closer to Onew their faces so close as she wipes the sauce away with her thumb, Onew is frozen as he his lips taking in her touch.

”Gomawo” Oppa is acting so strange today… Is it because of the necklace?

”Oppa Gomawo for walking me home” she smiles at the tired Onew who was about to fall asleep by her porch.

”Ne I will see you tomorrow” Onew quickly walks away, OMO this is only day one and he already fees like giving up!


‘How was she?’ Jinki’s voice called through Onew’s mobile phone.

‘She was… Fine Wae?’ Onew hears Jinki take a deep breath in before replying.

‘Anni… Gomawo for this Onew’ With that last reply he hangs up and rests his weary head on his pillow.

‘Oppa are you coming over to study with me?’ Rinrin’s voice rang through the phone making Onew sigh.

‘Where is her house?’ Following Jinki’s directions Onew rode on his motorbike to the house of Rinrin.

‘Oppa you are here? What is that?’ Rinrin’s eyes became wide looking at the motorcycle.

‘Oh… Um… I am got lessons’ Rinrin still suspicious grabs his hand inside. Onew feels a little woozy when she grabs his hands and he felt a little flustered but shrugged it off.

Rinrin and Onew studied for an hour and it felt like the longest hour of Onew’s life but the only thing that kept him interested was watching Rinrin’s face light up when she receives a correct answer, the way she smirks when she knows she is going to get it right and the way she scratches the back of her head with an awkward life when she is getting it wrong.

‘Let’s take a break and watch a movie’  Rinrin smiles letting Onew choose a movie as she goes to the bathroom, Onew watches her with a sudden fluttering feeling inside him; What is this feeling?

He slides in a movie just in time for Rinrin to slide in beside him and wrap herself in his arms without another word. Onew takes in her breathtaking smile and tries to focus on the movie but is always distracted by her. She lets out a small shriek when the murderer on the film jumped out, she buries her head into Onew’s chest making him gasp.  

‘Is the scary part over yet?’ She whispers into his chest, his heart is thumping hard against his chest… This can’t be he has a crush on Rinrin?

‘Um.. ne’ she smiles up at him before turning her head still leaning against Onew.

‘I should go’ Onew quickly makes his escape without another as he takes off on his motorcycle towards the hospital to see Jinki.

‘I don’t think I can do this anymore’ Jinki sits up staring at Onew who looks down afraid to look his brother in the eye.

‘Wae? Did something happen?’

‘Anni… It’s just I think she is figuring it out!’ Onew uses that excuse as Jinki watches his brother, Onew’s cheeks were a flush of red and he was sweating a little… He knows this look, Onew is feeling something for Rinrin.

‘You have a crush on her don’t you?’ Jinki points a finger at Onew who becomes wide eyed trying to compose himself in front of his brother.

‘NO WAY!! I mean um… I just think she is going to find out and that is all’

‘Whatever I know that look you have a BIG crush on Rinrin… What are you going to do Onew?’ Jinki raises his eyebrows at his brother who glares back at him.

‘Whatever I am going home’ Onew leaves without another word.

‘It’s not scary’ Rinrin stares at him with wide eyes; he wants her to ride on his motorcycle.

‘W-Where are we going oppa?’

‘For a ride you need to relax the last thing you need right now is stress’ Where did that come from Onew thought to himself. Onew climbs on and passes Rinrin the helmet; she hesitantly climbs on the back. She holds onto the rims of Onew’s leather jacket as he takes off. They went off at a fast speed making Rinrin frightened when did Jinki get time to buy and learn how to ride a motorcycle? They went over a bump and Rinrin wraps her arms tightly around Onew’s waist. Onew felt a smirk form on his lips as he raced on because whenever he increased his speed her hold around him would become tighter and she would press her body against his.

The sun began going down as Onew stopped at a pretty park, Rinrin moved towards the *seesaw and sat down.

‘Get on’ Onew got on the other end and before he knew it they were both playing and smiling like children.

‘Wah so pretty’ Rinrin exclaimed as Onew found himself running his fingers through her hair making her smile at his warm touch.

‘You seem different oppa’ Onew stopped and stared at her but she smiles.

‘But I like it a lot’ She leaned up and placed her lips on his cheek before climbing back on his motorcycle.  Onew stood frozen at the spot where she stood smiling like a pabo.

‘Jinki oppa come on’ Hearing his brother’s name Onew snapped out of it remembering the person she wants is not him but his brother… She would never want someone like Onew.

‘Sleep well tomorrow is your exam, I will be here to take you early tomorrow’ She smiles before running inside for some sleep, Onew can’t stop his feelings for Rinrin and he doesn’t know what to do.

‘OPPA I CAN’T GO YET’ Rinrin ran outside with a worried expression on his face making Onew even more scared.

‘What is it?’ Onew said as she began running around looking for something her hand on her neck.

‘My necklace.. I can’t go without it!’ The necklace was her umma’s before she passed away, her umma wanted so badly for her to become a teacher she needed that necklace…

‘You are going to be late come on we can come back and look for it’ Onew began tugging at her arm but she couldn’t do it, she can’t do this without her umma.

‘It’s just a necklace’ Onew spat out as Rinrin stared at him with shock. Jinki knew what that necklace meant to her but Onew doesn’t. Onew didn’t know what he did as she let go of his hand.

‘How could you say that? You know what the necklace means to me and you still say something like that! How could you?’ her emotions were in turmoil as she shook off his hand and backed away going into her house without another word or glance at Onew.

After a while Onew stood there surprised and worried as he rang his brother. Jinki explained everything about the necklace and Rinrin’s umma. Onew took off in motorcycle as Rinrin finally poked her head outside and rubbed her puffy red eyes. She sighed and sniffled but eventually knew she had to go for the exam and hoped her umma was watching over her.

The exam was done and the results were out as Rinrin nervously grabbed her results and walked home, Onew rode back towards her house in a hurry.

‘WAIT’ Onew called out to Rinrin who gave him one look before walking away from him refusing to talk to someone who she thought she knew.

‘Rinrin’ Onew stood in her way as she tried to go around him but she refused to let him making her way around, Onew was faster making her stop.

‘Here’ he placed the necklace in her hands as tears began to drop from her eyes.  She suddenly wrapped her arms around him.

‘Gomawo oppa’ she whispered sobbing into his arms and before she knew it he picked her up in his arms and was in her bed asleep.

‘…Jinki I done what you said she finished her exams’ Rinrin fluttered opened her eyes to see the back of Jinki or who she thought was her bestfriend.

‘Lee Jinki how much longer? I can’t hold in my feelings any more I need to go before this gets any worse… I can’t be close to her without wanting her, fine I will see what I can do’  Onew heard a gasp from behind him turning around he saw Rinrin backing away from him.

‘W-W-WHO ARE YOU?’ Rinrin knew something wasn’t right with him, this isn’t Lee Jinki.

‘Rinrin relax it’s okay’ Onew backed away with his hands up, she knows might as well spill everything.

‘W-where is Jinki oppa?” She backs up into a corner.

‘My name is Onew and I am Jinki’s twin brother… Jinki right now is in the hospital’ Rinrin puts a hand to to hold from screaming.

‘Mwol? Hospital?’ Onew explained everything to Rinrin all but his feelings for her.

‘How could he do this to me? How could you? I don’t even know you’ her eyes glazed and doesn’t even look at Onew. Onew tries to comfort her walking over to her but she puts her hand up to stop him.

‘Please just leave, I need some time’ Onew doesn’t want to but he knows it is the best thing for Rinrin at the moment.

‘HOW COULD YOU? LEE JINKI YOU PABO’ Rinrin begins thrashing her anger on her bestfriend slapping him hard not caring if he is still injured.


‘YA IT HURTS I AM INJURED YOU KNOW’ Rinrin huffs sitting back down with a huff, Onew stands outside watching her.

‘How could you not even tell your bestfriend that you are in hospital? How could you send your twin brother to be you? Do you know what happened?’ OMO too much Rinrin, Jinki looked at her curiosity flashed in his eyes.

‘First of all I didn’t want you to worry, second because I thought he could be a good actor and lastly what exactly happened between you two?”

‘Aissh PABO!!!’ She said slapping him once more and then pulling him in to a tight hug, Onew didn’t want to watch anymore as he left quickly for a ride on his motorcycle but it always took him to the same place. To that park…

‘So did you pass?”

‘Silly of course I passed’

‘Good so now tell your bestfriend what happened?”

‘Nothing’ She lied.

‘Tell me please and I will tell you something’  Rinrin smiled Jinki always knew how to get things out of her.

‘I kinda kissed your brother on the cheek’

‘MWOL? Hold up… But didn’t you think he was me?’  Jinki said as she blushed.

‘I don’t know what I was thinking… When he was pretending to be you, he was so different to how you acted and something happened… Aishh Ottoke? ‘ She scratched the back of her head.

‘So you do have feelings for Onew… Well he has BIG feelings for you’ Rinrin eyes went wide.

‘Onew likes me’

‘More than like…’

‘I can’t like him.. I can’t !!’ Rinrin says trying to persuade her heart but it doesn’t really work out.

‘Wae? Because he lied to you? You fell for him… Don’t deny it because he fell for you too and let me tell you something my punk of a brother doesn’t just fall for any girl’ Rinrin places a hand over Jinki’s  mouth not wanting to hear anymore.

~~ A few weeks later Jinki is out of the hospital.

‘I can’t believe I let you talk me into a blind date’ Jinki smirks as he pulls Rinrin towards the restaurant, he glances over her clothes before shuffling her inside.

‘Who?’ She asks as Jinki points towards a figure of a guy with a really nice body and ruffled red hair. His back is facing Rinrin as she brushes her hair once more before tapping that person on the shoulder. She walks away when she sees Onew’s face… she hasn’t spoken to him since last time but her feelings still hasn’t left. She glares at Jinki who grabs her taking her back to Onew who grabs tightly onto her hands making her face him.

‘Lets start over please’ She sighs and nods her head making Onew smile, she is still breathtakingly beautiful as he squeezes her hand.

‘Annyeong my name is Onew, Nice to meet you Rinrin right?’ She smirks at him witty words before pulling him towards her planting her lips on his without another word.

‘Bit fast saying I just met you’ Onew says with a  smile. 

*I know it took so long sorry everyone >.< But now it's school holidays so welcome to flood me with requests !! 

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very good`
Chapter 130: I really, really wish you can write another BAP and Onew one shot^^
They are so freakingggggg awesome in their mv..
And Yo Seob from beast too^^-his biceps are to die for (nose bleeding)
I freaking love you !!!! Let me love you XP
Chapter 135: I stayed up for two nights to read all this OTL but OMO I FREAKING LOVE THESE ONESHOTS <33333 love love looooove and ugh the feels, THE FEELS AUTHORNIM THEYRE GETTING TO ME hahaha oh gosh Im hyper again, anyways looooooove this fanfic and your writing ^.^ oooh and pls pls pls more exo *.*
Chapter 5: THIS....THIS..... THIS IS SOOO BEAAAUUTTTIFFFUUUULLLL D;. My feels.....they're gone <3 ERMAHGEEERRDD. So beautiful :')
kubirox555 #8
Chapter 1: OMG when i read that your ultimate biases are onew and hoya i was like WTH! Cuz those are exactly my two favs... i just love them too much
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon~