A Rush; Hyunseung & Min Joon (OC)

OnSeobx3 One-Shots (Come Inside *Oh How Scary!!* ^^ )


”Ne see you later” Hyunseung winks at the girl who squeals walking away from him, he enters the dorm with a sense of accomplishment.

‘Third one this week Hyunseung’ Kikwang pats Hyunseung on the arm who smirks going inside for a shower.

”Seriously you are going to bring your dongsaeng here tomorrow? Are you sure that’s a good idea Doojoon? ” Hyunseung hears the whispers of s from behind the bathroom door.

”Wae? ”Doojoon asks Yoseob who looks towards the bathroom door, everyone in B2st knew Jang Hyunseung was a player and his specialty was baby sisters that call him Oppaaa! His body gets tingles when he hears that word escaping the lips of a beautiful girl. Hyunseung has seen Doojoon’s family photos and he had to admit that Doojoon’s dongsaeng is a girl Hyunseung wouldn’t mind hearing her calling his oppa multiple times.

”I will keep Hyunseung in line so don’t worry and I am warning you guys as well lay a hand on her and you will feel the wrath of the leader” Doojoon glares at all of them before returning to his normal cheery self.

Hyunseung is definitely going to look forward to Doojoon’s baby sister staying over.

‘OPPA’ Min Joon runs into the arms of her brother Doojoon who she hasn’t been able to visit for so long due to this promotions and training. She pulls her luggage inside B2st’s dorm where five other gorgeous  boys meet her.

‘Annyeongsayo’ she bows her head at the boys who flash their golden smiles at her.  Hyunseung his lips as he takes in the sight of Yoon Min Joon. Her eyes graze over him and for a minute Hyunseung swears he can see a flicker of lust behind them maybe baby sister isn’t so sweet.

‘So you can stay in the spare room we set everything out for you… This is our bedroom and this is the change room, bathroom and kitchen go set up your stuff we can prepare dinner’  Min Joon walks past Hyunseung and into the bedroom before she does she flashes a sweet smile to him before leaving out of his sight.

‘Wah she has grown yeppoh’ Junhyung says earning a glare.

”Hyunseung what do you think? ” They all anticipated his answer as he smirks at them.

”I think i have a date, Don’t wait up for me” He walks out showing his cool appearance but in reality he so badly wanted to run inside Min Joon’s room and lock himself inside with her.

It’s past bedtime when Hyunseung sneaks back into the dorm, all the lights are off making it extremely difficult for him to walk without bumping into anything. He turns on the first light and plops himself down on the lounge resting his head.

Min Joon hears a noise outside knowing Hyunseung is now home, she decides now is the time to get a drink. She sees Hyunseung on the lounge with his eyes closed she smirks walking towards the kitchen. She grabs a drink making Hyungseung’s eyes open from the noise.

Hyunseung sees Min Joon taking a drink out of the fridge she unscrews the bottle and begins drinking as water slowly drips down her neck into her lingerie, Hyunseung bites his lip afraid to let out a sound as he takes in Min Joon.

She walks past him slowly going back into her room letting Hyunseung get a last glance of her before she walks away.

‘Oppa coming to bed?’ Min Joon whispers with a smirk before closing the door to her room, Hyunseung is dying from Min Joon’s iness as he pants slowly making his way to the bedroom. Min Joon just uttered Hyunseung’s two favourite words; Bed and oppa, Hyunseung thinks he just met his match in Doojoon’s baby sister.

‘Is everyone out today?’ Min Joon walks out to see only her brother outside watching television.

”Mmm… everyone is out on their schedules today come lets watch tv’ Min Joon sits beside her oppa and they watch movies they haven’t since they were young.  

‘I’m back’ Hyunseung walks through the door seeing Min Joon and Doojoon both focused on the television.

‘I brought movies, Doo Joon one for you’ Hyunseung brought some movies for them to enjoy as Doo Joon immediately put in his favourite giving up the couch for his bean bag leaving Hyunseung and Min Joon alone on the couch together.   The movie is half way through before Min Joon looks over at Hyunseung who winks at her, she laughs a little… Does Jang Hyunseung really think he can seduce her? Her oppa believes her to be a perfect little angel but what her brother doesn’t know won’t hurt him!

Min Joon bites the tip of her finger and mouths oppa to Hyunseung who looks shocked at her eagerness. Min Joon actually has a friend that went on a date with Hyunseung so she knows all his weaknesses and he loves it when girls say oppa.

‘THIS IS THE BEST PART!” Doojoon shouts from the ground totally unaware of the flirting behind him.

‘OH IT’S OVER ALREADY!’ Doojoon gets up stretching his body and smiles up at his dongsaeng who looks bored as hell, he smirks.

‘lets go to the park’ He tells them excited to spend some time with his sister.

‘Doojoon against me and Min Joon’ Doojoon had brought out his soccer ball and wanted to play so of course they agreed.

‘Wait I am here now, I want to play on Hyunseung’s team’ Yoseob runs over finally finished his schedule. Hyunseung sighs swapping teams letting Doojoon be with his sister, she smirks once more sending Hyunseung into overdrive. The game began and both teams were really good as Min Joon stole the ball from Yoseob Hyunseung ran after her, her body scraped against his in the heated match. Hyunseung uses this chance to score the ball from her getting a goal.

‘YA NO FAIR !’ she pouts her pink lips as all the boys laugh at her aegyo. Hyunseung’s heart flutters… he has never felt this before and it feels strange!

‘Sweaty much?’ the game was finished and Min Joon won, Min joon grabbed her towel and began wiping away her sweat.

‘I’m going to the swing’ Min Joon gets up and walks to the swing, Hyunseung’s eyes trail after her and quickly follows sitting on the swing beside her.

‘Good game’ She says when he sits beside her.  He smiles, she’s even pretty when she doesn’t wear make-up.

‘So how is it living at B2st’s dorm?’

‘Even better than I imagined… oppa’ she smiles at Hyunseung feels the heart fluttering feeling once more.

‘WAE? OPPA WAE? YOU NEED A GOOD REASON’ Hyunseung stops in his tracks when he hears Min Joon and doo joon fighting. They came back from the park and Hyunseung went inside to shower and when he came out shouting was all he could hear.

‘Stop shouting they will hear us… why him? You can have any guy you want why him?’ Doojoon said pulling Hyungseung’s interest as he moves closer to hear.

‘Because I don’t know… Why do you love… soccer? Can you explain how you feel when you playing? That rush… That is how I feel when I am around him’ Min Joon spoke the truth, she told her brother about her feelings for Hyunseung not knowing whether it was a good idea or not. When they were younger they would tell each other everything and he always said she can be honest with him.

‘But Jang Hyunseung you love him?’  Hyunseung froze at what Doo Joon said… Min Joon loves him she feels the same fluttery heart feeling, Hyunseung began smiling like an idiot at the thought of him and Min Joon together.

‘Oppa why are you like this? I be honest with you and this is how you turn out’

‘But he is a player you know that and I know that’ Hyunseung hears the door slam and Doojoon let out a sigh, Hyunseung wanted to be with her as well but he needed to prove to Doojoon that the only person he wants is Min Joon.

After cooling off Min Joon makes her way back to the dorm where she quietly sits and eats ignoring Doo Joon’ glares at only staring at Hyunseung.

‘Here have some more’ Hyunseung places more food into Min Joon’s bowl and ruffles her hair. She looks up at him and gives him a smile… She loves when he ruffles her hair.

‘Can I talk to you?’ Doojoon calls Hyunseung after dinner and they go into a room.

‘Do you Jang Hyunseung have feelings for my sister?’ Doojoon asks him straight.

‘Ne… I love her’ Hyunseung bows his head to Doojoon who lets out another deep breath.

‘Do you promise to stop being a player and take care of Min Joon?’ Hyunseung nods his head and DooJoon finally shows a small smile.

‘You ever hurt her then you are dead Jang Hyunseung’ With that Doojoon walks back out letting Min Joon talk to Hyunseung.

‘So what happened?’ Min Joon asks immediately after coming inside, Hyunseung closes the door and puts an arm over Min Joon’s head pushing her into the corner. He plants his lips on hers making her breath stop.

‘Does that answer your question?’ Hyunseung smirks at his girlfriend who smiles back at him.

‘Please get a room YOUR OWN ROOM!” they both turn around to see Dongwoon in bed trying to sleep.

‘Did you see everything?’ Dongwoon nods his head and closes his innocent maknae eyes when Hyunseung once again plants his lips on Yoon Min Joon. 

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very good`
Chapter 130: I really, really wish you can write another BAP and Onew one shot^^
They are so freakingggggg awesome in their mv..
And Yo Seob from beast too^^-his biceps are to die for (nose bleeding)
I freaking love you !!!! Let me love you XP
Chapter 135: I stayed up for two nights to read all this OTL but OMO I FREAKING LOVE THESE ONESHOTS <33333 love love looooove and ugh the feels, THE FEELS AUTHORNIM THEYRE GETTING TO ME hahaha oh gosh Im hyper again, anyways looooooove this fanfic and your writing ^.^ oooh and pls pls pls more exo *.*
Chapter 5: THIS....THIS..... THIS IS SOOO BEAAAUUTTTIFFFUUUULLLL D;. My feels.....they're gone <3 ERMAHGEEERRDD. So beautiful :')
kubirox555 #8
Chapter 1: OMG when i read that your ultimate biases are onew and hoya i was like WTH! Cuz those are exactly my two favs... i just love them too much
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon~