My life with you; Eunhyuk & Eunjae (OC)

OnSeobx3 One-Shots (Come Inside *Oh How Scary!!* ^^ )

‘Eunjae your turn’ Eunhyuk nudges your back with his arm, you whine and push him back.

‘Your turn’ you say back to him pushing him off the bed until your hear a loud thump over your daughter’s piercing cries.

‘Aish’ you hear Eunhyuk say from the ground, you turn over to see him rubbing the back of his head before fumbling in the dark towards the Aegi’s nursery. The cries grow quiet as you hear Eunhyuk singing lightly.

‘Blow your mind.. Mr Simple’ you hear him sing quietly from his room making you laugh at his aegyo. You see Eunhyuk’s blonde hair wavering into your bedroom as you move over so he can plop his body beside your own. He wraps his arm around you pulling you close to his shirtless body as you snuggle your head into his warm chest.

‘Next time it’s your turn’ he whispers into your ear as you shush him with a kiss.

‘Don’t pretend you didn’t hear me’ He says after you kiss him.

‘Sh… Eunhyuk you need your sleep’ you say placing a finger on his lips making him chuckle.

‘Yeah.. yeah… Seriously your turn next’ he says before falling into a deep sleep.

‘Eunhyukie you are going to be late’ you say rushing into your bedroom with Haemin in your arms, Eunhyuk rolls over and continues to snore. You roll your eyes placing Haemin down on his chest as soon as you do his eyes flash open looking at Haemin who drools on his chest making you laugh.

‘Haeminnie Annyeong’ he says playing with her hands as she stands up on his chest knocking the breath out of your husband.

‘Eunjae What’s the time?’ he turns his head to look at you as you pout at him.

‘Time for you to get out of bed, you are going to be late for dance practice’  He groans picking up Haemin in his arms and hands her to you heading into the shower. The doorbell rings as you run downstairs quickly placing Haemin in her baby chair before answering the door to see a smiling Donghae.

‘Annyeong, Is he ready yet?’ Donghae walks into the house and heads to the kitchen.

‘How is my god daughter haeminnie?’ Donghae squeezes her cheeks as you lean against the doorframe watching them play. Eunhyuk runs out with a toothbrush in his mouth, a towel wrapped around his lower half and wet dripping blonde hair.

‘udhgfuehguhwipgdpso’ Eunhyuk says with a  mouth full of foam as he spits some out as he tries to talk.

‘Talk later, brush teeth now’ you push him back into the bathroom as he rolls his eyes running back inside. Eunhyuk is dressed in his dance gear as he walks out shoving some toast in his mouth before picking up Haemin who giggles at her appa.

‘Let’s all go,  Haemin & Eunjae can watch the guys don’t mind’ Donghae suggests as you look at Eunhyuk who smiles at Haemin.

‘What do you think Haemin?’ He says as she nibbles on his fingers with a smile on her face. You get dressed as they play with Haemin, you throw a few things of Haemin in her bag and are off in the van with Donghae, Eunhyuk & Haemin.

You head into the studios when a hoard of Super Junior boys crowd around all wanting to play with Haemin.

‘Come to uncle shindong’ Shindong says grabbing Haemin out of Donghae’s arms.

‘More like ahjussi Shindong’ Kyuhyun mumbles from behind earning a glare. You watch them play with Haemin as you go rest your weary body on the large sofa.

‘You should have stayed home if you are so tired’ you feel someone sit beside you and at the sound of their voice you knew it was Eunhyuk as you lean against him not opening your tired eyes.

‘I’m not tired just resting my eyes’ You say as you feel him pinch your cheeks.

‘Eunjae-ahh look at your bags you are like a panda now’ he says as you flash open your eyes at his comment making him laugh.

‘They aren’t that bad’ you look in your mirror in a hurry but he places a hand over yours.

‘Aigoo, yeppohdah pandaaa’ he says scrunching his face at you.

‘Liar, you are appa panda then’ you say pecking his scrunched lips.

‘Appa Panda, Umma Panda, Aegi Panda’ he says looking from you to Haemin who giggles in Ryewook’s arms.

‘Go dance me & Haemin are watching’ you say to him as he winks before handing Haemin towards you.

All the boys move in sync with each other as they focus on you & Haemin occasionally making silly faces that causes Haemin to giggle in her seat in your lap.

‘Haemin Saranghaeyo’ Sungmin calls out during his part.

‘Eunjae, Saranghaeyo’ Eunhyuk calls during his solo dance making you blush at his aegyo.

By the end of the practice all the boys are sweaty and panting as Siwon takes off his shirt, you cover Haemin’s eyes in shock.

‘Siwon geez there are children & Women in the room’ Leeteuk says throwing Siwon his shirt making them chuckle, you couldn’t help but admire Siwon’s built body as your husband catches your eyes. Eunhyuk throws his hands over your eyes to your surprise and he doesn’t let go until Siwon puts his shirt back on.

It was late as Haemin snores quietly in your arms, you lean your head against Eunhyuk’s arm as the van drives back home. Eunhyuk picks up Haemin out of your arms and softly kisses you to wake you up as you yawn walking slowly into the house.

Eunhyuk places Haemin in her nursery as you walk yourself towards your bed to plop your tired body down.

‘Eunjae are you sleeping?’ you hear Eunhyuk softly call as you turn around to see him give you a soft smile.

‘Wae…’ you sleepily say as he shakes his head kissing your fluttering eye lids.

‘Sleepy panda’ he slides in beside you and curls his head into your arm.

‘You have been so tired with pratice, promotions and Haemin…. I’m sorry Eunhyuk’ you say suddenly as his eyes flash open sitting up to look at you.

‘Why are you sorry? This is the life I chose… I chose to be with you and Haemin’ Eunhyuk takes on a soft serious tone.

‘Jeongmal?’ you whisper as he nods twirling your hair softly in his fingers.

‘I wouldn’t trade my life with you & Haemin for the world’ He kisses you and rest his head back beside yours. You close your eyes for a second before you begin to hear cries from the nursery as you sigh sliding back up but Eunhyuk was already at the door, he blows a kiss to you before going to Haemin.

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very good`
Chapter 130: I really, really wish you can write another BAP and Onew one shot^^
They are so freakingggggg awesome in their mv..
And Yo Seob from beast too^^-his biceps are to die for (nose bleeding)
I freaking love you !!!! Let me love you XP
Chapter 135: I stayed up for two nights to read all this OTL but OMO I FREAKING LOVE THESE ONESHOTS <33333 love love looooove and ugh the feels, THE FEELS AUTHORNIM THEYRE GETTING TO ME hahaha oh gosh Im hyper again, anyways looooooove this fanfic and your writing ^.^ oooh and pls pls pls more exo *.*
Chapter 5: THIS....THIS..... THIS IS SOOO BEAAAUUTTTIFFFUUUULLLL D;. My feels.....they're gone <3 ERMAHGEEERRDD. So beautiful :')
kubirox555 #8
Chapter 1: OMG when i read that your ultimate biases are onew and hoya i was like WTH! Cuz those are exactly my two favs... i just love them too much
luhans-vaqina #9
update soon~