The Father

The Red Connection

Taekwoon stayed the night, making sure his connection was alright.
"Taekwoon?" Hakyeon asks with sleepy voice.
"Hmm?" Taekwoon mutters back, opening his eyes.
"I don't think I'm sick anymore," Hakyeon says, looking at him.
"That's good," Taekwoon says.
"That means kiss me," Hakyeon says, and Taekwoon chuckles.
"Okay," Taekwoon says, walking to his standing connection. Taekwoon takes him in his arms, and lips connect quickly. Hakyeon smiles, and they continues for awhile.
"We should really go on a date," Taekwoon breathes against Hakyeon's slightly swollen lips.
"Okay," Hakyeon says, grabbing Taekwoon's sweater. The shorter sets his head on the taller's chest.
"I need to call a guy. Are you alright with meeting my father?" Taekwoon asks, and Hakyeon nods.
"Might at well. I don't want to see you getting married off," Hakyeon admits, and Taekwoon gives a small smile.
"Good. Why don't you change into something else?" Taekwoon suggests.
"Why don't you change me?" Hakyeon whispers, biting his lips.
"Nice try," Taekwoon mutters. Hakyeon pouts. Taekwoon kisses the smaller softly for a moment before leaving the room.

Taekwoon walks to their living room, and calls a familiar number.
"Mr. Jung?" His driver answers.
"Hello. Do you remember where you picked up my date?" Taekwoon asks.
"Yes, Mr. Jung," he replies.
"Good. I need you to pick me up there. Ask my youngest sister for a change of my clothes. Tell her that its for talking with my father," Taekwoon commands.
"Of course. Is that all sir?" The driver asks.
"No. Be here in an hour," Taekwoon demands, ending the call right after.

Hakyeon frowns. He decided on black pants, and stands topless looking at his shirts. Someone knocks at the door.
"Come in," Hakyeon yells, not turning away. Taekwoon enters, and smiles. Deep shoulder blades, and small scars cover Hakyeon's back.
"What happened to your back?" Taekwoon asks walking to Hakyeon. Taekwoon runs his fingers over them, and Hakyeon shivers.
"I was bullied when I younger for having my knot. Both stringed and unstringed would hurt me," Hakyeon sighs.
"I'm sorry," Taekwoon whispers.
"I couldn't tell my mother. I'm already enough of a burden to her as it is," Hakyeon explains. Taekwoon frowns, and turns his connection around.
"You aren't a burden. You never were and you never will be," Taekwoon says, grabbing Hakyeon's shoulders. The shorter sniffles, and nods.
"Okay," Hakyeon mutters, and the taller lifts of his chin. Taekwoon kisses gently, and Hakyeon moves back.
"Get a shirt on," Taekwoon smirks, and Hakyeon shrugs.
"Which one?" Hakyeon asks, and Taekwoon looks over the small selection.
"This," Taekwoon says. He grabs a baby blue sweater, and slips it over Hakyeon's body.
"Okay," Hakyeon whispers. Someone knocks at the main door.
"Probably my driver," Taekwoon explains. They walk to the door, and Taekwoon see him there.
"Mr. Jung are you ready?" He asks, as they both slip on shoes.
"Yes. Let's go Hakyeon," Taekwoon says leading him to his car. Hakyeon enters in the back, and Taekwoon sits on the other side.
"Your clothes sir," the driver says. Taekwoon starts changing, and Hakyeon just watches. Taekwoon changes into a black button down, and black pants.
"What?" Taekwoon asks, as he adjusts his collar.
"Nothing. You've just got a nice body," Hakyeon compliments, and Taekwoon smiles.
"Thanks. Driver. Go," Taekwoon commands, and the car starts moving.
"Taekwoon. I'm scared. What if your father doesn't call off your wedding or if he hates me," Hakyeon whimpers. Taekwoon takes him in his arms, and holds him.
"No one could ever hate you Hakyeon,"  Taekwoon whispers, and Hakyeon meets his eyes.
"You'd be surprised," Hakyeon mutters.
"Hakyeon?" Taekwoon questions, and Hakyeon shakes his head.
"Not now. Please," Hakyeon begs, and Taekwoon nods his head.
"Alright," Taekwoon whispers. Taekwoon lifts up his connection's chin, and kisses him gently. Hakyeon smiles weakly, and looks to his connection with sad eyes.
"How did I get so lucky?" Hakyeon asks. Taekwoon smiles, and kisses his connection again.
"Who cares?" Taekwoon questions back. Hakyeon giggles and the car stops.
"You're home Mr. Jung," the driver says, and they both get out.
"Are you ready? We don't have to do this if you aren't," Taekwoon asks, and Hakyeon nods.
"I'm ready," Hakyeon confirms, and Taekwoon opens the door.
"Taekwoon. Why did you have our driver pick you up?" Taekwoon's sister asks, and Taekwoon sighs.
"I needed him to bring us here."
"Us?" She asks, and she notices Hakyeon.
"Hi," Hakyeon whispers, and she nods.
"Hi?" She asks. "Who is he?"
"My connection," Taekwoon mutters, and her eyes fall to their hands.
"How?" She questions, and Taekwoon shrugs.
"Does it matter? I have a meeting with my father," Taekwoon replies, and he pulls Hakyeon along.
"Who was that?" Hakyeon asks as they walk up the stairs.
"My sister. She knows about," Taekwoon explains, and Hakyeon nods. They reach the door, and Taekwoon pauses.
"Are you ready?" Taekwoon asks.
"Yes," Hakyeon confirms, and Taekwoon turns the handle.









A/N: it's been a while. Other idea came about. And sorry. (-<) <3 ^_^

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LadyUchiha #1
Chapter 2: Man things are going fast
DevilNextToYou #2
Chapter 1: Leo cut his own string?
Chapter 15: Kay I dont understand rhis au at all

But I love your story line, your writing style. .
It so short but nice

Thanks for this beautiful story :))))
Chapter 7: Did she just met him in chapter 3?

What is string? What is knot?
Chapter 3: They can see it ?? 0.o
Chapter 2: Im seriously confused
Chapter 1: Im so confused
I guess I still new with this kind of story

What is string? I mean I know about red string, but they can actually see it?
Is it like the soulmate type where your name is on others hands???
priscila2909 #8
Chapter 15: awwww... the ending is so sweet author-nim...
thanks for an amazing story, good luck for your next story project author-nim..
Muneunim #9
Chapter 15: Awww it's so cute and sweet! So glad everything tured out fine.
Thanks for a great story!