Their Eternity

The Red Connection

Taekwoon lays on his bed. Hakyeon lays beside him, curling into his bare chest.

"You have to take of the business," Hakyeon mumbles, curling into closer.

"I don't have to. One of my sisters can," Taekwoon whispers, playing with the bright red hair.

"You should. I'll have a nice, big business, boyfriend of my own," Hakyeon combats, blinking slowly. Taekwoon chuckles, and pulls him up.

"Shut up," he mutters, kissing his lips. Hakyeon smiles, and melts into it.

"Cha Hakyeon! Come here!"

"Why did you have to invite my mother to live with us?" Hakyeon asks, as Taekwoon starts kissing against his neck.

"This house is huge, and I don't mind sharing," Taekwoon whispers, slowly kissing around Hakyeon's sweet spots.

"My mom wants me," Hakyeon pants, turning around. Taekwoon pecks his back, pouting at him.

"Fine," he whispers, as Hakyeon stands. Taekwoon follows after, pulling on a shirt. Their hands link, as they walk downstairs.

Hakyeon's mother stands in the kitchen, smiling at the pair. "About time. Hakyeon, I need your help."

"I'm going out with Taekwoon today," Hakyeon speaks, curling into his arm.

"You get a connection, and you only want to spend time with him. It's like you're in love," she teases, winking at them. "Go be happy. I'll be baking all day anyway."

Hakyeon pulls his hand away, and moves to hug his mother. "Thank you." She laughs, and pushes him out to Taekwoon.

"Go before you're old like me." She speaks. Taekwoon takes Hakyeon's hand again, leading him to the door.

"I like her," Taekwoon speaks, rubbing Hakyeon's hand. They slip on shoes, before walking outside.


"She reminds me of you. Kind, warm, and able to make a house a home," Taekwoon explains, shrugging after. Hakyeon laughs out.

"You did not just compare me to my mom," he says, watching Taekwoon.

"I did. You're better though," Taekwoon explains, pecking his lip. Hakyeon smiles, as they continue on.

"Where are we going?" He asks. Taekwoon shrugs, smiling back.

"I don't know. I just know that I'll always go with you."

A/N: Epilogues are supposed to be short, right? Well, here's the end. I hope you all enjoyed it. I'll see you in my other fics. (-<) <3 ^_^
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LadyUchiha #1
Chapter 2: Man things are going fast
DevilNextToYou #2
Chapter 1: Leo cut his own string?
Chapter 15: Kay I dont understand rhis au at all

But I love your story line, your writing style. .
It so short but nice

Thanks for this beautiful story :))))
Chapter 7: Did she just met him in chapter 3?

What is string? What is knot?
Chapter 3: They can see it ?? 0.o
Chapter 2: Im seriously confused
Chapter 1: Im so confused
I guess I still new with this kind of story

What is string? I mean I know about red string, but they can actually see it?
Is it like the soulmate type where your name is on others hands???
priscila2909 #8
Chapter 15: awwww... the ending is so sweet author-nim...
thanks for an amazing story, good luck for your next story project author-nim..
Muneunim #9
Chapter 15: Awww it's so cute and sweet! So glad everything tured out fine.
Thanks for a great story!