The Wedding

The Red Connection

Taekwoon stares at the mirror before him. His sister ties his tie, smiling weakly at him. Her fingers shake, as they form the knot. It comes out lopsided and messy. Taekwoon grabs her hands, and brings them down. He unties the fabric, before retying the knot.

"My little brother is growing up so fast," she whispers, smiling weakly. "I just wish it could be with who you wanted."

Taekwoon nods slowly. "You know how father is."

"I do," she whispers, pulling him close. Taekwoon wraps his arms around her. He plays with her hair, and exhales.

"Don't cry for me. You got to be with your connection. Be happy for that," Taekwoon speaks, pulling back. She nods, and wipes her eyes.

"Yeah. I can do that," she whispers, as the doors swing open. Their father walks in, smirking evilly. A guard follows after, eyes hidden behind glasses.

"Go fix your eyes, sweetheart. You wouldn't want to ruin your brother's pictures, now would you?" He speaks, cupping her cheeks.

"Of course not Father," she agrees, nodding and walking out of the room. The doors close behind her.

"Now, Taekwoon. You know what to do."

"Yes, Father," Taekwoon whispers, rubbing where his string connects. His father hooks a finger around the red string.

"Good," he says, yanking the string forward. "You wouldn't want to disappoint me or your bride now would you?"

Taekwoon looks at the string. He sighs, thinking about Hakyeon. "I wouldn't Father."

"Very good," his father speaks, dropping the string. "Your guard will take you when it's time." He turns, leaving Taekwoon. The guard looks at him, adjusting his suit. He slides down his glasses, and locks eyes with Taekwoon.

"Sanghyuk?" Taekwoon mouths, recognizing the familiar eyes and face. Sanghyuk winks, and slides his glasses back up. He follows after Taekwoon's father, leaving Taekwoon alone.

He sighs, and sits in a chair. He looks at his string, and across the room. He pulls his legs up, and leans into them. He meets his reflection. His sad eyes are met back. He shakes his head, looking back down. It doesn't take long for Taekwoon's mind to become a mess and then blank.


Shy knocks hit at his door. Taekwoon blinks, and looks at it. "Yeah?" He calls weekly. The door opens, and another suited man greets him. "Are you here to take me?"

The man walks inside. He shuts the door behind him. He takes off his glasses, smiling to reveal dimples. "Hey, you ready to get back with Hakyeon?"

"Hongbin?" Taekwoon asks, tilting his head. "I'm going insane."

"Go insane later. We need to get you to your alter. We have a plan," Hongbin explains, putting his tinted glasses back on. He pulls Taekwoon up, adjusting the suit. Taekwoon watches him, allowing him to mess with the fabric. Hongbin pulls back, making his expression neutral. "You'll see Jaehwan next. Followed by Wonshik and Minah."

Hongbin walks to the door. He holds it open for Taekwoon. Taekwoon's feet move on their own, stepping outside the door. He walks down the ivory walls, noticing Hongbin's shadow following after. They reach the hall, and Taekwoon walks around the decorations on the side. He turns, finding Hongbin by the door. He follows his string to Sanghyuk standing to the side of a pew. His gaze shifts to his father.

Taekwoon shakes his head, and looks up to the singer. Stringless fingers are the first thing to greet him. They adjust a black tie, as the others hold sheet music. Jaehwan looks at Taekwoon. He winks, and adjusts his golden hair. He smiles, and returns to his warm-ups.

Taekwoon pales, and starts to visibly shake. He exhales, and pushes the nerves down. He looks across to the front of the hall. Countless people are streaming in, pulling his nerves back up. He blinks, feeling a familiar tug on his string. He looks to find his father playing with it. Taekwoon squints, not releasing that Hakyeon could be straight ahead.

Guests start sitting, as music from a piano starts playing. Taekwoon looks to Jaehwan, watching his voice produce a truly beautiful song. A pair walks from the wooden doors. Taekwoon calms at the sight of his sister and her connection. He exhales, as they reach him. She smiles, nodding at Taekwoon. They separate, moving to the side.

Another pair walks up, matching the color scheme perfectly. Wonshik raises his scalped eyebrows, smirking slightly. Minah smiles on his arms. Taekwoon pales further, gulping after. Wonshik winks, taking his spot by Taekwoon as the best man.

The song from Jaehwan's mouth switches to something familiar and softer. The woman from the image he's seen once appears before him. Tiffany smiles happily, stringless fingers curling around a bouquet of white roses. Taekwoon smiles weakly, attempting to put on a front for everyone. She steps in front of Taekwoon.

A judge steps forward, smiling at the pair. "Before we begin, if there is anyone who objects to this marriage, step forward now."

"I do!"

Taekwoon looks at the familiar lady, marching down the aisle. Guards rush up to grab her. "He is connected and not to her." Taekwoon blinks, as she kicks and punches at them. Almost all the guards pull her out. Sanghyuk remains by Taekwoon's father, with Hongbin by Taekwoon himself.

"Now then. If there is anyone with a real reason. Step forward," the judge repeats, blinking at the masses. "No? Then, we shall—"

"I object," a weak voice calls out. Familiar red hair is revealed to Taekwoon.

"Come on," the judge groans, blinking at him. Taekwoon stares at him. His legs weaken, and he moves away from Tiffany.

"Hakyeon?" He whispers, stumbling over to him. Hakyeon smiles, walking up to him.

"Hey," he greets, before his cheeks are cupped and lips cover his own. Taekwoon's strength returns, as he moves closer to Hakyeon. He pulls back, watching Hakyeon's face.

"I'm missed you," Taekwoon whispers, pulling him closer. His chin falls onto Hakyeon's shoulder.

"I'm sorry for pushing you into something you weren't ready to say," Hakyeon says, pushing Taekwoon back up. Taekwoon smiles weakly.

"Thank you," he whispers, biting his lips after. "Hakyeon, you mean almost everything to me, and I-I—"

"Just kiss me again," Hakyeon commands. Taekwoon does so willingly. It lasts longer, and they're both panting by the time they pull back. Taekwoon's forehead rests against Hakyeon's red bangs.

A sarcastically slowly clap starts. Taekwoon turns to find his father walking out. Taekwoon's string lays within his fingers. "Cute. Now get on with your wedding Taekwoon."

"Father, why can't you just let Hakyeon and I be together?" Taekwoon cries, staring at him.

"You are my son. You will do as I say. That make take some drastic measures Taekwoon. Ones I don't want to take," his father growls, yanking the pair forward by their strings. The crowds gasp at the display of power. Hakyeon watches Taekwoon, as his face remains passive.

"Guards grab him," Taekwoon's father commands, gesturing at the two remaining. Hongbin and Sanghyuk walk down to the pair, stepping in front of them.

"We can't do that. We'd prefer to help our friends," Sanghyuk speaks, grabbing Hongbin's hand. Hongbin smiles, as they face Takewoon's father.

"What is this?!" He screeches, huffing at them.

"It's called love," Wonshik comments, stepping down with Minah's hand in his. "You should try it sometime."

"I will cut all of your friends' strings, Taekwoon," he growls, as Jaehwan steps down.

"Not possible, some of us are stringless," he comments, smiling at him. Taekwoon's father yanks on Taekwoon's and Hakyeon's string again. The middle frays, as he smirks.

"I can still cut yours Taekwoon. You can't stop me," he speaks, as small parts break off. Taekwoon faces away from his father. He grabs Hakyeon, pulling him close.

"I-I'm sorry," he whispers, as the red string starts to fade. "I'm sorry I couldn't say what I wanted to say before this happened. I'm sorry that I'm stuck like this and could stop it. I'm sorry I could say that I love you, Hakyeon."

Hakyeon smiles, and cups Taekwoon's cheek. "It's not your fault. It's your father's, and that can't be changed. This was the best time for me, and I don't regret anything."

Taekwoon pulls Hakyeon closer, kissing him as their strings continue to fade. Their eyes close, as tears streak down their cheeks. Taekwoon frowns, and rests his hands against Hakyeon's hips.

A scream pulls them out of it. They look to Taekwoon's father, as he drops the string in pain. A burn shows on his palm. A shimmering gold light appears from where he held it, extending up to Taekwoon's and Hakyeon's fingers. The string shortens to its true distance, glowing brighter.

"I don't understand," Hakyeon whispers, as the church doors open. The light fades, as guards run in and to Taekwoon's father.

"Mr. Jung. You're under arrest for malpractice, exploitation, and abusing your abilities as a fate," one states, as Jaehwan walks to the pair.

"Always has a backup plan," he speaks, as Taekwoon watches his father struggle. He turns to Jaehwan, tilting his head. "You know I read something about the abilities of fates. Apparent reconnectors can only fix strings that were already in place."












A/N: This is the last chapter, minus the epilogue. It'll be up tomorrow. I hope you liked this, even with my very bad update timings. I got a poster. All is good for this fic. (-<) <3 ^_^

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LadyUchiha #1
Chapter 2: Man things are going fast
DevilNextToYou #2
Chapter 1: Leo cut his own string?
Chapter 15: Kay I dont understand rhis au at all

But I love your story line, your writing style. .
It so short but nice

Thanks for this beautiful story :))))
Chapter 7: Did she just met him in chapter 3?

What is string? What is knot?
Chapter 3: They can see it ?? 0.o
Chapter 2: Im seriously confused
Chapter 1: Im so confused
I guess I still new with this kind of story

What is string? I mean I know about red string, but they can actually see it?
Is it like the soulmate type where your name is on others hands???
priscila2909 #8
Chapter 15: awwww... the ending is so sweet author-nim...
thanks for an amazing story, good luck for your next story project author-nim..
Muneunim #9
Chapter 15: Awww it's so cute and sweet! So glad everything tured out fine.
Thanks for a great story!