The Graduation

The Red Connection

Taekwoon watches Hakyeon walk across the stage. Blue robes adorn his body. A golden sash is wrapped around his shoulders. He smiles weakly, as he walks to the podium before him. He adjusts the square hat on his head, before exhaling deeply.
"Go Hakyeon!" Wonshik yells from the guest seating. Minah pulls him down by his arm, apologizing to the people around them. Hakyeon laughs, before starting.
"Hi. I don't know how I got to be valedictorian. I just did my homework, and listened to the teachers some of the time." The class laughs, before letting Hakyeon's continue. "School has taught my to survive. Not much more than that. Ignore the glares, the whispers and the bruises. I learned something new this year. I learned love. I learned caring. I learned appreciation.
This was the year the met Taekwoon. My connection. My knot fell away, along with the walls around my heart. It was replaced by a string, and the key to my heart. He's pulled me through more, forcing me to my feet.
These things are supposed to be about our future in school and in life in general. I don't know where we'll go. I don't know what we'll be. I just know that we will all find our purposes, no matter how long it takes."
The class claps. The principal steps forward, smiling at him. Hakyeon smiles back, before walking off the stage. He walks to his seat in the front. He cups his cheeks, and fans them to cool them. He sighs, as the principal gives his own speech. He looks up, the golden tassel dangles in front of his eyes. He smiles wide, as the principal starts calling out names.


Hakyeon sits on the couch in his living room. His friends sit around him, as they watch a movie. Hongbin snuggles into Sanghyuk's side. Wonshik laughs as a zombie jumps out at the screen. Hakyeon whimpers, before hiding in Jaehwan's side. The doorbell rings, and the group startles.
"Wonshik, you go get it," Hakyeon commands, his eyes glued to the screen.
"Fine," Wonshik mutters, standing up. He brushes popcorn off his legs, before walking to the door. He opens it, and smiles. "It's Taekwoon!"
"Come save me, Taekwoon!" Hakyeon yells, watching the screen. Taekwoon rolls his eyes, and kicks off shoes. He moves around Sanghyuk and Hongbin on the floor. He moves to the couch, and pulls Hakyeon into his side. Hakyeon looks up at him, smiling brightly.
"Hi," he whispers, curling into Taekwoon's side. "Thanks for coming to my graduation party."
"Is this all?" Taekwoon mutters, weaving his fingers into Hakyeon's hair.
"I don't know that many people, and most of them don't like me," Hakyeon confesses, curling in closer. Taekwoon pecks his forehead, smiling at him.
"I like you," he whispers. Hakyeon pouts up at him.
"Just like?" He asks. Taekwoon bites his lip. He pecks Hakyeon's lips.
"For now," he confesses. Hakyeon frowns.
"I-I'm just saying. I'm not sure with the other word, saying it yet."
"Excuse me!"
Hakyeon moves off Taekwoon's side. He glares up at him. He bumps into Jaehwan. Taekwoon looks down, hiding his face in shame.
"Don't be like this. Please," he begs. Hakyeon screams into his teeth. He stands, and walks to a spare table. He grabs a piece of paper, before marching back.
"I thought we loved each other. We're supposed to. We did so much, and you can't admit that. Tell the planner that my mother and I can't attend the wedding on my birthday," Hakyeon speaks. His voice is low, as he glares at Taekwoon.
"Don't you think you're over reacting?" Taekwoon asks. Hakyeon crumples the paper in hand. He throws it at Taekwoon's head.
"Get out," he demands. Taekwoon takes the paper, before leaving Hakyeon's living room. He walks to the door, and slips on his shoes.
"I'm sorry," he whispers, looking up at him.
"OUT!" Hakyeon screams. Taekwoon drops his head. He leaves the house, before the first of many tears slides down his face.





A/N: I have news~ Good or bad on how you take it. There are three planned chapters left. I hope you can bare with me until the end. I swear that I'm working on this fic, and that I'm trying to get it done soon. Until the next update. (-<) <3 ^_^

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LadyUchiha #1
Chapter 2: Man things are going fast
DevilNextToYou #2
Chapter 1: Leo cut his own string?
Chapter 15: Kay I dont understand rhis au at all

But I love your story line, your writing style. .
It so short but nice

Thanks for this beautiful story :))))
Chapter 7: Did she just met him in chapter 3?

What is string? What is knot?
Chapter 3: They can see it ?? 0.o
Chapter 2: Im seriously confused
Chapter 1: Im so confused
I guess I still new with this kind of story

What is string? I mean I know about red string, but they can actually see it?
Is it like the soulmate type where your name is on others hands???
priscila2909 #8
Chapter 15: awwww... the ending is so sweet author-nim...
thanks for an amazing story, good luck for your next story project author-nim..
Muneunim #9
Chapter 15: Awww it's so cute and sweet! So glad everything tured out fine.
Thanks for a great story!