The Date

The Red Connection

Taekwoon paces his room. His father still refuses to let him be with Hakyeon.
"You'll go crazy if you keep doing that," his sister states, entering his room.
"It's much more calming than you'd believe," Taekwoon replies, looking at her.
"Just go to your connection," she suggests, and he laughs.
"Father won't allow me to see him," Taekwoon speaks, continuing to pace.
"What he doesn't know won't hurt him," his sister replies, grabbing his hand. She tugs him along by his hand and blue sweater. "You are going to go shopping with your sister."
"What?" Taekwoon questions, as they run outside. They slip into a car. Taekwoon leans against the window. He sighs, and looks over at her. She smiles, and grabs his hand.
"Smile," she commands, as the car stops. She leads him out, and to a coffee shop.
"What happened to shopping?" Taekwoon asks. She giggles, and pulls him in. They walk up to the counter, and she rings the bell.
"Just a moment!"
Taekwoon turns to her. She smiles, knowingly at him.
"I shall be shopping. Have fun," she speaks, running out of the shop. Taekwoon turns to the front, as Hakyeon walks out.
"Oh, hi." A smile covers Hakyeon's face. He leans onto the counter, and cups his cheeks.
"Hey," Taekwoon speaks, looking up at the menu. "A caramel latte please."
"Sure," Hakyeon confirms, pushing back. Taekwoon moves to a table, after placing money on the counter. He sits in a corner booth, and watches Hakyeon work. He smiles, as he flicks his hair back. He looks up, to find Hakyeon standing before him. He sets down the drink, before sitting with him.
"My father doesn't wish for me to see you. My sister managed to get me here," Taekwoon speaks, looking over at him.
"We'll find a way," Hakyeon whispers, grabbing his hand. He moves up, and kisses his nose. Taekwoon sips the latte. Warmth seeps into his body.
"It's good," he speaks. Hakyeon smiles widely.
"Good. I get off in an hour. Wait for me?" He asks, playing with his hair.
"Of course," Taekwoon agrees, smiling up at him.


Hakyeon fixes his shirt over his pants. He smiles at Taekwoon, before his hand is grabbed. "Where do you want to go?" Taekwoon asks, as they walk around.
"I don't know. Can we just do this?" Hakyeon asks, looking up at him.
"Yeah," Taekwoon confirms, pulling Hakyeon close for a minute. He pecks his lips, before continuing along. Hakyeon blushes, continuing along with Taekwoon. They reach a small store. Taekwoon tugs Hakyeon inside, smiling weakly at him.


Hakyeon plays with the small bracelet around his wrist. A single red gem sits in a golden band. A matching one rests around Taekwoon's wrist. They sit in the cafe, drinking iced coffee.
"One day," Taekwoon whispers, sipping his drink after.
"Pardon?" Hakyeon asks, looking up at him. Confusion lays over his face.
"One day. You'll have a bracelet with real gold, with rubies all around it," Taekwoon explains, smiling at him.
"You don't have to—"
"I want to."
Hakyeon smiles weakly. He sips his drink, and rubs the bracelet. He releases a sad sigh, and looks back up at him.
"Taekwoon! We need to go!"
"My sister," Taekwoon whispers, slipping out of the booth. Hakyeon follows after.
"I take it you have to go now," he speaks, shifting his body.
"Yeah. I'll see you at school. This was nice," Taekwoon confirms, smiling at him. He grabs Hakyeon's hands, and tugs him closer. He kisses Hakyeon for a time, before pulling back. He admires Hakyeon's closed eyes and flushed face. He grabs his coffee, and pecks Hakyeon's lips again. He runs out as his own blush arises on his cheeks.

















A/N: So, it has been a while. I'm sorry. Other aus have taken over my life. I can't say when I'll get out another chapter. I can only hope it'll be soon. I'm sorry again. (-<) <3 ^_^

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LadyUchiha #1
Chapter 2: Man things are going fast
DevilNextToYou #2
Chapter 1: Leo cut his own string?
Chapter 15: Kay I dont understand rhis au at all

But I love your story line, your writing style. .
It so short but nice

Thanks for this beautiful story :))))
Chapter 7: Did she just met him in chapter 3?

What is string? What is knot?
Chapter 3: They can see it ?? 0.o
Chapter 2: Im seriously confused
Chapter 1: Im so confused
I guess I still new with this kind of story

What is string? I mean I know about red string, but they can actually see it?
Is it like the soulmate type where your name is on others hands???
priscila2909 #8
Chapter 15: awwww... the ending is so sweet author-nim...
thanks for an amazing story, good luck for your next story project author-nim..
Muneunim #9
Chapter 15: Awww it's so cute and sweet! So glad everything tured out fine.
Thanks for a great story!