And times fly, almost unnoticeable

Books and Beats

Dongwoon was sitting on the swing on the terrace, overlooking whole Seoul and tapping with a finger the metal can of beer. Suddenly he heard a knock on the glass and he looked at the door to the living room, seeing one of his best friends there, smiling sadly at him.

“Don’t drink beer so late. You will be puffy tomorrow.” Doojoon nagged the boy and moved to sit next to him.

“I only got a few sips.” The younger answered, giving the beer to Doojoon.

“You have to look good tomorrow, so even a few sips can be bad.”

“I can’t believe it has been 2 years.” Smiled Dongwoon to no one and continued gazing at the city.

“Yea… I never thought we would be like this now.” Answered the older, lashing a hand around his maknae’s shoulders. “Oh, Junnie called.” At the mention of the name the younger boy grunted. “He said we should get together tomorrow or the day after to celebrate.”

“Nothing else?” asked Dongwoon, snuggling a little into his hyung.


“Oh, thank god…”

“Oh, actually he said he finished the title song.” Smiled Doojoon widely and earned a hit from Dongwoon.

“I hate you! Give me some rest, you’re my manager!” whined the now black haired boy and ruffled his own hair.

“And you’re an idol. Think some about your fans.”

“My fans will be happier if I don’t have craters under my eyes.”

“You should be happy Jun wrote the song. One more and it will be recording and then it will be rest.”

“Really comforting. And actually it will be recording, dance practices, MV shooting, and maximum of two days rest.”

“Don’t regret it now. Three years ago we were sitting like this in my apartment, looking at the town, not with a view like this, but still; and you told me you will quit school and pursue your dream of being an idol.”

“I don’t want to remember that day.” Said the boy bitterly and leaned forward.

“But it finally pushed you to do something about your dream, so at least be grateful to him for this.”

“Haven’t your boyfriend called by now? It’s almost 12AM.” Changing the topic always made Doojoon give up on the topic… or at least recently.

“They’re having a two-day-get-together.” Said the older one annoyed. “Every ing two months.”

“Aren’t you used to it?”

“No, not this time, and besides it follows 2 days of explaining what they did.” grunted the boy and drank from the beer in his hands. “Aren’t you going to ask? Woonnie, it’s been 3 years now…”

“I don’t want to know if he’s fine, or with a boyfriend, or with a girlfriend, or if he’s miserable, or if he regrets it… I just don’t want to. I know I’m stubborn, but every time I think of that night I want to cry…”

“You can at least tell me… You loved him, right?” Dongwoon turned to Doojoon and smiled taping the older’s knee and getting up.

“I’m going to sleep. You can stay here, it’s late anyway.” Doojoon only sighed and waved Dongwoon away. He always changed the topic when it was regarding him. He should really give up on asking.

The singer got in his room and closed the door. He looked around the wide spacious room with a double bed and two nightstands on either side of it, one wardrobe a mirror, a working desk and a chair: quite simple, yet elegant. He sat on the bed and reached for the drawer on the nightstand to open it, pulling a little wooden box. He opened the box and took out a photo, smiling at it sadly.

“I still do, and I hate myself for that.” whispered the black haired one and covered his mouth with his hand closing his eyes, trying to perish the memories of the harsh words he heard that night. They always hunted him, maybe will do forever. Sad thing was that he didn’t want to know if they were truth or not… both ways he would be the complete idiot. If they were truth – he would be the idiot who still loved him, even if he played with him. He loved both sides of the boy, knowing the two are one made him happy, yet he felt really hurt… if the words were not truth then he would be the idiot who gave up on his love, because he believed those words and wanted to run away from him. So he choose to stay there, 3 years ago, the night it was confirmed that Gi Kwang and AJ are one and the same, but before the other’s speech - where he loved the both guys in two different, yet similar ways and where those two ways merged in one.

The singer wiped his eyes, got the pictures back on the box and lied in his bed, closing his eyes and falling asleep. God, please don’t let his eyes be puffy tomorrow or Doojoon would kill him.





Gi Kwang was in the dance studio, explaining the new steps to the boys and girls behind him. He would do 4 to 5 steps and wait for his students to repeat them and if they did it wrong he explained again, if they did it right, he would make them repeat the steps another 5 to 6 times while he walked along the mirror wall and watched them carefully. It made him happy teaching people to dance and it made him even happier when they got the steps right, especially when he made them harder than before. After he made his students do the whole routine again, along with the music, and after they did it twice (since 2 kids messed up a little the first time) he smiled widely and clapped his hands dismissing them.

When two girls went to him, he wished all of his students just dashed out hearing the words “We’ll see again next week.” Sometimes he really just wanted some rest and a little time for him to dance on his own, before going home. This way it won’t happen, since in 10 minutes he has to leave the studio for the next teacher and his group and go home to meet Yoseob and Hyunseung for their 2-day-get-together.

“Oppa, today’s steps were hard.” Whined one of the girls, while the other nodded and pouted. Of course Gi Kwang smiled, even if he felt like plopping down and sleeping.

“But you’re getting better.” At that both girls high-fived each other and cheered and the black haired one only chuckled. “Aren’t you tired? Won’t you go home?”

“Ah, we wanted to ask if maybe oppa can teach us one of Dongwoon’s dances?” said one of the girls and looked at her friend who bit her lip.

“We really like his dances, so we wondered if you could teach us?” asked the other one with puppy eyes. Gi Kwang scratched his head a little nervously; he looked down for a while before he brought his head up a little.

“I will think about it and will tell ya later.” The girls smiled and gave Gi Kwang a peck before saying their thanks and goodbyes to him and dashing away. He laughed and turned around to gather his things, then he felt someone lash his hands around his waist. The black haired one turned around and smiled at the bulled up boy and his smirk.

“Hey, hyung. What’s up?” he said and the boy released him from his hug.

“Everyone else blushes seeing my y stare, why you don’t?” the guy asked crossing his arms.

“Because I know that David Kim and Daniel Chae are an item.” He smiled and tapped his friend’s shoulder.

“Everyone else does too.”

“Then I have no idea.” Laughed the dancer and put his backpack on his shoulder, fixing his hair in the mirror.

“I always wanted to ask you – do you have someone you love?” at the question Gi Kwang froze. He looked at his friend seriously and blinked waiting for the other to say he was joking or trying to . When nothing came Gi Kwang turned again to the mirror, playing with his hair, a stern expression on his face.

“We’re almost all day together. Did you saw someone that could have caught my interest?”


“Then, why ask?”

“What’s so bad with liking or loving someone? Even if someone has interest in you, you turn all cold and nasty on them. I thought you had someone on your mind, that’s why you would act like this and I asked.”

“Not everyone is into love like you or Yoseobbie or Seunggie or your other halfs.” Smiled the boy and headed to the door. “We’re having a two-day-get-together so we’ll see after 3 days.” Smiled the black haired dancer. “Say hi to Daniel for me.”

“Aye, aye. Go to your friends and leave me to do my work.” Saying that Day Day’s students entered the dance studio and the other teacher smiled waving a goodbye and heading home…

When he was outside the building Gi Kwang looked up and smiled bitterly at the sky. “I don’t deserve love, that’s why I don’t love… or at least not someone who will return my feelings.”

He walked along the street after that, stopping in front of a poster on it and looking longingly at the picture. “I had no idea you wanted to sing…” murmured the boy and drifted to his memories.

It has been 3 years by now…


Gi Kwang went to school as usual. His glasses, his shirt, his knitted vest, his a little too baggy pants… he was the same he was everyday, yet he was different. He had gloom expression on his face. He felt guilty, how would he face Dongwoon now? What if the other punched him and got in trouble? He sighed and entered the classroom, Yoseob smiling at him and waving. He went to his seat and soon his blond friend joined him, sitting on his desk.

“He’s not here still, chill out.”

“He won’t be less mad after 3 days.”

“Nothing bad will happen.” Assured him Yoseob and patted his back.

Soon after the teacher entered and started the roll call… leaving Dongwoon’s name not called. The black haired one looked surprised and voiced out that she left him only to receive the answer he never thought of hearing.

“Son Dongwoon quit school. He won’t be coming anymore.” At the heard a lot of students felt relieved, but not Gi Kwang. He stood abruptly and left the room going to Doojoon’s and Junhyung’s and dragging the older one out.

“Where’s Dongwoon?” he asked and met Doojoon’s stern and angry eyes.

“What do you care?”

“I… I don’t want him leaving school, because of what I did.” Answered the dancer acquiring a stern expression.

“Don’t worry. He left to follow his dream. That’s thanks to you I guess, so thank you. He isn’t scared of doing it now… Though I guess he doesn’t really care at the moment.”


The next day Gi Kwang was no longer the geek Gi Kwang. He no longer wore his glasses, sig baggy jeans, his knitted vests or his black hair. Instead he wore eyeliner, skinnies and shirts with deep V-necks. He even revealed his face on his YouTube channel and after he graduated he got a few proposals, one to be a teacher at a dance school, and he accepted. Well he got proposals to do the choreography for some idols from time to time and he was fine with that. At the dance school he met David, or Day Day as his nick name was, and later when Yoseob visited him he learned that Day Day’s boyfriend and Yoseob were childhood friends who lost touch after middle school.

As for Dongwoon… he didn’t have to ask Yoseob or Hyunseung how Dongwoon was doing. The boy was all over the news. He debuted a year after he left school and since his debut he was a hot topic. The 100% Korean hotty with western features and deep, stunning voice. The same guy he broke the heart of.

Was he sorry he left him? Not one bit. He was happier now; Dongwoon was something he would’ve never been with Gi Kwang, so no - he doesn’t regret leaving him. He even thinks that his decision was just right.




First I'm going to explain the new poster. I think once I said I write my stories as prequel and sequel combined sometimes and I don't separate them. So you can count from this point on as the sequel that as you can see on the poster I named "Steps and Notes". It just came to me that it should be named like this. So if you want to think of what I will post on as a sequel - you have a name for it =) But I'm keeping the "Books and Beats" as a whole, since for me it's a whole story.

This piece of chapter is my worst idea ever... But I really can't rewrite it, since all I have planned until now will go to hell and I have to start thinking again, and I will take ages to figure it out and there's this one chapter that I wrote that I totally love and I'm proud of.... But hit me all you want! Complain! Just... rly tell me what you think about this...

Oh, btw - did someone by some chance thought I made a DooWoon couple? XD

Also: Thank you for reading~ ^^ And sorry I can't promise when then next update will be =/

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Chapter 2: I love this fic really~ *cries* ㅠㅠ
b2stboii #2
Chapter 4: I love kiwoon so much! ♡♡♡
b2stboii #3
Chapter 2: Woah! I just saw my name. You're welcome. I love your story. :)
Chapter 21: i just finished this and i love the story
i'm glad that they made up and be a happy couple...
Chapter 2: i really like the sentence "Keyboard gives you courage" kkkk
Chapter 21: uwaa~!!! the ending is so sweet >_<
too much OTP feels ;;;;
Loved it ~!
sakura1213 #7
Chapter 3: no problem!!! I really like reading your stories anyway!! They're rrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllyyyyyy good!!!!
CowSaysMoo #8
I read this while lying down, and everytime I do that I cry for some reason. So I looked for the most sad part and tried my best to do those crying acting methods