Brat Mode



Okay this oneshot is pretty old, but since I've been wanting to update I guess something old is better than nothing lol. I've got a lot of stories in my vault that I still have to finish but I'm trying so hopefully I can update a lot sooner than a year later (sorry about that btw lol)

Not edited but happy reading!



Minzy's P.O.V


I look down at my phone while frowning slightly as I see the caller ID pop up on my phone, before my phone stops buzzing I quickly look up while uttering a quick ‘sorry’ before excusing myself to swiftly move in the direction of the bathroom. I feel the eyes of the people in the cafe on my back all the way to the bathroom until the doors close behind me making me sigh in relief before answering this important call.


“Hello?” I answer softly not wanting anyone to hear my conversation.


“I saw the video and those pictures.” A smooth deep voice says over the phone making my body tingle in warmth, while frowning at the same time as I hear whats being said.


“Huh?” I mumble just to hear a mixture of a growl and sigh on the other end, making my lips want to twitch at the obvious frustration present in his voice.


“Don’t play with me Minji, I’m not in the mood for playing games, why are you at a cafe with those guys?” he growls making me want to laugh at the obvious jealousy in his voice.


“I’m with my professors jagiya, plus your supposed to be busy with all your group promotions so how did you know I was in a cafe with all these ‘guys’?” I ask softly while walking around the small tidy restroom.


“Minji-ah theres too many guys around to be your professor and most of them are all young too!" I hear him clear his throat awkwardly before muttering "Well, we suddenly got a break and because I missed you so much I typed you up in the search bar and found a fan cam of you surrounded by guys while you were at university as well as a couple of photos of you surrounded by guys while siting in a cafe, unknown guys too, with no other females to be seen.” He huffs making my suppressed giggle make its ways past my lips and before I know it I cant stop the on coming giggles.


“Yah! Dont laugh at me jagiya! I’m serious you know!” He huffs making me giggle even more.


Aish, this pabo…



Sehun’s P.O.V


“I know thats why I cant stop laughing, jagiya I need to go, my study groups probably wondering where I am around now, talk to you soon.” Minji says before she hangs up making me growl at her playfulness.


She should take me seriously, doesn't she realise how beautiful she is? Aish, that girl…


“Whats wrong with him?” A voice asks snapping me out of my silent rant.


Chanyeol looks at D.O and explains “He saw a photo-“


“and video,” I add while he carries on as if I didn't just speak making me roll my eyes heavenward.


“-of Minzy being surrounded by boys while at a cafe and he called her to ask what she's doing around that much guys and she practically laughed at him and hung up.” Chanyeol explains as if its a drama instead of my life as he was jumping up and down in excitement while talking.


D.O looks at me with raised eyebrows before shaking his head and walking away without another word.


“You know Minji would never do anything to hurt you so I don't see why your worrying so much, she loves you so relax man.” Baekhyun says, not even bothering to look up from his phone making me grind my teeth in frustration.


“I trust her, its them I don’t trust.” I say shooting him a glare before looking at my phone and the pictures of her smiling face while talking to those guys.


“Guys leave him alone, he’s just jealous that those guys get to be with her while he’s can't be, he misses her.” Suho says making me slump in defeat as thats exactly what I’m feeling right now. Before I can get even more depressed we’re called back onto the set. Hopefully this takes my mind of those photos…



Minzy’s P.O.V


I groan as I lay on the hard ground of what I like to call my childhood playground. I think back on what I did today and sigh as todays been a long but fun filled day. I had classes at uni then a study group and since I didn't feel tired so I thought I’d practice some more dance moves and I’ve been in here for hours without much rest.


“Minji-ah, this isn't a place where you should be sleeping, come on and get up before you catch a cold.” A voice breaks me out of my dream as my eyes shoot open that I didn't even know I closed. I turn my head to see Dara at the door a look of worry on her face making me smile and get up.


“Unni, why are you here?” I ask as I start to pack up as she waits for me in the same spot.


“I came looking for you since its dinner time and you know how Umma Chae gets when we’re not all at the table when she knows we are all free.” Dara says making me laugh as we walk down the hall towards the kitchen. Its true Chaerin gets really fussy when she knows were all home and we aren't at the table when its eating time.


“Minji-ah! your phones ringing!” Bom unni calls as she sees me, my phone clutched in her hand. I smile in thanks as I answer it.


“Hello?” I answer not looking at who was calling.


“Yah chingu! I need to ask a favour of you! Can you please come quickly to my company?” A voice says over the phone making me frown at the greeting.


“Huh? Why Amber?” I ask as I politely walk away from the table where my members were watching me.


“Theirs a brat here that wont listen to his hyungs and his nonnas. We think that you will be the only one that'll he’ll listen too.” She says in a huff making me frown even more deeply as I take in the information.


“Whats that brat doing thats gotten everyone so worried? Is he okay?” I ask worried as I put my shoes on my feet quickly with one hand while holding my cell phone in the other which is really difficult.


“Apparently he’s come down with the flu and since they just got back not long ago he’s been in the dance studio since he stepped into the building and we cant drag him out or it’ll cause a fight between the members and he wont listen to any of us so your the only option, sorry Minji but it’s pretty serious now.” Amber ends making me want to punch Sehun so badly for not listening to s and worrying to everybody. 


Aish what is that pabo thinking?


“Where are you going Minji?” Chae asks coming to the door with a worried face, while still wearing her apron with Dara and Bom behind her making me grimace.


“Sehun’s sick and he’s making s worry since he wont stop practicing and I need to go over there to slap him over the head.” I say biting my lip as I now start to worry at how bad he may actually be.


Bom nods while Dara disappears off to somewhere while Chae frowns making me worry.


“Minji, you do know that your in your PJs right? Bom get Minji a scarf and beanie please as well as some glasses please, I have some big ones in my room if you need them since we don't need our maknae getting sick also. Minij wait here I’ll put some soup in a cup so that you can drink it in the car,” I watch as the girls run off making my heart swell in pride and happiness. Dara comes back wearing a oversized jumper and beanie making me tilt my head in confusion.


“Well I cant let you take a taxi there and Manager Oppa is busy so I’ll take you and pick you up,” Dara says while putting on her own shoes making me want to cry at my members thoughtfulness.


Bom comes rushing to out of breath making me smile and in her hand is my  XXI beanie and one of dares long scarves and CLs oversized glasses. Chae follow with a container of soup and five minutes later I'm off to see the brat thats making everyone worry.




“OK, remember call me and I’ll pick you up ok?” I nod before hoping out and watching the car drive off. I sigh before meeting Luna inside where she quickly shows me the room. I quietly slip in to see that he’s focused on his movements that he doesn't notice me, making me sigh out in frustration.


“Yah! Oh Sehun! You better stop right now or else I’ll drag you to your dorm!” I shout making him stop suddenly to spin towards my direction. I put the things I was holding down to move quickly to his side. As I put my hands on his forehead I wince at how hot he was. I glare at him making him give me the puppy eyes in defeat.


I shake my head in annoyance “You know this isn't a good time for you to be getting sick yet you go and practice like you aren’t running a fever, yah you pabo so you want to make your members and I worry so much? You should look after yourself Oh Sehun and not make everyone worry, do you know how much I worry about you? How I think about you everyday? I worry if your eating well or doing your best or if your being a brat to your hyungs not matter how many times I tell you to be good…” I stop my rant as I feel his head rest on my shoulder.


“Minji-ah, I missed you…” I hear before I see the door open with Chanyeol and DO coming in, I wave them over as I know Sehun’s getting weaker by the minute.


“Oppas, please help me take this pabo to his room,” I say feeling his weight start to press down on me, uncomfortably so. Chanyeol and D.O run towards me just as I’m about to fall because Sehun’s weight was getting to much for me to hold up on my own.


“Okay, thanks Minji, you were our last hope in making him rest, I hope we aren't burdening you too much…” Chanyeol says as D.O rests Sehun onto of Chanyeols back making Chanyeol huff at the extra weight.


“No no no no no, he’ll never be a burden so please don't say that, he may be a pabo and brat most times but he’ll never be a burden in my eyes.” I say blushing as said that all out without thinking.


D.O and Chanyeol look at each other with smiles making me go even more red.


“Ah, Sehun’s so lucky to have a girlfriend like you Minji.” D.O says patting my beanie clad head.


I bow in embarrassment hoping that the floor will open up and eat me.




I look at my phone then at Sehun who’s sleeping in the bed in front of me. I sigh since my unnis have been calling me non-stop as I didn't return home and it’s nearly time for us to be leaving to go to the airport to go to our next destination for our concert in Thailand.


“Jagaiya, please get better soon, I wish I could stay until you wake up but the unnis are going crazy as we leave in a hours time,” I whisper before kissing hi on the forehead before I close his door behind me. I see s in the living room, some watching tv or either doing something on their phones or laptops. I smile once they notice me as some stand and bow.


“Sorry for being an inconvenience to you but I’ll be taking my leave now, please look after Sehun well.” I say while bowing to the members making them protest as I’m their ‘sunbae’.


“We will and thank you for coming,” Suho says making me nod as I walk towards the shoe area.


“Good luck to you and your unnis for your concert tonight Minji!” Chanyeol says as I walk towards the door making me giggle and bow once again.


“Thank you oppa.” I say before closing the door behind me.



Sehun’s P.O.V.


I look around groggily as the door opens to reveal Lay who was bringing in a bowl.


“Your awake! That’s good, Minji will like to hear that your getting better.” Lay says putting the bowel on the nightstand where the smell goes my nose making my empty stomach growl in hunger.


“Minji?” I croak as I get up, finding that I have no strength to get up by myself which prompts Lay to help.


“Yup, she was here from 6 last night till maybe an hour ago? Her unnis were calling and harassing Minji, Kris and Suho as they worried she would miss her flight out to their next concert.” He says putting the bowel in front of me so that I could eat.


“You know that you have a good girlfriend right?” Lay says making me nod, leaving him carry on “She stayed by your side the whole night as well as helped D.O cook, she even made you a soup for when you woke up.” He says with a smile I lower my eyes knowing what I was feeling was wrong but I couldn't help it. This has been the third time where I’ve seen pictures of her surrounded by boys that made my blood boil. I even remember when I first heard about someone at her uni giving her a beautiful present that she obviously would love. I nearly went to her school and told everyone that she was mine and mine alone.


“I feel that if anyone should be jealous that she should be jealous of your fans who watch you every time your out in the open, as her's are pretty mellow compared to ours who can be a bit overboard sometimes. You who is surrounded by other groups where she's not, the only interaction she has with boys is when she's free to go to uni and even then its not proper interactions…and her oppas from the other groups in her company aren't broadcasted to the world. I feel that she has more right to be jealous than you do… do you know I used to like Minji?” I look at him with wide eyes making him chuckle at my expression.


“I don’t like her anymore so don’t look at me like that. Its just that I really admired her. She who is not only strong on the outside but on the inside as well as we know she has been in this industry for a long time, from her training period to now, which must have been hard as there are many people who do say mean things about her no matter how beautiful she is inside and out. I told her once and she was so nice to me when she said that she was already going out with you. I accepted it and now I see her as a little sister and idol who I look up too and I’m not afraid to say that I’m a Minja fanboy.” Lay says with a cheeky smile. Before I can say anything he ruffles my hair before getting up and moving to the door. “Don’t waste your breath, get better and call your girlfriend knowing how she is, she’s probably really worried.”




A Month later...


“Sehun….have you seen Minzy lately?” A voice asks making me look up in a daze. I shake my head as I look up at Chanyeol who was looking down at something with a wide smile on his face.


Because of how busy we are right now, we haven't been able to meet up with each other like we would every few weeks when we were both free. We text and talk to each other on the phone practically everday but we still have yet to meet up which .


“Well you might want to because she’s getting quite a lot of attention…” He says making everyone else turn their attention too Chanyeol. Kai goes to stand behind Chanyeol to see what he's looking at, I see his eyes go incredibly wide making my heart beat accelerate in worry over whats wrong. I quickly get up to see what he’s looking at and when I do I don't know whether to drool or call her immediately as I look at a photo of her and her beautiful long red hair.


Wow, she’s even more beautiful with long hair.


I look at the article which shows that this is from the YG family concert.


“Wow, Minzy and long hair go really well together...” Suho says making my other members nod along with his comment.


“Yah! There's a video of her twerking!” Kai exclaims making me snap my head in his direction so fast you could hear a crack in the suddenly quite room.


Everyone who wasn’t surrounding the laptop now is wanting to look at the video making me angry at my members watching and ing on my girlfriend who they all know and talk too everytime she comes over. I try not to slam the laptop closed as they whistle at Minzy shaking her as the eromaknae side of her is unleashed. Once I see the reactions of those who are supposed to be her ‘oppas’ and fellow label mates I grab my phone with the intention of calling her to tell her to cover up, yet before I can do anything I hear a knock on the door which I growl at since I’ll be the one getting it as the others are to focused on the fan cams of YG’s Family Concert. As I open the door I growl even more as the person that I was just going to call was standing in front of me, her face going from happy to her ‘oh ’ in an instant.


Yup your busted.


We stare at each other silently for a few minutes, her trying to smile while I glower at her before she breaks the awkward silence.


“I guess you saw the fan cams…” She says as she scratches her ear nervously.


“Oh yes I saw the fan cams, what did I tell you about getting too close to those Winner and Ikon boys?” I growl as I move away from the door to go towards my room knowing that she’d follow me.


I pass the boys who watch silently as I storm past them amused. Thankfully they’ve stopped watching those bloody fan cams or else I would have broken that laptop.


“Your cute when your jealous.” Minji says once I hear her little feet move to follow me. I also hear her greet the others which make me turn around so that I can grab her arm so that she doesn't stop to talk to them.


“Yah Sehun don’t be rude, I was greeting them!” Minji says while I drag her away from the boys who were silently laughing at me.


Just wait, I’ll give them something to laugh at! I think as I slam the door closed.


Minji flings her hand from me, annoyed now “Just because your jealous it doesn't mean that you should be rude." she says as she crosses her arms across her chest.


"I don’t want you talking to them anymore since they're erts!" I huff in annoyance at my so called members ing on my girlfriend…


Minji stares at me for a second wondering if she was actually hearing me correctly, which she was before rolling her eyes at my declaration. I watch her silently and slightly confused as she turns around to open the door before closing it behind her, leaving me standing in the room by myself.


I don’t know how long I stand their staring at the door in confusion and slight panic since I didn’t know if she was coming back.


I don’t think I heard the front door close so she must still be in the dorm… I continue to stand there for a few more minutes before going to look for her when I start to realise that she wasn’t going to come back on her own.


I stalk past the living room and into the kitchen to see that my members we’re on the table with my girlfriend eating dinner and laughing amongst each other like I wasn’t there.


“Sehun if your finished with your tantrum, come and sit down and eat.” D.O. says once he spots me standing in the entry way. I stay standing for a few seconds before stalking my way to the empty seat that was next to Minji.


I start eating silently and grumpily, annoyed that Minji hadn't even looked at me once since I entered the room. For the rest of the meal I just sit there quietly while the rest of the members laugh and joke with my girlfriend.



Minji’s P.O.V.


I watch from the corner of my eye as Sehun silently eats his food with a pout on his lips.


Aissh that boy can be so annoying but cute sometimes!


As s finish their food one by one, I just sit at the table, as they wash and put their dishes away before leaving the room so that the only people left inside the kitchen was just Sehun and I.


After a few minutes of sitting on the table in silence I get up to wash my plate ignoring the pouting boy next to me.


I’m so focused on washing my bowl that I don't notice Sehun come up behind me until his arms are securely wrapped around my waist and his head buried in the spot between my neck and shoulder so that his hair was tickling my collar bones softly. I ignore him as I continue to wash everything that I used, knowing that he would break the silence first which he does a few seconds later.


“Minnie.” Sehun softly mutters trying to get my attention which I ignore.


“Minnie…” He whines this time softly which I ignore once again as I finish cleaning up.


But my gosh I’ve missed just being in his arms…


“I’m sorry.” I hear him mutter softy, which makes me sigh and sag so that my body was now moulding itself to his solid one.


I turn around in his hold so that I can look at him properly. He still has a pout on his face but that's Oh Sehun for you.


“I didn’t come all this way here to give you the silent treatment, I was hoping to surprise you but you went automatically into brat mode.” I mutter as I pinch him in the side which he just smiles at. “As much as I like your members,” this time he pinches me while shooting a small glare which I roll my eyes at but continue on “I’d rather spend my time with you than with them but the next time you go into brat mode, instead of going to eat or sit with your members, I’ll be walking out that door and going to meet up with someone who isn’t going to turn into a brat.” I warn knowing that next time will definitely happen again since again, this is Oh Sehun that we are talking about…


“Since we both know that their definitely will be a next time I guess I’ll have to just run after you so that you don't go anywhere.” He says with a grin on his handsome face.


I roll my eyes at the guy who I willingly call my boyfriend "Like I said, your cute when your jealous but when your a brat? Yeah, different story." I say before burying my face into his chest.



I just wanted to finish this and post it so if it seems rushed and all over the place that is why :) I take request (which may take a while but bare with me please) I also didnt know how to finish it so if it seems like its an abrupt ending then yeah sorry but I'll try and do better next time! Until I update, see you later!




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I currently have exams on atm but I'm still writing just trying to finish up a oneshot. Sorry for waiting


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Chapter 11: Omg, I remember those photos and video of Minzy in uni and those iconic fancams from 2014! Can never get enough of them so I loved this what-if kaiminzy story about it. I like the cute portrayal of their relationship and how close Minzy was to EXO. Minzy is gf-material <3 2NE1 doting on her because they didn't want her to be sick was just as adorable. It might be an old draft but thanks for posting it. I loved reading it! Felt nostalgic of those good old kaiminzy days </3
Linnot #2
Chapter 10: Whooaaahh who is this guy make minji smile, welcome back authornim
animefreak858 #3
Chapter 3: Can you do one with Got7 and Minzy please!! I love you work and I love Minzy as well. Thank you so much.
annethundr05 #4
Chapter 9: This was so cute!!! I should say poor Sehun but I'm laughing w/Minzy. I'm all for any storyline feat. Winner. Also I love Bobby so maybe you could do something involving him. Thank you so much.
Linnot #5
Chapter 9: Thank you for your update authornim, big luv fir you
Aera21 #6
Chapter 7: i was wondering why tf did i just find out bout your fics just now:(((
Aera21 #7
Chapter 7: this is midnight and am crying over your fic rn:(( that was so angsty:(( i really like minzyxmino :(( pls make continue this oneshot(s)!! id like to see more minzyxwinner ff, minzyxtaehyun next pls?? or minzyxyoon or just minzyxwinner lol i basically like her interactions with winner sfm! thank you!
Rocker_Honey #8
Love your stories <3 could you do one with winner's sengyoon? And jinwoo? ... Than you. I have subscribed and updated :3
Satenik #9
Chapter 7: woahhh :DDDDD
i love all your stories
Chapter 7: it's good. you described it well. I could feel the confused and pain. gopd job