Chapter 9

The Perceptions of Beauty

... (indicates change in POV) 

Once Chaehyun closed the door in front os Suho's face, he punched the door angrily. "God damn it!" He let out frustratedly. 

"Suho." A voice called from behind.

Suho turned around to face Sehun who carried an emotionless expression. 

"What are you doing?" Sehun asked as he crossed his arms in front of him. 

Suho lips curved up sideways and chuckled, "You confuse me, Sehun." 

Sehun leaned against the wall and had one let perched up on it. He raised his chin at Suho, almost as if he was challenging Suho, "You as well." 

"What are you doing in front of a plastic's door?" Suho asked with one of his eyebrows curved upward. 

"I could say the same to you," Sehun left the wall and was now face to face with Suho, "it's interesting, that after 2 years you decided to come back into her life, it's .. strange, isn't?" 

Suho shrugged, "People have a change of heart." 

Sehun let out a laugh, "Not you, Suho. You're always the same." Sehun left a pat on his shoulder before heading down the stairs. 

Suho's smug look disappeared from his face as he glared at Sehun's back. 





Eventually I had to return to school, despite my refusal to my mom.

"Come on Chaehyun, you shouldn't miss school too much." My mom said as she walked out of my room. I had already skipped two days of school and skipping any more would affect my grade. But I didn't want to see Chanyeol. I doubt he remembers, but I do. Every minute and I wish I could erase it. 

I rolled my eyes and let out a frustrated groan. I threw my covers off and shuffled to my bathroom. I glanced to my clock and ran immediately to get ready.

I was late. 


I quickly walked to my class even though it been 10 minutes since class started. I had to face the stares of Elysians as I walk in and I was not excited about that. I thought about skipping my first class, but that would just put me more behind. 

I slowly opened the classroom door. I heard the Mr. Wu's voice die done and he head shifted towards me. 

"Ah Chaehyun, glad you could finally make it to class today. Take a seat." He went back to lecturing as I fully entered the classroom. 

I bowed to him before hurrying to my seat and hearing the snickers of my classmates. 

I took my seat and started to get my self situated with my supplies. 

Sehun turned around with a smirk on his face, "Finally decided to show up?" 

Unfortunately, I had a seat right behind Sehun for this class. I gave him a blank look before turning my attention to the lecture. My eyes scanned the classroom until they landed on a certain tall scruffy haired boy. I felt my hands tense as images from the party flashed quickly through my mind. I felt my heart rate accelerate and breathes became short and stammered. I soon felt tears roll down my cheek.


I couldn't get them out. I started remembered the feeling. All the images and sensation coming back to me all at once. 


I looked at the owner of the voice, it was Mr. Wu, "Chaehyun, are you alright?" 

I blinked at him with teary eyes, "I-I-I-"

My eyes shifted around the room, all eyes on me. I couldn't calm down. It made my breathe more hitched. "I need to leave." I stood up from my seat and ran out of the classroom. I ran towards the nearest exit and felt the fresh air hit me. 

I closed my eyes as I felt the air around me enclose on me. I slid down the wall and covered my face with my hands. I continued to sob. 

I sobbed uncontrollably that I did not noticed someone sit beside me. 

It was when once I had calmed down I noticed someone seated next to me. "You done?" 

I flinched at the voice. I turned my head to be greeted by Sehun. 

"Mr. Wu asked someone to make sure you were alright, no one volunteered so, he told me to go." 

"You can go back now." 

Sehun laughed, "It's better sitting out here than to sit in class." 

I started to get up until I felt a force pull on my wrist. I froze. The force. It was coming back again. I softly whispered, "Not today Sehun, please." 

I could feel Sehun's stare but he still would not let go. 

"Just not today." I softly choked out. His grip loosened and I took the opportunity to slip out his grasp. I started walking away. 

"Who did it?" I heard his voice call out.

I stopped in my tracks. Why would he ask that question? I shook my head and continued walking. 

I heard his footsteps behind me, "Who. Did. It?" His voice was powerful and threatening as ir came up behind me.

I paused, "Why does it-?"

"Suho or Chanyeol?" 

I spun around and looked at his unreadable eyes, "How-?"

"Just answer me." 

"What are going to do? Congratulate him on making me miserable? Go ahead?" I said and turned around again. 

"Answer me!" 

The boom in his voice startled me. I could not turn back around and face him. "It was Chanyeol." I softly answered and continued to walk away. 



Hi GUYS!!! OMG i really missed this place and I really missed writing. I've been meaning to come back and write for the longest time but life has been just a pain very busy. I really want to update on a regular basis but I just can't sometimes due to some circumstances. I hope all of you who still read this story will be patient with me. It might take months are years to finish it but I hope you can all stay with me til the end of the story :') And it goes the same for the Vampire Masters as well. 

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Chapter 20: HI!! I just check the aff after sometime and so glad that u finally updated!!! I cant wait to see the next, am so curious abt sehun
Chapter 20: Congrats girl!!!!! im so happy for you, hope you continue this story and finish it <3 we will wait
manjabe #3
Chapter 20: I am definitely eagerly waiting for an update!
Congratulations on your graduation!
beastjunhyung89 #4
Chapter 20: Thaaank you!! Still waiting for this story. Hope to see more updates. And Congratulations!
Chapter 20: congratulations !
LaquetaSapphire #6
Chapter 20: Thanks for the update! I still love this story too :)
Heyy, in case you're wondering if you should continue the story, wondering if there's anyone still waiting, I am stil waiting hehe :))
Chapter 19: i wonder what sehun's deal is with her?
but im glad to see an update for this fic, cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 12: I feel like the owner of the Oh My Ramen! was Sehun's parents. There might be a possibility that he came from a plastic family but he got chosen as Elysian.