chapter 6

love hurts

(baekhyun’s pov)

I open my eyes when I see someone rub my back slowly. What happen? I look up and I see sehun holding me with one hand rubbing my back. he looks awful with dark circle under his eyes. He didn’t sleep?

“good morning baek.” He smiles sleepily.

“morning. What’s wrong? You have dark circle under your eyes.” I ask. He caress my cheek softly.

“you passed out last night at the door and there’s tears on the corner of your eyes. I was so worry about you. that’s why I didn’t sleep. Wait, I cant sleep actually. What happen?”

He worried about me? no it cant be. He’s my brother. Right. maybe mom want him to take care of me? I laugh nervously.


“nothing. I need to take a shower. Let me go.”

He shakes his head. “no I don’t want to. If you didn’t tell me, I wont let you go.”

I sigh. “if I say it’s none of your business, will you let me go?”

He growl. What the hell?

“it’s my business! You’re my step-brother! Of course I have to know.” I laugh

“really sehun? Well, let me tell you. it’s none of your ing business okay?” I break myself free and I walk towards the bathroom.

But I feel arms around my waist.

“baekhyun please tell me. I want to know. Please.” he put his chin on my shoulder. I shake my head. No. im not weak. Im baekhyun. I can fight this stupid forbidden love.

“no. you didn’t have to know.”

“yes I need to know! Why did you change? Why? You aren’t like this yesterday! I feel you near me but now you seem so far! Why baekhyun why?” he turn me around. I look down, avoid myself from looking into his eyes. I know if I look at his eyes, I will break. I wont be the tough baekhyun anymore.

“baekhyun look at me!” he lift my chin, forcing me to look at him and yes, I break. I cry in front of him. He shock to see my tears. He pulls me into a hug. I try to break free but im just too weak right now. No, baekhyun. Be strong! I shake my head.

“sehun let me go.” My voice is shaking. Oh god.

“no. I wont till you tell me what’s wrong.”

I shake my head. “no please sehun. Let me go.”

He pulls me closer to him. Oh dear. Please.

“tell me baekhyun!” he scream.

“I love you!” I scream back at him. He releases me and I back off. “there! You have it! I have attack because I see you with minah! I cry because I hate myself for loving you!” I stare at him with my teary eyes. He looks at me with confusion. I knew it.

I grab my phone and my bag and storm out of the room then out of the house. I run as far as I can. Then I remember. I didn’t have a place to go. Oh dear. I take my phone out and dial a number. I wait until someone answers the phone.


“yuri.” I break again.

I hug yuri and let myself cry on her shoulder. She pats my head and kiss my forehead.

“are you ready to tell me?” she ask after awhile. I nod and I tell her everything. She listens to me and sometimes kiss my forehead to sooth me. suddenly jongin enter her room.

“baekhyun! Are you okay?” he hugs me and I smile. he feel so warm like yuri.

“yeah im good.” He releases me and look at yuri.

“what if sehun comes here? He will know since we’re his friends.” Yuri shot him a glare.

“if he comes here, im gonna rip his throat and feed it to you.” she growl.

I laugh and I kiss her cheek. “thanks mommy.”

She looks at me and she hugs me. “aww my baby so cute! Then jongin will be your daddy?” I look at jongin.

“okay, I think im gonna take a nap.” Jongin walks away from the room and we laugh. We spend the whole day outside. We go the the mall, watch movies until night come.

I look at the ceiling. I cant go back home now. Hell, I cant go back forever. unless -

I take my phone and call a number. I wait for a bit.

“hello baby.”


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Chapter 12: i hope yul ends up with someone ^^
all four of them have such a funny friendship!
babyul #2
Chapter 11: i have a bad feeling about what will happen to baekkie :(
babyul #3
Chapter 8: oh this is so funny! love this story so much, update soon!
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exoyul <333
carrotmilk #6
Chapter 3: Update soon....
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