chapter 12

love hurts

(sehun’s pov)

I walk into my class and sit on my usual place, at the end of the class, next to the window. I love it here because I can see everything-wait not everything. It’s just bull. I sit here because if im bored with the class, I can make my eyes busy by staring at the outside of the school. Hah im smart aren’t i?

 I turn to the class again and I see that everyone is there in the class except two chairs.

“where is hoya and minah?” the teacher ask. Suddenly something click in my head.

“im gonna make you regret for leaving me.”


I take my phone and text yuri.

Sehun: Yuri! Is baek with ya?

Yuri: Nope. He isn’t in the class. He rushed out from the second class. I try to find him but I cant. why? Is there something wrong with my baby?

Sehun: I think. Minah and hoya aren’t  in the class. Damn it

Yuri: Crap! What’re we gonna do? if I find that im gonna rip and eat it!

Sehun: Okay. we don’t know yet but meet me in front of the library.

Yuri: Okay. I’ll text jongin.

Sehun: Good.

I turn to the teacher and raise my hand.

“yes sehun?”

“im sick. My tummy is grumpy. Can I have an excuse today?”

She stares at me and nod. “yes, im only doing this because you awfully pale. Now go.” I nod and grab my things. I dash out without looking at the teacher. Did I look that pale? Oh dear god. Well acyually my stomach does hurt and that’s because im scared. Please save my baby from any harm. Please.

I run to the library. Damn it. please god save my boyfriend. Please!

After a few second I arrive in front of the library, I hear yuri’s screaming jongin’s name. damn this woman’s so loud!

“so, what’re we gonna do?” yuri ask me the same question that she had asked me before. I look at yuri and to jongin.

“we need to split up. If any of us found anything, just call okay? Don’t hang up.” both of them nod.

“I take the south wing.” Yuri says.

“I take the north wing.”

I nod. “I take west since we’re from east wing and we saw nothing right?”

They both nod and hug me. “I hope sunshine is okay.”  Yuri says and kisses my forehead. I nod. I try to fight back the tears.

“yeah, me too.”

(Baekhyun’s pov)

“hi baekhyun.”

Damn it! why is she here? Oh dear. Is she the one that left me that ing note? Oh god. I grab my phone at my back pocket but I feel someone wraps their arms around me, blocking the freedom of my arms. Damn it! now I cant call sehun.

“what do you want minah?” she laugh.

“I just want you to die. That’s all.”

“why?” I know that’s the stupidest question but I need to make her talk and buy more times. I need yuri to realise that im not in the class and for sehun to realise that minah isn’t in the class. I know he has class with her now. I want to turn around and see the person behind me but I cant. this guy’s ing arms are like crab claw. Claw? Okay, my head isn’t normal anymore.

“you take sehun away from me. that’s why.” She says and looks away. She sounds so calm. What happen to her? “do you know how much I love sehun? Sehun’s the first guy that treated me like im important to him.” She smiles.

I snort. She turns her head to me. “yeah. Everyone treated you like a . Or maybe a toy right?” I smile at her. Her face turns red and if im in a comic world I swear I can see smoke come out from her ears. “oh and guess what? You deserve that.” I laugh. Man im bad.

Minah suddenly launch herself to me and kick my stomach. Man she’s strong. But not as strong as my yuri. I cough.

She smiles again and walks away. “I really love him. I never know a man- like you could change him! You er.” She turns around, still smiling.

Man-? er? Okay sister, you cross the line and game on.

“ er? I think that’s you. YOU ING !” I scream to her. Well, im angry you know.

She looks shock to hear my loud voice. Yeah . Im loud so what? Wanna fight?

She suddenly grins and takes something from her bag. Oh dear please don’t take anything that’s sharp or- hell, just don’t take out anything from that ing bag.

She finds the thing and takes it out. To my bad luck, it’s shiny and sharp. I sigh.

“you play hard eh? Okay, how about I teach you a lesson? With my pocket knife, I’ll make you bleed just like a man-.” She chuckle. Oh god! Crazy woman alert. Okay baekhyun, think. I turn around but I cant see anything that can save me right now. With a crazy woman less than five metres away from me and a ing crab claw-claw? Really?-clamping around me. oh god. I bet she’s gonna stab me until I break up with my sehun which I wont. Wait, what if she want to kill me? oh god no!

“let that thing down minah. It’s sharp and you can injured too ya know?” I try to sound calm but hey, what can a ing pretty boy do? I know I can fight-wait! Yeah I can fight! Oh god I stupid. I swing one of my legs backward, hitting the boy’s groin hard enough that makes him let me go. Nice work baek. I turn around and start to run but someone grab my ankle, making me fall flat on my face.

“! that hurts you .” I feel weight on top of me. damn it, this guy’s heavy like a pig. I wave my arms to smack or hurt him but he grabs my arms and pin it down.

There goes my chance to escape. Sigh.

“get off me you pig!” minah snort and walk to me. she stop at my right side and kneeling down.

“I know it hurts but not as hurt as me. now, let us share the pain yeah? If I cant get sehun, neither do you. Hold him tight hoya.” I want to scream at her but suddenly I feel a cold surface touches my side. A few seconds later, I feel stingy pain on the same spot. I turn and I see a long and bloody line. Damn it!

“minah! Stop it!” she giggle and make another line just below my shoulder but now, it’s deeper. I scream till my lung and my throat hurts. I want to cry because of the pain but I know I cant. if I cry, this mad woman will still not gonna stop.

Suddenly I feel the heavy weight on my back has been lift and I hear a thud. I quickly stand up and walk away from minah. Then I feel arms around me.

“baek, we’re here.”

(sehun’s pov)

I run to the west wing and see nothing. Damn it. where is he? Wait, where are they? ! if minah hurt him, im gonna rip her jaw and give it to anyone who wants it. .

Suddenly I hear a loud thud. Huh? I walk silently to the sound but yeah. It’s gone. I sight but then I hear a voice. I walk to it and I stay at my hiding place. I peek for a moment and I see baekhyun on the ground with hoya on him.

 “get off me you pig!” minah walks to his side and kneeling down.

 “I know it hurts but not as hurt as me. now, let us share the pain yeah? Hold him tight hoya.” Wait. Share the pain? Then I see she put a pocket knife on baekhyun’s side. What the ?

I quickly text yuri and jongin, telling them to come to me. after a few seconds, they arrive, both looking pale.

“we have to save him.” I say and they both nod. Suddenly we hear baekhyun’s scream and I dash toward baekhyun with both of them behind me. I pull hoya off baekhyun and punch him on the face and knee his balls. Hoya didn’t seem to hurt even I did send him a few damage to his face. What the ? suddenly I feel fist connect to my jaw and knee on my stomach. I stumble backwards but someone grab me, avoiding me from falling. I turn around and I see my baby.

I grab his shoulder but I feel something wet contact with my hand. I look and see red liquid. I kiss his forehead. “baby, are you okay?” he nod but I know he isn’t. he’s pale. I think it’s from the blood lost. I hold him

“baby, stay with me.” he nod but he isn’t opening his eyes. . I open my shirt and put pressure on the wound. I look around. Oh god. Save my baby.

My anger rise and I dash to jongin and hoya, who’s keeping exchanging punch. I pull jongin away from hoya and push him towards baekhyun. He nod, understanding me.

I grab hoya’s neck and push his head to the wall, hard. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain on my bare arm. I look at it and I see angry bloody line, similar to baekhyun’s.

I look at hoya as he smile, holding a knife.

“you’re dead.” He launch at me and try to stab me. hoya’s big but im faster than him.

He swing the knife a couple of time before giving me a good punch on my jaw. I stumble backward but get my balance quickly. He swing his knife but i manage to grab him and knee his face.

He stumble backward. He get his balance a few seconds later and launch to me again but jongin reach out his legs, making hoya fall flat on his face and stop moving.

Is he dead?

I carefully move forward toward him and check his pulse. I smile as I found it, even it’s slow. I turn around and run toward baekhyun.

“baby, are you okay?” I cup his cheek. he open his eyes and smile to me. he smiles and reach my hand on his cheek and kiss it.

“thank you. you save me.” I smile and nod to him. “I’d do anything for you baby.” He nods and grin, making my hears swell. He’s beautiful even he’s injured like this. God I love this kid.

Jongin tug my arm and hug me. “thank god man.” I turn around and I see yuri’s stands with her hands on her hips next to minah’s body.

I run to her and hug her before looking at minah. “is she dead?”

She sighs. “I wish but she didn’t. I just broke a few of her ribs, her legs and her arm. She deserves it! I want to take her knife and stab her. Can I sehun?” I stare at her and shake my head. She huffs and look at minah’s body again. I can see there’s a triumph smile on her face.

She has a few ugly bruises on her arms and her jaw, bite marks on her legs, messy hair and torn clothes. She looks over my shoulder and smile at me.

“nice job for that.” She point to hoya.

I shake my head. “nope. That’s jongin’s. I didn’t make him fell like that. A few bruises yes maybe.” She smile and hug me again.

“thank god it’s over.” I nod. I turn around and walk to baekhyun.

He reach my injured arms, making me wince.

“sorry baby you have to have this.” He say and I smile to him, kissing him gently. “it’s okay. I said it already right?” he nod.

“but you look awful.”

I look at myself. Yeah. bloody line on my upper arm, torn clothes and I think and ugly bruises on my jaw. Suddenly I hear sirens and footsteps running toward us. A man stands on the front row of the cops. Yuri smiles and run towards him. I raise an eyebrow to jongin and he smile.

“that’s my uncle, siwon. I think yuri called him when we’re on our way here.” Me and baekhyun nod.

“so, you guys alright? Anyone injured?” siwon ask and jongin give him his duh look. Siwon laugh.

“okay kids, go to the paramedics down there and we finish this both. Okay?” we nod again and walk from that place. I quickly pull baekhyun up and wrap my arms around his waist. He looks up at me and smile before kiss my lips.

“baby, thank you for saving me. I thought Im gonna die. Well, maybe.” I nod and kiss his forehead.

“I love you baby and I will do everything to keep you by my side.” He nod and turn to yuri and jongin, behind us. He stops and hugs them.

“thanks to you too. im happy to have friends like you guys.”

Yuri grin and kiss his forehead. “aww sunshine. Don’t sweat it. we’re your friends and like sehun, we’ll do everything to keep you beside us.” Jongin nod and rub his hand on baekhyun’s back.

I yank baekhyun from them and pull him close to me.

“boyfriends moment.” i state making yuri rolls her eyes and jongin grin.

“you jealous bunny! He’s my cub-“

“and he’s my boyfriend plus my step-brother. Im higher than you yuri.” i cut her off and she walks away, stomping her feet. Jongin let a loud laugh.

“okay guys, im giving you free time. Quick okay? Baekhyun’s injured and he needs treatment. Wait how about you talk while walking. Heh? nice?” I roll my eyes but nod at him. Jongin smile and walks to the paramedics where yuri scold one of them for touching her hair. I laugh quietly.

“baekhyun, I love you.” I turn my head to him and kiss him.

“I love you too baby.” He smile and give me a tight hug.


i chuckle and loosen his death grip. i smile and kiss his eyes.

“im just too happy that minah got what she deserve and all this drama is over. I just want to spend my day with you and not letting you away from me.” I say and baekhyun chuckle.

“yeah me too baby. Now take me to the ing paramedics so that my wound can be healed.” i nod but then i grin.

“oh I can heal it with my tongue.” i whispers to his ears, making me shiver. baekhyun smack my hands and walks to the paramedics. He opens his shirt and let the paramedic examine his injury. I walk to him and stop in front of him. He kisses my injured arm before kissing my bare chest. He suddenly stops when someone come running to us.

“baekhyun baby! Oh my god are you okay? Did you hurt? Where? Where is that who hurt both of my boys? If I see her imma shove hot spatula to her so that-“

“mom! Stop it! oh god.” baekhyun cut her and roll his eyes. Dad besides her sigh .

“thank god you alright sehun, baekhyun. Your mom almost turning old a few seconds after she heard about you guys and force me to break tons of law to come here.” Dad chuckle and earns smacks behind his head.

“oh god you guys making me look old then my age. God why did all man in my life have to be an ?” she sigh.

“im not.” i say and earns kiss from mom. “you’re half . I think jongin’s the one who’s quarter .” We turn around and look at jongin, who’s screaming in pain and kick one of the paramedics and screaming some curses to him. Poor guy.

“yeah mom, quarter my .” Baekhyun blurt and cover his face after mom glare at him. I laugh and dad come hugging me.

Im glad this is over.

a/n: this is not the end of the story! :33

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Chapter 12: i hope yul ends up with someone ^^
all four of them have such a funny friendship!
babyul #2
Chapter 11: i have a bad feeling about what will happen to baekkie :(
babyul #3
Chapter 8: oh this is so funny! love this story so much, update soon!
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carrotmilk #6
Chapter 3: Update soon....
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