chapter 3

love hurts

(baekhyun’s pov)

I hear an annoying alarm clock at my right. okay this is making me angry. Im gonna kill that clock and cut it into pieces. I reach out but I didn’t find anything. Where the hell is that clock? I know I put it on the night stand. Then I feel like my bed is shaking. Now what?

“mom, stop shaking the ing bed! 5 more minutes. Promise.” I hear someone chuckle at my ear. Wait. I swear that I’ve heard that somewhere, but what? Wait, who? I trace my fingers on my bed. Why isn’t it fluffy? I mean my bed is like was made by skin. Skin?! I open my eyes and look at my ‘bed’ when I see a face. then all the memory come back to me. California, step-dad and sehun? I look again at the smiling face.

“morning baek.” I try to focus both my brain and my mind on him. Damn it. Stupid brain. When I think my eyes can focus on image again, I look at that face. yep, it’s sehun and im on top of him. Oh dear.

“morning.” I try to stay calm. Yeah I try but dear god didn’t let me so I sound like . I look around. “so, did we stay like this since yesterday?” he nods. Okay, not good. I rub the back of my neck.

“im sorry. I didn’t mean it. I have this habit to hug anything around me. or maybe climb on them.” I blush when I admit it. Sheesh. Nice baek, nice. He looks at me and smile. I move away from him and sit on the side of the bed. Im still blushing. Oh my dear god. Please don’t make me like this. Im not prepare to get out from my closet yet. Sob. Yes, im a closet gay. Huh.

I step out of the bed and take my clothes which are already in the wardrobe before I jump into the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth. After done it, I brush my hair. Well, I don’t need to worry about that because, just say that I don’t give a damn on my hair. I get out of the bathroom and found that sehun is facing his back to me half . And oh dear, his skin is just so perfect, he’s lean body and his muscle oh my god and im there holding back the urge to go and his body. Damn it. I guess he didn’t even notice im done so I awkwardly clearing my throat. He looks at me and smile and walk to me.

“mom had prepared us breakfast. Go down first, I’ll join you later.” He says to me and I shiver. Damn it.

I take my stuff and dash to the kitchen to find my mom and dad sitting around the dining table, eating breakfast. My mom looks at me and smile.

“morning sweetheart. How was your sleep?” I smile at her and kiss her forehead, and sit down in front her.

“morning mom, dad. Yeah. I slept like a sleeping beauty. Heh” I smile at her and eat her pancake. Damn this thing is so good.

Dad looks at me. “where’s sehun?” I stare at the stairs. “he’s in the bathroom. Getting ready.” He nods and continues to eat. After a few minutes, we hear the bedroom door is closed and someone walking down the stairs. Sehun walks to us and sit next to me.

“morning mom, dad. Hi baek.” He smiles sheepishly to me. mom and dad smile at him.

“okay, hurry up and eat your breakfast. Oh by the way, sehun can you please keep an eye on him. He’s kinda crazy when no one is watching him.” I roll my eyes. “mom! That thing happened when I hate people. And I didn’t mean to kick him on the balls. Sheesh.” Sehun and dad laugh.

“duh. I know you. And you really mean it, to kick him on the balls. Can you do that for me sehun?” sehun looks at me and then to mom. “yep, I’ll do that.” mom smiles and nods.

After we done eating, we grab our bags and walk to the garage. He opens the garage door and showing the fabulous car that I’ve ever seen, a red Ferrari. Yup, and again my jaw is left hanging. He chuckle and open the car door for me then for himself. I enter the car.

“this is yours?” I look at him in disbelieve. “yeah. This baby is mine. my late mom give it to me. well, both of my parents actually.” I nod. He starts the car and we off to the road.

“so, what kinda type are you really? Like a crazy like mom said or what?” he say, breaking the silence between us.

“yeah. Im kinda crazy with everyone. I maybe small but actually good in fighting. So that’s why no one wants to mess with me and what mom said is true, I did aim for his balls that time.” He chuckles before he frowns.

“why did you kick his balls?” I roll my eyes.

“he call me princess.” He tries not to laugh and he fails. Sheesh.

He look at me and then back to the road. “well, you do know you’re pretty and so. Maybe he likes you?” I stare at him. Oh yes, I think he really know that im a gay. But I cant just expose myself right? maybe he is just trying to test me?

I let out a fake laugh. “no. hah. That cant be.” He smiles. after a few minutes, we already at the school ground. As I expected, everyone is looking at the car and him maybe.

“we’re here. If you want anything, just call me.” I look at him. I want to say that I don’t have a phone but he hand me a phone. Did he read my mind? “this is for you. I already save my number in there. So just call me okay? Oh wait for me at the gate. I will fetch you after my basketball practice at 5.” he says and smile at me. I nod.

 I open the car door and dash out even I kinda hear that he’s calling my name. im, well I don’t know. Clearly Im I love with him now. Sigh.

I enter the hall and look around. Where the hell is my locker? Sheesh. Okay now I regret for not being with sehun now. Then I feel like someone’s tapping my shoulder. When I turn around, I see a very beautiful girl looking at me. wow, if im straight I will totally go for this girl. She has perfect tan skin, round brown eyes, long straight hair and a perfect smile but taller than me. damn it.

“are you-wow! You’re beautiful!” I roll my eyes. Okay, I take it back all what I said about this girl. “okay, im sorry. You didn’t like people call you beautiful eh? Sorry. Are you lost? Want me to help?” I look at her. Well, she looks like the one that I can trust. I nod and give her my locker number.

She looks at it and smile. “oh lucky you, you’re my locker buddy.” She hugs me. well, this is awkward. I didn’t even know her but I still hug her. Wait does petting the back of someone that hugs us count as hug?

She let me go. “im yuri by the way.” She takes my hand and shakes it even when I didn’t do anything. “im baekhyun. Sehun’s step-brother.” She gasps. What? Did I say something wrong?

“im jongin’s sister. Twin actually. Well, your step-brother always hangout with my brother.”

I raise an eyebrow. “you didn’t join them?”

She snorts. “nope.I didn’t want to since I hate them both.” Okay, odd.

“well, come on. You and me are going to be best friend. Or you don’t want to?” I stare at her. Well, she’s beautiful and stuff. So okay I guess. I nod and smile to her. She grins and pulls us to our first class. How did she know we had class together?

The half of the day is perfect. Nobody suspect me to be gay and all. Being with yuri is the best choice I have made. She’s kind, pretty, smart and crazy like me. heh.

“so, baek. You’re Korean, right?” she asks me when she sits down next to me at the cafeteria. I give her the duh look.

“how was it? Is it fun staying at korea? I really want to go there since im Korean too but my parents are just too busy and dear jongin is like I don’t care to all this thing.” I smile at her. Glad to find some Korean friends here.

“Korea? fine I guess. Well, I cant say anything since I was born and stay there since all my life except yesterday when I move in here. if you wanna go, I can always ask my mom to bring you with us.” I smile at her and she grin to me but a few second later, her grin disappear and she looks directly to my eyes.

“baek, are you okay for people staring at you?” I look at her. What the hell. When I turn around, I can see that half of the people in that place are staring at me. what did I do?

I look at yuri and close my body to the table. “why are they staring at me?” she smile and laugh. What?

“you’re beautiful and im not lying. Guess you already know that.” She chuckles and I snort.

“well, I like if people call me manly or handsome than pretty or beautiful.”

She giggles. Oh dear. That’s awful. “silly you. you’re beautiful. Look at your face, body and your finger.” she takes my hands on her and she stare at it. “it’s even prettier than my face.” she hold my hands close to her face and she huffs. Oh dear crazy alert.

“oh dear. You didn’t just compare my hands with your face. that is stupid.” She rolls her eyes.

“if I compare your face with my face, you will win too .” I laugh. “oh my god! Even your laugh is pretty. Baekhyun! I will marry you.” I try not to snort but I fail.

“nope. Cant do. im-“ I been cut by yuri when she force me to turn my heads around to the cafeteria’s door and see two boys walk pass it. I see sehun with other boy I have to admit, they’re smoking hot!

“the dark one is my brother, jongin. Well, you know sehun right? so I don’t have to do the introduction about him.” I smile to her. Thank you god for making me not to came out in front of her. Then she turns to me. oh no.

“what did you wanna say to me just now?” I open my mouth to say something but the bell rings. Im save by the bell. Yeah! I run to my class without waiting for yuri.

I walk out of our last class when yuri come storming at me and hug me. dear god. She’s strong! What did she eat? She pulls away and smiles at me. “do you want to see our brother play?” I stare at her and nod. Oh maybe I can look at how y he is while playing. We reach the gym and I see sehun. What shocking me is, he is kissing some girl. My eyes widen involuntarily and I look away. Right. he’s straight. Of course he’s kissing a girl but my stomach and chest hurt a lot. Damn it. What happen to me?

Yuri next to me huffs and pulls me away from the gym. Oh thank you yuri! we reach a tree next to the gym and she sit down and pull me next to her, forcing me to sit.

“I hate that .” She says suddenly. Huh?

“what?” I look at her.

“that . The one that kiss your brother. She’s sehun’s girlfriend but still, I hate her. Her name is minah, half Korean, head of cheerleader and a .”

My heart breaks into pieces. He has a girlfriend. Okay, let him go baek. He’s not the one for you. Let him go. My brain said to me. what? Are you crazy? You should get him. She’s a . You’ve heard what yuri said to you. Now my heart is yelling at me. I sigh. Why did my heart and my brain hate each other?

“baek? Are you alright?” she stares at me. her eyes fills with worry. Wow, be barely know each other but she really care about me eh? I nod and smile to her.

“nothing. Just thinking too much that my brain’s hurt like hell.” She nods and then stares at me again. I look at her. “what?” she smiles and shake her head.

“nothing. You’re really beautiful. Seriously. This is the first time I meet someone-wait a boy that’s so beautiful. You didn’t look like a girl. You just look perfectly beautiful as a boy. Oh I remember when we entered the cafeteria during the lunch, everyone was staring at you. I was like okay, maybe girls want to look at you but holy crap. Boys too! Some of them were staring at you while drooling. Oh my god! You’re perfect!” I laugh. Did that really happen? No .

“I don’t know. I kinda don’t like when people call me beautiful or pretty or whatever that have the same meaning with it. But if it’s you, I think it’s okay. I guess.” She nods and suddenly her eyes widen and shakes me violently. What the hell? Is she having her PMS? Mood swings? Is she pregnant? Suddenly a girl stops in front of me. I look up.

 “so you’re baekhyun, sehun’s step-brother?” I nod and look at yuri, trying to get help from her. She stands up but minah stop her. “people are right. you’re beautiful. Wanna join me and leave this ? I promise you will be happy being friends with me.” she stares at me and I look at yuri. There’s hurt in her eyes. I look at minah and snort.

“nah, im good with her. Bye.” I pull yuri away from minah. We walk to the gate and I smile to her. “I like you more that I like that . So I choose you.” She hugs me and she laugh at my neck. She pulls away and looks at me.

“am I your pokemon?”

I laugh. “yeah, my sidekick.” Suddenly a car appears next to me. yep, it’s sehun. I kiss yuri’s cheek.

“bye yuri.” She smiles at me. “bye sunshine.”

Both of us are silent in the car. I want to talk to him but I don’t know what to say so I end up keep quiet. We didn’t say anything until we reach our home. Ohh our home. It sounds nice. I blush.

We get out from the car and I went straight to the kitchen. Damn im hungry. Where is the woman in the house when I need her (my mom I mean). I whine and place my head on the dining table and i mentally crying. I turn around and I look at sehun who is sitting on the couch. Oh something is wrong with him but what?

I walk to him and sit in front of him. He try to give me a smile but he cant. is he hurt?

“sehun? Are you alright?” he shakes his head and sigh.

“nothing. I feel like im confuse.” The heck?

“what is it about?” he shake his head again.

“I’ll tell you if im ready okay?” I nod and walk to our room. I don’t feel like im hungry again. seeing him like that makes me hurt. Is there anything that I can do? I try to think until I fall asleep.

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Chapter 12: i hope yul ends up with someone ^^
all four of them have such a funny friendship!
babyul #2
Chapter 11: i have a bad feeling about what will happen to baekkie :(
babyul #3
Chapter 8: oh this is so funny! love this story so much, update soon!
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carrotmilk #6
Chapter 3: Update soon....
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