One Week Past...

My 2 ChoSarangs

One week had passed since the day SeungJo left.SoMin wasn't too depress or sad since she was accepted and SeungJo even gave her a hot kiss before he leftSoMin wasn't that sad although she knew its because SeungJo had nothing to give and was at the same time teasing her.At least now,she gained a little it more confidence in wooing him.She didn't care about how to face him when he's back.She was just going to wait.


SoMin was just,as usual,checking updates of Kim HyunJoong,her beloved idol again.There,she found more details about the concert she was anticipating in the USA. "So is US$250?!Oh my god!thats so much...the cheapest is $98?!Still alot...when is it? 18 January next year?Ok,I got about 1 month to save it." she muttered to herself while reading the updates. "Dad is not going to allow me to go even though I can try to save it..." she sighed to herself



SeungJo in Korea...

SeungJo's POV


Oh finally,the freaking job...stayed at grandma's for a week and now the stupid job I have no idea what it is...

"Hey!Hyung!Long time no see!"

"Hey you are finally back here!"

"Hey!How are you?"


Questions like this ran through the company the minute I entered it...But the funny thing is that,I don't remember that I know them or see them before.Wait,I don't even think I came here before in the first place.But when I came and saw some of them,they looked and sonded somewhat familiar.However,I still can't recall or remember at all I have a job.Well,colleagues seem friendly welcoming me back.But the thing is I don't know them nor know what I supposed to do in this job.Arghhh...forget it, I think they will tell me anyway.


I settled on the couch I found at the lobby,where everyone is and a man handed me a piece of paper.It was my schedule.

"Everything is not confirmed yet,but I guess it will be,soon.I don't know what happens in each but soon,we will know."

And I was like,what is this?!What type of business is this?Travel agency?Go so many countries...and theres USA...


The moment I thought of USA,I thought of my last night there,it was a week ago but I still remembered it clearly.But what to do?I don't have anything to give her in such a short time...But I hope she know the reason and that I'm teasing her.No other reasons.I hope it doesn't risen her hopes of wooing me because its impossible.But I didn't know why,when I gave her that,it was so hot...I can't seem to breathe normally nor my heart beats properly when I was on her lips.Not that I had never kissed before,I did when I was young,to my mom,but it didn't have the hot feeling.And I didn't give it to other girls,as stated in the bet.


I nodded my head to the man.I don't know who they were,I assume they are my colleagues.But have they noticed?I didn't greet them,I just bowed...what to do?I don't know their names nor age.I hope I can survive here.


As I looked up from the schedule,I saw pretty ladies and handsome guys walking around the company in branded clothes.So this is a rather rich travel agency who has good looking tour guides?Or were they the tourists?I think tour guides,so they attract more tourists to earn money.So I am a tour guide?I guess so,a handsome one.I should come with branded clothes tomorrow...


End of POV


At SoMin's house,


At night,SoMin's father came back...SoMin went over to him

"Dad,can I go to a cconcert?"

"Is it free?How much?you have the money?"

"Its $250,cheapest $98,but the view is bad...I can save"

"I don't think you can,its too much"

"I already have $40 in my piggybank I counted,and I would try dig and find money in my room"

"No,You can't waste you money like that."

"It's not wasting,I've been waiting for 3 years!"

"its wasting your time too.No,You can't go"

"Why,I missed the last SS501 concert because I can't go but now I have the chance!The venue is near here too"

"No,what a waste.Don't waste my money like that.It's hard to earn money you know."

"Yes I know but I'm using my own money."

"I said No.I told you to stop daydreaming about idols long ago.They are virtual and only waste your time."

"Dad!...Pleeeeese,I want to go,for this once...It's very rare they come here you know...."

"NO.I said no.You can't go and I will not allow yo to go."

"DAD!Ok fine!Then I will go to the airport no matter what.I will stay one night there just to queue and get a good view of him!"

"What?!Impossible,You only spend you night at home,not at the airport just to see your stupid idol."

"DAD!Then leet me go,I don't care!"



SoMin cried and ran back to her room,spending the rest of her day there.


Hi guy!I'm sorry i'm rather inactive sometimes!this chapter is weird n short again!Haha lol...Well,I know tat happens when teenagers want to go c idols,especially those who parents think idols r useless...I'm angry with those,Idols are awesome hehehehe...Sorry for the mistakes you may find,and checkout my new fic.COMMENT n SUBSCRIBE please!THX!

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Pitu-kris #1
Please update very nice story
Chapter 39: good story please continuee
Chapter 39: It's really a mindblowing story.plz don't leave this story.update plz.preety plz :*
tomcat #4
Chapter 39: Please continue this story dear author...
liahyunmin #5
Chapter 39: such a sweet moment they shaRed..
Chapter 39: Wow what a sweet chapter because we finally see kim hyun joong is he a way sweeter brother than seung jo but so min only love seung jo
Chapter 38: Yayy!! Finally they made up and confessed their feelings!!^^ so happy for them! :))
liahyunmin #8
Chapter 38: they officially couple right..glad to see them being together again..
samysamy #9
Chapter 38: the whole new revelation was a great turning point....
and I'm glad they made up
Chapter 38: OMG hyun joong n seung jo are twin brother no wondering they look like and seung jo finally explain to so min why he pretend to be hyun joong and he hear so min say that she love and he finally admit his true feeling for her and that he love her