Chapter Fourteen

Composing More than Words

Chapter Fourteen


{Your POV}


At the door there were six guys. Hey, weren't they the guys behind Jiho that day?


"Hyung, are you cheating on me?", said a guy that looked like vampire with a sparkly ribbom on his head. I removed myself from the position and stood up in front of them.


"Hello, I'm Kim ~~~~~. He's helping me with trainee stuff.", I said. Jiho facepalmed himself.

"Aren't you the girl that spilled cherry juice on Zico?", the guy with the glasses from yesterday.

Yes.”, Jiho said. All the guys looked at me with a disappointed face..


Who are you guys anyways?”, I asked while walking out. Before I left the building, the vampire with the ribbon on his hair gave me a cd. “Block B: The new kids on the block.””




I headed home and saw Sandeul at the door, with roses in his hand. AW! Don't look too surprised ~~~~~-ah.


Hey Sandeul.”, he hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

Hey ~~~~~, let's go out.”, I smiled.

Of course, hold this first please.”, I gave him the cd and flowers and opened the door.


Where did you get this?”, he asked coldly while pointing out the cd.

Wae-oh?!”, I asked.

~~~~~-ah...”, he said. “Where did you get this?”

I found it....”, I laughed.


He accepted and smiled. “Alright.”, he said.



He grabbed my hand and we went off to a restaurant. Sandeul is just how I remembered. Cute and romantic. He looks way better with brown hair though. We stayed at a restaurant until closing, Sandeul saw the lonely piano and sat in front of it. He started playing an acoustic version of my wake up song. Did he write that song?



I smiled, aish so cute. “Yes Sandeul-ah?”

Will you be my girlfriend?”, he said confidently.


Hell yes!


Why not?”, I smiled.



To those BLOCK B lovers, don't unsubscribe yet! There is more to come ~ please show your love by commenting and subscribing! ^.^ Hwaiting! ^-^ <3 **

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update soon!!i love your fanfic..^^
yellowbubblybee #2
Sandeul doesnt know what he is missing!! hahaha
why is sanduel such a douche? -.-<br />
anyways, update soon!! i really like your fanfic :D
Why did sandeul do that to her T.T huhu Update soon!!
hey its been a while! it was a nice update... i think that zico and her will get along much better after this ^^; er maybe its just wishful thinking ^^;
B1A4lover #6
in the other fanfic sandeul got mad too didnt he?
whoa i didn't know that this side of sandeul even existed >.< well i mean i hope that she gets a lot of support from zico from now on so that Sandeul can regret being such a jerk ^^
B1A4lover #8
why is sandeul the jerk?<br />
sandeuls supposed to be the cute bubbly one though
uwaa sandeul why? how can you be such a jerk seriously! T.T and poor Jiho man he was just trying to protect I wonder what she is going to do about sandeul now? >.<