I Don't Believe You

No Way Back
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I'm really sorry for making all my chapters so long, please don't get too bored of me haha. I try separating the chapters to make it shorter but it never works out, I just write so much :/ Anyways, here's an update for all the lovely people who follow and comment on this story. There's a lot of things going on in this chapter, so read thoroughly my lovelies. 

“What the hell?” Dara asked Minji, as she came sot sit down next to her on the bed. Minji stopped crying fifteen minutes after she ran out of Jong In’s house, coming back home to Dara and telling her everything that happened. All she was doing now was sitting on the bed, looking extremely motionless and having no strength to do anything. Dara clenched her teeth and shook her head angrily, “I can’t believe he doesn’t believe you. Ugh, I wish I could go strangle him right now.”

“Don’t even get mad about this,” Minji requested, holding onto her plush pillow with sorrow. Minji was utterly shocked that Jong In thought she really would do that to Krystal, so he clearly didn’t know anything about who she was.

She sighed to herself, wondering why she was pathetically stupid.

Minji was wary about telling Dara what happened during the past hour, because she was worried about her yelling at Jong In. It wasn’t because she was trying to protect him from getting yelled at, she just didn’t want to deal with seeing his face again. Also, Jong In was already pissed off enough, everything would be worse if there was more surroundings 

“How do you not want me to get mad?” Dara responded, raising her voice loudly, “The reason why he said he doesn’t want to see you is because of all this misunderstanding. He’s being so stupid right now, he’s only listening to one side of the story when clearly two people are being honest. You and Ha Yi are obviously telling the truth. We obviously know the reason you don’t hurt people is because you’re afraid of them. You going out of nowhere to slap and beat up his girlfriend does not make sense.

“He obviously doesn’t know and he obviously doesn’t care.”

“So he basically ended all communication with you?” Dara continued to ask, extremely frustrated with Jong In. Minji sighed and slowly nodded her head, replying, “He ended everything with me Dara. He doesn’t even want to see my face at his house anymore.”

“That’s so stupid. Just because of one girl? One girl who clearly threw all the blame on you, it isn’t even your fault. Why is he being so stupid?”

“There’s only one reason.”

“Why did he have to be that harsh too? If he didn’t like you, he could’ve just said it nicely. You’re not the type of person to be forcing him to like you or anything. I mean, sure, your crush was big, but it’s not like you were demanding to be his girlfriend.”

“Well, it just shows he doesn’t know me well enough to see how I actually am. If he knew me, he obviously would have known that I’m not the one lying. It just shows how much of a certified idiot I am.”

“Umm no,” Dara confirmed, snapping her fingers, “It just shows how much of a certified  he is. If he spent all these years trying to actually interact with you more than this, he could’ve known that the crazy one in this situation is his freaking girlfriend. But nah, he wanted to be stupid for so many years.”

“It’s not called stupidity Dara,” Minji replied, hugging onto her pillow tighter, “He just doesn’t care. He probably wanted me to leave him alone all this time and he found the right time to say it.”

“Girl, listening to one person on this side of the story is pure stupidity. Especially when there are two other people on the opposite side telling the truth. He’s only listening to his girlfriend because that’s his girlfriend, and he’s stupid.”

“Exactly why I said he doesn’t care. He only cares about that Krystal girl, which is why he didn’t bother letting me explain my side of the story. He doesn’t even believe his own sister, what makes you think he’ll believe someone that’s not close with him?”

“That’s so frustrating,” Dara complained, “I just can’t believe he cut everything off with you.”

“Girl, he cut it off before we could even begin anything.”

“Because of one girl who literally lied to his face, you’re really gonna take that?”

“I don’t know what else I can do. I tried to explain the best way I could, but he didn’t freaking believe me. He told me to leave him alone, what else can I do?”

“Well at this point, at least you can start ending your crush on him? Tell me, why did you have a crush on him again? I’m not piecing the puzzle of your heart right.”

Minji glared at Dara who only pursed her lips at her, looking frustrated at her. She was only irritated because Minji didn’t stand up for herself when it was clearly Krystal’s fault for getting Jong In mad at her. Minji didn’t even do anything but get slapped, while Jong In believed that she was the one coming at Krystal. She just didn’t know what to do anymore, but she knew Jong In didn’t even want to see her face anymore.

“Well, I guess I’m just going down an empty road from now on.”  

May 2009

At exactly eight o'clock in the morning, Minji walked down the stairs, hearing her parents talk to each other in the kitchen. She smiled when she came down further, seeing her parents sit at the kitchen table and greeted, "Good morning Omma, good morning Appa." 

Hyun Jae and Kang Dae looked up from their newspapers and stopped their discussion about the morning stocks today, looking at their daughter. Hyun Jae replied, smiling happily, "Hi sweetie." She came up to them and leaned against the counter, continuing, "You guys aren't going to work yet?" 

She shook her head and answered, "Auntie Eun Hee wants to talk to me about some financial situation at the hotel. Appa has to go in first, I don't know why his is still here." Hyun Jae glared at Kang Dae, who pretended not to hear, continuing to sip his coffee. Hyun Jae chuckled and looked back at Minji, asking, "You didn't have morning class today?" 

"Oh, I still do," she replied, shaking her head, "But the professor told us to come in after an hour because her board meeting was gonna go past our class time." 

"Is Ha Yi driving today?" 

Minji shook her head and replied, "Yi didn't go to her morning class, so Dara's picking me up." Minji remembered that Ha Yi has been getting lazy about going to morning classes since she had all big lectures. She even messaged her last night saying that she wouldn't go to her morning class but she'll probably be awake by her afternoon class. 

"So is Dara bringing you back too?"

"I don't think so. Dara has a huge project she has to finish, but I'll come back with Yi. She'll be in for her afternoon class. No worries Omma." 

Hyun Jae nodded, assured that her daughter was getting home safe. She sighed and noted, "I'm gonna have to talk to Auntie Eun Hee and how she feels about Yi skipping classes all the time. She makes it so known, it's quite interesting." 

Kang Dae chuckled, adding, "Eun Hee has never really been strict with her kids though, she's the complete opposite from you." Hyun Jae glared at him and argued, "Hey, look at our daughters though. If I wasn't strict, then my daughters wouldn't be like this. I'm actually proud of my parenting skills." 

"Yeah, making our daughter afraid of the world," Kang Dae sarcastically said, rolling his eyes. Minji shot her head up, remembering something she made last night for them. She quickly went to the fridge and grabbed three glass containers, which contained an entire entree of tteokbokki, enough to fill their stomachs in for one entire meal. Minji put them on the table next to Hyun Jae and requested, "Can you bring this over to them when you go over? Tell Auntie Eun Hee that I even put ramen noodles for her. She said she loves ramen noodles, so I added it for her."

Hyun Jae nodded her head and agreed, "Okay sweetie." When she counted the number of boxes, she only saw three, which confused her a bit. She continued, looking at Minji to ask, "Why is there only three boxes today? Did you make something for Ha Yi already?" 

Minji bit down on her lip, not really wanting to answer, forcefully saying, "No, I calculated right. The box with the ramen is for Auntie Eun Hee and the other two are for Ha Yi and Taecyeon Oppa." 

Hyun Jae took a quick glance at Kang Dae, questioning her sudden answer, "What about Jong In?" 

Hyun Jae did notice Minji distancing herself from going over the other house lately, but she didn't wonder about it until now. It's only because Ha Yi had been coming over often, so she hadn't noticed a change in anything. She just began worrying if anything happened between her and Jong In, since she didn't make anything for him as usual.

And he was usually the person she put the most effort in with the food she makes. With a blank face, Minji said softly, "I didn't make anything for him." Minji dreaded hearing that name more than anything right now, since today does mark the complete month that they went through without talking to each other. She did want to explain herself to him as much as possible, but she felt like her efforts would mean absolutely nothing, so she was too tired to try. 

She still was sad about the entire situation, which made her upset when she heard his name. Before Hyun Jae could ask anything, Minji, not wanting to answer any further questios about Jong In began waving to them, "Alright, bye Omma, bye Appa. I'll see you guys tonight. I love you!" With that, she took off, avoiding all questions about him. She just didn't have the energy to get sad over him anymore. 

As she walked out of the house, she ran a finger through her hair and sighed. How the hell was she going to get over Jong In when she struggled hearing only his name? 

"You really have to stay at school tonight?" Minji asked Dara with a pout. Dara turned into the street of Minji's university and replied, "Yeah. The project is due tonight and I haven't even started editing it yet." 

Minji jokingly whined and tapped her legs, annoying her while driving, "When are you gonna give me those songs you promised me? My music player isn't getting any younger, you know?" 

"Girl, you need to get a new music player before I even give you the damn songs," Dara replied, making fun of her old and outdated music player that Minji has had for forever. As Minji reached out to hit her arms, Dara continued, being serious, "My class is cancelled for tomorrow. I'll just give you the songs tomorrow and stay over your house. Does that sound good?" 

"Yay, sounds perfect," she replied happily, clapping her hands. 

Dara arrived to the campus, parking in front of Minji's building. Before Minji got out of the car, she turned to Dara and asked, "Wait, so does that mean you're picking me up tomorrow?" 

"Yes master," Dara answered jokingly. 

"Can you call or message me five minutes before you get to the campus?" 

"Why? Are you doing something tomorrow?"

"No, it's just dark by the time I get out of class tomorrow. I don't want to wait by myself for too long, it gets scary." 

"Oh goodness," Dara groaned, with an eye roll, "I'm about to not pick you up anymore. You can just wait for Yi Yi to pick you up."

Minji widened her eyes and shook her head, "But I don't even know if she's coming to class tomorrow. I'm gonna be stranded at school and Omma might actually kill me."

Dara chuckled and shrugged, "I'm about to call a taxi for you, you Princess. I do what I want. You just wait there, my gosh." Minji glared at Dara and shook her head, frighteningly replying, "Please don't. That's not funny." 

Dara sighed loudly and shot back, "Girl, you know I'm not gonna do that, I'm just kidding." 

There was one night about five years ago, when Minji was thirteen, Taecyeon, Ha Yi and Jong In took a trip to an amusement park outside of Seoul. Of course, Taecyeon and Ha Yi invited Minji to come along, but it was difficult for her to go because there were no adults and it was a pretty far distance from Seoul. Everyone absolutely knew that Hyun Jae would not let her go, no matter how close they were. Everyone knew she was majorly overprotective of her daughter, that everyone knew she couldn't go places easily.  

Minji wanted to go with them, of course, so she made up a huge lie in order to go with them. She told her mother that she would be going on a small school trip with her teacher and other students, so that she would be able go with the siblings a lot easier. 

It harder on their part because Minji couldn't leave the house at the same time they did and she had to come back home first in order to keep up with the lie. 

So Hyun Jae dropped her off at school, while the three of them waited for her on the side. When Hyun Jae left, she just hopped on the car and went with them. Dara actually exempted herself from going because it was harder to go that time since she had just been brought into the condominium, also being watched very closely by the guards that had to take care of her. 

The four of them had fun for the day, but it was a struggle deciding how Minji was going to get back. She offered to ride a taxi back home by herself so that they could still have fun at the amusement park, and she had to be back at the school at a certain time. So Minji called a taxi for herself and rode back from the amusement park to get back home. 

As Minji was in the taxi, she wasn't aware of the way back home, so that time she assumed the driver would just take her easily. After the driver kept driving for at an hour and a half, she began to question why he was taking so long to get back home. When Taecyeon drove to the amusement park, it took only fourty five minutes. 

When Minji asked what time they would arrive home, he only answered that he wasn't taking her home and that he was going to take her to somewhere better. It got her extremely scared when he parked the car and tried to drag her out of the car, also threatening her in many frightening ways as possible. He continuously told her to get out of the car to come with him but she wouldn't, since she was scared out of her mind. She basically begged for her life with him but he kept threatening her to get out of the car and forcefully dragged her out.

Luckily, a high school kid saw her getting brutally dragged by this taxi driver, and ended up calling the cops. However, Minji already went unconscious by the time her head knocked on the concrete ground. 

The next thing she knew was that she woke up in a hospital, with Taecyeon and Ha Yi sleeping on the sofa. That night was her most terrifying moments that she ever had, which is the reason she's been afraid of taxi drivers ever since. She refuses to step foot into a taxi even if her life depended on it. 

It also left Hyun Jae finding out where her daughter went, which got the four of them slightly in trouble. But she was more worried for her daughter's safety rather than anything else. It also made her a lot more overprotective and paranoid about where her daughter was going ever since that day. 

Minji tried not to remember that night so vividly, but if anyone ever brought it up, she would get sensitive. 

"That is not funny," Minji stated, clenching her teeth at Dara. Dara sighed loudly and gave up, replying, "Alright, I'm sorry. But you're gonna be late to class, get going already. I'll see you tomorrow night with the freaking songs." 

They waved at each other as Minji got out of the car, then Dara immediately drove off. As Minji walked towards her medical school building, she only sighed to herself, wondering how long another four years was going to take. 

Ha Yi slammed her backpack on the kitchen island, making Jong In and Taecyeon startled a bit. She sat on the stool, putting her palm against her face and just looked mad at the world. 

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed today," Jong In stated, rolling his eyes as he ate his scrambled eggs next to Taecyeon. Taecyeon turned to Ha Yi and asked, "What's wrong with you? You good?" 

"Ugh, I'm so lazy to go to class," she complained, finally answering them. 

"Oh god, what else is new with that story?" Taecyeon rhetorically asked, shaking his head, "When are you never lazy to go to class? I'm surprised you even woke up to actually go today." 

"You haven't gone to work yet Doc?" Ha Yi sneered, annoyed by her brother's comment. He chuckled a little and shook his head, "No. I'm waiting for the lazy student to get her to class first, then I'll go to work." 

"You don't know how lazy I am to go to class right now." 

"Stop being lazy," Taecyeon demanded, getting Jong In to laugh a bit. Jong In sighed and added, "Damn, I'm a lazy myself but I'm nothing compared to you, Yi. I still wake my up to go to class." 

"At least I know how to clean Oppa," Ha Yi argued back, snickering at him. Taecyeon continued, pointing and demanding her, "You really have to stop being lazy. You need to do well in your classes and graduate on time because Omma will literally chop your head off." 

"I mean, does it make a difference?" Ha Yi responded, trying to get her point across, "She still wants me to work at the hotel no matter what degree I graduate with. You know when I told her I went to SNU as a history education major, she said she would open up a school at the hotel just so I can work there." 

Taecyeon sighed, honestly replying, "Well, there's only the two of you left to come help her work at the hotel. I got out of that already being a doctor." 

"Nah, I'm out of that," Jong In interjected, raising his palms up to stop them, "Omma wants me to go work at other places to get experience since I am a guy. She doesn't want me to dependent on her so much. I even told her that when I graduate I'll help her work at the hotel but she insists that I go work somewhere else."

"Lucky," Ha Yi said in a dejected tone, "I'm the only one left to help her to work there." 

Taecyeon reached his hands out, signaling to Jong In, "You're the one that actually wants to work in the business management field though. That would be the only sibling out of us that actually makes sense to actually work with her when we graduate." 

As Jong In shrugged, Ha Yi continued complaining, "It's because I'm the only girl in the family. Omma doesn't want me to go far away, she's worried about me not surviving in the real world. I don't understand why she thinks I'm so dependent on her." 

"Well, if you stopped being the crouching tiger maybe she'd let you out in the real world," Jong In advised, tilting his head at her. Taecyeon theorized, looking directly at his sister, "Well, I guess you're the only hope to help her out in the family. Stop being lazy and go to class. It'll be done in no time, just do the best you can." 

"I'm going to class today," she stated, finally contemplating with them, "But the only reason I'm going is because Minji doesn't have a ride back." 

"Dara didn't drop her off today?" Taecyeon asked, being concerned. Ha Yi answered, shaking her head, "She did but Dara's not coming back to her condo today because she has to finish a film project tonight. She said it might take all night so she might stay in the library. That means I have to bring Minji back home."

Taecyeon laughed, amused by Minji's fright of life, "That girl is forever a princess."

"Yeah, it's quite fun having your own personal princess," Ha Yi joked, making Jong In annoyed by hearing Minji's name. 

Jong In swayed his head left to right, angrily complaining, "Why doesn't she take a freaking taxi? She's making other people struggle just for her own safety." 

Taecyeon, taken aback by Jong In's anger, replied, "I don't think Yi's struggling, Jong In. Besides, Ha Yi has to go to class too, you know?" 

"But it seems like the main reason she's going to class is because she has to get Ji Ji," Jong In went on, getting more worked up hearing his siblings defend her so much. 

"Jong In Oppa, I understand you're not close with her but I know you know she's deathly terrified of taxi drivers. You remember that night we all had to go back to the hospital to go see her? After that taxi driver literally almost kidnapped her. That was basically our fault why she has that fear today." 

"Yeah, she literally faints if she has to step into a taxi," Taecyeon stated, narrowing his eyes at Jong In in shock, "How can you forget that about her? It was literally our fault." 

The two of them were extremely put off by Jong In's ignorance towards Minji's fear. They obviously knew what she had been through that night, so Taecyeon and Ha Yi never even put the blame on her for such a bad night. The two of them only pitied her and cared for her more after that day. Well, except for Jong In apparently. It seemed like that incident didn't even have an effect on him; he even wondered why the hell did problems stir up when she went with them. 

Jong In rolled his eyes, sighing loudly and annoyed by them by defending Minji. He shrugged at them, taking his backpack and leaving the dishes in the middle of the table, "I know she's afraid of them. That's why I said it." 

As he walked out of the kitchen to leave from them, he pulled out another piece of bread and signaled that he was leaving already. Ha Yi stared at him very bitterly, wanting to slap him at the moment. She shook her head and insulted, "Alright ." 

Jong In heard her but ignored her, just walking out of the kitchen. Taecyeon, disappointed, just sighed and said, "Wow. I didn't know our brother was that much of a jerk." 

"Hey, did you finish the physics homework that's due tomorrow?" Seok Jin asked Minji as they were eating lunch together, along with Ha Yi. Minji, sitting next to Ha Yi, moved her head around a little to think, then answered, "I finished half of it already. It's freaking hard, I gotta take my time with that." 

Seok Jin smiled and flickered his eyes at her, "You think I can see it? I'm having trouble with it and I don't think I can finish it on time." 

"Didn't we have two weeks to finish it?" Minji asked back, trying to make fun of him. Ha Yi snickered and added, "Oh damn, the doctor is already being lazy to do homework?" 

Minji slightly hit her legs, trying to stop her as Jin just laughed it off, "At least I'm not like someone around here. At least I go to class, I just slack on the homework." 

Ha Yi slightly glared at him, mocking him with a laugh. Minji stopped them, waving her hands in front of them and said, "Alright guys, calm yourselves. Jin, I'll give you the damn homework to do. You better do the other half so I can copy it too." 

"Yay," he replied happily, raising his hands up, "Thank you, thank you. I'll make you a batch of brownies for your kindness." 

"Oh yeah okay," Minji bantered him, rolling her eyes, "I'm still waiting on the batch you promised me the last time you asked for my homework. That was like a month ago." 

"I promise this time," he continued pleading, making Minji roll her eyes. He continued, pointing at her, "I'm still waiting on those cupcakes you promised the boys and I. Where is that again?"

"Oh damn, you changed the topic so quick when it came back to my cupcakes." 

Jin just smiled, continuing to eat his rice dish as their joking silenced down. Ha Yi looked at both of them, wondering why they hadn't liked each other because they matched one another very well. It just didn't seem like they had any eyes for each other, so Ha Yi was only left hoping. 

After a while, two girls passed by their table and went to go sit down at a table nearby their table. One girl with long, black hair up to her waist wore an off shoulder white babydoll dress, and the other girl with medium length, caramel-colored hair wore oversized sweater with probably no pants under it. Jin kept looking back to look at them, smiling everytime he got a glance. 

As he continuously looked at those two girls, Minji was the only one who had noticed. She reached out to poke his cheeks, sitting back to tease, "What are you looking at, huh?" 

Slyly smirking, he looked at her and replied, "What? I can't admire?" 

"With your eyes, it is not called admiring," Minji continued to tease, shaking her head at him. Seok Jin came closer to her to whisper, "Party last weekend." 

Minji sat back down, nodding at him to signal that she understood. Despite the nice face that Seok Jin had, he was probably one of the guys who had a bunch of girls in his stock all the time. Except he didn't see Minji that way because she was an extremely good friend, so he saw her only as that. 

Minji chuckled, scratching her head, "I'm gonna feel bad for all your girl patients. You're going to admire a lot of them." 

"Hey, at least my heart is kind," He replied, defending himself, "My eyes just enjoy wandering a little." 

"I'm sure it's more than just wandering. I know that there's more to the story with the girl your eyes are just wandering at," Minji said, making him smile more, not really ashamed of anything. Minji continued, pointing her fork at him, "Or both of them." 

"You know too much about me," Seok Jin stated, raising his eyes at her. Ha Yi's eyes widened and looked at him, "Whoa dude. You're that type of guy? Damn, I wouldn't have guessed." 

"Don't let the sweet face fool you," Minji joked, signaling to him. Ha Yi added, rolling her eyes, "This is why I never trust guys with faces like you. Guys with faces like you come with too many surprises." 

"Hey, I am still a guy, okay?" Seok Jin assured, pointing at both of the girls, "My eyes have needs."

"I'm sure it's not only your eyes that have needs," Ha Yi hinted, making him feel flustered. Minji raised her hands up and laughed while saying, "Yah, this conversation is getting way too personal. Just let the sweet face boy keep fooling all the girls that he is keeping in his stock." 

He only laughed, amused that he was getting made fun of by them. Minji was pretty happy that she had a male friend that was so comfortable sharing all his stories with her because she'd never interacted with many guys since she was young. Although he had a lot of girl stories, he was still a good friend, which Minji felt lucky for. 

Due to the fact that Minji was close to him, she didn't really see any handsome features anymore. She continued talking and teased, "Why do you have so many girls though? All I can see is your freaking mouth, they're the most dominant thing on your face." 

"I guess they're the charm," Ha Yi claimed, rolling her eyes as well. Seok Jin pointed to his mouth and joked, "These lips aren't big for no reason."

Now Minji and Ha Yi were appalled by his statement, raising their hands up to stop him if he kept talking. Minji joked, "You did not just say that to us." Seok Jin only laughed as she jokingly cried and replied, "That was information that we did not need to know Jin." 

Changing the subject, Seok Jin questioned, "What about you, huh, Miss Innocent? I don't see your eyes wandering around anywhere. We haven't talked about this subject with you before, you have eyes on anyone?" 

Minji was not going to answer honestly, but as she was about to open , Jong In and Krystal walked through the sliding doors of the cafeteria. Minji got extremely quiet, looking down at her food, making Seok Jin notice her sudden silence. 

Ha Yi saw the two and got quiet as well, bending her head down to ignore her brother and his gilfriend. Seok Jin looked at Minji, who had a look of sorrow as she had her head down. He tightened his eyes in confusion, finally turning around to see the couple who

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Hi guys, i'm not gone yet. Just started working on this chapter :D


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Chapter 27: Can u pls update its been yearssss and this story is soo goood
Chapter 27: Love this storyyy been reading it for years
Yayyyy i didnt know you was back its been so long
jiwonku #4
Chapter 27: I think I'm dreaming. I just woke up when I open this and I like "am I still sleep? What a nice dream" thanks you for coming back. Your story is the best, and Im really excited for the comeback. Nola!! Welcome back
annethundr05 #5
Chapter 27: Omg, I remember this fic., it's still amazing. I said once, I'll say it again Krystal is a real crazy and someone needs to handle her and fast. My poor Minzy, she's just trying to work and live wtf. XP. Welcome back darling
Fkami63 #6
Chapter 27: 😭 welcome back. ❤️
lovemedd #7
Chapter 27: Welcome back!!
I was so excited to see that you have updated the story. Please come back soon! The chapter was good like always.
Chapter 27: OMG IM SO SHOCKED. OMGGGG THANK YOU FOR COMING BACK! i have to read this story from the beginning though, i want all the feels back 😂 thank you! Please come here more often!!
lovemedd #9
Chapter 26: Your story is amazing. Please come back! I am little sad that all my favourite authors are deactivating and deleting their story. This story is so good!
Stay safe!
dntknw #10
Chapter 26: its been two years but i havent forgotten this story. i know its quite impossible but i am still hoping that this will be finished