Yesterday's Stories


If you were given the chance to turn go change something in your past, but only had the chance to do it one time, what part of your life would you go back to?

Jungkook Jeon's life had taken a downfall for the past two years. He lost his job, he lost most of his friends, he lost his money, he lost the respect from people around him and he felt like he was losing his entire life. Jungkook was trapped inside of his home, he wasn't allowed to go anywhere and he didn't have the privilege like other people did, because if he had stepped foot outside his home, he would've been sent straight back to prison. Jungkook was a prisoner in his home and he could do absolutely nothing about it. The only thing he had going for him was his beloved girl, Jennie Kim, who was with him every step of the way, and that was the only thing good about his life. Despite having no money, no job, no financial support and no ability to be a stable boyfriend, she was the only one who would always be there, and he was sure of that. The only thing that he wouldn't change is having her come into his life in such a short amount of time.

On one day that seemed to be like any other boring day for Jungkook, he gets a special delivery to his front door, something that will change his life forever. Something that will give him the opportunity to repair the damage that he created. 


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