My Only Hope

No Way Back
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Haven't edited yet, just wanted to get this out to you guys first. Enjoy!!! >.< 

In a small music studio at Yonsei University, Jong In was sitting right in the control room of the studio, waiting for Chanyeol to fix the microphone problem that the recording room had been having since the morning. Jong In came to visit before Chanyeol's shift ended, which was nine at night. Also, Jong In was free all today and he had been doing errands around the area of Chanyeol's university, so they were able to go home at the same time when he was finished with work. 

Jong In had no classes on Monday for this semester and the only days he was required to intern at Oakwood was Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Since he was home alone and bored, he assumed it was better off coming to see Chanyeol. Chanyeol worked at the recording studio at his university, basically keeping track of who comes in to use the studio, and guarding the musical instrument so it doesn't get damaged or stolen. 

As Jong In was sitting still on the stool, leaning against the wall, Chanyeol started, "Dude. I don't wanna sound mean and all, but you look like you got a hammer banged into your head." 

"It's so nice seeing you too after not seeing you for an entire two weeks," he responded loudly, making sure that Chanyeol could hear him through the glass window. "All I wanted to do was come visit you because I was in the area and I saw that your shift was about to end, so we could go home together. I was being a considerate friend, why you gotta bash on my lazy outfit?" He stuck his hands in the pocket of his black nike sweatpants, looking down at this gray t-shirt and his tan Timberland boots, not caring about how lazy he looked today. He wasn't going anywhere besides seeing Chanyeol and being home, so he didn't feel the need to make himself look decent today. 

Chanyeol chuckled with a wire stuffed in his mouth, realizing that Jong In's stiff self probably just missed him. Otherwise, he probably wouldn't have thought about him. As he finished, he came back out to come sit with Jong In, also hoping no one would come use the room right now. It had been quiet all day and Chanyeol only wanted to talk to him after not seeing him for two weeks.

"Seriously man," he went on, taking a soft chair to place in front of Jong In. "You look rough. You know people might actually come in here to use the studio?"

"It is like 7:30 at night, who would come use a music room at this time?" 

"You couldn't have at least looked decent to come visit me at school? You know how many friends I have at school?"

"You mean how many girls you have at this school?" Jong In asked back, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "Trust me, my outfit won't scare any of your girls away. I'll just keep quiet."

"Nah, your outfit won't scare them. Your ugly face will scare them. I know you're a handsome person beneath all that roughness, but those circles under your eyes are not doing you justice with your tan face." 

Jong In threw a mini rock at Chanyeol's chest, making him reflect backwards on his chair. He had found it on the ground when he was sitting and waiting for Chanyeol, finally getting rid of it by throwing it at him. Chanyeol just laughed and sat himself back up straightly, as Jong In asked, "Why would any of your girls be affected by me? You're making me sound like I'm your gay lover or something." 

"Oh trust me. You know how many people have misinterpreted us as being a couple?"

"I don't want you though."

"Fool, you think I want you too?" Chanyeol questioned back, nearly going up to strangle Jong In jokingy. "Nah but seriously though, I didn't think you would be able to come today. I thought Krystal would abduct you on your free days." 

"Abduct?" Jong In laughed at his word choice, crossing his arms. "Is she an alien?" 

"Aliens are less scary than her, if you haven't noticed my friend," Chanyeol stated, tapping his shoulders pitifully. He knew he wasn't going to get mad though because he mostly agreed half the time. Actually, more than half... Almost all the time. Jong In sighed and shook his head with an answer, "Nope. She has class all day today, thank god. I feel like I see even more ever since I started my internship at her dad's hotel." 

"Is that possible to see her more?"

"You wouldn't believe how many times she comes to see me at the office during her free time," Jong In stressly replied, shaking his head in annoyance. "I can't tell her to leave either. It's her father's hotel. She can tell me to leave anytime." 

"Dude, are you the only intern at the hotel?"

"No, there's one more that they hired," he stated, shaking his head. "I think her name is Tina. She works more towards the marketing side of the company, I work with the finance side."

"How exciting," Chanyeol sarcastically said, widening his eyes and widely smiling. "Wait, so the other intern is a girl?" 


"Krystal's okay with that?" 

Jong In scoffed and crossed his arms, "You think a person like her would be okay with me working with another girl?" 

"Well, is the girl cute?" 

Jong In shrugged and responded, "She's pretty cute. She seems like your type too." 

"Ooh really?" He questioned, widening his eyes in excitement. "Maybe I should go pay a visit to the hotel then. You should introduce me when I go."

Furrowing his eyebrows, Jong In only glared at him, shaking his head with a very bothered expression. He looked at Chanyeol and responded, "If you actually do come visit me, I'm gonna look weird going from the finance section of the hotel to the marketing side, which is the other side of that big hotel, and you have to take mad escalators to get to where she actually is. Besides, if you actually do come down to flirt with Tina, that results in all three of us getting slapped. She'll slap you for coming to invade her father's hotel just so you can come get a girl. She'll slap me for suggesting to you that Tina is cute. And then she'll go to Tina."

"Why would she slap Tina?"

"For being a girl." 

Chanyeol raised his hands up and gave up with him, sighing out loud. He shrugged and pointed out, "You're the one still dating her when you already know how she is. I mean, it's one thing that you opened your eyes to know how she is. The fact that you know how crazy she is, and you're still with her... You just whack at this point." 

"Glad you didn't call me whipped." 

"Man, I know how you are. You weren't even whipped in the beginning of the relationship. You were just stupid. Now that you're not stupid, and you're still with her, it's safe to call you whack at this point," Chanyeol stated, making Jong In laugh a bit. When their laughing silenced down, Jong In remember the important question he wanted to ask Chanyeol, since he was claimed to be an expert in analyzation and psychological subjects. Chanyeol was majoring in Psychology and also Music, so he was always a deep and analytical person to everything in life. He sighed and began to question. "I need you to help me with something."

"What is it?" 

"I had a weird dream last night, I was hoping you could help me analyze what it was." 

"What was it?"

"I had a dream that there was this random baby who kept calling me Appa, Appa, Appa. Appa, come take me. Appa, come raise me. It was a boy too, but I had no idea who he was. I've never seen him before. He just kept calling me Appa."

"Was it a creepy baby?" 

"No, he was a cute baby. I don't know how old he was but all I remember was that he kept tugging onto my shirt and calling me Appa, and telling me to go play with him. He also asked me if he could stay with me but all I remember in the dream was that I kept playing with him, I just didn't talk to him." 

Chanyeol rested his hands on his chin, trying to analyze his dream more in depth. He hummed for a few moments while Jong In stared at him, waiting for a response. He clicked his tongue together and questioned, "Did you make Krystal pregnant?"

"What?!" Jong In exclaimed, sliding himself back from the shocking question. "No, I did not. The last time her and I even had together was the first time we started dating. That was like two years ago." 

"Damn. You're getting no game from her."

"Do you think I want game from her?" 

"Eh, not really. But I'm just saying, I don't even have a girlfriend and I'm scoring more than you." 

"Chanyeol, I asked you to analyze my dream, not to talk about our lives."

Chanyeol snickered and rolled his eyes. "What life do you have, man? You have a psycho girlfriend and you're not getting anything from her. Usually psycho girls equals in with boyfriend. Are you that much of a loser that she doesn't even bother with you?"

"She tries, but I turn her down because I don't want to. Anyways idiot, that's besides the point," Jong In asserted, stopping the conversation. "I'm just trying to say that I didn't get Krystal pregnant. Who the hell would I even get pregnant if it's not Krystal... I'm not even ually active with her or with anyone. Is that the only option that the dream can result in?" 

He just shrugged and chuckled a bit. "Babies calling you in a dream has a lot of meanings, dude. The number one thing that I ever read about was if a guy is dreaming about a baby calling, then that means they have a baby from a girl that they made pregnant. If a girl dreaming about it can mean many different things. With your baby calling, if he's calling you Appa, it may signify that someone is trying to send you a message. That person may be dead since they're coming back from the form of a baby, which might indicate that they've been born again into a new life. But if the pregnant one is not an option, then it may mean someone's trying to send you a message, man. I could go on for hours, it's a long list."

Massaging his temples gently to ease his headache, Jong In sighed loudly and shook his head. Once Chanyeol said dead, he immediately thought back to Ha Yi and Taecyeon, wondering if they were trying to send him a message. It could've been a big possibility because it wasn't the first dream that he actually had about a baby calling him. But what else could it possibly mean? What other message are they trying to send him? 

"You seem stressed about the dream, dude."

Nodding his head, Jong In replied, "I don't know whether to take it lightly or seriously. Like, why the is a baby calling me Appa?" 

"Dude, sometimes you gotta realize... Dreams are dreams. They're images your brain plays from what you see, who you meet, what you do and all of the above. It doesn't necessarily have to be all the psychological things that I'm actually saying. Don't stress too much about it. Babies aren't any harm either, so either way, you're not in danger." 

He let out a sigh and dug his head into the wall again, groaning to himself. Chanyeol tried to figure out ways to cheer his friend up, staying silent for a few moments. He began to chuckle and started, "You scared me with that dream for a second though. I thought you two were actually ually active, I would've been scared to have a Godson that has Krystal as a mother." 

"No, the pregnancy thing doesn't apply to her, or us." 

As their laughing silenced down, Chanyeol gradually became serious then leaned in closer to look at Jong In. "Hey, honest question dude. Are your feelings for Krystal even there anymore?"


"Yeah, do you even like her anymore?" 

He already knew the answer to that question, but he wasn't sure how to answer it because he felt a bit guilty saying the truth. Chanyeol studied him for a little bit and already knew from his eyes about what he was thinking. Before Jong In could answer, Chanyeol said for himself, "Dude, I know that face. Your feelings for her are long gone. You can't even lie to me about that."

"What's the point of lying then?" 

"Dude, why are you even still with her?" Chanyeol questioned, with furied eyebrows. "I thought you would be done with her the day you called me to tell me that Minji's friend told you what he heard Krystal and Naeun talk about." 

"I was done with her man, I really was. But you know, there's so many things getting in the way of me breaking up with her."

"Because you're working at her dad's hotel right now?"

"Not only that," he responded, biting down on his lower lip. "It's just... When I tried to break up with her that night, she grabbed me from behind and I felt her crying. She had legitimate tears coming out of her eyes and I felt it coming through my shirt. It was that moment when I told myself that I couldn't break up with her. As dramatic as I sound, I really just couldn't do it."

Staring at him for a few seconds, Chanyeol tried to study his entire face given his expressions. After a few long moments, he finally replied with a few nods, "Wow..." 

"What?" Jong In asked with questioned eyebrows. Chanyeol patted his shoulders a few times and answered, "You really did gain your heart back, my friend." 

"Was that a joke or were you being serious?"

"Do I look like I'm joking with you right now?" Chanyeol replied with a serious tone. Staying still, Jong In only interwined his fingers together and placed his hands on his lap. Sighing, Chanyeol continued, "Well... If you weren't able to break up with Krystal while she was crying... How the did you let Minji cry so easily? Her crying is sadder than Krystal's. I've seen her cry before, all I wanna do is hug her." 

"Well," Jong In said bitterly. "Is she here to cry in front of me right now? You think I don't know that now?" 

"Mmmmmm hmmmm," Chanyeol sarcastically replied with an eye roll. He wanted to get up and strangle him, but he strained himself from doing so. Instead of getting up, Chanyeol grabbed a guitar that was leaning against the wall near Jong In and put it on his lap. It was already adjusted, so he began to play music, making up lyrics as he went on. 

♪ Oh my friend... Oh my friend... Why you gotta be so stupid? You are so stupid, oh very very stupid... Oh my friend... Oh my friend... Why are we friends? Because you are so stupid... Very very stupidddddddddddddd... ♪

Jong In stared at him with a blank face, going back to crossing his arms. As Chanyeol continued singing to him how stupid he was, Jong In just stayed still until he was satisfied with insulting him. He finally stopped after a few minutes of singing with the words stupid about fifty times, repeating the same lyrics, so Jong In asked, "You done?" 

"Pretty much."

"May I smash the guitar to your head now?" 

"Nah, you won't do that. You have a heart now, so I'm not gonna die easily because of you." 

Jong In snickered and rolled his eyes, amused by his small joke. Chanyeol put the guitar back down to where it was before and sat back to talk to Jong In again. He sighed and went on, "How are you gonna deal with Krystal from now on? If you're gonna work at her dad's hotel, wouldn't it be tough seeing her all the time? I can't really imagine dating a girl you don't have feelings for." 

"Even if I did want to break up with her, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't let me go easily," Jong In answered truthfully, feeling stressed by the thought. "I mean, maybe she'll get bored of me for showing no feelings towards her. If any luck, maybe she'll be the one breaking up with me." 

"Man, you show no feelings no matter what, it doesn't even have to be your girlfriend," Chanyeol stated. He ignored Chanyeol's comment and stayed quiet with a silent laugh. Chanyeol shook his head and continued, "I doubt she'll break up with you though. Looking at by the way how obsessed she is with you, I doubt a breakup from her will ever happen." 

"I guess we'll have to see." 

"You're basically trapped right now. I don't get why you just didn't work at Omma's hotel. You'd be the co-owner and the person who runs the business. If you're working with her dad, what freedom will you have?"

"I told you Omma wanted me to branch out with my experiences. She didn't want me to stay within the family business because I wouldn't get outside experience. She said I was already a close-minded person and I needed to change that. Whatever that means, so screw freedom."

"Oh, I could tell you what that means. You want a list?" Chanyeol asked, extremely eager to say it. Jong In shook his head in disagreement and answered, "No. I just wanted to tell you what she said. I wouldn't be working with Krystal's dad if Omma let me work at the hotel." 

"I guess it's good for you then. In the end, you're basically working at two hotels. You just have to deal with the crazy girlfriend." 

He shrugged with a frown. "I don't know. I kinda made it clear that if she ever sees Ji Ji again and I know that she doesn't tell me, we're pretty much done."

"If she really saw Minji again, you really think she would tell you?"

"I don't know," Jong In responded with an uncertain tone. "I just made it known that I need to find Ji Ji. She's the only person that I need to make up to. If she doesn't tell me, I swore on my life that I was breaking up with her." 

"Uh yeah dude. You need to make up your entire life with that one. ing bastard, I'm never gonna forgive you for what you did to her. If you ever find her again, how the hell would she forgive you?" 

"I'll apologize until the end of my life if I have to. I'll do anything to make it up to her. If she wants to kill me, I'll let her kill me. If she wants to burn me in a hole like how I made her feel, then I'll happily let her do it. I'll literally do anything at this point just so she and I will be on good terms with each other again. Let me find her first, then I'll do it." 

"That's what you get for being close-minded, you bastard," Chanyeol stated. "But any luck finding her yet?" 

Jong In shook his head and answered, "Nope. The searching got a little delayed because I gave Woo Bin Hyung the wrong name." 

"Wrong name? What the hell? You don't know her name?"

"Nah man, I told him to find Gong Ji Ji, instead of Gong Minji." 

"The , you weirdo? How the hell did you forget her name was Minji? Were you that stupid to think her name was Ji Ji your entire life? And who the names their kid, Ji Ji? Your stupidity just went to another level." 

"Yah, I've been calling her Ji Ji ever since I was two. Ever since she popped out of her mom's stomach, I've been calling her Ji Ji. Didn't Omma tell you that I was there when after Aunt Hyun Jae gave birth to her? When she gave the name Minji to her, I just came straight out saying Ji Ji. That just never changed. Even when I was mad at her, I still called her Ji Ji. Her name is always going to be Ji Ji for me no matter what."

Chanyeol shrugged and sneered. "I feel like stories with Minji never appealed to you, so I didn't really listen. I never understood how you guys weren't close with each other. You two were next door neighbors and she was close to Yi and Taecyeon Hyung. And you saw each other nearly every single day. She also makes amazing snacks, how the hell were you guys not close?"

"Didn't we establish this story already?" He questioned, glaring at him. "I was stupid and close-minded, remember?" 

"Imagine if you and Minji were close friends to begin with. You would've been a fat man," Chanyeol joked, nodding his head to visualize that image. 

"Yeah, and none of this would've happened to me if I just opened myself up to be friends with her. I just wish I had a time machine so I can take everything back. Especially that night that I ing hurt her." 

"Ah, you starting to regret everything?"

"I've been regretting everything."

"Well, the part where you never opened your heart up to become friends with her," he stated, leaning closer to Jong In. "Do you really believe things could've changed if you weren't like this?" 

"There's a lot of things that I wished I could take back. A lot of things would've probably changed if I wasn't such an idiotic bastard. If I just listened to Minji that day she was telling me the truth of Krystal scheming her... I don't think this would've came down to my life. I just don't think Yi and Taecyeon Hyung deserved to die because of my stupidness." 

Chanyeol gave him a blank stare, not so sure of how to comfort him as he looked really down. "Hey dude. Don't be too hard on yourself. Accidents are accidents, no one's at fault. You can't blame yourself for it either." 

"Yeah, but it's how Ji Ji felt when Yi died, and I treated her like to make her feel worse," he replied, making the entire room silence down. "What's bothering me right now is that no one's giving me any on Taecyeon Hyung when I deserve it. Like, is this really my karma? Torturing me to live with the pain that I caused upon three different people."

"Jong In... Just stop blaming yourself. It's seriously not your fault and you sitting here blaming yourself is not gonna bring them back either. I'm pretty sure they're not mad at you, they're looking over you and they've moved on. Ha Yi and Taecyeon Hyung were the most understanding people I've ever met in my life, so you need to be reasonable to yourself dude."

Letting out a deep and loud sigh, Jong In replied, "I just want to find Ji Ji. I seriously want to get down on my knees and beg for her forgiveness." 

"Honestly speaking," Chanyeol said with a sigh, tapping his legs. "I feel like you and Minji are seriously meant to be in each other's lives. I don't know why and I don't know how, but there's a gut feeling in my stomach that you guys are bound to see each other again. I mean, everything that happened in your life and how it started... It always started and ended up with just the two of you. I just feel like you're meant to meet again. I don't know when, but I feel like it's going to happen someday."

"I need that to happen."

"Are you really gonna make up to her if you get the chance to see her again?" Chanyeol asked again. "It's a big commitment to stick with, because you really did ruin that poor girl's life. It might take a lot to get back a normal relationship with her, you know?"

"Yeah, I know. I will do it though, and I need to find her," Jong In assured. He wasn't going to stop searching for her, no matter what it took. If it takes years to find her, then he'll let it be. 

At this point, he was not going to give up. 

While Minji was holding her newborn baby into her arms, Yuri and Dara were on the opposite side of the bed, admiring the baby that had just been born. As Minji held the baby who was red as beets, with bruises all over his body due to being squished and squashed down the birth canal. His face was also puffed up and round, exactly like Minji's. Already having his name because Yuri had came up with it, Minji just held onto Yoogeun knowing that this little life was created from her. 

She couldn't stop staring at him... Obviously due to the fact that she unconditionally loved him. It was after all, her son. It was heartbreaking to know that her one and only son looked exactly like Jong In, the person who made her be in this situation, but that didn't effect the love she had for Yoogeun. However when it came to the point where she was trying to forget him, it seemed like life just played a joke with her to make her not forget him. She remembered Jong In's baby pictures that Eun Hee used to show her... And that's one of the things that flashed into her mind as she was staring down at Yoogeun. He was the legitimiate copy of Jong In as a newborn child, with some of Minji's specific nose and eye features. Other than that, everything about him belonged to Jong In.

She sighed to herself, knowing how he was gonna look when he was older. If anything, she wasn't gonna let him grow up like Jong In at all. He couldn't be the same as his father, and she was going to make sure of it. Yuri and Young Bae were the only people who could make that happen.

Yuri snickered and began, "You look exactly like me when I was holding Young Joon as a newborn. My eyes twinkled like that too." 

"We are sisters, aren't we?" Minji questioned, turning to look at her. "Shouldn't we look alike anyway?" 

"I'm just saying our emotions were the same when we got our son in our hands," she corrected, snapping her fingers. "How can we not look at our sons? Look at them, they're freaking cute." Once again, Minji looked down at him, and she couldn't bring herself up to see anything else. She was so happy to be cradling her son right in her hands, but she also couldn't stop thinking about how she was going to take care of him as a single mother. A single teardrop came from her left eye, feeling happiness and sadness all at the same time. When mixed emotions electricuted through her entire body, tears just rushed down her face uncontrollably. 

"What's wrong?" Dara asked right when she saw Minji cry. She quickly wiped her tears off and laughed it off, shaking her head. She responded, "It's nothing. I just never thought I would be carrying my own child. It's like a dream." Carressing his soft cheeks, Dara began to coo and play with him once he opened his round eyes for her to see. 

Yuri laughed a bit and then nudged Minji on her shoulders a bit. When Minji looked over, Yuri asked, "Can I hold him now?" 

Nodding her head, Minji carefully transferred Yoogeun into Yuri's arms, making sure she grabbed him firmly before letting go. Yuri gasped a bit and said, "Oh god. How much I would give to have this feeling again with my own child." 

Minji looked at her with a pair of soft eyes and only grinned, wanting to cry again. She always knew that Yuri was more prepared to have a baby, so this feeling was all new to Minji. Why was life so unfair? Why did she have to be carrying a baby when the one who wanted a child with all of her heart... Was Yuri.

Why did everything have to happen to her? 

Five minutes had already passed when Yuri was holding him as three knocks on the door got all of their attention. 

"Can I come in?" A familiar male's voice asked. Minji, Yuri and Dara looked up to see Young Bae poking his head by the hospital room's door, looking like he was eager to come in. Minji smiled at him while Yuri, holding the Yoogeun, motioned him with her head to come in. Minji was all cleared and cleaned up by that point, so it was an appropriate time for him to come in after she spent so long giving birth to him. 

He slowly came in, shutting the door behind him and came up to the three girls. He smiled as his eyes curved into a crescent moon shape, making Minji notice his significant eye smile as always. He sighed and stood next to Yuri, "I asked the doctor's if it was alright to come in and she said yes. How are you feeling Minz?" 

"I'm okay," she replied with a very worn out tone. "Just a little tired, that's all." 

Yuri snickered as she cradled Yoogeun, adding in, "She did so much better than me, babe. I remember sound like a dying hyena when I was giving birth to Young Joon." 

Scratching his head, Young Bae chuckled and replied, "Babe, you sounded worse than a dying hyena. I thought an elephant fell down with how much you wailed. I didn't even know Minji was done until the doctor came to tell me. With you, you could tell from the other side of the hospital." Yuri slightly glared at him, jokingly elbowing him as she still held onto Yoogeun. Young Bae began to make childish sounds with him, seeing him wide awake but so quiet. He met eyes with him, immediately feeling a connection with the adorable baby being held in Yuri's arms right now. He slightly turned to look at Yuri, afraid to break eye contact with him as he questioned, "Does the little one have a name yet?" 

"It's Yoogeun," Yuri answered, continuously making sweet cooing noises at him to make him smile. 

Young Bae chuckled and replied, "Cute name."

"Yuri Unnie came up with it," Minji added on, looking between both of them. "She said she had been planning the name since she knew the gender so I agreed with it. It's a really cute name too." 

"Umm obviously," Dara interjected, tapping on Minji's arms a few times. "The mama is super cute, how can the baby not be cute? He needs to have a cute name to go along with his mama and his face." 

They all chuckled as Young Bae wanted to hold him so badly. He pouted his mouth at him and teased, "What features did you get from your mommy, cute guy?" Minji laughed with an amused smirk as Young Bae observed Yoogeun even more. He didn't really want to say anything offensive, but Yoogeun was an exact figure of his father. He had a few of Minji's traits but it all went more towards Jong In. Yuri was first to realize it, but she wasn't going to say anything because it was supposed to be a good day for Minji. Young Bae coughed a bit and pointed out, "Ah, you got her pretty eyes. You're gonna be a good kid like your mommy, right little guy?" 

Lifting Yoogeun to go closer to Young Bae, he carefully grabbed him to cradle into his arms, and had so much exhileration in the world being able to carry a baby again. As much as he wanted to have a child again with Yuri, he knew that her disease was just blocking all of those hopes and dreams. Young Bae began to caress his cheeks, his nose and his mouth, as Yoogeun locked eyes with him and looked at him admirably. Yuri looked at Young Bae, noticing his gaze towards Yoogeun and asked, "He's cute, right?" 

"Too cute, I can't believe he's already born though. It feels like yesterday Minji came to us without knowing the gender of the baby. Now he's here with us." 

Now Yuri was the one playing with him as Young Bae cradled him into his arms, making Minji highly jealous of their relationship. The strong bond and love that they had with one another. Minji didn't know how she was going to handle this because Yoogeun looked exactly like Jong In, and there was absolutely no way of hiding that. She tried to ignore that fact and observe how Yuri and Young Bae were interacting with Yoogeun, seeing their desire to become parents again. 

She smiled at herself, crying more when she realize she really wasn't ready to be a mother. Especially a single mother that had no idea how to even raise a child. She didn't have the contrallable emotion to even become a person to raise a child, but she knew that Yuri did. Both her and Young Bae were responsible and prepared, and most definitely ready, so she didn't even know why she thought that she could've handled it without a father. 

Yuri giggled a little and said, "He's a healthy baby too, so he should be coming home with us in no time." 

Young Bae smiled contently, bending down a little to give Yoogeun a peck on his small forehead. He came to stand closer to Yuri and said softly, "Don't you wish we could have another baby like this? The family that we always talked about when we were in college. Us being married and having two kids, probably different from one another. Remember that dream we had?"

"Oh, I remember. You said you wanted to have another boy so that they could tackle me down when I was older because I'm too viscious." 

Young Bae laughed and shook his head, rubbing all the hair that Yoogeun had on his head. He sighed and went on, "It's alright. At least Yong Joong won't be lonely now, right? He got a little cousin to play with." Yuri nodded in agreement, while Minji sighed to herself, knowing what she had to do.

"Yuri Unnie, Young Bae Oppa," she called for them softly, making them turn around. Once they did, she continued, "You guys really wanted to have the second child, huh?" 

They both nodded their heads as Young Bae answered, "Yeah, we really did. It was what we talked about ever since we were dating in college. But hey, what can we do, right? Diseases happen and it happened to Yuri, so I can't control the human body. It's fine though, we have little Yoogeun now to take care of. We'll treat him like our own son, right babe?" Nodding her head excitedly, Yuri answered, "We have our little nephew now, so it's like getting another child, right?"

Minji turned to looked at Dara with a serious look, while Dara was able to grasp the meaning of her expression right away. Her face became very worried, not knowing what was about to happen. Minji scratched her hands nervously together and sighed, "Yuri Unnie, Young Bae Oppa."

They turned around to look at her with question faces as Minji continued to talk, "How much would you guys be willing to do to get another child?" 

Both of them narrowed their eyes with utter confusion, turning to look at each other for a split second then turned back to her. Yuri slightly coughed and answered, "What do you mean by that?" 

"I mean... Maybe you can get a second child." 

Yuri and Young Bae stared at each other for a few moments, then back at Minji as Yuri questioned, "Minz, do you not know my situation? As much as he and I wanna have another child, it's not going to happen. Unless we adopt a child then that would be our only option of a second son." 

She felt her heart was nearly getting ripped out of her chest, because she had trouble breathing before she even spoke of the idea to them. More tears came down from her eyes, using all of her heart to not break down in front of them. Dara quickly grabbed onto Minji's hands as Yuri and Young Bae continuously looked at her with concern.

"How about the one that you're holding in your arms right now?" Minji asked hestitantly, looking at them sorrowfully. Yuri suddenly felt a wave of shock, hearing the pulse from the vein of her neck beating. Once Minji saw their reaction, she immediately kept asking, "Would you take him as a second child?" 

"What?" Young Bae asked, raising his voice. Minji bounced left to right between looking at them, waiting to hear their response. Yuri made sure Young Bae was holding Yoogeun carefully, as she went closer to her sister and grabbed her shoulders. With a frightened tone, she questioned, "Minji, what are you talking about? Are you thinking straightly? How did this thought even get through your head?" 

"I am thinking straightly," she replied, nodding her head. "And I'm asking if you would take Yoogeun to be your child?"

Young Bae came closer to her and added on, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I seriously don't think you're thinking this through enough. Do you know what you're saying? He's your own flesh and blood, Minji... Why are you making it sound like he's not your kid?" 

"I do know what I'm saying, Oppa and I really am thinking this through. It's just really complicated -"

Interrupting her, Yuri said, "Minz, I know how it feels like to have a child. I've gone through the nine months of pregnancy and I know how it feels to be emotionally attached to your own child. Do you really think I can do that to you?"

Young Bae agreed and added in, "Yeah, we're not gonna do that to you. We're not gonna take Yoogeun away from you even if we are family." 

"Dara," called Yuri, making Dara look up. "Can you come get Yoogeun?" Dara quickly came up to grab Yoogeun from Young Bae, and headed back to where she sat down. Taking a deep breath after, Minji tried to respond to catch up. "You guys wouldn't be taking him away from me if I'm willingly giving him to you." 

"Why would sacrifice that?" Yuri questioned, her muscles tightening in her face, on the verge of crying. "Don't do this just because I can't have a second child." 

"That's not the only reason, Unnie." 

"What's the other reason then? What reason can there be for you to give up your son that you've been carrying for so long? You wouldn't use all that time just to give him up like that." 

Young Bae stayed quiet, letting Yuri talk all of it out. Minji sighed loudly and answered softly, "I don't think I'm ready to raise him. I'm only nineteen years old." 

"Age has nothing to do with this, Minz," Yuri stated, knowing there was much more than that from Minji's eyes. She had to get everything out from her now, at this very moment. "Just tell me why you're even thinking about this." 

Her tears went straight through her hospital gown, absorbing through the blue color on the top. Minji felt pathetic for giving up her child, no matter what reason it was. All she knew was that she wanted to do it, for herself and for the sake of Yuri. She poured out her entire tears, overbiting her teeth to try and hold it in, but she just couldn't do it. Yuri looked at her and shook her head. "Is it because you were  by the dad?" 

Everyone's eyes widened, utterly shocked that Yuri went that far with that comment. Young Bae grabbed onto her wrist to restrain her from saying more hurtful things, but Yuri knew it was the only way she could get her sister to talk. She pulled her wrists back to her side roughly and went on. "Do you not want him?" Yuri kept asking, demanding an answer from Minji at this very moment. "Is it because you keep thinking about Jong In? Is that why you're giving him up this easily?"

"No, it's not that."

"You didn't come all the way to China to give birth and then give the child to me. Because if you really planned on doing that, then that's really heartless of you to do to your own son, Minji. How could you do that to the poor kid? Can you really stand the fact that your own son wouldn't even consider you as a mom? Wouldn't you think of what happens when he grows up?" 

Minji felt like her head was going to explode, so she closed her eyes and breathed heavily to get it to stop. Once Yuri continuously kept telling her about how wrong she was, she just couldn't hold it anymore. She opened her eyes back up and blurted out with a loud tone, "Because I don't want him to grow up as a child who doesn't have a father!" 

As everyone became quiet again, all Minji could do was cry more, since everything had came out. She took Yuri's hands and continued saying, "I don't want him growing up wondering why he doesn't have a dad! I don't want him growing up asking about his father and I don't wanna tell him how much I hate his father!" 

That got everyone silent at this point, which made Yuri actually begin to cry. She was speechless on hearing Minji's reply, because she didn't expect it to be this extreme. Yuri realized that Minji wasn't only doing this for herself, but for their desire and Yoogeun's life.

Part of was because of Jong In, but it wasn't the major point. All Minji wanted t

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Hi guys, i'm not gone yet. Just started working on this chapter :D


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Chapter 27: Can u pls update its been yearssss and this story is soo goood
Chapter 27: Love this storyyy been reading it for years
Yayyyy i didnt know you was back its been so long
jiwonku #4
Chapter 27: I think I'm dreaming. I just woke up when I open this and I like "am I still sleep? What a nice dream" thanks you for coming back. Your story is the best, and Im really excited for the comeback. Nola!! Welcome back
annethundr05 #5
Chapter 27: Omg, I remember this fic., it's still amazing. I said once, I'll say it again Krystal is a real crazy and someone needs to handle her and fast. My poor Minzy, she's just trying to work and live wtf. XP. Welcome back darling
Fkami63 #6
Chapter 27: 😭 welcome back. ❤️
lovemedd #7
Chapter 27: Welcome back!!
I was so excited to see that you have updated the story. Please come back soon! The chapter was good like always.
Chapter 27: OMG IM SO SHOCKED. OMGGGG THANK YOU FOR COMING BACK! i have to read this story from the beginning though, i want all the feels back 😂 thank you! Please come here more often!!
lovemedd #9
Chapter 26: Your story is amazing. Please come back! I am little sad that all my favourite authors are deactivating and deleting their story. This story is so good!
Stay safe!
dntknw #10
Chapter 26: its been two years but i havent forgotten this story. i know its quite impossible but i am still hoping that this will be finished