Best Friends

This Can't Be Real {HIATUS}


Your P.O.V.

              I heaved a sigh as I heard him shout again, "Eunhye-ah! Wait up!" I gave in and leaned against the wall while I waited for him to catch up. 


              "Listen, I don't wanna talk abo--" "I know, that's why I'm not here to ask. Let's go!" he cheered, cutting me off. Before I could even refuse, I was being dragged away by him with my hand locked with his. 


              "Yah! Slow down, I'll follow you, okay?!" He unwillingly let go of my hand as we walked side by side to an unknown destination. 


Luhan's P.O.V. 

              After catching up with her, I knew she didn't want to talk about it, and that she'd tell me when she was ready. So, I decided to bring her to the arcade like old times so that she can get her mind off whatever is bothering her. 


              "Come onnn, walk faster will you?" I nagged since she was falling behind. I heard her quicken her footsteps until she finally arrived beside me. We walked I'm silence for a while until she spoke up, "Where are we going anyways?" "You'll see when you get there," I said while giving her a wink. She just nodded her head in agreement.


Your P.O.V.

              We finally arrived after what seemed to be forever. I looked up to find us at the arcade, not just any arcade, but the one we used to go to almost everyday when we were little. I smiled at the memories and walked inside with Luhan. 


              "Do you remember this place?" Luhan asked. "Of course I do! We used to come her all the time," I grinned. "Alright then! Let's go play some games and get your mind off things," he chimed. We started playing all these racing games and also out favourite skee-ball that we lost track of time. 


              When we were finally tired out, we headed to an ice-cream parlour just across the street to cool down. "Which flavour do you want?" the worker asked. "Cookies and cream, please" I replied. "I'd like the strawberry one, thanks" Luhan said. 


              After we paid for the ice-cream we decided to eat it at a park nearby. "So what's on you mind?" Luhan genuinely asked as we sat on a bench. "I was ordered not to be close to any of you because you are part of my job, meaning we should know each other on a personal level," I sighed. 


              He puffed his cheeks and I continued, "That's why I'm glad I still have you, because we were already friends from before so it doesn't count." I quickly looked away after saying that. But at the corner of my eye I can see that he was smiling widely after he heard me.


             I expected him to say something that would make him sound full of himself but he didn't, instead he said, "You know you can always come to me when you need someone." I softly smiled before saying, "It feels good knowing that there's someone I can count on... thank you." 


              His eyes widened upon hearing me thank him, because I was never the type of person to show that I appreciated what others did for me. "Anytime, I'll walk you back home" he suggested. 


              Just like that, the day I bonded again with my true best friend had ended. 

Authors Note~

To be honest, I actually wanted to make this chapter really sweet but it ended up like this T_T I'm sorry for my poor effort >.> Anyways I promise to make the next couple of chapter a lot more interesting! :) Please subscribe and don't forget to comment! Also, thank you soo much for the upvotes! <3 

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R3ader43V3R #1
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
R3ader43V3R #2
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
AmyWtsn #3
Chapter 14: I'd honestly rather read about Eunhye saving the day and fighting bad guys than a "forbidden" romance. I liked her getting in on the action but the fact that she was injured so easily upset me. Our girl should be more badass than that. Maybe write in a couple of chapters about her saving the guys from some crazy fans or something.
Chapter 14: Give him a chance eunhye...
Chapter 11: Update author..
Chapter 10: Update soon~~
Boring_Aegyo #7
Chapter 10: A good story so far!^~^
Chapter 9: Luhan is a nice person. .