
This Can't Be Real {HIATUS}

Nobody's P.O.V.

              Whispers and insults were heard as Eunhye walked down the hallway. But as always, she didn't care and just kept walking while giving everyone icy cold stares along the way. "Who are to be hanging around our exo oppas?!" "Yeah! Who do you think you are?!" the fangirls kept screaming. 


Your P.O.V.

              I was already having a bad day because of the mission I had from my job yesterday. I definitely did not need any more drama. Gosh, people need to get a life. But clearly it seems like to them, exo IS their life. It's second period now and here I am scribbling on my paper until it ripped. 



*brriiing brriiing*


              Finally it's lunchtime. I felt like I was in english class for ages. I walked into the cafeteria and Tao immedietely dragged me over to the table they were sitting at. We all talked for a bit until Suho questioned, "What's taking Chen so long?"


              Since it's my job to protect them, I decided to ask about it, "Why? Where did he go?" "He said he was going to the bathroom, but it's been like twenty minutes!" Chanyeol answered. "Alright, I'm going to check on him. Be right back~" I stated.


              I was walking along the quite halls since everyone is digging their faces in food in the cafeteria until I heard a bunch lf girls cheering just around the corner. Curious, I went to take a look and found a bunch of girls standing and pushing each other in a circle. I squinted my eyes a little to get a closer look at who it was.....Chen?


              I pushed my way through the crowd and grabbed Chens arm and tried to pull him out of there, but the girls won't stop getting in our way. "Ugh not her again!" I heard someone say, I'm guessing they're referring to me.


              One girl even grabbed a fistful of my hair and I immedietely twisted her arm quickly so that she would've thought it was just another one of the fangirls. Chens eyes widened at my action. 


               When we finally got out of there, we walked back to the cafeteria to meet up with the other members, only to find them surrounding by a sea of fangirls. "Wait for me outside" I demanded to Chen. By the sound of my voice, he quickly obeyed. I cleared a way for the other members to exit and leaded them outside of the school building. Worst day ever. 

Authors Note~

ahhh thank you soo much for commenting! :) I apologize for the boring chapters so I tried to add some action in this one, hope you liked it! :) Please comment and subscribe if you'd like! Upvotes would be loved too <3 

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R3ader43V3R #1
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
R3ader43V3R #2
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
AmyWtsn #3
Chapter 14: I'd honestly rather read about Eunhye saving the day and fighting bad guys than a "forbidden" romance. I liked her getting in on the action but the fact that she was injured so easily upset me. Our girl should be more badass than that. Maybe write in a couple of chapters about her saving the guys from some crazy fans or something.
Chapter 14: Give him a chance eunhye...
Chapter 11: Update author..
Chapter 10: Update soon~~
Boring_Aegyo #7
Chapter 10: A good story so far!^~^
Chapter 9: Luhan is a nice person. .