
This Can't Be Real {HIATUS}


Your P.O.V.

              For the rest of the day, I haven't spoke of the encounter to the exo boys. But I really didn't give what Tiffany had said a second thought. She was just another crazed fangirl, why should I listen to her anyways? 


              *beep beep* That's weird, no one ever texts me unless it's important, and usually it's only from my brother. I fished out my phone from my pocket and checked the sender. It was my boss. Curious as to what he had said, I punched in my pass code and proceeded to check the message. 


              It read, "Eunhye, come by the office after your school hours." Great, what now? My boss has always been finding things to point out about what I'm doing wrong and asking how I was even qualified to become a bodyguard. Which really ticks me off.


              "Hey, earth to Eunhye" Luhan half yelled as he waved his hands in front of my face. Snapping out of my daze, I realized that everyone had already packed up their lunches and were halfway done the bleachers already. "Oh, oops" I chirped while cracking a nervous smile. 


              "You okay? You seem kinda out of it today" Suho asked. I could hear the concern in his voice so I quickly tried to dismiss their thoughts of me being upset, "Nope I'm fine, just feeling a little tired, that's all" I replied, giving them a warm smile. Technically it wasn't a lie, because I really wasn't upset at all...


Luhan's P.O.V.

              Eunhye's seems like she's been lost in thought the whole day... I wonder what's wrong. A little part of me just can't stop thinking that she's worried about something. *sigh I hope everything's okay.


No one's P.O.V.

               The bell rang for dismissal and everyone practically sprinted out of their classrooms and into the crowded hallways. Everyone except one person, Eunhye. 


              Eunhye has already felt kind of moody since the encounter this morning but she didn't know why. Little did she know that she had subconsciously thought about the harm that she could bring to exo, because she could tell that they are the protective type. Therefore if Tiffany or any of the other fangirls decided to go after her while she's with them, they could also get hurt protecting her; not so much physically, but definitely through their words. 


Your P.O.V.

              I groggily packed up my bag for no good reason because I still felt moody, and slowly made my way towards the hallway. 


              Plugging in my earphones as I walked towards the front gates, I turned up the music and began walking to the office. Still feeling uneasy, I decided to lean against a wall and close my eyes trying to remember all the major events today. 


                Finally getting a lead on a thought, I began walking again. I don't think Tiffany and them will really try to hurt me badly, right? I mean afterall, I am definitely stronger than all of them combined. A smirk crept on my face as I realized I had nothing to worry about. 


              A couple minutes later, I arrived at the office. Since my boss was in a meeting, I decided to just wait in his office. I spun myself in the chair a couple times before taking a glance at his table. An open file was laying there. Curious, I took a closer look and recognized the familiar faces. How did he know about my new assignment so soon? 


              I really hope he doesn't interfere this time by assigning someone else for them... I sat back down as I tried to shake the thought away. Meanwhile, Mr. Kim, my boss entered his office. 


              "Sorry for the wait, the meeting was running a little late," he apologized. "No worries, I just arrived a few minutes ago," I smiled back. "Anyways, I was wondering how your current assignment is doing," he asked straightforwardly. "Umm, good?" I hesitated to answer. 


              "Are you close with them?" he continued asking bluntly. "A little..." I admitted because he is the hardest person to lie to. "Ah, I see... Remember Eunhye, They are your assignments, you cannot develop any type of bond with them." he warned. I was left speechless as I heaved a sigh. "Just think of it as protecting your job, because afterall they are a big part of it." he continued. "I understand Mr. Kim," I replied quietly. "Alright then, you may leave." he stated. 


              Sighing for the umpteenth time, I pushed open the door to exit the office. Should I really turn a cold shoulder towards them?...

Author's Note~

Sorry if this chapter got really confusing T_T comment to let me know if you want to clear anything up! :3 anyways, please subscribe and comment! :) Thanks for reading! <3




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R3ader43V3R #1
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
R3ader43V3R #2
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
AmyWtsn #3
Chapter 14: I'd honestly rather read about Eunhye saving the day and fighting bad guys than a "forbidden" romance. I liked her getting in on the action but the fact that she was injured so easily upset me. Our girl should be more badass than that. Maybe write in a couple of chapters about her saving the guys from some crazy fans or something.
Chapter 14: Give him a chance eunhye...
Chapter 11: Update author..
Chapter 10: Update soon~~
Boring_Aegyo #7
Chapter 10: A good story so far!^~^
Chapter 9: Luhan is a nice person. .