
This Can't Be Real {HIATUS}


Your P.O.V. 

              During the walk back home all I could think about was what I should do with exo. But I've finally made a decision. Before unlocking the front door to my house, I heaved a sigh and softly whispered, "Forgive me..."


              I lifelessly stepped into the house ignoring all of Key oppas calls. After a quick shower I pounced onto my bed and pulled the blanket over my head. I made the right choice right? I mean like, they're going to be out of my life after this school year anyways, and my assignment will be over... 


              But why do I feel so upset? Probably because even though we haven't spent a lot of time together, the bond that was created between us made me feel like they were my brothers, always asking how I was doing, protecting me from nasty comments about me from the girls at my school, and actually noticing me... I'm going to miss all that so much. While pondering on the thought, I slowly fell asleep. 


~Next Day~


              *brriiing brriiing* There's that annoying alarm clock again. I slammed my hand a little too hard onto the clock causing it to fall on the floor. I cringed at the sound when it made impact with the floor and clumsily stood up as I kicked the clock aside. 


              After getting ready, I went downstairs towards the smell of a cheesy filled bacon omelet. My favourite. "Key oppa~ what's the special occasion?" I said while giggling. "Nothing special, just thought I'd make it for you since I haven't in a while" he said while giving a cheeky grin. 


              "Hey, how's it going with exo by the way?" Key asked. After hearing the question I accidentally dropped my fork and my mood instantly went from happy to gloomy. "Um, good." I simply replied as I picked up the fork and started to eat again.


              "Glad to hear it, you should probably wrap up now unless you want to be late to school!" he chimed even though he knew that what she said wasn't the truth. "Alright, I'll see you later!" I said and exited the house. 


Chen's P.O.V.

              Eunhye has been avoiding us since this morning! She didn't meet up with us at the school garden like usual and I always see her walking the opposite way as us. I wonder if she's okay... 


              Lunchtime came around and the rest of exo and us hurried to the bleachers hoping that Eunhye would be there. But to our luck, she wasn't. Everyone's eyes went from hopeful to dissapointment. We all took a seat at the bleachers and began to discuss what we should do. 


              "Maybe we should surround her in a corner so she can't go anywhere," Kai smirked evilly. "No, Kai." D.O. rejected. "Anyone else have some reasonable ideas?" Xiumin asked emphasizing the word 'reasonable' as he glared at Kai. He just raised his arms as if he was surrendering and everyone bursted out in laughter, but quickly faded as we remembered the Eunhye situation.


              "How about we invite her to hang out with us after school?" I suggested. Everyone nodded their head in agreement. The bell rung soon after and we all excitedly waited for the end of the day. 


              The second half of school felt like forever but we finally get to ask Eunhye to join us after school. I met up with the boys at the front gates and waited for Eunhye to come out. Twenty minutes later, she finally walked out of the school. 


Your P.O.V.

​              I waited a while inside the school before heading out because I wanted to make sure that they would be gone. I finally thought it was safe to go out, so I did. But before I knew it, the guys of exo all rushed towards me. I quickly replaced my shocked expression to am icy cold poker face. "Hey, um, wanna come and hangout with us at the mall or park?" Chen asked. 


              "No. Keep in mind that I'm just your bodyguard." I coldly replied even though it hurt me to say that. Everyone looked away awkwardly feeling confused by her words. Before anyone could say anything, I hurried away. When I felt like I created a fine distance between us, I slowed down my pace and walked along the sidewalk. Finally I'm alone again... I knew it was bound to happen. 


              "Wait!" I heard someone scream. Immediately recognizing the voice, I spun on my heels and so no other than... Luhan.

Authors Note~

Thank you all much for the comments! I love reading and replying to all of them <3 Also, thank you sooo much for the upvote! :D Look forward to more moments with Luhan and Eunhye! Please subscribe and upvote if you'd like, and comment who your BIAS is in EXO so that I can add more dialog for them! :) Thanks for reading! 


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R3ader43V3R #1
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
R3ader43V3R #2
Chapter 14: Wah! It doesn't seem like it's your 1st fanfiction. I found it very interresting, so pls UPDATE,ne.:)
AmyWtsn #3
Chapter 14: I'd honestly rather read about Eunhye saving the day and fighting bad guys than a "forbidden" romance. I liked her getting in on the action but the fact that she was injured so easily upset me. Our girl should be more badass than that. Maybe write in a couple of chapters about her saving the guys from some crazy fans or something.
Chapter 14: Give him a chance eunhye...
Chapter 11: Update author..
Chapter 10: Update soon~~
Boring_Aegyo #7
Chapter 10: A good story so far!^~^
Chapter 9: Luhan is a nice person. .