
Haruman. (Just One Day)

Saturday. Once in every week but, Sara just ruined it. She wants you to attend a birthday party by her officemates but you refused it. As a human, your body and mind need to rest but Sara is not going to stop unless you are agree to attend it with her. You are not an anti-social but you pretty sure, Sara has her own hidden agenda. 

"Please, (Y/N). It will be awkward, if I'm attending alone without any partner. Please." she gave you, her puppy-eyes to gain your attention.

"Go away, because I wont be there."

"I hate you. I thought we are best friend." She said while slamming her bedroom's door.


You sighed. This ahjumma... Now, you are walking to her bedroom and knocked the door but there's no any reply from her. You wanted to leave but you turned back again.

"If you are not coming out from your room. I will go there alone by myself, Sara."


Then, you heard her door is opening and saw her pouted face. You are making ' face' because you are too annoyed by her.


"What's with that face, (Y/N)? I dont care, as long as you are agree to go there with me. This is the reason, why I love you so much." she said while hanging herself to you.

"I will but I have no dress to wear."

"It's okay. Leave it to me."

Leave it to you, huh? You said it in your heart. You don't want to leave any trust to this ahjumma. She will make things become worse but you have no choice, since everything is not  in your planned. In the same times, you feel something bad is going to be happen but you don't know what it is. You just hope, everything gonna be fine.

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si7ver96 #2
Chapter 11: I HATE YOU DINIE!
si7ver96 #3
Chapter 9: YOU DON'T MAKE HER PREGNANT!!! DON'T YOU DARE MAKE NAMJOON A FATHER or I'll hunt you down *evil laugh*
this story deserve an upvote........namjoonin-ah~~~~~~~~if you keep updating this story.....i will traet you ice cream......*hehehehee.....just kidding*....i already fall in love with your story....
si7ver96 #5
Chapter 6: y-you don't have any idea what this fic did to me!!! it pains me to the core ;n; I hate you dinie..
Chapter 6: hehehe.....namjoonine-ah~~~~~~~~~. please update soon..........hehehe....i like it...keep your good work..fighting!
si7ver96 #7
Chapter 4: heh heh heh ahahahhahahah
afrinarazak #8
hye , hohohohohoho ≧﹏≦
babysebaek #9
Chapter 2: Kekekekekeke
nad_12131 #10
Chapter 2: heh i think i know youu.... *smirk*