Chapter 6


There’s nothing wrong with the pictures, it’s not like I’m hugging or kissing the person. But the problem is the person I am with. If he just a random people on the street or just college student like my friend maybe I don’t have to be this panic. But he is Kim soo hyun. The big marvelous star on screen.  A face which make everyone drooling just by looking at it. It is just so impossible that I have picture with him in it. So, it will make some questions. Why did I do? How can I be there? I have the answer though, but it seems like no use this time.

“It’s nothing, it’s not like what is looks like.” He trying to explain something he doesn’t know, how can even possible? He must be found something before the truth reveal and eat him alive.

He waits for a moment, maybe for another response but when he got nothing. He takes out another picture inside the envelopes. He’s just doing it calmly not even a bit of anger shows up in his face. That is make me even scared of what happen later.

And my prediction was right.

“How can you explain this picture? And for your information, it’s not from our people. So, showing you this is like some kind of miracle to you.” He looks at Soo Hyun waiting; he doesn’t seem like trying to threaten him. For me he just is trying to get explanation of what happen and kind of worrying about him.

I muster up courage to looking at him, the good thing is in the picture I can’t found two people kissing or doing something more than holding hands. But kim soo hyun and Na Ji young in one picture is like a great scandal otherwise they use those photos for magazine. That would be another case. Na ji young is model and actress, she is very popular lately. Everybody knows they were friend since their debut, a lot of rumors saying that they’re dating but their management opposing the news. So, right now if this picture spread in all news they will be in a huge problem because they have been trying to keep it secret is kind like betraying their fans.

I hold my phone tightly; it could be that right now I hold the keys of this whole matters.

“Why Ji young meets you here, in a parking lot. It could be a lot of save if you just meeting openly in public. But if everybody knows you doing it secretly they will see something suspicious about it.” He said in disappointment, looking at him.

Soo hyun stare at him disbelief, then almost burst out of laugh before turn to anger, “Ya!!!Hyung!!!is it because you don’t know or you pretend not to know about this crap?”

I jump a bit from where I’m standing hearing him screams.

“We have guest here, please…” remind him when find me surprised with his reaction.

He looked at me; maybe I was really a ghost a moment ago.

He let his breath calm him down before he speaks more. “You are the person who understands well why ji young is here.”

“I’m not asking the reason why she runs to you, I just ask why you let this thing happen. Whatever the reason you have, you should think yourself first and do you think if this news expose she wouldn’t hurt too?” he keeps insisting to him answering his question.

I listen like a dumb people, this is just amazing. They are arguing things in front of me without even notice that I’m actually his fans.

“You…are the one who let this happen, don’t blame on me.” He’s not planning on losing.

“Yes, you can blame the whole thing on me. But who got lost here? Me? Definitely not, it’s you. Whichever pictures publish in public, you’re the one who’ll lose. You can’t even bring them down with you. So, are we keep going this useless conversation?” he keeps standing while watching him carefully, while waiting Soo Hyun to come up with another defense.

Kim Soo Hyun stare at him in silence, he knows better that he is. But he hates him because of it. Why can he always right?

“You can go. I’ll talk to you later.”

I instantly look at him, realize that he just talking to me. But before I take a step to go to the exit the other one said differently.

“She’s not going anywhere; she has the right to know.”

I get confuse, “Me?”

“What do you mean hyung?” that’s make the two of us.

“She has the right to know which one you’re going to protect this time.” My head is spinning, this is harder than math for me, and I hate math.

He ignoring our reaction and keep talking, but this time he give me a serious look, “I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I have to tell everyone that you’re Kim soo Hyun girlfriend.”


We shout together, it’s the first time we finally agree on something.

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eunsihaelover #1
Chapter 8: Please update soon.
Awesome chapter ^__^
eunsihaelover #2
Chapter 7: Wooowww very good chapter.
Please update soon ^___^
storyofmydream #3
thank you...I'll working hard :)
eunsihaelover #4
Chapter 4: It's getting better and better.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you very much and please update soon ^_^
storyofmydream #5
ok!I'll try to be fast! keep waiting pls hehe
lovehyunzy #6
Chapter 3: omg its so interesting. Update pls. Fighting