Chapter 14


i stared at my surrounding,  pathetically. i feel like the harder i try to assure where i am now the worst my headache struck me. so I just keep my eyes closed for a while, hoping that will be helped. What was just happened? Some of my brain trying to recall something in the past, to make me understand why i am end up being like this.

My eyes still blurry, but enough to see the ceiling above me. Just plain white and cold.

"So, was that your plan?" that voice brings my consciousness, i might feel still confuse but that annoying voice is hard to forget.

i moved my head on the side, and find him sit there, his good looking face shows me how much anger he's holding right now. Why? Why does he always mad at me?

"What is it this time?" I’m actually too tired to argue, why he don’t just leave me alone.

"amazing, i don't know that you chocked is related with the brain must be the new theory you have, we think the doctor must check on this, don't we?" he keep throwing that sarcasm words to me, makes me feel useless to control my patient.

"ya...what do you really want from me?" I sigh, put out my iv and sit, trying to confront him properly. Maybe i just let it out now. I just can't take it anymore.

"Don’t you think you should be a scenario writer or something like that? Because everything you do right now is easy to guess like a cheap drama on TV, but let me give you an advice, risking your life on it...well, isn't it too much? You could have die trying if your calculation is wrong." he smirked, bad thing...i smell something awful after this. But what did he just said? Drama?

"Believe me, I don't really understand a single word for you, but I remember I was chocked then i passed out. If you think that passed out girlfriend is too humiliating for you, well I’m sorry i cannot informed you before." I raised my voice, almost screaming to him. How can he becomes such a jerk to me?

"mwo? Passed out girlfriend? I rather have that happened than passed out fiancée, oh God.. I even feel sick for saying that!" he moved forward still with his beautiful but evil face.

Wait...fian...what? Who is he talking about? "What?"

Ok, now my brain probably damage just like what he said earlier because the more he talks the more I feel that I’m dumb. Or retarded.

"so, let just make it clear to you since you pretend like everything was accident, when you prepare that ring?" he seems lost his patient, or maybe he just never have that.

"Ring? What ring?" wait a second, the ring...I try my head to think, is that the thing stuck on my throat? The ring?

"Now you got all empty in your head...good, but don't worry i can help you. If you think showing that ring on public will work...yes it is. now the whole world thinking that I was proposed to you, and since you cannot even wearing that yet because unfortunately that ring end up on your throat instead your finger, we will cancel the announcement for now...happy? should be..." his face moved closer to me, I can almost see the fire in his eyes ready to burn me down like right now.

" think I did this?" I said and disbelief, what does he think I am? Does he think I’m that low?

"So, who did? Me?" he ask me back, but i know he doesn't mean it.

"Maybe! I don't know!!" i almost scream my heart out.

He looked at me closely, hold his tongue to say another words. Maybe my voice works to shut him up. I’m really tired right now, I know I like him a lot in the past and I still does. But he makes me so miserable enough lately. He hurt me so bad, too much for me to handle.

My tears almost falling from my eyes because all the anger that makes me hard to breath.

He bent down, to get his face equal with mine.

He sigh and start to speak, I can feel that this is not going to be a good news.

"you know what I hate the most in my world, it's some crazy fans like you...people like you will do anything to satisfy your desire." he smile, while still look down on me. "What you were trying back then is really disgust me, and makes me sick just to think about it. How could you...who’s nothing to me dare to set me up in your nasty trap? Do you think I will fall for it? Accept everything and let go? Do you think I am that stupid?" he keeps torturing me with his words, while I’m just hold still. I won't let him see my body shaking from anger. My eyes start to hurt from keeping the tears out. What did he say? After 2 days like hell and I can't even worth a single 'thank you' with his mouth.

I froze, I feel like I can't move. The urge of punch his face is very tempting. I am afraid that I cannot hold myself anymore. He can scream at me all he want, ignore me like I don't exist but throwing my pride like this, step on it like I am a piece of is unacceptable. I probably no one in his life but I am still a human too. I smile, pathetically. Now I understand what kind of person he is. I like him? I can think that over.

"Disgust you?" I put my blanket aside, ignoring all the pain in my head and just jump off the bed. "Are you kidding me?" I sighed, he really driving me crazy.

"wae?? You think you're not..."

"YA!!!! Listen to me! I am not the one who has make out season on public and now I have to become the bad person. are really amazing, don't you ever think about what I was going through for you? You did all the mess and I have to face the consequences, and I guess that was not enough for you because you still have no shame to humiliate me like this."

Without a doubt I put on my shoes which is, thankfully, already under my feet. So, I don't have to run away from this place barefoot like a fool. That’s it I jut can go this far.

"Where are you going?" he ask me, well... why does he even care?

I don't answer him, just silently trying to tighten my shoelace, I will run from here after I’m done with this, and fall because something like shoes is not going to make me proud.

He pulled me back before I can even start to run, his hand hold my arms tightly. Makes me shocked and hurt.

"Ya!!!! micheosseo!!!” He hasn’t trying to kill me, has he? Because a feel like every move he makes is intend to hurt me, in anyway.

“Don’t you even dare run away from here! Believe me, I don’t even care about you. I just care about me, how do you think how many reporters out there waiting for us? Do you want to make everything worse now?” He gets angrier, yes…of course when he doesn’t.

AHH!!! Just kill me now! Why he always right all the time!!! “I hate you.”

“good, you’d better be.” He said. A looked at him in surprise, did I said that out loud? Really? Woah….I’m proud of myself, I thought I never said that to him.

I wait in my position, my pride not allow me to crawl back on my bed. He probably right…but if I have to stay here I am not just going to use facilities he offered. Sound childish, I know. But this stubborn thought relieve me a little.

“Just stay.” He warn me and walk out that door.

I finally can rest my back, talking to him was really frustrating. He probably put too much effort for being nice in front of his fans because his personality is not like that at all.



2 hours before


He rushed his car in the hospital as fast as he could. The pass out person beside him is really unbearable to see. Half of him feel annoyed but part of him is scared like hell. The things come out from is not important in his mind right now. Yes, he can predict that everyone thought he was trying to propose her before but instead of her finger that ring stuck somewhere else.

But the strange happens when he saw her lost her consciousness there. Why did he think that she probably going to die and the thought of that start to killing him fast. He doesn’t need time to evaluate or consider what kind of feeling is that. But now, he just end up speeding his car like crazy on highway. Wondering fearfully if she is still breathing and fine.

The memory of hospital actually is not good for him, if he could he would prefer not going in there. The smell, the people, the patient and doctors is not as perfect as the drama. Its somehow scary.

He stops his car in front of emergency units, and before he can open the door to take her out the all doctors and nurses rushing in to him to take in charge.

“is she okay?” he can’t help himself to ask.

“we will see inside.” The doctor answered while still checking her eyes, her pulse and her breath. After he thinks is enough 2 more person help him to push the bed inside the room.

He watch them and follow them but keeping a distance. He doesn’t want his presence ruin something.

He waits patiently though curious. At least there is no one shouting that some emergency happen, so that’s mean everything still under control.

After 10 minutes long for him, yes it feels like forever for him and he still doesn’t know why, the doctor come to him.

“Don’t worry, she is fine. Maybe is the side effect. Let her rest a bit because she looks pale and weak, it looks like she didn’t eat for a days, after she wakes up you can bring her home. Are you her guardian? If so, you can finish the administration there.” He said showing the place in the corner of the room with a big bar table. Soo Hyun smile.

“Thank you.”

“It’s fine.” He nod and leave.

He put both hands in his jacket, start to walk closer to her who still sleep and sound. he pull the chair beside her bed and sit on it. This is the first time he watch her closely. Sometime in the past 3 or 4 days he always sure this is a mistake. Why he met her and everything it shouldn’t happen. Why her? Among all the strangers in his life. He look her face, and he realize there’s a scratch there, what? Suddenly he alarm…he start to pull her hand, observe her skin carefully. It’s not just a scratch but the bruises are still there, looks real and obvious. He put his hand on his head frustrated.

He is jerk, totally. How can I never thought about that? The all scenario might be drive him crazy but actually she went through more that she could imagine.

“Hi! Oh God!!!” she close when Soo Hyun look up to the person whose trying to talk to him. “oh sorry!”

“yes…can I help you?” he started to feel annoyed, though is usual reaction for people who see him but this time he’s not in good mood to play nice.

“can I have a word with you for a minute?” she asked.

Before he answered, he observe her quietly…she’s wearing a white coat, maybe she is the doctor here. But why does she wants to talk to him? Asking for his sign? The truth is, he doesn’t want to do fan service while his head is still messed up like this.

“what kind of talk about?” he start curious, for a fan she really fast to control her voice. Makes him feels that she probably not his usual fan.

So, 5 minutes later they’re end up sitting in hospital cafeteria facing each other. She looks calm, he suggest she is treating him like one of her patient. Fortunately, the place is not that crowd so he doesn’t have to hide his identity too much.

“So, what do you want to talk about?” He open the conversation first.

She puts both hands on the table to start her long explanation, “ My name is jung min ha, I’m Hyo ra friend, maybe one and only friend. So, you probably understand how shock I was found her here passed out. She never said anything about you and her current situation. But suddenly she is in this state.”

“And you said you her one only friend…” He cut her speaking, refer to what she just said.

“ya…” she trying to control her anger, “please just let me finish.”

He makes a gesture with his hand to let her continue.

“I don’t know what happen with you and her, but this past few days I just barely know she involves with you and is really like a number one searching on the internet. I probably the worst friend ever, but is my first year of my internship and the senior doctor is really mean to me. Well, the point is I can not meet her more often lately.” She takes a deep breath, and go on. “I don’t care if you two love each other or not but there is something I need to tell you.”

“Why? Usually “friend’ always ask those things, do I really love her, serious with her, or something like that. Even none of them is not their problem.” Feels irritated with those facts, sometime he thinks friends more annoying and makes the real relationship more complicated.

“no, well, actually I am but you know that I’m holding myself to ask. I will just tell you things that she never tell you or didn’t tell you yet. Why? Because the last thing she wants is pitied by other people.”




In the waiting room he was still trying to recall what that friend of here before. Her words keeps playing in his head makes him frustration. he mad at himself so he could just spit it to her. She should just stay away from him, because he just can damage her more. Her life is already miserable without him in it.

Facing her, he should be apologize first but the guilt and the anger inside him stop him. Yes, finally he can just be an . Just mad at her like a jerk.

“We were born without knowing who is our parents are, we grew up in orphanage. You can easily imagine what we were going through back then. We tried to support each other until we were 10 years old. But we grew up differently in the inside. She always protected me while I just felt safe behind her back. She lives positively while I always afraid to face our future, what will us going to do? Time passes and the older we got, makes us harder got adopted. So I cried every day and wondering what was wrong with me. One day finally a married couple came to visit our orphanage. They really interested in Hyo-ra because she looks so bright and so friendly. Yes, of course everyone loves her. She is easy to love. She just needs the right person to see those thing from her. But when the day finally came, she just gave the opportunity to me.” She told him fluently, like a synopsis TV drama which is aired twice a week. And I almost laugh because it seems like she was trying to give me a script offer. But no, instead of the flat expression everything is real.

“So, what do you want from me? Ok, I’m sorry for her but what else? From your information before pity her is the last thing she wants for me.” He is trying to sounds calm, though inside there is unknown feeling start to grow, it’s uncomfortable yet exciting. He still don’t know which one is better.

“yes, so don’t. I just want to ask you to be careful, she was through so many things alone. She probably can take everything now but I don’t know her limit. If she pushed it too hard I don’t know what will happen.” Her voice is trembling, she cannot hide it anymore. Her tears almost break out through her eyes but she’s trying hard to hold back. “Just be careful, you don’t know how much she gave to make everything possible for me. I owe her for the rest of my life.”

“Lee Hyo-ra shi!!!”

Soo Hyun wake up from his thought when he hear someone shouting her name. He looks around the hospital lobby and find a nurse keep repeating her name numerously with a worry face. Is that her? he cannot stop himself to stand up and come to that nurse.

“Yes, what happen with her?” he ask quietly, her panicked face affects him really fast.

“oh…yes, you are her guardian right? She was suddenly went out of her room after she had a called, I don’t know what happen I’m just trying to call her but she didn’t want to hear me.” She is explaining while my thought already going anywhere and that’s all bad thing.

“Ok, I’ll find her. “ He probably doesn’t have a long reasons to do that, why? He will ask himself later.

He run to the parking lot, he needs his car right now. What happen with her? is there something wrong? The talk with her friend before slip in to his mind. ‘I don’t know her limit’ she said she didn’t know how much she can take anymore. Did he just gave her that limit? Did he pushed her too hard? No, she wouldn’t just give up right now, right? When it comes to that conclusion the fear inside him is awake. No…no, no, no…she cannot do that…if she wants to punish him for being jerk, this isn’t what he expect, she will make him pay for the rest of his life.



Another update... i try to make it as fast as i could haha...well, your comment is my support... so, enjoy!!!

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eunsihaelover #1
Chapter 8: Please update soon.
Awesome chapter ^__^
eunsihaelover #2
Chapter 7: Wooowww very good chapter.
Please update soon ^___^
storyofmydream #3
thank you...I'll working hard :)
eunsihaelover #4
Chapter 4: It's getting better and better.
Keep up the good work.
Thank you very much and please update soon ^_^
storyofmydream #5
ok!I'll try to be fast! keep waiting pls hehe
lovehyunzy #6
Chapter 3: omg its so interesting. Update pls. Fighting