

Tea with Hana was surprisingly relaxing for Luci. They just talked about random things, both avoiding the subject of Luci's situation. Hana had dropped Luci off at her house at 3pm to go pick Sarang up from school. Luci had an hour until Yongguk came around. Luci cleaned the house for a bit. The maids were telling her not to and that it wasn't her job to clean, but Luci ignored it. She had to do something. She took a shower and waited for Yongguk to come around. When 4:10pm rolled around, Luci heard a knock on the door. She rushed to the door before the maids opened it. 

"Hey." She puffed. Yongguk was standing there looking bored. "How was class?" She asked as Luci walked off to her room and Yongguk followed. 

"Pretty boring." He replied in a dull tone. He took a seat at her desk and she sat on the other side of the room at the foot of her bed. 

"We need to talk." You both said at the same time. Luci smiled a little at the coincidence but Yongguk stayed unemotional. 

"You ... you can go first." Luci stuttering a little because the phrase 'We need to talk' is rarely the start of good news.

"I think we should b-"  She knew exactly what that sentenced consisted of and she did not need to hear the last 2 words. 

"Maybe I should have gone first." Luci spoke up as she cut him off mid-sentence.

"Just hear me out." He continued. Luci didn't say anything. "I feel like the last month, we've become distant. I love you, Luc. I really do, but what Andrena and Zelo said made me think about a lot. It's always been just you and me. We've been together for so long that no one remembers how we got together. Is that all our relationship is going to be? Are we too comfortable with each other to find otther things? How exactly did we get together?" 

"You want to break up with me because you're comfortable?" Luci said. Sadness, anger and confusion boiling her blood. 

"I don't believe that you're the one for me, Luc." He said bluntly. 

"I'm pregnant." Luci slipped out. 

"What?" Yongguk said abruptly. Before Luci replied Yongguk spoke again. "How long have you known?" \

"I only found out last night." Luci said slowly and quietly. 

"If you had told me earlier I wouldn't have-" Yongguk began but what Luci thought Yongguk was gonna say make her more angry than upset. 

"Wouln't have what? Tried to break up with me? So, this baby would have been the only reason why you'd stay with me? Why you'd go about in the future telling me you love me when you'd just be lying to me because I'm pregnant?" Luci almost yelled. "Maybe you're right, maybe we do need to experiance things without each other." Luci tried to breathe calmly. 

"Luci." Yongguk said. 

"There's nothing else that needs to be said." 

"There's plenty of things that need to be said. Especially about the kid." He stood up.

"No, there really isn't. It's my body." She replied. Luci was trying to hard to be strong but she felt herself on the verge of tears. 

"It's my kid." He yelled at Luci. 

"What? So the only thing you care about is this kid?" She felt tears roll down her cheeks and in her attept to wipe her face, Yongguk had already noticed that she was crying. Luci felt as if she couldn't breathe.

"Of course not." His voice softened and he steped forward towards Luci in aattept to comfort her.

"That doesn't make any sense since you were ready to break up with me 3 minutes ago, Yongguk. There's no point in staying together if it's just for the kid. Things won't funtion properly if that's the only reason. Relationsships don't last long if it's loveless. It's just a responsible burden." Luci said harshly. "As of now; we're broken up. Get out of my house."

"Luci." He began to take several steps forward but Luci took a couple steps back which made Yongguk stop. 

"I SAID 'GET OUT'" Luci screamed at him. At first he didn't move but Yongguk had two choices; Stay and fight or leave with the possibility that this might be the last chance he has to fix it all. Sticking with what he had said before she told him she was pregnant, he left.

As soon as she heard the front door close, Luci sank to her knees and took the deepest breath. This is the guy who she sared everything with. He was her first for almost everything and he just walked out simply. 

Luci spent at least 2 hours sitting in the same position having the biggest cry of her life. After that, she decided that she needed some fresh air. She pulled out her phone from her pocket, turned it off and tossed it into the bottom drawer of her desk. There, she'll forget the phone ever existed.. Opting to listen to music on her outing, she pulled out her ipod from her school bag, put her headphones on and headed out the door after telling the caregivers that she was going out. Mina hadn't come home yet, assuming she was with her boyfriend. Luci was listening to a playlist that only consisted of ShinHwa and K.Will. Instead of sad ballads, the music gave off more of an adventurous feel. Instead of feeling sad for Yongguk, she took this as an oppertunity to be a little more independant. She felt adventurous. Exploring parts of the city, she had not yet walked past. Finding small underground book stores and coffee shops. Little did she know, when she gets home, she'd break down all over again. As the sun was going down she decided to walk back home. Realising she had walked so far from home she wondered if maybe she should call her driver to come pick her up, realising again that she left her phone at home, she decided to wave down a taxi. As the taxi stopped in front of her, another way getting out. She stepped out of the way for the male to exit the taxi before attempting to get in. 

"Luciana?" A familiar voice came from the man who just stepped out of the taxi. Luci turned around and was face to face with a man she hadn't seen in a while.


Heya :) Sorry I haven't updated in a few weeks. I was out of town. Ahahahahaha. 
Sorry if I made you guys depressed. Saranghae <3 xo


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miomio7 #1
Chapter 9: Please please please updateee! =) =D
dumb-baek #2
Chapter 5: Enjoyable chapter! :D I hope you can update again.I must know what happens next.Cx