I'm Sorry...

I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(Jungkook's POV)

Jungkook: Aigoo.... It's getting late... *Wipes his tears* Time to sleep... I hope I won't be dead by morning... Or have to kill someone...

I walk over to a big tree where I usually sleep... I try to get as warm as possible... It started to get colder as it got darker... I fell asleep...

(The next morning...)

(Tiffany's POV)

It was very early in the morning... Me and my friend Taeyeon decided to go for a walk in the park...

Taeyeon: Aigoo! It's cold Fany! I should have wore my scarf!

Tiffany: Oh well... We already walked far enough from my house... And I don't feel like going back...

Taeyeon: Okay Fany... I wonder who the trainee is for BTS...

Tiffany: Rap Monster had told me it was some boy that lives on the streets... I think his name was Jungkook...

Taeyeon: Poor boy...

Taeyeon ran over to the trees... I slowly walked in her path... I assume she was going over to the trails... Then I heard her scream...

Taeyeon: AIGOO!!! STOP!! Ahhhh!!

I saw a young boy in all black grab Taeyeon and hold a knife to her neck...

(Jungkook's POV)

I was shocked... This woman ran near me and scared the hell out of me... Without a thought... I had her in my grip... Ready to kill her... But then her friend ran over to stop me...

Tiffany: Please don't hurt Taeyeon!

Jungkook: W-Why are you here?

Taeyeon: I didn't mean to scare you! I just wanted to go on the trail.... *Crying*

Tiffany: Let her go!

I looked at the beautiful girl... And I let her friend Taeyeon go... I put my knife away...

Tiffany: Are you okay Taeyeon? Did he hurt you?

Taeyeon: I'm fine Fany...

Tiffany: Okay... W-Who are you? Why did you attack my friend?

Jungkook: My name is Jungkook... Only reason I did is because I thought she was trying to attack me...

Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at each other for a few seconds... Then back at me...

Taeyeon: Jungkook? Do you think its him Fany?

Tiffany: Hmm... Maybe... Wae are you sleeping in the park Jungkook?

Jungkook: Because Rap Monster is making me work even harder to be a member of BTS... So he makes me sleep out here... Well... I've always slept in the park... But anyways... I think he hates me... I'm only a trainee... And that's why...

Taeyeon: Omo!! That is the boy! We should take him in Fany!

Tiffany: *Sighs* I'm sorry Jungkook... That's the type of guy Rap Monster is... Maybe I will let you sleep at my place until he lightens up on you.... On one condition...

Jungkook: I barely know Rap Monster and he sounds like an ... He is lucky his agents don't know what he's doing to me... Anyways... What would that condition be?

Tiffany: Don't attack my friends or anyone for that matter...

Jungkook: Alright... Deal... My apologies Taeyeon... *bows*

Taeyeon: That's okay Jungkook! We have a lot to learn about you Kookie! Fany... We should take him to lunch... He looks hungry and its about that time anyways...

Tiffany: Hmm... Alright... I assume you don't have any money... So I will be paying for you....

Jungkook: I'm not hungry... So don't worry about the money... Please noona...

I'm surprised that their willing to take me in after what just happened... And even offer me lunch... I had many reasons I didn't want to go out and eat... One of them being is that I don't know how to act towards people in public... I forgot everything my parents taught me 6 years ago... My manners were few... And plus.. I was taught differently since I have the background of a North Korean... I mostly knew the gang life..

Taeyeon: Don't worry Jungkook... It's all on us okay? :)))

Tiffany: Taeyeon and I are both willing to pay... Its no BIG deal Jungkook...

Jungkook: Alright... Whatever you say...

About 10 minutes later... We walked over from the park to this café... I became nervous... But I don't know why...

Tiffany: You two go find a table... I will be in the bathroom...

Taeyeon: Alright! Let's go Kookie!

She grabs my hand and pulls me over to this table near a window...

Taeyeon: I like sitting near windows because I like the natural light! Its sunny today!

Jungkook: .............................

Taeyeon: Jungkook? What's wrong?

Jungkook: This is weird for me... Back in North Korea... I never went to places like this... It kind of scares me...

Taeyeon: Oh... I'm... Ummm... Sorry...

Jungkook: *looks down* ....................................

Tiffany walks back over to the table...

Tiffany: So.. Sunny come by and take your orders yet?

Taeyeon: No.... *Looks out the window*

Tiffany: Hmmm... Okay...

Jungkook: What's this? *Picks up the fork and knife*

Tiffany: What do you mean what's that? It's a fork and a knife... You eat with it...

Jungkook: I've only seen these... Mostly fancy people use them... I don't know how they work... I was always poor...

Taeyeon: Umm... F-Fany....

Tiffany: You should know...

Jungkook: B-But I don't...

Taeyeon: Hey Jungkook.... It's okay... I will get you some chopsticks.... You eat with those right?

Jungkook: Yeah!

Taeyeon: I will be right back...

Taeyeon gets up from the table then this girl with short blond hair walks over to us... She was dressed nicely...

Tiffany: Sunny! Hey! How are you?

Sunny: I'm good! Ooooh! Who is that cute boy you have right next to you? Is he your boyfriend?

Tiffany: Ahahah! No Sunny! He's a friend of Rap Monster's...

Sunny: Alright... It's nice to meet you! I'm a friend of Tiffany's! You and Taeyeon want the usual right?

Tiffany: Yes please...

Sunny: What about you sir?

Jungkook: ...................................

I wasn't sure what to do... I just looked at her...

Tiffany: Are you okay Jungkook?

Jungkook: I'm not sure how to respond to her Tiffany... Things are different here then they are in North Korea...

Sunny: .................................

Tiffany: Get him what I'm having okay Sunny?

Sunny: Alright! *Runs off*

Taeyeon walks back over to our table and hands me the chopsticks...

Taeyeon: Here ya go!

Jungkook: Thank you...

Tiffany: Jungkook... You are... 17 and you can't order for yourself?

Jungkook: *Starts crying* I'm 16 and I'm sorry! I don't know these "simple" things! I've been in South Korea for 6 years now... Yet I still don't know these things... I only know the ways of gang life... I've always lived on the streets.... And about a month ago is when Rap Monster's agents found me... I'm sorry... I really am...

Taeyeon and Tiffany looked at me with disbelief...

Tiffany: You living on the streets all your life probably explains why you know so little about how to interact with people and do simple everyday things... I'm surprised that you've been in South Korea for that long yet you still don't know so much....

Jungkook: I've remain hidden all my life... Unless I had to go out and steal food or kill someone... So I never did much "interacting" with people... Or much "learning"... Plus my parents died to get me here... They wanted to start a new life here in South Korea...

Taeyeon: And that is how you repay them?

Jungkook: ......................................................

Tiffany: Well... I'm glad your with me Jungkook.... You can start a new life with me... Taeyeon and I will help you...

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.