What Did You Do!?

I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(A month later...)

(Jungkook's POV)

Everyone was busy planning out things for the concert while I was stuck in a day dream... I should be paying attention since the show is in a few days....

Suga: So... How are we gonna introduce Jungkook?

Manager: Hmm... How about y'all do a dance and he comes into it...?

Suga: Hmm.. What do you think Rap Monster?

Rap Monster: It sounds good.... That will be an easy way to sneak him in... Then after our dance... We will introduce ourselves and Jungkook as our new member... Isn't that right Jungkook?

Jungkook: .............................................

Rap Monster: Jungkook!

Jungkook: I'm sorry hyung! Yes! That's right!

Rap Monster: Okay... Suga... You will be right here when we dance... It shouldn't be that hard... Then Jungkook will come in behind you... He will look like one of the background dancers... Do you understand?

Suga: Yeah.... You and the manager worked hard for this! Alright.... Anything else we need to go over before we leave?

Rap Monster: Hmm...

Manager: I don't think so... Everyone... Lets get in the van and head to the hotel... It will be a short drive since were are traveling from Seoul to Cheorwon. It will about 2 hours. The show is in 2 days.

Suga: That's a short drive. Wae must we leave today?

Manager: Because we will need to set up and there is a bunch of other stuff we have to do..

Suga: Ahh... Okay...


(No One's POV)

Yongguk: Hmm... Get ready boys....

Himchan: For what?

Yongguk: It looks like BTS is gonna have a show and meet n greet in Cheorwon....

Himchan: And?

Yongguk: Jungkook will be there... Where ever they will be... That's where Jungkook will be...

Zelo: Are you thinking of kidnapping him?

Yongguk: Yes... But lets save that trouble for another time.... We just need to scare him badly enough to where he will never want to preform on stage again.... Its easy...

Youngjae: What should we do then?

Yongguk: Hmm.... Let me think about it....

Youngjae: We don't have time to think Yongguk..........

Zelo: Aigoo leader... Lets just bust his head on stage and scare everyone...

Himchan: That plan has many faults Zelo...

Zelo: Let me finish! So.. This is what I will do... Listen up.....

(A day later in Cheorwon...)

(Rap Monster's POV)

We have about a day before the show... Everyone is excited except Jungkook... This is all new to him... He's been quite most of the ride here... I know one thing that will cheer him up... Taeyeon and Tiffany.... They are also coming along to see us...

We are busy relaxing in our hotel rooms... Jungkook is watching TV with Suga... And the others went swimming.... Wae would they swim here anyways...? The sasaengs would end up watching... Aigoo...

Rap Monster: What are you two watching?

Suga: The Flower Boys Next Door.... Jungkook randomly picked...

Rap Monster: Ahh.. Okay... Jungkook... Are you okay?

Jungkook: Yeah...

Rap Monster: Hmm... Well... I'm going to sleep... We have to get up early tomorrow...

Suga: Its only 4:30.... That's early!

Rap Monster: I would rather be well rested than not... Good night boys...

(Suga's POV)

Something was on Jungkook's mind... He just lied to Rap Monster... How would I get him to talk? I don't talk to him like Rap Monster does....

Jungkook was busy watching TV while I thought of ways to make him talk...

Jungkook: That girl is really odd... I wonder why she doesn't like going outside....

Suga: I haven't really watched this show but it seems like someone did something to her... I wonder why she just doesn't talk to the guys....

Jungkook: She is shy... And I think she likes em' too! She somewhat reminds me of me... Aigoo... Go talk to them!

Hmm.... Jungkook is shy... I have a feeling he likes someone... Maybe he likes Taeyeon and Tiffany....?

Suga: So... Do you have anyone you "like"?

Jungkook: Me? Like someone? Aren't those strong feelings Suga?

Suga: Yes...

Jungkook: Hmm... I can't tell you...

Suga: Wae???

Jungkook: Its not for you to know....

Who do you like Jungkook!? It must be obvious!!! I'll just shoot him more questions then...

Suga: Do you like Tiffany?

Jungkook: No... I like her as my friend... And she likes Taeyeon anyways...

Was I suppose to know that!? That's new... Hmmm.....

Suga: Are there any girls that you like since you don't Tiffany?

Jungkook: I don't like any girls...

Who does he like!? I guess I'll have shoot him an even weirder question....

Suga: S-So... Do you like any guys?

Jungkook: Yeah... But that's all I'm telling you....

Suga: Is it me?

Jungkook: Stop asking me all these questions dammit!

Jungkook stands up in front of me with an angry look... Now I'm confused... I think he likes me!

Suga: Please don't hurt me... I'm sorry....

Jungkook: .................... Just... Don't talk to me right now....

Jungkook walked out the room and slammed the door... Shortly after that... Taeyeon and Tiffany walked in...

Tiffany: Aigoo... What did you do Suga?

Taeyeon: You know he's a sensitive person....

Suga: I was just asking him a few things...

Tiffany: Well he is upset... So what did you say?

Suga: I was asking him a bunch of questions...

Tiffany: I don't think he can handle all those questions... I think it makes him feel uncomfortable....

Tiffany and I began to argue and whatnot.... Then Rap Monster walked out of his room and shook his head at us...

Rap Monster: Wae... Wae!? I'm trying to sleep and then I hear that Jungkook runs off...

Suga: Aigoo!!! I'm sorry Fany! Damn!

Tiffany: Why don't you thin--

Rap Monster: You two stop... I will talk to him okay? I will be back...

Suga: But Rap Mon....

Rap Monster: Shut up... I don't care what else you have to say... We have a show tomorrow... We can't be running off and arguing at each other... See you soon....

(Down the street from the hotel...)

(Jungkook's POV)

Hmm... It's been a long time since I was last in Cheorwon... I really don't like it here... I did to many things as I passed here...

Wae did Suga ask me all those questions... Such personal ones... Aigooo.... I guess running away wasn't the best idea....


Did someone just call my name or am I hearing things? I'm hearing things... Aigoo...

I just kept walking farther from the voice...


Jungkook: What do you want!?

The voice finally caught up with me... It was Rap Monster... He must be so disappointed...

Rap Monster: Wae did you run? What did Suga say? Please come back!

Jungkook: I don't feel like it...

Rap Monster: You can't do this now! You have fans besides us to please!

Jungkook: Fans? What are those people suppose to be? More people who--

I was suddenly grabbed by the arm by this screaming girl....

Girl: You must be the new member!

Girl 2: What's your name cutie?

Girl: He's mine! Take Rap Monster!!!

Girl 2: We will strip for you~~~

Jungkook: Aigoo! Let go dammit!

Rap Monster: Stop that! Leave us alone!

Girl: Aww... Namjoon is mad!

I wasn't sure what to do... Run without Rap Monster or save him...? We aren't that far from the hotel... Hmm... The girl messing with me lifted her shirt and pressed her body against me... I suddenly felt a need to just kick her ... On the other hand... Rap Monster was being beaten and he didn't really want to fight a girl...

Jungkook: Will you ing stop that!

Rap Monster: Wae are you doing this!? I don't wanna fight you!

Girl: You will remember me forever Kim Namjoon!

Girl 2: This is a moment to remember~~~

I suddenly out...

























SHHH....... JUST GO!





















(The next morning...)

(Rap Monster's POV)

Manager: Let's get ready guys! Come on! Move it!

Jungkook: ...............................

Rap Monster: Can't you just forget what you did last night Jungkook?

Jungkook: I can't... I almost killed them...

As we all loaded the van... Suga looked at us sadly... The others looked at us with confusion... Tiffany and Taeyeon had took their car... They were allowed to see the sound check.....

Suga: J-Jungkook... I'm sorry...

Jungkook: Sorry is no longer a word Suga... But thanks for trying...

Jungkook was pale... He was still in shock from what he did yesterday... Come to think of it... Does he always carry a knife with him?

We all successfully loaded the van... We went on our way...

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.