Yes, We Are...

I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(Later at the hospital...)

(Jungkook's POV)

It had been a few hours since Krystal and Amber saved me Yongguk... The two girls managed to get me in the same room as Rap Monster.... They stuck around the hospital to keep a careful eye on me...

Tiffany had dropped by with Taeyeon at her side... They sat at my bedside...

Jungkook: Where are the boys?

Tiffany: They are at the mansion... They said they wanted to give you and Rap Monster time to heal... They will stop by later...

Jungkook: Do they know about Yongguk?

Tiffany: Yeah... But I lied and said that I managed to fend him off...

Jungkook: That's good... I don't want anyone to know that he me...

Tiffany: Tae Tae and I have you covered...

Taeyeon: It seems like Mr. Namjoon slept thru all of this... I suppose he knows nothing... YET....

Jungkook: Yeah...

Taeyeon: When are you going to get released from the hospital?

Jungkook: Tomorrow...

Taeyeon: Fany... Are we going to pick him up? Or the boys?

Tiffany: I would rather us two have him than the boys... Rap Monster would be the only person to actully look after him... But... That's not happening...

Taeyeon: Looks like your coming with us... Before we leave... Do you need anything...?

Jungkook: No thank you.... I just want to sleep...

Taeyeon: Okay... Bye Kookie!

They both gave me hugs and walked out of the room... I got up and looked around the room... The TV hung from the wall and there was one window which my bed was closet to...t

I at in the chair near the window and just watched as the sun set... It didn't occur to me until just now that it was already getting late... Where could the boys be?

This hospital gown made me feel exposed because I had nothing on under it... I started to drift off into a sleep until a deep voice filled the room...

Rap Monster: Yah... Jungkook... What are you... Here for?

I ran over to Rap Monster's bedside and lightly hugged him...

Jungkook: I fell down some stairs...

Rap Monster: You babo... Don't lie... I want to know...

Jungkook: *sighs* As Tiffany and I had walked to the hospital garage... Zelo and Yongguk kidnapped me... Yongguk me for money... Then Amber and Krystal saved me... Now I'm here...

Rap Monster: Aigoo... That bastard... How badly are you hurt?

Jungkook: Not to bad....

Rap Monster stuck his arms under my gown and felt all the scars on my chest and the newly formed ones on my back... My body tensed up to his touches...

Rap Monster: You can relax your body... And not that bad eh? What are these new ones on your back?

Jungkook: He whipped me too...

I looked away from Rap Monster in shame... He became curious and his hands started to trail down my sides... He felt all of my past scars... The I jumped away from him as he nearly got to area...

Rap Monster: What's wrong Jungkook?

Jungkook: I'm... Sorry... My scars...

Rap Monster hugged me for a long time... He sang me songs and rapped a few to me as well...

Rap Monster: We can't hide this forever you know... The other members must find out sometime... We can't forget about the manager ether...

Jungkook: I don't even care about telling them right now... I just want to relax in your arms...

Rap Monster nodded his head in agreement... He then groaned in pain because of his injury...

Suga walked in when we least expected it... Suga looked at us weird because we were hugging each other in a very close way...

Suga: ...

Rap Monster: Its not what--

Suga: Umm... So... You two are together?

Rap Monster and I looked at each then shook our heads no to Suga. Suga frowned and crossed his arms...

Suga: Hurry up and explain before the others walk in... Because you two can't lie to save your life...

Rap Monster: Aigoo... Yes Suga... We are...

Suga: Its about time!

Jungkook: So your not mad at us?

Suga: Nope. I've had suspicions ever since you let Jungkook sleep in your bed...

Rap Monster: Ahh... Please don't tell the others...

Suga: Sure thing... Jungkook... I brought you some clothes...

I got up from Rap Monster's bed and I quickly changed into them... The others walked in with McDonald's... I walked over to my bed and laid down...

I drifted off into other thoughts until I fell asleep....






(A few months later...)

(Rap Monster's POV)

Jungkook and I were in bed watching TV and cuddling... We had become very close after my accident... Although I never thought Kookie would be the one for me... He gave me that attention that I craved...

Jungkook: This drama is getting boring... Can you change it? Please?

Rap Monster: Sure.

I grabbed the remote and changed the channel to something different... Jungkook hugged me tightly and smiled...

I'm embraced his whole body... He was warm and full of life...

Jungkook: I love you...

Rap Monster: I love you too Kookie!

Jungkook: Just one thing...

Rap Monster: Yeah?

Jungkook: Stop poking me...

Rap Monster: But I'm not poking you...

Jungkook: Well... Both our bodies are pretty close together... And I feel something...

Rap Monster: I don't know what your talking about...

I look around the bed for any random objects but I see nothing... I look under the covers and I realized what he was talking about... So I moved away from him...

Rap Monster: S-Sorry about that Kookie... It just happens...

Jungkook: Oh................. OHHHH... Okay...

He took a quick glance at my boxers and then he blushed... I had this sudden urge to just him... But I knew that the time wasn't right...

Jungkook faced his back at me and looked down... He let out a tiny laugh and the he got up...

Rap Monster: W-What!?

Jungkook: Your so cute Kim... I've been thinking about this... But have you ever had before?

I hid my face under the covers... I knew I haddn't... But I was becoming more and more curious as time went on...

Rap Monster: No....... Wae? Wae do you need to know?

Jungkook: No reason... I just felt like knowing...

He smiled as he walked over to me... He sat in between my legs... I was starting to get hot...

Jungkook gave me a kiss... Then the manager walked in...

Manager: Yah! I need to-- W-What are you two doing!?

Jungkook: Aigoo! We are sorry...

Rap Monster: You see... We are just practicing fan service... So... Yeah!

Manager: It didn't seem that way... 0___0

The manager shook his head still trying to process what he was seeing...

Manager: Anyways... We were having a meeting... We've all been waiting for you two...

Rap Monster: W-We will be there soon... Just... Let us get decant...

Manager: We will speak about this later...

He walked out of our room shutting the door behind him... We both put some clothes on...

Jungkook: Do you think we are in trouble?

Rap Monster: Being late...? Yes. Us being a little too cute...? No.

Jungkook held his head low and walked out of the room... He was upset that the manager saw us... I was scared that the manager would tell someone...

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.