Radio Interview

I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(Jungkook's POV)





I heard someone shouting our name... I slowly opened my eyes to see Suga in our room!

Jungkook: W-Why are you in here!? 0.0

Suga: You two never locked your door... I knocked at first... But no one answered... So I just walked in... And... Its late in the day and we have an interview! We have like two hours before it starts... We need to get going! :/

Jungkook: Dammit... I forgot about that... :/

Rap Monster rose from beside me and sat up... He rubbed his eyes and yawned...

Rap Monster: Uhhhg... I don't even wanna go... My is sore... =___="

Suga gave Rap Monster a weird look...

Suga: U-Uhhh... What? :/

Rap Monster: Aw ! Your in here Suga!? \°Δ°/

Suga: Y-Yeah... -.-

Rap Monster scratches the back of his head to play it off as if nothing happened...

Jungkook: *Whispers* What is that Namjoon? *points at his covers* .0.

Rap Monster: What? =___=

Jungkook: Look down... .0.

Rap Monster: I'm hard... 0___0 Why must you do this to me Kookie? >___<;

Suga: Are you guys okay? :/

Jungkook: Sorry Namjoon... You should learn to control your body more... -___-

Rap Monster: Uhhhh... Its not as easy as you think Kookie! S-Suga... C-Can you cover your eyes so I can run to the bathroom and get dressed?? °___°

Suga: Uhhmm... So... Your ?... >:/

Rap Monster: Yes! J-Just... Don't look! >___<;

Suga covers his face and turns away from Rap Monster... Rap Monster runs to the bathroom and shuts the door...

It was just Suga and I.

I was trying to avoid eye contact with Suga... But he kept trying to look at me...

He crossed his arms and looked over to the side...

Suga: So... How was Namjoon last night? Don't say you don't know what I'm talking about... -___-

Jungkook: Heh... W-What do you mean? Last night? :|

Suga: Don't play dumb Kookie... I know why y'all didn't come to dinner last night! You guys are lucky! I saved your ! >:/

Jungkook: I have no clue what your talking about! :(

Rap Monster walks out of the bathroom and stands besides Suga...

Rap Monster: What's going on y'all? -___-

Suga: You two had last night didn't y'all!? >:|

Rap Monster covers Suga's mouth with his huge palm...

Rap Monster: How did you f-find out!??? D:<

Suga: Aigoo! I heard y'all in the bathroom last night! =___=

Rap Monster: Please don't get mad at us... D:

Suga: I don't have a reason to be mad... But really now? :P

Rap Monster: You see... What happened was that we got carried away... Heh... >___<;

Suga: But leader... Really... You knew we had things to do today... And you can't even walk correctly... =___="

Rap Monster frowned at Suga and crossed his arms...

Jungkook: It was his first time Suga... He'll be like that for the whole day... Sorry... .0.

Suga: ................. That's even better... =___=;

I got out of bed despite the two older ones facing my direction... I'm sure Namjoon seeing me won't help his hard... Oh well... I can't lay around in bed all day... That would be nice... But not today...

Namjoon stared at me blankly while Suga looked away...

Rap Monster: Can I have some of that K-Kookie? *___*

Jungkook: Not right now Namjoon... We have to get ready or the manager will flip... :/

Rap Monster walked over to me and stood behind my back...

Jungkook: Aigoo! I'm getting dressed Namjoon! Don't forget Yoongi is right there too! D:

Rap Monster: Just give me a small touch Kookie... Please... :<

I finished getting dressed and I stared at the bulge in Namjoon's pants...

Hmm... I better not... We have an interview to go to... Then again... Its just a small touch right? I suppose a small touch for Namjoon is okay...

Suga was looking at us blankly but I decided to do it anyways...

I stuck my hand in Rap Monster's pants and felt his huge ... He let out a tiny moan...

Suga: I'm totally not here or anything! =___=

I proceded to give him a but we were interrupted by the manager and Suga's complaining...

Manager: Eh-em! Care to explain? >:(

The manager crossed his arms and glared at us...

I took my hand out of Rap Monster's pants and I backed away slowly... Namjoon was disappointed...

Suga: Aigoo! I can't believe you two! D:<

Manager: Calm down Suga... Rap Monster... I told you to be the responsible one... >:/

Rap Monster: Y-You see... We got carried away... Stuff happens you know... :(

Suga: Stuff happens!? Explain last night to the manager then! I'm sure he would like to know! >:(

Manager: Hmm? Last night you say? What did you two do that has Suga all fired up..? -___-

Rap Monster: ............ 0.0

Jungkook: ................ 0.0;;;

Manager: You know what... I don't even care anymore... I've seen enough already... Let's all get ready so we can go to the interview... =___=;

(Rap Monster's POV)

An hour later we all loaded the van... The manager was driving so it would be quicker to get to where we needed to go... Sadly... He sat me away from Kookie just so we wouldn't do anything...

I sat next to J-Hope who was rather thrilled to go the interview... I guess that's our typical Hoseok...

Jin and Jimin sat next to each other while V sat next to my Kookie... Suga was sitting in the front seat next to the manager...

I was rather quiet during the ride. I always have something to say... But I'm just very quiet...

After a good 10 minutes of driving... We arrive at our destination...

We walk inside what seems to be a radio station... The manager didn't tell us about a radio interview... Whatever... I don't care...

We were greeted by the staff that had been expecting us... They showed us to the room that was filled with microphones and headphones...

Henry: Yooo! Guys! We've been waiting! So glad your not late! We have a few minutes before we start! So just sit down and relax! :D

Manager: Umm... Sorry guys... Forgot to tell you it was this kind of interview... Heh... >___<"

Jin: That's pretty bad... Our manager can't remember to tell us important things... =___=

Jin was being sarcastic while Jimin and V sat down and started a random conversation... J-Hope was jumping around with excitement... I sat down next to Jungkook...

Jungkook: I'm sorry Namjoon... But the manager will move us... :(

Rap Monster: Aigoo... I don't want to be far from you... :((

I carrassed the maknae cheeks but Suga warned us to keep our affections at a low level...

Henry: A little fanservice from our leader and maknae already? I love it! :3

The manager glared at us indicating a warning... Suga sat in between Jungkook and I...

Rap Monster: Jungkook has such a baby face! Awww... >___<

Jungkook: Aigoo... :P

Henry: Haha! You two are funny... Alright... Is everyone ready?  ^___^

BTS: Yes!

Henry: Looks like we are on air... Okay! Hello listeners! Your listening to Seoul's number one hit station! Soul 4 Seoul! This is your main man Henry Lau! Today I will sitting with the popular boy known as the Bangtan Boys! Everyone say hi to your A.R.M.Y!

(The stuff I come up with while I write this is just crazy... Lol!)

Rap Monster: Hello A.R.M.Y! This is Rap Monster!

Jin: Yoooo! What's up?? Its been awhile... But we back!

J-Hope: Hai! I'm so thrilled to be at this interview for you guys! 0.0

V: Umm... Haiii..... >___<

Suga: Hello A.R.M.Y. We hope you enjoy this interview...

Jimin: Hellooooooo....

Jungkook: Ummm... Hai! This radio stuff is still new to me... Sorry if I mess up...

Henry: So... Guys... When will y'all be doing a world tour that includes countries outside of Asia?

Jimin: Hmmm... We are not too sure but hopefully soon...

Jin: We are a bit focused on producing new music and practicing new dances.

Henry: Will you guys be performing any small shows within Seoul?

J-Hope: I believe we've planned for 2 shows later in the month.

Henry: Sounds awesome. Speaking of shows... We all remember the incident in Cheorwon where a sasaeng fan threw a glass bottle at Jungkook... What are y'all's takes on that?

Rap Monster: That's something we would rather not discuss... Information regarding that incident is sensitive...

Henry: Hm! Alright! Moving along to the next question! Are any of you dating?

The room became silent... Jungkook looked at me... A minute passed by then J-Hope blurted out...

J-Hope: Yo Rap Mon! Aren't you dating Tiffany?? >0<

Rap Monster: No... :<

Henry: Is Tiffany your long time friend?  ?___?

Rap Monster: Yes... But I'm not dating her... -___-

J-Hope: That's a lie! You hung around with her all the time during our pre-debut days! >0<

Rap Monster: Aigoo... I wasn't as busy.. :/

Henry: Awww! Rap Mon... Why are you denying it? The leader should be truthful! :3

Rap Monster: B-But I am being truthful! D:

J-Hope: If your not dating Tiffany... Then who are you dating? .0.

I became frustrated... I wanted to say Kookie... But I can't put us out there like that... I could see the frustration in Kookie's eyes... He looked like he could cry... My poor baby...

Henry: Perhaps he's secretly dating a guy? 0.0

The room became silent to me... Suga looked at me but my eyes refused to meet anyone else's...

Jimin: Our leader isn't saying anything!! OoO

Jin: So your gay!?!? >:/

Henry: Settle down guys... So who is this lucky man your dating Rap Mon? .0.

Rap Monster: I'm not gay... And I'm not dating anyone... I don't date men... Its not my thing...  UNDERSTAND??? D:<

I gave everyone a cold glare... Jungkook's eyes became watery... I hope Kookie doesn't take that too seriously... My chest started to hurt...

Jin: Thank God your not gay... That would be weird for me... >:P

Henry: Okay guys... This topic it becoming sensitive... Sorry Rap Mon... Let's take a break... :/

Suga: What are you trying to imply Jin? You don't like gays??? D:<

Jin: Yeah. Its just weird! :P

I get up and leave the room... The manager and Suga ran after me...

Manager: Where are you going Rap Monster!? :(

Rap Monster: I just want to be alone... >;(

Suga: Is it what Jin said!? :((

Rap Monster: That and I feel bad for Jungkook... I don't even know why I have these feelings... I love Jungkook... But I'm scared at what could happen to us if everyone found out... ;(

Suga: Aigoo... Jin is gonna be that way? I'm sorry you feel that way Rap Monster... D:

Manager: Forget about Jin! There will be a time when you have to face everyone! But for now... Its a secret more than anything else... So you don't have to worry... Aishh... Look... You two have a radio show to get back to... We will talk later okay? :(

So we continued with the radio show for about an hour more... Henry was excited to get information on our next comebacks and albums... After that we went home... Everyone was tired except J-Hope... He always seemed to be full of energy... Not that it mattered tho...

You always need to have at least one person in the group who is always full of energy...

I went straight to my room and I laid in bed... I felt bad for Jungkook... I felt like what I said hurt him.... I was too busy drowning in my own thoughts to realize that my Kookie was next to me...

Jungkook: N-Namjoon... :<

Rap Monster: .......

Jungkook: Please answer me Namjoon... :(

Jungkook tugged on my shirt to get my attention... I looked in his eyes... I could tell something wasn't right... We needed to talk...

Rap Monster: I'm sorry about earlier Kookie... :/

I embraced him as he started to cry...

Rap Monster: Please don't cry... Look... I didn't mean anything I said earlier... You know how we must act if we are to keep our relationship going... :(

Jungkook: I just felt hurt because it sounded so real... I don't wanna hear you say stuff like that even if the manager says so...;(

Rap Monster: *Sigh* I have no choice to until we come out to the group... Forgive me Jungkook... D:

Jungkook: O-Okay... I forgive you... *sniff* ;(

Rap Monster: I love you... :)

I leaned in for a kiss when Suga walked in...

Suga: Umm... Sorry to interrupt your serious moment but... Its dinner time... :/

Rap Monster: We are not hungry... ://

Suga: I'm getting worried... Please eat... You guys can't keep skipping dinner... Its not good for you... D:

Jungkook: C-Can you bring it to us? :|

Suga: Sure thing! ^____^

(Suga's POV)

I walked out of their room while shutting the door behind me... I walked downstairs to the kitchen to be greeted by V...

V: Hey Suga! :3 They are not coming down to eat? :(((

Suga: No... I'm going to bring them some food... :/

V prepared two plates for me to bring upstairs... He didn't really question me any further on why they weren't coming down to eat...

V: Here... Please make sure they eat...

Suga: Thank you... I will...

I make my way upstairs to be stopped by Jin...

Jin: Hey Suga... What are you doing with that food?

Suga: I'm bringing it to Rap Monster and Jungkook...

Jin: Aigoo... Why don't they just eat downstairs with all of us?

Suga: I don't know... :(

Jin: They are the gay members aren't they? That's why they don't eat with us..... >:/

I didn't say anything as I became slightly angry... I tried to push Jin out of my way... But he kept me in my place... I was so close to Rap Monster's room...

Suga: *sigh* And where did you get that crazy assumption from huh?  >:(

Jin: Just think about it... The way they act towards each other... Jungkook sleeps with him... So it makes since that they would be gay... >:P

Suga: I hate how you say stuff when you really don't know their situation... First of all... Jungkook isn't like the rest of us... He had a different lifestyle which makes him clingy with the people he is  closest to... And secondly... Rap Monster is just trying to look after the kid... That's all he can do as a leader... So I suggest you shut the up Jin... D:<

Jin: ...................... :(

Suga: And even if they were gay... I hope you would still treat them like their your family...

I forced Jin out of my way and I finally make it into Rap Monster's room... Rap Monster greeted me with a hug as Jungkook took my food away...

Rap Monster: We both heard what you said... Thank you so much... But... Why do you choose to defend us?

Suga: Because you two are a part of my family... I love you two as my brothers... And because I'm biual and I've liked Jin for the longest time... I can relate to how you both feel... I don't want to see something so precious you two have be lied to waste... By people who can't handle the truth... So until that time comes... I will stand by your side...

Rap Monster: S-Suga... I never knew... And thank you so much for the support...

Suga: And ever since I found out about y'all two... That gave me hope... Because I know how you feel Rap Monster... But now that you have Jungkook... You shouldn't worry about why you have feelings towards someone of the same ...

Rap Monster: T-Thank you Suga... You have our support as well...

Jungkook: We appreciate you Suga... Thank you...

Suga: *sighs* I-I have to go...

Jungkook: W-What are you gonna do about Jin?

Suga: Nothing...

(Jungkook's POV)

I watched Suga drag himself out of our room... I felt kind of bad... I felt bad for Namjoon too... I made him confused about what he liked...

Rap Monster: Did you eat your food yet Kookie?

Jungkook: N-No... I was waiting on you...

Rap Monster: Ahh... Well let's chow down then...

Namjoon began wolfing his food like the monster he really is... I took smaller and slower bites... We had chicken and rice...

Rap Monster put his empty plate on the floor and looked at my half-full plate... Rap Monster was still chewing his food with bits of rice on his shirt and chopsticks in his right hand...

Jungkook: A-Are you that hungry...? o___o;

Rap Monster: YES. So... Are you gonna eat that? =Δ=

I lifted my plate above my head as if I was offering something to the God's... I was hoping he won't eat me just to get to my food...

Jungkook: N-No... Y-You can have it... (0___0)

Rap Monster had demolished the food I gave him... He took no time to let one bite digest...

I assume that he didn't eat anything today... Poor thing... I guess its okay since he's super cute when he eats... But its important that this monster keeps his strength up...

Rap Monster: I feel better now... :)

Jungkook: Ah... Good. I'm glad your feeling content... ^___^

Rap Monster really made sure I knew he was full by burping in my face...

He then took off his shirt and threw it on the ground...

Jungkook: T-Thank you N-Namjoon... Your breath smells delightful... ^___^;

Rap Monster: I'm glad you think so Jungkook... You wanna know why? :D

Jungkook: W-Why? °^°

Rap Monster: I forgot to brush my teeth today... :0

I face palmed myself... I felt slightly disturbed... He went to an interview without brushing his teeth!? I know its just a radio interview... But really now!? AM I THE ONLY ONE TO FEEL THIS WAY?...

Jungkook: Ahh... Okay... Umm... Namjoonie... I have a question...

Rap Monster: Yes Jungkookie? What would that question be?

Jungkook: D-Do you think we will ever get married? *0*

Rap Monster: Hmm... I'm not sure... We have so many things going on...BTS, The B.A.P gang, shows, and many other activities... I'm sure we wouldn't have the time... :/

Jungkook: I know we would have time... >:/

I crossed my arms and frowned...

Rap Monster: And why is that? o___o

Jungkook: We are K-Pop idols... We always have our schedules full... But somehow we managed to make time for ... Now how could that be? Ohhh... I don't know... Let's ask the Namjoon!!! =___=;

Rap Monster: Hey! That's not fair! Things happen you know! I was curious and got carried away! \>___

Jungkook: Relax... I can understand... -___-

Rap Monster: I love you Kookie!

Rap Monster embraced me and gave me a kiss...

Jungkook: I love you too Namjoonie! I was wondering when we could come out to the group?

Rap Monster ran his fingers thru my hair... The room was silent for a few minutes... Than he spoke...

Rap Monster: Hmm... Can we wait...? Just a little more?

Jungkook: Hm.. Okay....

I didn't mind waiting... I just wondered... BTS really needs to climb back to the top before we say anything... We might end up distracting the members from their main focuses...

We eventually fell asleep that night after massive amounts of cuddling...

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.