Flower Boy

I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(The next morning...)

(Rap Monster's POV)


The sound of my alarm blared thru my room... I shot up... I hear that same alarm everyday... But for some reason I just flipped out and smashed it this time....

Rap Monster: !

I stomped thru my room and I grabbed some fresh clothes... I quickly changed into them and then I went to go brush my teeth....

As I was getting myself ready... I heard Suga knock on my door while calling my name... I decided to let him in...

Rap Monster: Morning Suga... What's up?

Suga: Have you seen Jungkook? I'm pretty sure you had plans with him today... So Jimin and I decided to get him up for you... But he wasn't in his room...

Rap Monster: How should I know where that little boy is!? I have no time to look for him... >:(

Suga and I kept talking about Jungkook until we were interrupted by Jimin...

Jimin: I found flower boy... He's in the garden behind the mansion.. He's picking flowers... ^___^

Rap Monster: ................

Suga: Thanks Jimin....

Rap Monster: I have this feeling that he's gay...

Jimin: Don't be so quick to assume okay? That's not fair to him... Let's go Suga.. We will see yah later Rap Mon...

Jimin and Suga walked out of my room... I took a quick minute to think about what Jimin said... He's right... I haven't even known the boy that long and I already assume something that might not be true....

I have to hurry up and get him before he wonders off... He needs to be with me at all times... He's a different boy... And I have to start teaching him to he can hone his skills as a K-Pop star...

I went over to the garden after I was done fixing myself up... I wonder if he's well enough to even go out today... Yesterday was pretty harsh on him...

I saw Jungkook in the distance... He was picking out different kinds of flowers...

I walked up behind him and greeted him...

Before you know it... I was on the ground with a bloody nose...

Jungkook: AIGOO! You can't walk up on me like that.... I'm s-sorry Rap M-Monster!

I picked myself up off the ground... His fighting skills were sharp and refined...

Rap Monster: I'm sorry Jungkook... I will try to be more considerate next time...

I wipe the blood from my nose....

Jungkook: Here... Take my flowers! :D

Rap Monster: No thanks... We need to start teaching you... Today's lesson will be on different rap styles and different kinds of rap artist... Let's go inside...

Jungkook: Hmmm... Okay....

Jungkook followed me inside... He had stuck a flower in his hair and had the rest in his hands... I took him to my work room...

Rap Monster: Sit down right there... We will begin our lesson...

Jungkook: Okay!

Rap Monster: We will also be doing some writing exercises... So here is some pencil and paper...

Jungkook seemed eager to learn... We began our lesson and I even showed him a few American rappers that I listened to... Like A$AP ROCKY.... I also showed him popular rap artist in Korea.. Like G-Dragon...

Jungkook: I like G-Dragon! He's awesome... But your A$AP guy scares me... I've never seen anyone as dark as him...

Rap Monster: A$AP is really cool... He won't hurt you.... I might have a friend who knows GD... Maybe we can go see him sometime?

Jungkook: Awesome!

Rap Monster: We are going to start the writing exercises.... I want you to write down whatever is on your mind at the current moment... Then we will shape that idea.. And maybe make some bars out of it....

Jungkook: Okay....

I gave him about 15 minutes to write... I looked at his paper... It said one word... "HELP"...

Rap Monster: Hmm... Can you define what you might need help on?

Jungkook: ................. *drawing on his paper*

I felt like he was trying to say something... He was desperate for something... But what?

Rap Monster: Maybe we can draw things from that word... Could that mean your confused or hurt?

Jungkook: Both hyung...

Rap Monster: Describe a time where you were hurt or confused and write about it........

Jungkook: Hyung! I'm getting bored... Can we do something? I'm hungry!

Rap Monster: Come on Jungkook!

Jungkook: Aish! I don't want to!

Rap Monster: Aigoo... Fine... Let's take a break...

Jungkook: Yussss!

Jungkook skips out of my work room........ I take his paper and look at it before throwing it in the trash... He drew me? With a bunch of flowers and stars around me? This boy is something else... I decided to keep it..

I walk out of the room and see all the boys talking to each other while Jungkook was looking around at random things...

V: What's up Rap Monster!?

Rap Monster: Nothing much V... What about you?

V: Just asking the boys what we need from the store... Its my turn to go shopping...

Rap Monster: Do you mind if I do the shopping today?

V: Umm... Are you sure leader? You always work hard...

Rap Monster: I'm sure... This could be a great opportunity to teach Jungkook since he only knows how to steal things...

V: Ah... Alright then... Here's the list....

V hands the list over to me... Looks like I won't have to be at the store too long... That's good...

V: Is that too much for you?

Rap Monster: Nah... That's good.

V: When are you leaving?

Rap Monster: Right now... If I can get that little boy to change.. He seems to get interested in things very quickly... But gets bored with it... If its not consistent...

V: Ahh.. Is that why you quit the lesson so early?

Rap Monster: Yes... I usually teach you guys for an hour or more if needed...

V: He can barely make it 30 minutes... Well... Call us if you need anything hyung...

Rap Monster: Alright!

I look around for Jungkook... About 10 minutes later... I find him in the kitchen...

Jungkook: This is nasty!

Rap Monster: Yah! What are you doing with the beer!?

Jungkook: I was trying it Rap Mon!

Rap Monster: Your not old enough to drink you babo!

I take the beer from him and throw it away... I pull him to his room so he can change...

Jungkook: Aigoo! Why did you bring me to my room!?

Rap Monster: So you can change... Forget about finishing the lesson... We are going shopping today! I want to teach you how to shop!

Jungkook: Umm... Okay.....

Jungkook without hesitation strips in front of me... I was more surprised about his scars then weirded out by his body... He quickly finds some nice clothes and puts them on...

Rap Monster: Umm... You could have warned me to get out before you changed...

Jungkook: Oops... Sometimes I forget... Is what I'm wearing pleasing to you?

Rap Monster: Yes... Now let's go...

We get in the car... And a few minutes later... We are on the road... Jungkook starts messing with the radio... Changing stations until I get angry...

Rap Monster: Yah! Will you stop it!? Keep it on one station!!

Jungkook: But I've never had a car of my own! Unless... I stole it... For missions... And in North Korea... You couldn't have a car unless you worked for the government!

I press on the breaks really hard as we reached a red light... He's stolen cars before!?

Rap Monster: You've stolen cars before!? Please explain!

Jungkook: Well... Back when I was with my old gang... If we had important drug trades... We would steal cars so we could put our drugs in the back... I learned how to drive cars like that... Also... If we got angry at the government... We would target anyone who had a car and kill them...

Rap Monster: Ah..... Okay....

Sometime later.... We arrived at the super market... It seemed to be a busy day... So I better make today's trip quick... Jungkook strangely became shy again...

Jungkook: So many people... Aigoo...

Rap Monster: You will be fine... Don't pay attention to anyone...

Jungkook: There is so much food and clothes... I feel like we are at the mall... Still... To many people....

Rap Monster: Pay attention to me... You know what won is right?

Jungkook: Yeah! Money!

I pull out 100 dollars in won... I catch Jungkook's attention... I told him how instead of stealing... You can get things with money...

Jungkook: With money! Anything is possible! But... My old gang leader never let me have money... :(

Rap Monster: That's why I'm teaching you Jungkook...

Jungkook randomly ran off to the flower stand... As I went after him... I noticed that my money was gone... That little bastard stole my money!

Rap Monster: JUNGKOOK!

Jungkook: I got you flowers hyung! *Using aegyo*

Rap Monster: But you stole my damn money doing it!! *face palms*

I take his flowers and wonder where the rest of my won went... He ran off to a different part of the store.... I chased after him...

Jungkook: Omo! Are these supposed to be balloons!?

Rap Monster: Stop getting into stuff! No Jungkook! Those... Are.... Condoms........ *Major face palm*

Jungkook: *puts them down* So there not balloons? Then what are condoms?

Rap Monster: *sighs* Nothing you need to know about right now...

Jungkook: Oh.... Okay! *smiles*

An hour later after shopping... We finally get home.... Jungkook's curiosity kind of embarrassed me... Jungkook had ran off to his room while I gave everyone else their stuff... Then I went off to my work room to start writing more lyrics for our next album... When...

I get a call from Tiffany noona....

Rap Monster: Hello? This is Rap Monster your speaking to...

Tiffany: Heyyyy Rap Mon! I was wondering if you and the boys would go to dinner with us tonight?

Rap Monster: Sure... Where at?

Tiffany: The Korean BBQ!

Rap Monster: Alright.... What time?

Tiffany: Hmm... 7:00!

I take a quick look at the time... It was already 5:30.... I decided that we had enough time to get ready...

Rap Monster: Alright... That's good... We will see you there....

Tiffany: Great! *hangs up*

I walk out of my room and I call all the boys.... Everyone except Jungkook was standing in front of me...

Rap Monster: I called all of you because I need to tell you something... But first things first... Where is Jungkook?

J-Hope: He's asleep on the couch in the living room...

Rap Monster: Ahhh...

J-Hope: Would you like me to get him?

Rap Monster: No... Anyways... Tiffany and Taeyeon offered us to go to dinner with them tonight at 7:00... Its 5:45 right now... You have an hour to get ready... Let's go!

The boys nodded their heads letting me know they understood. They all walked off while I went to wake up Jungkook...

Rap Monster: Wake up Jungkook! You are already dressed... So don't worry about anything.. We are going out to eat with Taeyeon and Tiffany...

Jungkook shot up and hugged me in excitement...

Jungkook: I get to see my noonas!?

Rap Monster: Yes...

Jungkook: YESSSS!!!

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.