
I'm Not A Little Boy Anymore! (BTS Fanfiction)

(Tiffany's POV)

Taeyeon: We need to take him shopping tomorrow... He needs clothes Fany... What is he going to wear when he gets out the shower?

Tiffany: Yeah.. But let's see what plans Rap Monster has for him tomorrow... Rap Mon needs to be the one teaching him... Not us... And I didn't think about that... Dammit!

Taeyeon: Hmmm... I guess he will go commando for the rest of the night then...

Tiffany: U-Uhhhhhh... No!! Find something Taeyeon! I'm going to call Rap Mon okay?

Taeyeon: *sighs* Okay... I will try...

I pondered about Jungkook... If he says he's lived on the streets all his life... And claims to know the gang life... Then... Really... What does he know? Who has he killed? What has he done?

I nearly forgot about Rap Mon as I started to drift off into deeper thoughts... So went ahead and called him....

Rap Monster: Hello Tiffany... How are you?

Tiffany: I'm pretty good... I just wanted to let you know that I have Jungkook with me... Do you have any plans for the little boy tomorrow?

Rap Monster: Wae do you have that thug with you!? Leave him on the streets!

Tiffany: Lighten up will you!!? He needs to spend some time with you and the boys tomorrow! He might know of the gang life and what not! But he knows nothing about the real life! Help us out by helping him out okay?

Rap Monster: *sighs* Well... Fine... Is he gonna be staying with you until he can be on his own?

Tiffany: Yes... Taeyeon and I are gonna take him shopping at the mall tomorrow so meet us there! You better have something for him to do when you take him! Okay!?

Rap Monster: Alright! Aish! I will see you then.... *hangs up*

Taeyeon: Its impossible to find good clothes for him! But he is willing to wear anything Fany!

Tiffany: *Sighs* Fxxk it! Just let him be then!

Jungkook had walked into Taeyeon and I's conversation... It seems like he's done with his shower...

Taeyeon: N-No Fany.....

Jungkook: I need something wear Tiffany... I believe it is disrespectful to be in front of women... That's what I've heard... I can't be wrapped up in this towel forever... Aigoo!

I noticed that Taeyeon kept looking at Jungkook... But what for? He's only wrapped up in a towel... A few scars on his back and arms... But there is nothing interesting about him to look at......

Tiffany: Can you wear your dirty clothes until tomorrow? We are going to take you shopping okay?

Jungkook: *sighs* Okay... I will be right back noonas!

Taeyeon: F-Fany! Did you see those scars on his body!?!?

Tiffany: Yes... But its best we be quiet about them... Save that talk for another time...

Taeyeon: Alright... But he had scars on his "lower" body...

Tiffany: W-Wae did you look their!?

Taeyeon: When I went to ask him if he had any extra clothes.. I saw his towel slip down a bit.. I'm not trying to be "byuntaeng" but I'm curious as to why he has scars right there...

Tiffany: I will go talk to him... There is so much we don't know about him... Maybe if we learn about each of his scars.. We will learn more about him...

Taeyeon: True... I'm not sure if he will talk to you... Or even me for that matter... He might be touchy about that subject...

Tiffany: Well we are gonna find out somehow... We need to know so we can understand him...

Jungkook: Understand what?

Tiffany: Uhhh! Hey Kookie! I see you have your clothes on... Umm... Hey... Can we talk?

Jungkook: Umm... Sure... Aren't we talking already?

Tiffany: Hehe... Yeah...

Taeyeon: I will be in the kitchen making dinner! *runs off to the kitchen*

Tiffany: Taeyeon and I noticed all the scars on your body... And even the scars down low... Can you tell me about them...?

Jungkook looked at me as if he became offended by what I asked....

Jungkook: *sighs* Wae are looking at them? Wae do you wish to know? I got into many fights okay?

Tiffany: I just want to know so I can learn more about you... I know you got into fights... But that doesn't tell me everything....

Jungkook: I can't tell you about all of them!! I don't even wanna talk about them! Too much talking! I have scars on my back, stomach, arms, legs, and..... And... Well I'm going go lay down now... Bye.... *walks off*

Tiffany: Jungkook....? Are you not going to be up for dinner?


Tiffany: O-Okay...

I decided to help Taeyeon fix dinner... We made a plate just for Jungkook in case he got hungry... We both wondered about really what he has gone thru... He's done many things to get where he's at... But what things did he do?

(Jungkook's POV)

(Later that night...)


I wonder wae they wish to know about my scars... They are just bad memories... Mostly bad memories with my gang leader Yongguk... I wonder what happened to him and the others after that mission 4 years ago... I hadn't seen him since... Oh well... I'm just glad that Rap Monster, Tiffany, and Taeyeon are willing to help me live a better life! Although Rap Monster is being a little harsh... I guess its for the best...


I fell asleep after writing some more in my diary... I was very tired but I barely did anything today... Maybe meeting Fany and Tae wore me out..? Who knows...


Jungkook: B-But Yongguk! I need to rest for tomorrow's mission! You need to as well!

Yongguk: I don't care... Let me love you just a little bit...

Jungkook: *Sighs* No!

Yongguk: You might want to let me or else I will let he other members have a try at you... And who knows how rough they will be with you..

Jungkook: *looks down* F-Fine... Please be gentle... Last time left me raw... I still don't understand why doing this is a way to pay you... But if its a way you will keep me alive... Then so be it...

Yongguk: Good boy...

Yongguk began to kiss me until his hands started to wonder all over my body until he gripped me painfully in a certain place that made me scream...

Jungkook: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!


I shoot up from my sleep covered in sweat... Where is Yongguk!? I bet he is outside waiting to love me! Or hurt me! Whatever he likes to do... Then I realized that I wasn't sleeping in the park no more... I was in a warm bed... I looked at the clock... It said 9:14... Last time I remember it saying 6:47....

I decided to find my way to Tiffany's room.... I walked in her room...

Jungkook: D-Do you mind if I sleep in here with you Fany?

I then realized that Tiffany and Taeyeon were kissing like the people in the drama... Now that I think about it... I guess that's what Yongguk did to me all the time.. So that's what that was... I assume that meant we were boyfriends... But I didn't like Yongguk... If I'm not mistaken.. He only used me...

Tiffany shot up from her laying down position...


Jungkook: Stop yelling! You are loud!!

Tiffany reminded me of those North Korean guards... They were loud... It kind of scared me...

Tiffany: You need to knock next time okay Jungkook!?

Jungkook: Okay noona.... I just had a nightmare I just don't feel like being alone... Can I please stay in here with you two?

Tiffany: No...

Taeyeon: *sighs* Yes you can... Just don't say anything about what you saw... Get yourself some blankets and make a little bed on the floor okay?

Jungkook: Alright! I won't say anything! Thanks!

I go get my blankets and pillows and make my bed... It was slightly uncomfortable.... But better then anytime I have ever slept outside. I quickly drift off into a sleep....

(The next morning...)

I felt great after sleeping on the floor... This is like the first time in 6 years... That I got quality sleep... I got up and realized that I was still in Tiffany and Taeyeon's room... I looked around and became curious... I mostly was interested in Taeyeon's perfume.. So I started to spray all the different kinds on me... Then I got bored... I started to go thru their clothes.. I found a pink bow and put it in my hair... Then I found other things... I kept searching until I got yelled at..


Jungkook: Aigoo! You scared me!!!

Tiffany: Wae must you look thru our stuff!?

Jungkook: Because you guys have the coolest stuff! You are rich Tiffany!

Taeyeon: Be nice to him Fany... I'm pretty sure he didn't see those kinds of things back in North Korea... And the 6 years he has been in South Korea... I'm pretty sure he didn't have anytime to see such things... I know his mind was more focused on being alive...

Tiffany: ..... Hmmm... Fine...

Jungkook: What is a bra for anyways?

Tiffany and Taeyeon both looked at each other like who's gonna be the one to talk...

Tiffany: *sighs* Its what girls use for their s... End of story...

Taeyeon: You put it on like this....

I watched as she put it on... Her back was kind of faced to me... Then once she had it on... She turned back to me...

Jungkook: Ahh... I guess it protects you then?

Taeyeon: In a way... Umm.. Now you need to get out so we can change... We are going shopping remember? So we have to get ready...

Jungkook: Umm... Okay....

I walked out of their room... I got bored and fell asleep outside their room... Some 45 minutes later... Taeyeon walked of the room and woke me up...

Taeyeon: You okay? We are about to leave....

Jungkook: I am fine... It just took you so long to get ready....

Taeyeon: We are sorry Kookie....

Jungkook: That's okay...

I got up from where as was sitting.. Then Tiffany walked out looking fresh...

Tiffany: Taeyeon... Do you see anything? Any blood?

Taeyeon: *blushes* Don't ask me that in front of Kookie! He will ask more questions! And no I don't see anything!

Tiffany: Oops.....

Jungkook: Wae did you ask that Fany? Did you get shot?

Tiffany: No reason... We will tell you another time... And wae do you have my pink bow in your hair!?

Jungkook: I found it! I like it! Can I wear it Fany!? :D

Tiffany: Aigoo... NO!

Tiffany smacked the bow out of my hair... I felt kind of sad....

Some 20 minutes later... We made it to the mall... There was a bunch of people walking everywhere! I got really nervous.... I stuck close with Taeyeon while we followed Tiffany around....

Tiffany: We need to buy you some clothes and get to the food court by lunch time... That's where we will meet Rap Monster and the boys....

Jungkook: Is Rap Mon here to take me from you and throw me on the streets!?

Tiffany: No Kookie... I've worked things out with him okay? He just wants to spend the day with you okay? The boys really want to get to know you as well...

Jungkook: Aigoooo.... Okay....

We went shopping for about an hour and then I changed into my newer clothes... I threw my old ones away.... We made it to the food court where Taeyeon and I sat at a table while Tiffany went to order our food....

Taeyeon and I watched various people walk past us for quiet some time.... Then someone caught my eye... This tall male walked by me with a group of other males following him... He looked me dead in the eye... He looked kind of like..... Y-Yongguk.... This gave me the sudden urge to attack him... But I couldn't... Who knows if it was him....

Lately... I have thought about my old gang with leader Yongguk and the others... I realized how badly I was treated.... This made me angry.....

Taeyeon: Jungkook.... Are y-you okay? Something seems to be bothering you...

Jungkook: I want to kill him...............

I balled my fist up.... I then looked at Taeyeon... She seemed a bit startled....

Taeyeon: J-Jungkook......?

Jungkook: I'm.... Sorry..... I just... I don't know...

Taeyeon: I'm sorry too Jungkook... Tiffany and I don't realize how much it bothers you to be out in public... Rap Monster and his crew will be here shortly okay?

Jungkook: ...................................

Tiffany walked back over with our food... We started to eat... But.... Tiffany noticed that I really wasn't interested in eating... I kind of pushed my food around with my chopsticks....

Tiffany: What's wrong? Are you okay?

Jungkook: I just.... I don't know...

Taeyeon leaned over to Tiffany and whispered something in her ear...

Tiffany: Ahh.... Okayy....

30 minutes later... We all finished eating... Rap Monster and his crew finally arrived...

Rap Monster's deep voice startled me... I became super nervous... The others were excited to see me as they only saw me one other time.....

Rap Monster: Yo! Sorry were late y'all... Traffic was ty....

Tiffany & Taeyeon: Hey guys!

V: Jungkook! It's been a minute since we last saw you! What's up?

Jimin: Kookie!!!!!!

Jungkook: Aigoo.......

Rap Monster walked over to me and gave me a hug... My heart raced like crazy... I thought he was going to do something to me....

Rap Monster: We should go now Jungkook... The boys and I have so much catching up to do...

Jungkook: .........................................

Rap Monster: Thanks for looking out for him.... If we need something or he wants to stay at your place... We will let you know Tiffany....

Tiffany: Your welcome... If he needs to talk... He's always welcome to call me... Bye Kookie...

Taeyeon: Bye bye!

Jungkook: Bye.......................................................

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ONwHOre #1
Chapter 24: This fic deserves more readers, anyone please read this ... C'mon guys , let's cheer author-nim up !!
lizharuharu #2
Chapter 14: more please I can't wait for more some chapters. and Rap monster man him and jungkook are a good couple actually kookie goes good with everyone. idk why though, all of them are so funny and cute.