Joonmyeon's Story

Run Devil Run!!!


"Jongin! Jongin! JONGIN!"

A pair of hands clamps the mouth of Jongin. Jongin smirks as he swats Kyungsoo's hand. His smirk grows wider as he sees all his friends look paler, especially Joonmyeon and Kyungsoo.

"Uh-huh! How was that, Joonmyeon-hyung? Kyungsoo-hyung? Scared?"

"I am not scared! I am shocked!" Kyungsoo snaps.

"Why do you have to shout that loudly, Jongin? We all almost got a heart attack!" Joonmyeon frowns.

"If you want to make us scared, congratulations, but it's not because of your story. It was because of your scream your scream. You screamed like a girl, Jongin." Amber adds.

Jongin rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue.

"My ..., my .... People have too many reasons to appear brave. Please! You are all hypocrite! At least I am honest with my feeling. If I am scared, I will tell you I am scared, not covering it with too many irrelevant, humongous reasons."

Kris sighs.

"Alright, alright .... Let's stop quarelling. Jongin, your story was good. I got pretty good chill on that. However, I have to agree with the others, your scream really blew us to shock. Don't do that again."

Jongin grins. Kris is his only best friend here.

"So, Joonmyeon. Now it is your turn. Make sure you don't scream in the end like Jongin."

"I won't, Kris. Don't worry."

Joonmyeon is smiling really bright. Kris is stunned, a rosy tint appears on his cheeks. Amber rolls her eyes.

"Come on, Oppa, just tell it now. Jongin, blow your candle."

Jongin glares Amber, unhappy to be instructed. However, he does as she says, blowing his candle with strong blow. The smoke floats to Joonmyeon, who suddenly turns ghostly, with dark expression on his face and demonic smile on his face.

"Listen, everyone, this is my story ...."


*   *   *

It was a calm, nice evening in Haeinsa Temple. The monks were all heading to Great Hall, where the abbot, head of the monk, was about to chant sutra. It was a nice evening, after heavy rain washed the earth less than an hour ago. The air was refreshingly cool, sending relieving chill to all creature.

Two monks were walking at the back. One of them was walking uneasily, looking really frantic. His friend gave him a frown.

"What's up with you, Kibum? Why are you looking like a hen wanting to lay an egg?"

"I am having terrible stomachache, Heechul ...."

"Well, just go to the toilet then!"

"I want to, but I am afraid ...."

Heechul rolled his eyes. "What are you afraid of? For Heaven's sake, you are a grown up man already!"

"Can you please go with me to the toilet? Just stay outside so I won't be that scared to enter it."

Heechul sighed.

"Why should I ..."

"Please ...!"

"Alright! Just go now!"

Kibum walked very fast to the direction of the toilet. Once a while he would drag Heechul to walk faster with him. They finally arrived. Kibum squuezed Heechul's wrist when he warned him.

"Don't you ever dare to leave me!"

"Yes!" Heechul yanked his wrist. "Just finish your business and get the hell out of here!"

Kibum dashed inside the toilet. Heechul sighed and stayed a few meters in the front of the toilet. He stood next to the wooden fence which was built a bit distant to each other. Each plank had around ten centimeters parting where people could look through. Feeling really bored, Heechul absent-mindedly peeked through the partings.


The road out there was wet with some water puddles formed on the cavity of the street. He spotted some frogs jumping and croaking, ecstatic with the chance of another rain pouring down.


That was when he saw a woman standing back facing him on his left. The woman was standing calmly, his long black hair was swaying as the wind blew it. At times, she looked like shivering as she was just wearing what looked like thin white blouse. There was a fragrant smell of jasmine each time the wind blew passed her to Heechul's direction.


Feeling somewhat interested, Heechul initiated a talk.


"Excuse me, Miss. Are you okay?


No answer. Heechul opened his mouth again.


"It is cold outside. If you are waiting for someone, you could stay inside the temple until the person you are waiting for comes."


Still, no answer. Heechul rolled his eyes.


What an unpleasant ghost, I wonder if she is a ghost.


The girl turned around and smiled to him.


"How do you know that I am one?"



*   *   *   *   *


June 10, 2014


Pfuuuhhhh, glad that another chapter is finished. My nape hair was standing and still is writing down this story ...


The story is adapted from XXXHolic manga by Clamp. It is told in the scene where the characters is having Hyaku Monogatari event. Yes, I am referring my materials from it much. I can't help you know, I am so in love with XXXHolic. Well, I probably will make a fic based on the manga. I love making movie and book based fic. :D


The story is finishing in 3 or 4 more chaps. Hang on till the end. Wish me luck, I hate ghost stories!







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Updated, updated! Tell me your comment about the ghost story! Are they creepy enough?


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coolskyblue07 #1
Chapter 8: The photo made my body shivered •~•

Update asap!
coolskyblue07 #3
Chapter 7: Wait the ghost looks like Victoria I guess LOL XD

Can't wait to see Junmyeon and Amber's stories ^^
coolskyblue07 #4
Chapter 6: Okay, can't wait for the next ghost story ^^
coolskyblue07 #5
Chapter 5: New reader here! *waves* just catch up your story until here :D

WTF IS THAT???????!!!!!!! Is that the ghost who kept banging the door?
Chapter 5: Hmm... It begins...
Keep it up!! ^^
Chapter 3: Hahahaha oh my God I'm LOLing so hard omoooo XD
The relation between Kyungsoo and Amber is soo funny, suit them well!!
Chapter 2: Update soon....
Chapter 2: So, there is a little bit here? Hehe..
Okay, can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon! :)
Chapter 2: Haha i wonder what will happen. Fighting for next chapter