Kyungsoo's Story

Run Devil Run!!!

Long time ago, there was a newlywed couple moving to a house in the suburbs of Seoul. The house was old and for a long time inhabited. It looked filthy and abandoned at first, but it was big and they bought it very cheaply. They renovated the house before they moved in and the house was transformed into such beautiful and amazing house.

The husband worked in the city while the wife was a novelist who wrote novels in the house. Every day the husband would leave to the in the morning and return in the evening. The wife stayed at home and composed stories and novels. They had no neighbors around them. It was a quiet place and life for two of them. However, they were happy living there and they enjoyed their file with full hearts

However, one night, a strange thing happened. It was raining heavily and they were sleeping soundly. At exactly 2 am, there was loud bang on the front door, waking them from their deep sleep. When they opened the door, no one was there. Only rain was greeting them. They went back to their room, deeply confused of what happened.

“Probably just the hard wind. You know, it happens in this kind of weather,” the husband said.

“Yeah, let’s just go to sleep,” the wife replied.

It happened again. Three days later, the spouses woke up from their slumber as there was loud bang on the front door. It was at the same heavy rained night, at the same 2 am time. They got up from the bed, approaching the front door cautiously. No one was still there.

Feeling upset, they both returned to their room. After several minutes of struggling to sleep, they could finally get off to dream, huddling to each other.

That incident didn’t stop there. It repeated several days after.They both were awaken abruptly. Feeling half cautious, half upset, they came to the door with a metal bat, ready to slay anyone who wanted to rob them or simply the hell prankster who had no life but messing up with people.

They opened the door to see no one. Again. Feeling frustrated, the husband shout!

“Whoever you are, get the hell of your face shown in front of me! ing ! Are you nut?!”

The husband slammed the door, with his wife trying to calm him.

“That’s okay, Honey. Let’s just go to bed. We could put on some CCTV tomorrow. We will catch him red handed.”

The husband nodded, still feeling furious, and they went back to their room to sleep.

The next day, they installed CCTV throughout their house. They even installed it at their front gate. They wanted to know how the culprit could get through their house. If they were lucky, they could even know where the culprit came from. They could find a way to catch him, making sure that he was no longer a annoying nuisance for them.

The day was over and there came night. Again, it was raining, but this time it was raining cats and dogs. They were awaken by the loud bang on the front door, but this time, they didn’t bother coming to open it. They the CCTV monitor inside their room and watched closely on what was happening.

The front door was being banged but there was no one there. The door was shaking, but it was shaken by itself. Both of them became pale. They couldn’t move their body a bit, trapped by fear.

After a while, the bang stopped. Both of them sighed, releasing their held breath.

But then they felt an icy touch grabbed their wrist.

“Why didn’t you open the door for me …?”



ᴥ    ᴥ    ᴥ    ᴥ    ᴥ



Is it frightening already? Hiehiehiehie .....





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Updated, updated! Tell me your comment about the ghost story! Are they creepy enough?


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coolskyblue07 #1
Chapter 8: The photo made my body shivered •~•

Update asap!
coolskyblue07 #3
Chapter 7: Wait the ghost looks like Victoria I guess LOL XD

Can't wait to see Junmyeon and Amber's stories ^^
coolskyblue07 #4
Chapter 6: Okay, can't wait for the next ghost story ^^
coolskyblue07 #5
Chapter 5: New reader here! *waves* just catch up your story until here :D

WTF IS THAT???????!!!!!!! Is that the ghost who kept banging the door?
Chapter 5: Hmm... It begins...
Keep it up!! ^^
Chapter 3: Hahahaha oh my God I'm LOLing so hard omoooo XD
The relation between Kyungsoo and Amber is soo funny, suit them well!!
Chapter 2: Update soon....
Chapter 2: So, there is a little bit here? Hehe..
Okay, can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon! :)
Chapter 2: Haha i wonder what will happen. Fighting for next chapter