Jongin's Story

Run Devil Run!!!

"Er ..., no claps? No fear? No ... anything?"

Kris sweeps his gaze around him. Kyungsoo and Amber are frowning at him. Even Jongin and Joonmyeon are looking at him with such confused and weird look.

"Your story is ridiculuous, Hyung. How come the man turned into such ugly, dwarf creature?" Kyungsoo frowns.

"It was the most boring horror story I have ever heard, Oppa. It doesn't make sense at all." Amber sighs.

"Well, your story was actually good." Joonmyeon says.

"Yeah. That story was nice for us to hear." Jongin adds.

"Gee .... You only said that because the story was really lame that it didn't frighten you both."

"It is not like that, Amber!"

"Well, if the story had been great, you would have hidden behind each other with Jongin already, Joonmyeon-oppa."

"Whatever, Amber!"

"Okay, okay! Stop! Everyone has critics! Alright .... No one likes my story. That's fine." Kris puts his hands up in the air. "I at storytelling. At least I was still doing some talking. Amber, if you feel like your story is that good, why don't you try us now?"

Amber  smirks. "I'll keep the best for the last."

Kyungsoo, Jongin, and Joonmyeon roll their eyes. Kris rolls his eyes too and blows his candle. The light becomes dimmer.

"So, Amber wants to be the last storyteller, which means one of you should go first. So, between both of you, who will start first?" Kyungsoo asks Joonmyeon and Jongin.

Joonmyeon and Jongin look at each other, not wanting to answer Kyungsoo, tell a ghost story, or even stay at this damn place for the first place.

"You first, Jongin."

"No, you, Hyung."

"You are the magnae here. You have to follow your hyung."

"But you are the hyung. You're supposed to prioritize your dongsaeng."

The other three sigh. Jongin and Joonmyeon never fight, but when they do, it is difficult to cease.

"Alright, alright, you both cowards! Just do the Kaibaibo, please. The one losing the game should proceed to share whatever horror story they have."

Jongin and Joonmyeon look at each other. Amber is right. No one is brave enough to step down to do the storytelling.

"Alright. On the count of three." Amber says.

They both raise their hands and halt in the air.

"Hana ....

"Dul ....


Someone cheers and someone pouts. Amber and Kyungsoo chuckle while Kris smirks.

"Hyuuuuuunnnngggggg .... Please .... You first ...."

"No, Jongin. You first. You lost, you tell it first."

Jongin's pout grows sourer upon seeing Joonmyeon's grin. He bites his lips and frowns.

"Alright, alright. I will tell you my story. I hope you still have guts to sleep tonight after hearing my story!"


* * *

My school was having trip to Jeju Island. We had just finished first semester exam and as we killed the time waiting for the distribution of School Report, all students decided to travel and spent weekend there. We were all so excited about the trip. We didn't know how our exam results were, but cared nothing. All we were thinking about was playing at beach, swimming, eating together, taking pictures, screaming, and something crazy like that.

However, we had to wait until the next day. We had been really exhausted after riding on ferry and bus to our lodging. Feeling really drowsy, we hauled our own luggage and entered an old building which was supposed to be our inn.

As I stepped my feet into the inn, my nape hair was standing. I was feeling really cold that it snapped me out of my sleepiness. I quickly clung to my friend.

"Hyoyeon-eonni, I feel really strange. I feel scared."

Hyoyeon rubbed my arms, smiling half assuringly, half sleepily.

"It's okay, Seohyun. You are just tired. You might be hit by icy wind."

I wanted to rant, but seeing her exhausted face stopped me from complaining more. I just followed her after our teacher assigned our rooming arrangement. I was lucky that I slept with her in a room together with my other best friends, Sulli and Yoona.

"What's up with you, Seohyun? You look pale." Sulli asked once we arrived inside the room.

"I don't know, Sulli. I just feel strange since I came inside this inn."

"Are you feeling dizzy? Or sick?"

"No, Yoona. I just .... I don't know .... Probably I am just having ferry-lag."

Both of them smiled and rubbed my shoulder."

"Guys, let's go have dinner. Myungsoo-songsaengnim told us to got dinner hall."

The three of us got up and followed Hyoyeon to the dinner hall. It was really noisy and crowded, everyone was eating and talking at the same time. I was glad actually since I was blended into the cheerful situation. I couldn't stop laughing when Hyoyeon, Yoona, and Sulli said some jokes. I spurted the water I was drinking, making them roared with laughter.

Once we had finished dinner, we went to our own room. The girls were unstoppable. We went to the washroom together and gossiped while we were cleaning ourselves. Hye Gyo-songsaengnim had to scold us for being so loud. We hurriedly finished our night ritual and went to bed under her viscious glare.


I opened my eyes. I was feeling something croaking inside my stomach, along with the urge to go to toilet. I looked at the clock on the wall, 2.47 am. I wanted to wake my friend up to accompany me to go to the toilet but as I turned my head to my side, they were sleeping really tightly. Sulli and Yoona even snored slowly. I didn't want to wake them up but I really had to go to toilet. Sighing, I got up from the bed and walked to the toilet, alone.

No one was outside. It was really quiet. In order to go to the toilet, I had to go outside and walked on the hallway outside the house. God, it was really cold. I regretted that I was just wearing my robe. I should have worn my jacket instead. Hugging myself, I walked quickly to the toilet.

Srek, srek, srek ....

I turned my head back. I was like hearing someone walking behind me but I saw noone. I shrugged, it was probably the sound of wind blowing the gravels. I continued my walk to the toilet.

Srek, srek, srek ....

That sound again! I turned my back at a snap and still saw nothing.

The air turned icy. My teeth chattered.

I wanted to go back but my stomach didn't want to compromize. I quickly ran to the bathroom and locked it from inside. I did what I had to do, letting all the trash inside my stomach get away. I was nervous and stayed there for a long time, even if I had finished my toilet ritual just in several minutes.

I didn't really know how long I was there. I put my ears to listen to every single, tiniest possible sound that might resemble to the stepping sound before. Nothing. It was quiet, very quiet. I slowly opened the door, ready for any single encounter with scary thing.

And there was nothing.

I got out of the toilet and quickly ran to my room. Thank God, I heard nothing followed me. I still ran though, I just wanted to stay inside the place where I could be safe with my other friends.

I opened the room and relievedly sighed when I saw my friends sleeping peacefully on their respected bed. I locked the door and quickly went to my own. I was calm already and ready to continue my sleep.

I pulled the blanket to my chin, again, ready to sleep.

Wait, something isn't right.

I felt like something pressing my stomach. The thing was heavy. I suddenly couldn't breath as it weighs down on me. I open my blanket to see what it is.




June 1, 2014


I was deep scary of the picture! Damn ....

Are you scared too? Watch out your BACK!!







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Updated, updated! Tell me your comment about the ghost story! Are they creepy enough?


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coolskyblue07 #1
Chapter 8: The photo made my body shivered •~•

Update asap!
coolskyblue07 #3
Chapter 7: Wait the ghost looks like Victoria I guess LOL XD

Can't wait to see Junmyeon and Amber's stories ^^
coolskyblue07 #4
Chapter 6: Okay, can't wait for the next ghost story ^^
coolskyblue07 #5
Chapter 5: New reader here! *waves* just catch up your story until here :D

WTF IS THAT???????!!!!!!! Is that the ghost who kept banging the door?
Chapter 5: Hmm... It begins...
Keep it up!! ^^
Chapter 3: Hahahaha oh my God I'm LOLing so hard omoooo XD
The relation between Kyungsoo and Amber is soo funny, suit them well!!
Chapter 2: Update soon....
Chapter 2: So, there is a little bit here? Hehe..
Okay, can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon! :)
Chapter 2: Haha i wonder what will happen. Fighting for next chapter