Hyaku Monogatari

Run Devil Run!!!

“So … can someone tell me what we are actually doing right now?”

Kris is looking in the middle of the circle before him, looking perplexed. Joonmyeon gulps. He never wants to do this. As soon as he heard Kyungsoo saying hyaku monogatari, Joonmyeon has tried to make his bestfriend stop doing whatever he is doing right now. Alas, Kyungsoo is a man who can’t be moved. He prepared everything already that when they got back to the house the front hall has been arranged into a perfect miniature of ritual.

“We are doing Hyaku Monogatari, Hyung.” Kyungsoo is lighting the candles.

“You keep telling us that but you never explain what that means.” Kris rolls his eyes, Kyungsoo’s forced effort to sound mysterious starts to make him bored.

Joonmyeon clears his throat, making everyone look at him.

“We are doing a ritual of summoning ghosts and demons.”

Jongin shrieked. He quickly clutches to Kyungsoo. His sudden movement makes Kyungsoo yelp, he almost burnt his sleeves. Kyungsoo wants to hit Jongin, he never learns his lesson to never clutch on someone who is busy doing something, but his arm is suddenly gripped by someone. Kyungsoo spun his head, only to see Amber clutching him with the fakest fear on her face.

“Oppa …, you make me scared ….”

Amber's so failed aegyo sounds really, miserably creepy. Kyungsoo grits his teeth in irritation and yanks his arms off of Amber and Jongin.

“You two! Stop clutching my arms like children! It hurts!”

Jongin looks around frantically and quickly dashes to Joonmyeon’s side, clutching his arm instead Kyungsoo’s. Amber is grinning sheepishly, smiling like she hasn't just done a violation towards Kyungsoo's right of independence. Why in the world Kris brought this idiot!, Kyungsoo curses in mind.

Knowing that Kyungsoo is tensed, Kris looks up to Joonmyeon and asks him

“So, what’s up with ghost summoning ritual?”

Joonmyeon looks at Kris, feeling both scared and amused at the same time. He doesn’t want to explain what it is but Kris is asking him. He sighs, he knows himself to well, he will do anything to make himself spectacular in front of Kris.

“Hyaku monogatori was of Japan origin. It was once a test used by samurai in feudal Japan to test their courage. They used to go to scary places and told ghost stories to each other. Then it evolved into a parlor game played inside the house. However, this time some things related to Japanese mythology were added. This game employed much symbolization of supernatural entities. This game gathered fame and was played over and over, with more development added here and there. Since the players add the ritualistic things within the game, it is believed that it indeed is performed as a ritual of inviting ghosts itself.

“This game is played in a room which is lit by a hundred candles.  The player will take turn in telling a scary ghost story to everyone. After he or she finishes it, that person should blow a candle. Thus, one by one will do the same thing. They keep telling the stories until there is only a candle left. They should keep the last candle lit, whatever happens to them. If they fail to do that, a hundred ghost will appear, ready to stay in after being invited ….”

Everyone is staring at him now, breathless. Jongin is hugging himself, Amber is biting her lips, and Kris is frowning uncomfortably. Even Kyungsoo is showing unreadable expression on his face.

“Wow …, Hyung, we haven’t even started yet but you managed to make us chilled,” Kyungsoo chuckled miserably, “Well, as what Joonmyeon-hyung already said, each of us will tell the scariest ghost story we know. After the teller finishes the story, he or she should blow the candle off. There are eight candles here. Five will be blown out and the rest will be used for our next thing to do. Is that clear?”

“Joonmyeon said we needed a hundred candles. Why do we just have eight?” Kris asks.

“Yes, it will make the ghost ‘appear’, but we don’t have that much time, Hyung. That’s why, after an extensive search on internet, I found out another variation of the game. We don’t need a hundred candles to blow, just the candles we require to play. However, we have to bring water as spirits’ medium to reflect, food as offering, and sharp things as symbol of hatred. They are the substitutes of a hundred candles.  Luckily, we have all of them.”

Kyungsoo waves his hand to the things before them: a jug of water, seven white buns, and a fine razorblade.

“I even brought salt. You know, if things become uncontrollable, they say it will purify any ghosts or spirits that mean to harm us.”

Kyungsoo clearly takes pride on his instant research now. The effect is breathtaking. Everyone seems to be amazed by him.

“Do we really, really have to do this, Hyung?” Jongin whines.

“Yes, Jongin. We must. Other question?”

“Can I sit beside you, Oppa?”

“No, Amber. Stay where you are.”

Both Amber and Jongin pout, even though for different reasons.

“Alright. Shall we begin the game?”

Kris nods curiously, Amber nods sullenly, Joonmyeon nods reluctantly, and Jongin shakes his head disapprovingly.

“Good. Let’s begin the game. First up …, my turn ….”


. . . . .



So sorry for such a long update. I got busy with work and things around. This is the hardest story I am making so far since the plot keeps changing over the time, I can't really stick to my initial idea. However, still, I hopeit is good for you.

Hyaku Monogatari is a very creepy game played in Japan. It is usually played during summer, where people would have firework sightseeing before. I actually made this chapter after I got the inspiration from XXXHolic comic, I even borrowed the elements in comic.

Haha, I am such an unoriginal er. Just read the comic, it is highly recommended!!!!

At the end of the words, thank you for your support, it is really nice to know many people read, subscribe, even upvote this rotten story. Still: I am waiting for the comments though. Your words are encouraging for me.

Have a nice reading!!!



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Updated, updated! Tell me your comment about the ghost story! Are they creepy enough?


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coolskyblue07 #1
Chapter 8: The photo made my body shivered •~•

Update asap!
coolskyblue07 #3
Chapter 7: Wait the ghost looks like Victoria I guess LOL XD

Can't wait to see Junmyeon and Amber's stories ^^
coolskyblue07 #4
Chapter 6: Okay, can't wait for the next ghost story ^^
coolskyblue07 #5
Chapter 5: New reader here! *waves* just catch up your story until here :D

WTF IS THAT???????!!!!!!! Is that the ghost who kept banging the door?
Chapter 5: Hmm... It begins...
Keep it up!! ^^
Chapter 3: Hahahaha oh my God I'm LOLing so hard omoooo XD
The relation between Kyungsoo and Amber is soo funny, suit them well!!
Chapter 2: Update soon....
Chapter 2: So, there is a little bit here? Hehe..
Okay, can't wait for the next chapter. Update soon! :)
Chapter 2: Haha i wonder what will happen. Fighting for next chapter