Hugs no more

A drop of WonKyu
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*where did all the fluffy wonkyu went?! why only angst or no updates


Please enjoy my silly attempt OTL


Word: 18xx 



"Happy birthday Kyuni!"


"Yah! hyung, Kyuni is a big boy now, stop hugging me"


Siwon instantly frown as his cute little dongsaeng start pushing him away.  Normally he gets to hold on to his sweet, chubby Kyuni till whenever he wants. 




"Hyung~ get off me" Kyuhyun whine and Siwon reluctantly let his warm tubby go.  Kyuhyun glare him once and than smile as he lifted both his hands in front. 


"h-huh?" Siwon's frown was still there and Kyuhyun just had to roll his eyes at his silly hyung.


"present hyung! its kyuni's birthday... where's my present."  Kyuhyun whine and started looking around.  At this moment, Siwon's mom came up to them holding a large box with blue ribbons.  Kyuhyun's eyes sparkle and knew that got to be his. 


"Happy birthday Kyuhyun... Siwon-ah you ran out so quickly you left your present in the house." Siwon's mom held out the box as Siwon didn't realise he should take it of his mom, rather he was still sadly trying to absorb that no hugging rule from Kyuhyun.


Kyuhyun watches impatiently and decided to take the present off Siwon's mom hand.  "Thank You hyung! thank you MrsChoi." Kyuhyun bow politely with his present safely in his hold. 


"such adorable boy" Siwon's mom cooed and normally Siwon would hug the light out of Kyuhyun for being such a sweet, well manner boy, but instead he found himself stuck to the ground. 


"Oh, MrsChoi you're here, come it... have a drink and have something to eat" Kyuhyun's umma came and usher the other ladies in as well.  "Kyu, give umma your present, i'll leave it with the others".  Kyuhyun wanted to protest but Siwon's sad look stopped him.  So he let his umma took the present he held so tightly and watch how it joined with the rest of the ones on the table. 


The ladies left the kids as the two confusedly kept silent while the other run around the yards.


"Siwon hyung, you want a drink? I ask mom to make sure to have your favourite Cola..." Kyuhyun was already bouncing towards the table to get his drinks while Siwon really wasn't in the mood for anything. 


"Thanx Kyuni" Siwon did took the can, and gave a forced smile.  But the silence quickly grew back.  Kyuhyun was soon usher away by his umma and other kids came to wish the birthday boy a happy day. All the time while Kyuhyun was sneaking peek at his hyung.   


Siwon sat by himself near the table of presents as he drinks his cola. It is a really nice cola.  He got to admit, somehow everything goes through Kyuhyun taste better. 


The party went on, with Siwon didn't get a chance to talk to Kyuhyun anymore.  His mom notice his quietness and ask him what happened. 


"I'm just not feeling too good mom... c-can...we...?"  Siwon was timid and his mom knows better.


"ok... let say goodbye to Kyuhyun and Mrs Cho and we'll go home"  Siwon could only nod and follow his mom as the lady lead him.  He didn't dare to look at Kyuhyun for he didn't know what will happen if Kyuhyun look relief or chilled about the idea of him leaving so soon.


So he played the unwell act fairly good. Siwon vaguely hear Kyuhyun telling him to "get well soon hyung" he might have nodded or not.  He didn't really know, all Siwon want was to go home and flip through pictures of them.  The time when they were slightly younger and Kyuhyun would let him hug him till his heart content. 


So the next time Siwon hear about Kyuhyun was that very evening.  When MrsCho came to her next door neighbour and ask if they have any kids' painkillers left.  Siwon perk his ear as he listen in the hallway away from the adults.


"oh...what happened?" He heard his mom ask


"I don't know.  After you left, the clown came and he gotten really sulky and moody.  We ended the party after the cake cutting as Kyuhyun was saying he's tired.  But I can tell he was more grumpy than sleepy.  Just then after dinner he said he's having a tummy ache, and he wanted to know is Siwon is feeling better yet.  Maybe too much lollies and chocolate for those two."


Siwon didn't realise but his little body was already out in the open where the adults can see him.  His mom turn as she notice him standing there with a worry look.  Without him asking she already voice


"You think our Siwon can go see little Kyuhyun for a

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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 24: omfg.. xD just two days ago, my friend was talking about how he bought an snsd lightstick and my other friend was laughing about how wrong 'lightstick' sounds. and we all thought she was being severely dirty-minded. this just made me think of 'lightstick' differently xD also, i loveeed this chapter xD and the rest of your 'in da club' series. they're my favourites so far xDD
heartbabykyu #2
Chapter 24: LIGHTSTICK?!!!!!!

What am I suppose to go to ss6 and wave a lightstick around when it will remind me of *ahem coff coff* whenever the horse danced by? @.@
Chapter 23: MORE! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THIS?!? :3 Juseyo. :))
SweetPurple117 #4
SweetPurple117 #5
Angela17 #6
Chapter 23: TBC will be great though... Lol... ^~^
angelvoicekyu #7
Chapter 23: OMG. I read this chapter twice in order to confirm about my thoughts. At first, I was a bit clueless with the one who dressed in a farmer clothing and the frog who could speak a human language/English in this matter-I thought they're the similar person and this story will be like a frog prince. Duhhhh. WTH am I thinking. haha. So, basically, Kyuhyun were tied into a relationship since he's a kid when the Yongshin fell in love with him, making a deal with his good for nothing father who raised him into a beautiful boy. haha. TBH, I'm seriously glad that Kyu can call him as Siwon. I really disapproved Yongshin for Siwon! haha. Even I will be blushing if someone praised me more than I could think of. So, what's next? The blissful wedding of WK? Anyway, Siwon is like a mystical creature who won't get old right? Like a vampire or something since he's 400 year old and to marry a 22 year old boy, IDK. It's just my thought. I love how he mentioned that he won't force Kyu to give him an heir as long as he married him and he could do so whenever he's ready made me awwwweee.. TBH, I can't wait to see them live like husband and wife. Btw, thanks for this wonderful update. This should be continued or I won't have a peaceful night. haha.
Chapter 23: TO BR CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....
Chapter 23: TBC of course....wanna see what happen next...XD
abcdef88 #10
Chapter 23: continue the story pls!!!