Needy love

A drop of WonKyu
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*a little wonkyu fluff cos i want FLUFF and i luv you's!!! kekekee ^.^   words: 31xx  


  Kyuhyun was driving his dad's car to uni and he found the perfect space.  Just when he about to reverse to it, a dark blue audi-spyder came swiftly by and cut him off and most obnoxiously took his spot.  "Fark!!" Kyuhyun angrily got out of the car as he slam his door close, he hates it when these kind of happens.
"What the hell was that?!"  he normally doesn't scream and act all crazy just becos of a car space, he blames it totally on these stupid dumb  drivers.
The door open silently damn luxury car! and it just so happens to be the biggest assface in the world. Choi.Siwon.  Sure enough he is staggeringly hot and filthy rich but Kyuhyun couldn't get pass the fact that he is one of the biggest moron on earth. 
"yah...lets not get all crazy now.  This has been my parking all these years and I park here every day.  Me and no one else."  even his voice is moronic like, Kyuhyun though to himself. 
"I don't see your name on it"  Kyuhyun pretend to look around, as if a name will be written for a mere student no matter how powerful and well known he is at the place.  "See, no name.  Now get your stupid car out"  Kyuhyun point and glare, but did little to trigger any movement from Siwon.  The taller merely just turned around and kept strutting away as he run his hand through his black hair smartassly.  Kyuhyun ran and stop right in front of him with his flume blazing out.
"Move"  Siwon simply said.
"" Kyuhyun demand with his arm crossed he told himself to hold it in, don't give in to this moron.
"Say you love me" came the sing-song tone and Kyuhyun could see flares bursting around him.
", Kyunibaby" Siwon coo as he about to lean close, Kyuhyun sigh loudly his so call self control is surely loosing it. 

"Alright, I just need to do one thing." Siwon was actually beaming at Kyuhyun acceptance, he waited and smile ear to ear at the younger with his dimples screaming for joy. After months of courting and chasing around, he couldn't believe it was a car space that led him to submission.
"really?! what would that be?"  Siwon smile couldn't get wider without breaking his face, which should have melted Kyuhyun's heart, but didn't if only that hint of smug wasn't so clearly plaster on as well. 
"THIS" Kyuhyun voice as he swing his fist strongly, punches Siwon square in the face that instantly wiped that smile right off his face. 
"OWWW" Siwon yelp and this time Kyuhyun walks off without a backward glance while everyone just stared and some laugh behind their hands, namely the bestie duo known as Eun&Hae who've been betting on the side to see when Siwon will fold and how many times Kyuhyun can get away from physically abusing the guy. 
Kyuhyun eventually found another spot but that cut into his lecture for twenty minutes.  Twenty precious minutes that he wastes on given Siwon a bloody jaw and a semi bruised knuckles of his own.  The news quickly spread, before the lesson ended, Kyuhyun already receive texts from people asking him or scolding him for abusing the handsome face...again.
Kyuhyun could only sigh and wish there's less stupid people in this world as they've obliviously wasting his time.  Yet, there was just this one thing he was kinda disrupted throughout the rest of the day.  Its Siwon, precisely, the way that guy smiled that morning, the way that guy so easily believed in him.  Those dimples, those honest eyes, that expectation from Kyuhyun...
"GRRRRR~ STOP IT!" Kyuhyun scream, he shouldn't waste anymore time on the idiot.  This isn't the first time the guy try to threaten, demand, blackmail, a confession out of him after pleading and begging didn't do the trick.  Kyuhyun chuckle as he remember the times before, how he kicked him right on the sheen or those slaps across his cheeky face.  The agony and disappointment from Siwon's painful whines till this morning the impact on his face.  It still emitted happy humming from Kyuhyun as he makes his way towards the library, however, as much as he doesn't want to understand or even acknowledge, was the utterly nagging pang in his heart all these time.  
  Throwing that disturbing through aside, Kyuhyun reaches the place as he finally remember the reason for his stay back, he needed to return some overdue texts books.  Digging his hand inside his backpack, he shockingly retract his right hand quickly with a silent gasp.  A sudden and very sharp pain on the back of his hand render him still while a pout made out. 
"owch...what the" Kyuhyun whine as he examine his knuckles.  Which had turned a deep shade of purple by now, it wasn't till now he realise how it must have bruise after delivering that punch.  if my knuckle turn to this... I wonder what happened to his...
Kyuhyun manage to stop himself before that person names comes ringing in his head.  But doesn't matter, cos said person with cut lips and batter cheek somehow magically appear right in front of him, not only already standing within his personal space, his large hands digging into Kyuhyun's bag as if trying to find something.  
"yah!! what~~~?"
"shhhhh~" Kyuhyun abruptly stop himself as he bow lightly to the heads shh-ing him.  Siwon didn't even look at him and continue the rampage of his backpack with a frown on his handsome face in concentration.   
"yah... what are you doing?" Kyuhyun whisper and Siwon still didn't answer, the young was about to snap, but at that moment, Siwon drawn out the two text books Kyuhyun wanted to return.  
The taller held out the two text in front of Kyuhyun as he mouth "return?" to the younger whom only nodded with his mouth slightly agape.  Siwon would have cooed out loud at that adorable and very very kissable expression if he didn't already have done that months ago and gotten himself a hard slap in public.  So, this time Siwon simply used all his left over power and turn around, walked over as he head towards the return-slot and slide the texts in before taking a deep breath as he slowly makes his way back to Kyuhyun.  
  Whom didn't know why Siwon appear and decided to help him, but Kyuhyun couldn't help that particular  annoyingly nagging feeling the more he look at Siwon's expression. 
Siwon somehow still manage to smile ever so dimply at him.  Even though the blacken shading of his cheek was very much saddening, the guy still refuse to leave Kyuhyun alone.  
Kyuhyun mutter a soft "thanx" and turn to escape from that kind, tender grin.  He knew if he stay any longer he'll end up doing something wayyyyy out of character.  Chanting a silent threat to himself, Kyuhyun didn't notice how Siwon kept on following him without a sound. 
It wasn't till Kyuhyun reaches the parking lot that he heard Siwon's steps closely behind him. Abruptly turning to question the guy, Siwon halt suddenly nearly bumping into Kyuhyun as he notice the young's face soooo close to his.  He freaked out and back steps a few while covering his injured cheek with his brows lightly knitted, after all he doesn't wanna anger the bubble anymore.
Kyuhyun didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  He really isn't normally a violent person. 
"What do you want?"
Siwon only l
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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 24: omfg.. xD just two days ago, my friend was talking about how he bought an snsd lightstick and my other friend was laughing about how wrong 'lightstick' sounds. and we all thought she was being severely dirty-minded. this just made me think of 'lightstick' differently xD also, i loveeed this chapter xD and the rest of your 'in da club' series. they're my favourites so far xDD
heartbabykyu #2
Chapter 24: LIGHTSTICK?!!!!!!

What am I suppose to go to ss6 and wave a lightstick around when it will remind me of *ahem coff coff* whenever the horse danced by? @.@
Chapter 23: MORE! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THIS?!? :3 Juseyo. :))
SweetPurple117 #4
SweetPurple117 #5
Angela17 #6
Chapter 23: TBC will be great though... Lol... ^~^
angelvoicekyu #7
Chapter 23: OMG. I read this chapter twice in order to confirm about my thoughts. At first, I was a bit clueless with the one who dressed in a farmer clothing and the frog who could speak a human language/English in this matter-I thought they're the similar person and this story will be like a frog prince. Duhhhh. WTH am I thinking. haha. So, basically, Kyuhyun were tied into a relationship since he's a kid when the Yongshin fell in love with him, making a deal with his good for nothing father who raised him into a beautiful boy. haha. TBH, I'm seriously glad that Kyu can call him as Siwon. I really disapproved Yongshin for Siwon! haha. Even I will be blushing if someone praised me more than I could think of. So, what's next? The blissful wedding of WK? Anyway, Siwon is like a mystical creature who won't get old right? Like a vampire or something since he's 400 year old and to marry a 22 year old boy, IDK. It's just my thought. I love how he mentioned that he won't force Kyu to give him an heir as long as he married him and he could do so whenever he's ready made me awwwweee.. TBH, I can't wait to see them live like husband and wife. Btw, thanks for this wonderful update. This should be continued or I won't have a peaceful night. haha.
Chapter 23: TO BR CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....
Chapter 23: TBC of course....wanna see what happen next...XD
abcdef88 #10
Chapter 23: continue the story pls!!!