No can do

A drop of WonKyu
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This is super short...


 Words: 9xx

"you do realise I can fend for myself, right?"

Siwon devilishly smiled against the hot body, not planning to response just yet, as he continue to plant juicy pecks all along Kyuhyun's shoulder and neck.  Only moments like these, where Siwon is currently spoiling his Kyuhyun rotten, for the younger to speak so bluntly.  The clear desperation of breaths still echo clearly in their room while the seductive glow of lovemaking glister beautifully and temptingly under the dim light.  Its also occasion as such that Siwon, the ever powerful and influential  gangster-boss finds himself completely and utterly powerless against his dearly beloved. 
"hmm...that depends..."
Kyuhyun move, looking over his shoulder with an obvious glare.  The ever so charismatic and hot smirk flaunt right in front of him.  Yet its making his heart both burst and melt at the same time.  With a pout Kyuhyun bit out one of those sweet whine that surely makes Siwon even harder instantly. 
Breathing deeply with a suppress moan, Siwon demands with gritted teeth "what is it?"
Now, Kyuhyun shifted completely till he's right under Siwon... again, as their heated and very much harden lower half brushes provokingly.  "I'm not being reckless, but I really don't want Hangeng to be following me e.v.e.r.y.where." 

Siwon frowns deepen.
"I..." Kyuhyun swallow the hardness that formed in his throat.  "I-i just don't like having a hit man around me all the time." Kyuhyun softly mumble as he run his finger tips across Siwon's abs.  It would be understatement to say that he wasn't feeling rather intimidated by Siwon's frown a moment ago.  But at least he gotta let the older know how he felt, after all, who likes to be follow all day, everyday.  
Siwon notice instantly the way Kyuhyun try to avoid his stares, and that annoying feeling of 'guilt' came rushing through.  But once again, when it comes to Kyuhyun's safety, he just can't risk a single thought. 
"How about I find someone to replace him?"
Kyuhyun didn't say a word, and Siwon knew perfectly well its not who he sent.  Its the idea of having another person as his shadow that really irks his lover. 
"Kyu" Siwon laid on
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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 24: omfg.. xD just two days ago, my friend was talking about how he bought an snsd lightstick and my other friend was laughing about how wrong 'lightstick' sounds. and we all thought she was being severely dirty-minded. this just made me think of 'lightstick' differently xD also, i loveeed this chapter xD and the rest of your 'in da club' series. they're my favourites so far xDD
heartbabykyu #2
Chapter 24: LIGHTSTICK?!!!!!!

What am I suppose to go to ss6 and wave a lightstick around when it will remind me of *ahem coff coff* whenever the horse danced by? @.@
Chapter 23: MORE! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THIS?!? :3 Juseyo. :))
SweetPurple117 #4
SweetPurple117 #5
Angela17 #6
Chapter 23: TBC will be great though... Lol... ^~^
angelvoicekyu #7
Chapter 23: OMG. I read this chapter twice in order to confirm about my thoughts. At first, I was a bit clueless with the one who dressed in a farmer clothing and the frog who could speak a human language/English in this matter-I thought they're the similar person and this story will be like a frog prince. Duhhhh. WTH am I thinking. haha. So, basically, Kyuhyun were tied into a relationship since he's a kid when the Yongshin fell in love with him, making a deal with his good for nothing father who raised him into a beautiful boy. haha. TBH, I'm seriously glad that Kyu can call him as Siwon. I really disapproved Yongshin for Siwon! haha. Even I will be blushing if someone praised me more than I could think of. So, what's next? The blissful wedding of WK? Anyway, Siwon is like a mystical creature who won't get old right? Like a vampire or something since he's 400 year old and to marry a 22 year old boy, IDK. It's just my thought. I love how he mentioned that he won't force Kyu to give him an heir as long as he married him and he could do so whenever he's ready made me awwwweee.. TBH, I can't wait to see them live like husband and wife. Btw, thanks for this wonderful update. This should be continued or I won't have a peaceful night. haha.
Chapter 23: TO BR CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....
Chapter 23: TBC of course....wanna see what happen next...XD
abcdef88 #10
Chapter 23: continue the story pls!!!