
A drop of WonKyu
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I need to de- my mind ¬_¬;       Words: 13xx
"Relax...breath....beautiful breath..."



Siwon took kyuhyun's chin to make the young look into this eyes. He was sure he wanted nothing else than to take this beautiful boy, but he didnt want him to do anything he'll be hated. Kyuhyun shyly looked towards those dark orbs and back to the floor. Siwon smile at the cute expression kyuhyun has.

"Kyu...i want you. You know that, right...but I love you more... so i'll wait. I know it in your heart you want me too.  Sometimes you're just too cute for your own good.  Shhh... I know you're new to this so trust me. Trust me beautiful.."  Siwon move closer towards kyuhyun's ear and whisper softly and seductively into those red ears. Sending shivers down all the way south of kyuhyun.  If only he get a step closer to having Kyuhyun thinking of accepting, that's a forward, right? 

Siwon nibble softly and teasingly at kyuhyun soft earlobe, earning him a soft moan from the trembling kyuhyun.  Siwon smirk happily at the reactions he gets from kyuhyun. He could feel kyuhyun hands gripping on his shirt. He pull away wanting to confirm his instinct. 

Kyuhyun breathes were heavy, his eyes half lided, cheeks flushed.  He certainly didnt like the sudden lost of Siwon's pleasuring heat.  Slowly he open his eyes, he came across a set of lustful orbs, mouth so close to his he could reach out and taste them, those hot breath on his skin.
Siwon lean forward, resting their forehead together. He closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead against the other slightly. Cupping the cheeks in front of him, he didnt want this moment to end. He simply enjoying, loving this moment.   He kept telling himself he wouldn't force, if the other isn't ready, but sometimes his mouth just say stuff without asking.   

"Kyu-ah...please...please give in. Tell me what you want from me, i'll never hurt you...I promise... Please just give me a chance to show you my love...hmmm?"

It pulled every string in Kyuhyun's heart hearing those words, these begging words. Siwon has been very persistence and wonderful to him, he could never have imagine anyone being so great and understanding. So whats holding him back, why has he been only pushing and pushing siwon away when every single fibre of his body yelling the other way.

Kyuhyun cup the hands which holding his cheeks. He kiss the palm of one hand, kyuhyun look directly back at those pleading eyes, his brows knitted.

siwon, I can't do this with you, why cant you understand that?

Kyuhyun didnt realise he himself have his brow knitted and Siwon was alert and didnt like it.  Siwon the cheek with his thumb gently, his own frown turn into a questioning one.

"Tell me...what is it?! Kyu....please"

Kyuhyun's eyes turn teary and frustrating, very.    "WONNIE!!! I can't do this!"   Siwon pull back with his eyes squinting from the volume of Kyuhyun's sudden yell.  Its so loud and dramatic that for a second there, Siwon found an eerie numbness to his eardrum.  And the next thing he realise was how Kyuhyun slump forward hugging him tight.    Chuckling at his adorable baby Siwon return his hug.  "Baby... whatmffff" then his lips was effective cupped as Kyuhyun lean up, calming those bow lips harshly.  The kisses are forceful and wet, it made Siwon's knee's weak.  Yet before he got his bearing back and return
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ohmysuperjunior #1
Chapter 24: omfg.. xD just two days ago, my friend was talking about how he bought an snsd lightstick and my other friend was laughing about how wrong 'lightstick' sounds. and we all thought she was being severely dirty-minded. this just made me think of 'lightstick' differently xD also, i loveeed this chapter xD and the rest of your 'in da club' series. they're my favourites so far xDD
heartbabykyu #2
Chapter 24: LIGHTSTICK?!!!!!!

What am I suppose to go to ss6 and wave a lightstick around when it will remind me of *ahem coff coff* whenever the horse danced by? @.@
Chapter 23: MORE! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE IT LIKE THIS?!? :3 Juseyo. :))
SweetPurple117 #4
SweetPurple117 #5
Angela17 #6
Chapter 23: TBC will be great though... Lol... ^~^
angelvoicekyu #7
Chapter 23: OMG. I read this chapter twice in order to confirm about my thoughts. At first, I was a bit clueless with the one who dressed in a farmer clothing and the frog who could speak a human language/English in this matter-I thought they're the similar person and this story will be like a frog prince. Duhhhh. WTH am I thinking. haha. So, basically, Kyuhyun were tied into a relationship since he's a kid when the Yongshin fell in love with him, making a deal with his good for nothing father who raised him into a beautiful boy. haha. TBH, I'm seriously glad that Kyu can call him as Siwon. I really disapproved Yongshin for Siwon! haha. Even I will be blushing if someone praised me more than I could think of. So, what's next? The blissful wedding of WK? Anyway, Siwon is like a mystical creature who won't get old right? Like a vampire or something since he's 400 year old and to marry a 22 year old boy, IDK. It's just my thought. I love how he mentioned that he won't force Kyu to give him an heir as long as he married him and he could do so whenever he's ready made me awwwweee.. TBH, I can't wait to see them live like husband and wife. Btw, thanks for this wonderful update. This should be continued or I won't have a peaceful night. haha.
Chapter 23: TO BR CONTINUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.....
Chapter 23: TBC of course....wanna see what happen next...XD
abcdef88 #10
Chapter 23: continue the story pls!!!