Tempting Acts

Entangled Web (The Spiderweb Of Love II)


I pushed the door opened. Ah, I'm so tired. I can't believe college life can this be tough. But it's okay; it's my last year anyways. I went straight to my room without opening the main lights. As I reached my room, I dropped myself on the bed when I suddenly jumped up again. I opened the lights and saw the weird girl sleeping in my bed.
Heck! How the hell did she get inside? I was about to wake her up when I suddenly took notice of my room. I looked around and saw that it looked a lot organized than before. I went to my closet and saw my clothes neatly folded. I went to where my laundry basket was and found out it was empty. I quickly went down and went to the wash area. I saw my clothes were already washed and hanged.
I went to the kitchen. I shook my head as I saw she already cooked for me. I jogged back to my room. I smirked and shook my head as I saw she was still fast asleep. I went to her and gently shook her.
She opened her eyes then closed it again, then rubbed them along the way.
“Omo! You're here already. I'm sorry, I overslept,” she frantically sat up.
“Did you eat already?”I quietly asked.
“No. Wait, have you eaten already?” she asked back.
“Not yet, but-”
“Aish! I can't believe I overslept. I already cooked for you but I haven't prepared the table yet. Wait, I'll prepare it. It'll be quick. Why don't you take a shower first so you won't get impatient?”
“I-” I started but she was already gone. I sighed then followed her. I silently watched as she prepared the table for me.
“I'm done!” she suddenly announced, smiling at me. “I should go, though. I'll be back the next day,” she said.
She ran passed by me. I don't know what made me do it, but I stopped her.
“Care to join me?” I asked.
“Tabi! What are you doing here?”
I looked up as I heard the little rabbit's voice. I was currently helping Chaerin with her school paper in the cafe, occupying one of the customer's tables since she decided to go on with her family's wishes.
I saw the little rabbit ran to hyung and gave him a quick hug. Eh? She then led him to our table. Dara went to sit beside me as TOP hyung went to Chaerin's side. The moment Dara was seated beside me; I put my arm on her shoulder and kissed her hair. I looked back at hyung and saw that he got his brows raised at me.
“Hey, what brought you here?” I asked.
“Seungri asked me to talk to Dara,” he answered. I straightened in my seat a little.
“Why?” Dara and I chorused.
“He wanted me to inform you that he'll be leaving the country tomorrow.”
I heard a sharp intake of breath. I looked at Chaerin, frowning. But then, she still had her head bowed down on what she's doing.
“Why?” I heard Dara asked again.
“He said he'll be continuing his studies abroad,” TOP hyung shrugged. “Me and the boys will be seeing him off the airport tomorrow. Wanna come?”
“What time?” I asked.
“Around 7:30 pm.”
“Tsk,that brat. Why all of a sudden?” Dara asked.
“Don't know. Ask him tomorrow.”
“Hi Seunghyun!”
I saw TOP hyung froze.
“Bommie unnie!” Dara greeted.
“Hello, Ssantokki. Can I borrow TOP for a while?” she asked.
“Tabi?” Dara blankly ushered then looked at TOP hyung. “Ya! Tabi, why are you sweating? Are you alright?”
Bom noona chuckled. “I'll take care of that,” she said then winked. She then grabbed hyung's arm and pulled him up. Dara stood up, too and gave hyung ANOTHER quick hug. Eh? What was that?
“Bye bye Tabi!” she waved as Bom noona started dragging TOP hyung out of the cafe.
I crossed my arm across my chest then looked through the glass wall.
“I can't believe Seungri didn't inform me earlier!” Dara said. I didn't answer.
“Ya!” she burst out, turning me to face her. “What's with that face?” she asked.
“Nothing,” I answered.
“Oh, okay. Did you notice? Tabi looked a little healthier than the last time I saw him. Tsk, too bad we haven't had a chance to talk to him longer. I wonder what Bom unnie wanted from Tabi? Hmm. Well, I guess I could just ask Tabi-”
“Aish!” I burst out. “Can you talk of something else aside from TABI?”
She looked at me, wearing a surprise expression. “Are you. . . jealous?”
“Of course not!” I denied. “I just don't like it everytime you call him TABI. I mean, can’t you call him with a simple TOP or Seunghyun? And you even hugged him! Not just once, but twice! TWICE!” I ranted.
She laughed out loudly. “Oh, so you are jealous. Come on, give the guy some credit. It's just my way of thanking him. Stop whining already,” she crooned.
I didn't answer.
“Tell you what, I'll make it up to you!”
“How?” I growled.
“Up to you. What do you want me to do?” she said, voice turning into a husky whisper.
“YA! Can you two find some other place?!? I'm trying to study here!” Chaerin burst out angrily. Dara and I looked at each other. Then, we both smiled.
“Storage room!” we chorused.
“Aarrgghh! This is a cafe, not a hotel!” Chaerin mumbled darkly.
But we ignored her.
“Where are we going?” TOP asked.
“We're going on a date,” Bom answered.
“DATE? I'm not going on a date with you!” he exclaimed.
“You are and you will.”
“Look, I don't-”
“If you really don't want to go out with me, you should have run away already. Now, start your bike.”
“I can't let you ride; I didn't bring an extra helmet-”
“Brought one myself,” she cut off.
Despite himself, TOP followed. After bringing the bike to life, Bom climbed behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist tightly.
“Hmm. You smell so good,” Bom whispered seductively, then she giggled. “Now, drive off.”
“Where the hell are we going?”
“Mountain climbing,” she grinned “and hiking.”
“Mountain what?”
“Just drive, I'll give you directions.”
Later. . .
Bom was having the time of her life as TOP was assisting her in taking the rocky, unstable and steep trail. TOP on the other hand, had his brows meshed up together.
“This was your idea, woman. If you planned to do mountain climbing, you shouldn't have worn those heels!” he breathed.
“Ah, I'm so tired already. Can you carry me?” she asked.
“WHAT?” he burst out.
“Carry me,” she said.
“Why don't we just go back?” he asked.
“We already made it this far. Don't tell me you're giving up?”
“We could be on top already if you didn't wear those heels!”
“Okay, okay. My bad. Now, carry me.”
She smiled when he complied. As he picked her up, she rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arms around his neck. She then played with the little hairs at his nape.
After thirty minutes or so, they reached the peak of the mountain. TOP put her down and dropped himself on the ground in a sitting position, breathing heavily.
“Ghad, you're so heavy!” he said.
“Don't just sit there, come see this,” she said and pulled him up. She then led him to the edge and breathed in the fresh air. “Beautiful, isn’t it?”
How'd you find this place?” he quietly asked.
“That's a secret I'll never tell,” she beamed, earning a chuckle from TOP.
“You are. . .” he started but trailed off.
“Amazing? Beautiful? Cute? Adorable? And every positive adjective I could come up with?”
“You are so full of yourself,” he remarked.
Both of them fell silent for a long while. They just stood there side by side, letting the wind blew their hair, letting their eyes feast on the captivating view, and its rich innocence of it touched TOP's heart. Here, the evidence is presented to him that there are still some things that are left untouched by technology and the growing population of the world.
Out of nowhere, Bom groaned. TOP's head whipped to her sharply.
“What's wrong?” he asked.
“My legs are aching!” she answered.
“I can't believe you!” TOP exclaimed. “You dragged me off to this place then you start whining.”
“Why don't you just massage me?”
“You know very well I don't know how,” he noted.
“I'll guide you,” she said.
“I thought you said before that you don't know how to massage?”
“Did I say something like that?” she asked back innocently.
“Aish, woman! You're testing my patience!”
Bom just chuckled and sat on a rock. “Come on, giant.”
Still, TOP complied.
“Okay, put your hands above my ankle. Yes, that's right. And press it like this,” Bom said, guiding TOP's hands. Then, she pulled her hands off and let him be. “Okay, move your hands higher,” she said, grinning to herself. Again, TOP complied.
“Higher,” Bom said a while later. TOP followed, oblivious to the girl's grin. She silently watched him as he looked too focused on what he's doing.
“Higher,” she ushered again.
TOP suddenly stopped as he finally realized that his hands were already in her thigh, too close to that “forbidden place”. He quickly withdrew.
“Mianhe. I didn't notice I went too high,” he muttered, embarrassed.
Bom stood up, laughing. She then patted his shoulder. “It's okay. You did a great job. So, let's go down?”
“Thought you'd never ask,” he mumbled.
“Ahm, can you carry me again?” she asked.
“Okay, okay. Just asking,” she chuckled.
They started heading down.
“I feel hot,” Bom said.
“So am I,” TOP answered mindlessly.
“There's a river over there. We should dive in for a while.”
“What?!” he turned around sharply. “Are you out of your-?”
“Come on already!” Bom cut off, pulling him with her. They passed by a rocky trail before reaching the riverbank. Bom then kicked her shoes off. She turned around to face TOP as she started taking her shirt off.
TOP's eyes went wide as he saw her dropped the shirt to the ground. His eyes even went wider as she started pulling her pants off.
“Holy mother of all the Saints!” TOP hissed as he watched the girl dived into the water with only her black undies on. Then, she resurfaced.
“Care to join me?” she called.
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ChellizM #1
Chapter 16: Cute story...and those kuchi kuchis ?
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 15: Ahahahaha!! I like the kids. Of course, Bommie’s kid is the strangest.
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 14: Lol Dara’s a proud mama
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 6: Hahahaha!! Bommie, hwaiting!!
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 3: Lol Bommie you’re creeping him out
Chapter 16: Too cute
Unixai21 #7
Chapter 16: Thank you for this wonderful sequel authornim... I hope to read more 2nebang from you.. I love them so much..
RolDeej #8
Chapter 16: Thanks for this wonderful sequel. Again my heart is happy. Thanks Authornim!
Chapter 16: Wow! First time to read this fic and am now craving for more epilogues or sequels. PAGING @hagocimit ?
Chapter 16: short but cute. all my ships in one.