In Denial

Entangled Web (The Spiderweb Of Love II)


“Let's just hire someone to manage the place,” Dara said.
“You're supposed to manage the cafe, it will serve as your training ground,” Jiyong insisted.
Dara pouted in response, then, she stubbornly held her chin up in the air. “The Lees already gave me the papers. Meaning, I officially own the cafe, meaning I can do what I want. And I say we hire a manger. I don't want you to manage it.”
“Why?” her husband demanded.
“Because both of us are still attending college, being in college is already time consuming. If I let you manage the place, your attention will be divided into three: the cafe, school and me. I think one competition is enough for me.”
Jiyong snorted. “Oh, so you want my undivided attention, huh?”
He went to wrap his arms around her tiny waist and pulled her in. He lowered his head to reach for her lips. He felt her smirk against their moving lips. One hand went to rub up and down her back. She yielded to his touch, making him deepen the kiss. She then started tugging on his shirt.
He freed her lips and went down to her neck. Dara growled a little, making Jiyong chuckle. “You know what?” he asked huskily, in between his tiny kisses on her neck. “I think I'll stop calling you little rabbit.”
“Why?” Dara gasped, curling her fingers on his hair.
“Maybe I should start calling you as the girl who never gets tired. What do you think, huh?”
“Sounds good to me. Why, can't keep up with my endurance, dear husband?” she teased.
“Hi!” a cheerful voice greeted TOP. He groaned out loud. He's currently lying flat on his back on the ground as he was currently fixing his motorbike.
“I brought you foods!” the cheerful voice continued.
“I'm not hungry,” he curtly said.
“Tsk, then why am I hearing your stomach rumbling?” she asked, then make some weird sounds. He was about to snap something sarcastic when the girl beat her to it.
“Alright, alright. You're doing something and you don't want me to disturb you. I'll behave now.”
A while later. . .
TOP stood up. Bom quietly went to his side and started wiping the sweat off his face with a clean cloth.
“Hmmm. You still smell good. And I must say, you're ier when you're wet,” she winked, then added, “with sweat.”
TOP jerked off from her. “Jesus!” he breathed. “Listen, lady. I don't like you, okay? And never will. This,” he said, pointing to his heart, “is already taken. And I prefer it to remain that way.”
“You're such a denial king, Seunghyun,” Bom clicked her tongue and shook her head. “If it pleases you, then I'll get your heart back from Dara.”
She grabbed his hand and dragged him inside.
“What the-”
“You should take a bath already, so you can eat afterwards.”
There it goes again - that warm and comforting feeling. Like being hypnotized, I let her dragged me inside the bathroom. She - wait a minute!
“Wait, wait, wait!” I stopped her, pulling my hand from her grasp.
“What?” she innocently asked.
“You're not actually thinking of joining me in. . .” I stopped and swallowed hard as she batted her eyelashes.
“Do you want me to?” she asked huskily, running a finger along my jaw. I felt myself shiver.
“I. . .” I stammered. She gave me a crooked smile and wrapped her arms around my neck, her fingers playing with the small hairs at my nape.
“You don't have to be afraid,” she whispered.
“I'm not,” I answered.
She smiled. “Good.”
Our lips met. I started to relax and loosen up. I cupped her face with one hand while the other went to her waist. She nibbled on my lower lip, making me moan.
“Dara,” I breathed in as our lips momentarily separated. Then, I reached for her lips, no hesitation this time. I sent my tongue off to the roof of . I was so into the kiss that it took me a while to notice the hot and wet feeling against my cheek.
I pulled back and looked at her curiously. There were traces of tears down her cheeks. “What's wrong?” I asked.
She just smiled. “You should take a bath already.”
I sighed as I stared at the closed bathroom door. I already saw this one coming. I even prepared myself emotionally and mentally for this. But why does it sting like hell? Why does it hurt so much?
I shook my head to drive the negative thoughts off. What's with some heartaches if in the end, I'll get my happy ending?
I will get my happy ending. I'll make sure of it.
I sighed again. If only I could see EVERYTHING. I've been into this since I was 18 years old, but I still can't fully understand the concept of it. There are times that some things just show up even if I don't want to. There were also times that I force myself to peek but most of the times, all I can see is either plain black or white.
Of course, there's a consequence with what I'm doing right now. I’m breaking a rule that no one has ever dared breaking. And that is interference. I've been told that I should just let the dice fall into place. I should not interfere and do something to make sure that what I saw will happen.
It's a battle against balance, they said. But can they blame me? I've seen and felt a portion of what it's like to be with TOP. I wouldn't be like this if I just saw that we'll be tied up forever, and I mean, if I saw the existence of a wedding. But so far, none. I haven't seen any sign of it yet.
But I'm hoping I'll be seeing one soon.
“Oh, you're still here.”
I looked up then smiled.
“Of course I am. I'm not that easy to get rid off, you know.”
“Listen, can we talk?”
“We're already talking,” I sniggered.
“I'm serious,” he impatiently said.
“I know!” I beamed. Then, I rolled my eyes. “I'm not crazy, okay?”
“How'd you. . .?”
“It's my special talent. And besides, you're face gave you away,” I winked. “Anyways, the food's ready.”
I pulled his hand then dragged him to the chair. I pushed him down and started putting foods on his plate. Then, I grabbed the towel off his bare shoulder and started drying his hair off. I went to get a sleeveless top. I put it on him silently, making sure that there would be a LOT of skin contact. I pretended fixing his shirt when in reality, I was brushing my fingers along his collarbone. Then, I ran my hand down to his stomach, again, pretending to smooth the wrinkles out. I felt him froze, and I couldn't be more satisfied.
“Oh, there's dirt on your shorts. Don't worry, I got it,” I said as I saw that he was about to look down. I brushed off the said “dirt” from his inner thigh. This time, I felt him shiver. And I swear, I also felt his “little man” responded to my touch.
Haha! This is fun!
“Oh, you're sweating again. Want to take a bath again?” I asked with a little hint of innocence in my tone. He suddenly stood up with his plate on hand.
“I'll eat in the bathroom. That place is well-ventilated,” he mumbled then walked away.
“Want me to come with you?” I teased.
“NO!” he forcefully protested.
I laughed the moment he was out of sight. I can't believe he's playing hard to get. Jeez. . .
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ChellizM #1
Chapter 16: Cute story...and those kuchi kuchis ?
Fr0zenMus1c #2
Chapter 15: Ahahahaha!! I like the kids. Of course, Bommie’s kid is the strangest.
Fr0zenMus1c #3
Chapter 14: Lol Dara’s a proud mama
Fr0zenMus1c #4
Chapter 6: Hahahaha!! Bommie, hwaiting!!
Fr0zenMus1c #5
Chapter 3: Lol Bommie you’re creeping him out
Chapter 16: Too cute
Unixai21 #7
Chapter 16: Thank you for this wonderful sequel authornim... I hope to read more 2nebang from you.. I love them so much..
RolDeej #8
Chapter 16: Thanks for this wonderful sequel. Again my heart is happy. Thanks Authornim!
Chapter 16: Wow! First time to read this fic and am now craving for more epilogues or sequels. PAGING @hagocimit ?
Chapter 16: short but cute. all my ships in one.