Will be here to remind you of me!

Remember me!

Minseok's P.O.V.:

You know....when Chen hit me with the...whatever and I became unconscious and right after I woke up a lot of things came back to my mind....for example do I remember how to dance troublemakers now and  I know that sehun was in our dancegroup and quit when we did...I rememer me and Luhan being more than close friends....I know that he is more....that me were in a relationship...but I don't remember when this exactly was. What if we broke up and he's over me by now? But I also know that he and Kris never were and don't seem to ever become a couple. I know that I miss him....so much it hurts what means I didn't get over him yet. I know who I had the car crash with...who almost killed me and just drove away afterwards. It was no other than Kris that litlle piece of- What I wanted to say by now Kris is back in Canada and Chen went to China to study there. Well, I DON'T MIND :D Luhan and me have started to dance NOW again and I must confess I also missed to touch him like this.

"Y-you did w-what?"

We stopped in the middle of our dance.

D-did I say that loud?!


"Y-you missed to touch m-m-me?"

"NO! Yes! I mean!"

My cheecks were burning and I loocked at the ground.

Am I retarded? If we broke up and we manage to still dance like this what does this mean?

Not thinking really I ran out of the hall and left Luhan confused behind.

God....no! He must be thinking I'm still in love with him! What I absolutly am but as if I could tell him this! And I just told him...somehow...


I stopped since I was still running, somewhere. I didn't dared to face him but I could hear him stepping closer breathing heavy.

"D-did you mean what you said just now? Do you remember to be with me? To dance with me? Do you romember more than this?!"

Yeah...I still didn't tell him I got my memory back...it were now almost one month and I didn't got the courage to tell him that I remember us being once a couple.

"Do you remember me?!"

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to look in my face.

Without knowing I just leaned over and kissed him. Just like that I kissed Luhan who was shocked for a few seconds.

I knew it....he was already over m-

In that moment he began to kiss back. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer so that our bodys were pressed against each others.

After good 5 minutes he let go of me and looked in my eyes while he began to cry.

"I-I thought.....you...maybe already forgot me!"

He hugged me tight and refused to let me free for a long while.

"How much do you remember...?"

He let go of me and now we were facing each other....I looked away.

"I....almost remember eveything....I'm sorry that I'm going on your neves after we broke up..."


I jumped up by his sudden cry out.

"We never did!"

W-what? Does it mean I forgot him while we were having a relationship? And he was always with me....oh god! What a terrible person am I? Telling him that it's ok being with Kris and all!

"I'm so sorry LuLu!!"

I started to cry since I really felt bad....but somehow I'm just happy.

"Why are you? Why would you?"

I hugged him.

"Because I forgot who you were but knew that I loved you! I loved you without even knowing that you were a student on the same school as mine! I don't know why I never told you....probably because I was so jealous of Kris and I just wanted to be near you! I tought that we broke up after my mom told me you were my boyfriend even if you told me that I'm not in a relationship....I tought....you were already over me and I was left as the only one with feelings for you! I tou-"

He kissed me and I stopped to talk,,,,

How I missed to touch him just like THIS. Knowing that he means it the way I mean it....he does, right?

"You idiot! I cried my soul out after I heared you had amnesia....I was s scared and the doctor told me that if I told ou about us being a couple you might not accept that...I was planning to get you again....when Chen and Kris came between us...I really tought I would lose you to Chen until I heared what you told him one month ago..."

"You heared us?"

His gripp around my waist became stronger and I burried my head in his chest.

How I missed to touch MY deer.

"Who cares....I love you Minseok and I hope you'll never forget that Again! And even if you do...I'll be there and remind you of it!"

"Ah....I love you out of my whole heart Luhan....I'm so sorry I made you suffer because of my accident..."

"By the way....you know who caused it?"

He let go of me and I looked away again.

"Minseok...you know you can't lie to me."



He looked at my and his looked like they would jump out every second.

"But I don't care ok! I only want to forget this, but not you. I want you to stay with me, so please? Could we forget about Chen and Kris?"

Luhan calmed down and took my hand.

"If that makes you happy, yeobo~"

Like that we went to our chared flat forgetting our things in the hall....looks like love really could make you blind ;D

In the end it became it's own story~ Kekekekeke, hope you enjoyed it because it looks like this is the end of my story.....I love every subscriber and those who upvoted this story. And not to forget those wonderful people who posted comments! I love you! This is my first real story which got comments and I'm so proud of it....even if they're just a few, I love them<3 Maybe I'll see you in another story~ *I still hate headlines ;_;*


By the way! Today EXO's overdose is coming out and I can't sleep so excited am I~ I'm just happy right now...and kinda sad because the story has an end but still happy :) *I really don't want to do this....but it seems like everyone hates my new story ;_; it's called 'But mom!'  it's about Taehyung (V) and Jimin from BTS and some girl....sounds pretty ty...doesn't it.....no wonder no one wants to read it....

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You guys are awesome and I hope I didn't dissapoint anyone with that short end chapter ;_;


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Pinkunicornsrainbows #1
Chapter 13: This fic was so cute :)
bora_xiuhan #2
Chapter 12: I imagen xiuhan doing that for real XD
Awesome <3
Chapter 12: i really enjoy it..thanks...
NatureAdvertising #4
Hi author-nim! I think that this contest deserves your attention. Check it!
Joining would also be great, as it is a one-shot to three-shots, it won't take long to you to participate, and the prizes are really good! http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/732732/ :)
Chapter 11: Kris and Chen should have been sent to jail! I got a feeling you still going to make a sequel for this....
bora_xiuhan #6
Chapter 11: Happy ending
Ah my Xiuhan feeling <3
I loved this story so much <3
Chapter 11: aww glad theyre back together~ thanks
bluemufberryfins #8
Chapter 11: Hurray for the happy ending! I loved reading this story author-nim!
Chapter 10: ...seriously krischen are insane
Chapter 9: Awwww that's cruel even if the parent kind of lost their memories, but update soon ^^ getting quite interesting :)))