DAY 11

Mrs. Lee Who???

Seungri’s POV

“Yah Seungri what’s up with you?” Jiyong hyung asked me.

“Huh?” I asked him confused.

“You’ve been lost for the past days. You’re always absent minded. Remember that you should fix your album in one week so you better move fast.”

“That’s it!” I said as I thought of something to do.

“Woah? What is it?”

“I got to move fast! Wait here hyung I’m just going to call someone.”

“Well, you better come back you still have a lot to do.”

“Ok hyung! This won’t take long.”

I went out the studio and went to the fire exit to get a little privacy.

I got my phone out and looked for her number.


“Hi, remember me? it’s Seungri.”

“Of course! How are you doing oppa?”

“I’m fine, how about you?”

“I’m fine too. By the way, why did you call of a sudden?”

“Remember when you told me about your relationship with Joon hyung when you were walking together?”

“Uh-huh, what about it?”

“Are you still talking to each other?”

“Yup. Why?”

“Are you still secretly seeing him?”

“Uhmm… this is kinda awkward but yes. Why? Promise me you won’t tell!”

“I knew it!”

“Huh? Why?”

“If I tell you, you won’t tell it to Joon hyung?”

“If you don’t tell about our relationship. I’ll keep it too.”

“Ok. I promise. Joon hyung is going to get married in a month and…”

“Whaaaat?????!!!!!!!” She shouted through the phone. Which made me put the phone away from my ears.

“Shhhhhhhh!! That’s why I need you!”

“Who is he going to marry???!!! What is going on??!!”

“Do you trust me? This is going to be our little secret. If you want Joon hyung all for yourself you need to trust me.”

“What’s in it for you?”

“You see, I like the girl that he’s going to marry. Now they’re on a break because she caught him with another girl.”

“OMO!! Don’t tell me that it’s her sister???!!”

“Oh why?”

“His sister caught us the last time and things just got a little weird. I mean she’s really mad about me being with Joon oppa, she’s only her sister and I haven’t even met her before. There’s was no reason for her to get really angry at me that time.”

“She’s not his real sister. She’s adopted.”

“What? So he’s going to marry her?”



“Well they’ve been in a relationship since they were young. They just kept it a secret when he debuted since it will be weird for the public.”

“So all along I was a mistress? What the?”

“That’s why we’re going to team up. She thinks that Joon hyung is trying his best to change and being loyal to her. Their mom doesn’t know that she’s staying with me and she already sent me an invitation to their wedding. If you show up on their wedding, then you can have him and I can have her. Understand?”

“Arasso. But wouldn’t that be wrong?”

“Well, he lied to you?”

“You have a point. But don’t you think she’ll hate you if she knew about this little scheme?”

“We’re the only ones who know RIGHT?”

“Ok ok fine. I promise.”

“I’ll just call you again for more details. Bye!” I said as I ended the conversation.

I went back to the studio to finish what I was doing.

“Yah! Seungri what took you so long?” my manager asked me.

“Sorry. It was an important call.”

“More important than this? Anyway, you need to go to your photo shoot.”


“No, next week. OF COURSE NOW!!” my manager said.

He was really angry at me.

I went to the photo shoot not so far from the company.

“Oh your foot is ok already?” one of the stylists said as I walked in the dressing room without a cast on my foot.

“It was never really hurt anyway.” I said.

“What?” she asked dumbfounded.

“It was only act for this girl that I like” I said proudly.

“Omo! You did that just for a girl? We know that you’re a playboy but we didn’t know that you’ll take it that far” the makeup artist said to me.

“I know, but she’s different.”

“If she’s different from the other girls you should have said the truth from the start” the stylist said.

“Noona, I was really injured when I met her. But acting injured the whole time would make her stay longer.”

“Aish! This boy! If you want her to stay longer, you just need to be yourself.”

“But noona, I’ll just make her leave if I acted normal around her. She’ll find me weird.”

“Did you try being yourself around her?”

I stopped to think for a second. Actually, I didn’t act different to her all along. I was so comfortable with her that I didn’t thought of anything stupid to do except acting about the cast on my foot.

“Hmm. Actually I did?” I said dumbfounded.

“And did she stay?”

“She did…” I said and frowned.

“Then why are you sad?” she asked.

“Noona. She’s still going to marry her cheating boyfriend. I know at some point she liked me but she got blinded by love.”

“Well, that’s why you need to do something. If she sees you as a friend then you should help her as a friend. If you help her because you like her it would really turn out bad. It’ll look like you’re desperate for her. So fix things with her first.”

“I’m fixing it already. By the end of this month she’ll be mine.” I said as I stood up and went to the set.

“Aish! Did he even understand what I just said?” the stylist asked.

“I swear that boy is something” the makeup artist said.


I'm sorry for posting this late. I forgot i finished this chapter 2 days ago.

anyway thank you for those who gave their suggestions. i'll try to incorporate it to the story.

thanks again.

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b2utyjalene #1
I want seungri for hana hes shoo nice
givenidict #2
oh and good luck on your exams!!^^
hope u can update soon^^
asianFrustration #3
I wish you luck! I understand how bad that must good luck I hope you pass both at once :)! I can wait for an update as long as you do update, concentrate o your studies. fighting!
hi ;> new readers here ㅋㅋㅋ
Kianna #5
I love this story!!! Please update!!!!
HannahM #6
OMG! I love it!!
Update please
Sweetsailish #8
OMG. Haha!<br />
I love this fic.!<br />
<br />
But i hope Hana will end up with Seungri ^_^
Gosh I'm sooooooooo in love with this fanfic~ please update soon! ^^~
beeeaaaar #10
Update Soon .. ^^